^ An actual wrestling show? ECW is BOOOORRRRIIIINNNGGGG, I don't see how anybody supports it. RAW and Smackdown! is what really matters, with ECW gone both those rosters could get better, don't you want that?
.... So honestly, you don't think that Raw & SD are pissing away talent left right and centre as it is (MVP, the heel push of Matt Hardty, the ME push of CM Punk, Even Bourne, Jack Swagger, Carlito, Primo, Mike Knox, Masters Chavo, Priceless post-DX fued, The Hart Dynasty)?
ECW's main quality is that it presents a simply & coherently booked, WRESTLING show that is free of much of the politics and bullshit that taint so many other wrestling shows.
Peeps value ECW because of what it IS; not what it ISN'T. Besides, you know as well as the majority of us that roster depth isn't the primary problem with today's WWE.