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Ok the latest TNA iMPACT! I am posting right now, expect it up in like 5 minutes


Active Member
Feb 8, 2007
Reaction score
Bristol, England
Ok. Ecw: Best Of Both Will Be Coming Soon. I'll Be Sure To Reivew Your Btb.
Ps: Knicky Hasn't Replied To The Pm I Gave Him About The Btb Banner


yea i dont know how often KnicKy is on, I like your ECW Best of Both Worlds title.

TNA iMPACT! is posted, reviews???


i owe both u guys some rep, but it said i repd too many people in 24 hrs, WTF! so expect some rep coming your way, I rep anyone who reveiws iMPACT!


Apr 15, 2007
Reaction score
Hey guys, newbie here, just thought I'd say hi properly, during this next couple of weeks I have a bit more time on my hands, meaning I'll be able to sit down and have a proper read through everyone else's BTB. Cheers for the replies in mine so far, I hope you continue to like it and like I said I'll be able to catch up with whats what in other BTB's throughout next few weeks. :)

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
just thought I'd let everyone know that backlash will be up tonight at 7

remember check out wwe the commencement and i appreciate all reviews...


The Ripper

Mar 27, 2007
Reaction score
originally posted by berrysi

Hey guys, newbie here, just thought I'd say hi properly, during this next couple of weeks I have a bit more time on my hands, meaning I'll be able to sit down and have a proper read through everyone else's BTB. Cheers for the replies in mine so far, I hope you continue to like it and like I said I'll be able to catch up with whats what in other BTB's throughout next few weeks.

If he has more time to pend on his BTB id hate to see how much he puts some of us to shame

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
I found this on some site figured it could be of some use here for the btb's. it's a list of various matches in different types of wrestling...check it out...sorry about the double post...

Battle of Respect: This match has no winners. Two wrestlers wrestle each other for a fixed amount of time without pinfalls or submissions.

Beat the Clock Match: A regular match, only with the time of the match kept. Usually used by a succession of multiple wrestlers, with the first one setting a time the others have to beat. The shortest winning match time wins whatever was on the line.

Blindfold Match: Sometimes one, usually both competitors wear blindfolds and wrestle. Otherwise normal rules apply.

Blood Bath Match: Dump a bowl of red liquid over the opponent to win.

Bra and Panties Match: Take your opponents close off to win.

Double Jeopardy Match: This is two different matches taking place in the same ring at the same time. The winners of the two matches would then face each other. Example: Y2J and Jeff Hardy while Tazz faces JR.

Falls Count Anywhere Match: In the standard match, a pinfall or submission can only win the match when it is performed inside the ring. However, in a Falls Count Anywhere match, this need not apply. As such, this also
implies that wrestlers cannot lose as a result of countout. The "Falls Count Anywhere" is somewhat of a misnomerin the fact that wrestlers may still be disqualified (but not counted out) for leaving the arena where the match is to be held (this, of course, may vary between promotion). However, it is to be noted that, as the match may take place in various parts of the arena, the "Falls Count Anywhere" provision may be one of many stipulations in a match - it is commonly paired with "No Disqualifications" to form the hardcore match, so as to allow wrestlers the convenience to use foreign objects that
may lie wherever they may wrestle.

An independent federation in Quebec once held a "Falls Count Anywhere In Joliette, Quebec Match", where the entire town the match was held in was "in play".

Another variation of the rules state that once a pinfall takes, the pinned wrestler must return to the ring within 60 seconds else they lose. If the pinned wrestler makes it to the ring in this time, the match continues. Under these rules, all pinfalls must take place outside the ring. In the now-defunct Tri-State Wrestling Association, a wrestler won a Falls Count Anywhere match by pinning his opponent against an arena wall.

First Blood Match: This match has no disqualifications. The first person to make their opponent visibly bleed wins the match.

Flag Match: The Flag Match is essentially the professional wrestling version of capture the flag in which there are two flags on opposite turnbuckles in the ring, with one wrestler defending one flag while attempting to get the other.

Handicap Match: A match in which one wrestler or one team of wrestlers faces another team of wrestlers with numerical superiority. For example, two wrestlers against one.

Hangman's Horror Match: In this match, on every rope there is a dog collar and your goal is to hang your opponent until he cant go on. This match was created by Raven to end his feud with Vampiro.

Inferno Match: In this match fire surrounds the ring and the only way to win is to set your opponent on fire.

Last Man Standing Match: The Last Man Standing Match is a match where there are no disqualifications or countouts, and where wrestlers, when knocked down, must answer a ten-count (akin to boxing). It is sometimes known as a Texas Death Match when hardcore aspects are to be emphasized.

Lumberjack Match: A match where the ring is surrounded by a group of "lumberjacks", normally fellow wrestlers. When one participant in the match leaves the ring for any reason, the heel lumberjacks attack the face wrestler who is out of the ring, and vise-versa. The face lumberjacks then come to the aid of that wrestler and return him to the ring, and vise-versa. The lumberjacks are generally a combination of faces and heels, who sometimes fight among themselves outside the ring. Sometimes, as part of a storyline, a face will wrestle a heel with a group of lumberjacks consisting entirely of heels.

