I can't call HHH the main heel at that time. HHH was the main heel until WM25, when he lost to Batista. After that, he was healthy until Backlash, then gone til late May, then there til Vengeance (June) and then gone til October,
I'm sure you mean WM 21. He might have been gone for a bit, but he was still the heel in the main event match at 3 straight ppvs. (WM21, Backlash and Vengence). During his absence, there really wasn't a top heel on the show. You had Christian, Jericho and Angle all feud with Cena for the belt, but I don't think you could call any of them the top heel. If anyone was really the top heel when Triple H was gone, it was probably Shawn Michaels, seeing as how he played the heel in the biggest feud of the summer against Hogan. During that time, Edge was in the mid card.
and when he returned,he was in midcard feuds,
Just like Edge, except Triple H's feuds with Ric Flair and Big Show were bigger than any feud that Edge had that year. The only one that came close was the feud with Matt Hardy.
until he squared off with Cena leading to WM22, at which time he was more of a tweener, because the fans hardly even booed him.
I'll admit he was playing a tweener, because it was the beginning of his face turn, but in that match he was still technically the heel, and it was the main event at WM, which trumps what Edge did that night.
I'd say Edge was the top heel for 05,
How? He never won the world title and was never in a main event. He was in the mid card that year.
and like you also said, 2006 was as well...
On Raw he was, but you said he was THE heel in the WWE, and King Booker was just as big of a heel that year.
I don't see how you say there wasn't a top heel in 2007? In 2007, his feuds with Undertaker carried SD, and even anchored the PPV's, because Raw was highlighted by Cena vs Khali. Edge was the top heel in 2007,
He feuded with the Undertaker in 2008, not 2007. He was basically in the mid card for the first 3 months on Raw, and he competed in the MITB at WM. He was in the Raw main event at Backlash in a 4 way match. Then he took the MITB from Kennedy in May and cashed it in on the Undertaker. He had a few matches on ppv with Batista as champ, and then got injured in July. He came back at the Survivor Series, and then won the belt at Armageddon. It really wasn't a dominant year for Edge. Randy Orton had just as good of a year as Edge, and maybe a little better since he wasn't out with an injury.
and like you said, also in 2008 and 2009.
ALONG with Randy Orton. You can even make a very strong argument that Orton has been the top heel over Edge. For one thing he's been on the A show. Also the past two Wrestlemania's, while they have both closed the show, in each case Orton's match got far more hype. This year I don't think it's really debatable as to who the top heel is. Orton has been the top guy in the company this year, even ahead of John Cena. Edge has been the main heel on his own show, but you said he has been THE main heel in the WWE.