A variation of this match is called a Canadian Lumberjack Match, in which the lumberjacks are equipped with leather straps. When the lumberjacks are all female, the match is known as a Lumberjill Match (a reference to Jack and Jill).

Mud Match: A female wrestling match that takes place in a mud pool. A variation of this is the Egg-Nog Match, where the competitors are in a pool of Egg-Nog, held during Christmas.

No Disqualification Match: The No Disqualification Match is a standard match, except that matches cannot be won via disqualification. Although there is little to prevent a No Disqualification Match from degenerating into a hardcore match, the typical No Disqualification match typically carries
the convention that the "No Disqualification" aspect is typically more low-key compared to true hardcore matches, with disqualification-worthy material limited to run-ins and the introduction of ringside foreign objects.

Sometimes, a No Disqualification Match is held between valets, or a valet and a wrestler, where it is implied that wrestlers will run-in and "defend" their valets.

In WWE, a No Holds Barred Match, a match coined by Mr. McMahon, may refer to a No Disqualification match that has more hardcore content compared to typical No Disqualification matches. The No Disqualification Match may also be referred to by Sgt. Slaughter or during the annual
Tribute to the Troops as the Boot Camp Match.

Scaffold Match: This match takes place on a scaffold above the ring. The two ways to win the match are to push the opponent off of the scaffold so that he/she hits the mat or to grab the flag from the opponent's home base of the scaffold and return it to one's own home base.

Serengeti Survival Match: A match in which there are no disqualifications, and the competitors can win by pinfall, submission or by slamming their opponent onto thumbtacks. Invented and named by "The Alpha Male" Monty Brown.

Short Leash Match: This match has two wrestlers tied together with a short leash (making the opponents one foot away from each other) and the only way to win is by either submission or knock-out. Another variation is called a Chain Match, a submissions-only match with no disqualifications.

Submission Match: The first man to make his opponent submit wins. Often used in Japan under the name (Japanese) UWF Rules. The Japanese UWF and its derived shoot-style promotions only allowed submissions or knockouts to end matches (including tag team matches), so it was an exclusive feature of such promotions.

Ultimate Submission Match: This match is a variation of an Iron Man Match. The variation is that the wrestler with the most submissions at the end of the match is the winner.

Barbed wire match: A barbed wire match is a professional wrestling match in which the ropes surrounding the ring are replaced by strands of barbed wire. In the United States of America, this match was mainly seen in Extreme Championship Wrestling (ECW). It has also been utilized in Japan, especially in death match promotions such as Frontier Martial Arts Wrestling (FMW).

Three Stages of Hell: In professional wrestling, a two out of three falls match, or a best of three falls match is a series of matches (often between two wrestlers or two teams of wrestlers), in which wrestlers attempt
to win the majority of matches. It is often the case that the three individual matches in a best-of-three match are done under different rules so as to maintain audience interest - the three different match types are often
referred to as the Three Stages of Hell. The typical "three stages" configuration often begins with a standard one-fall match, followed by a match with a slower pace (eg. a submission match), and ending up with a fast-paced match (eg. a steel cage match). The three matches are often contested one after another; however it is also common for the matches to be played out over a series of wrestling shows, making the match more like a true best-of-three series.

Iron Man match: An Iron Man match is a professional wrestling match where the man who holds the most pinfalls, submissions, count out and disqualification victories at the end of a given time limit
is declared the winner. Should the match result in a tie, sudden death overtime may be requested by either wrestler, often accepted (or rejected) by either an opponent or a higher (on-screen) wrestling authority.

Because of the fixed time limit, Iron Man matches have a tendency of losing their audience in the middle of a match, with a quick flurry of action near the end. Often, an Iron Man match will have the wrestlers tied or holding a one-point advantage going into the final minutes, with one wrestler
attempting to make a tying or winning pin.

Recently, Iron Man Matches have been known to be 30 minutes long, rather than the usual 60 minutes.

Junkyard Invitational: This match takes place in a junkyard. First wrestler to escape the junkyard wins the match. Brian "Nasty" Knobs was the winner of the match in WCW Slamboree.

Total Conquest Match: This match has two wrestlers fighting throughout a house until a pinfall is made.

Ambulance Match: A no-disqualification match, in which there are no pinfalls or submissions instead, the object is to injure one's opponent to the point that they must be taken away in an ambulance to send the loser to the nearest hospital

Buried Alive Match: The object of this match is to bury the other wrestler alive in a makeshift grave inside the arena. No other rules apply. In this match type, the wrestler who is buried alive always survives in the storyline.

Casket Match: The winner of this match is the first wrestler to put his/her opponent into a closed casket. This match has been a trademark of the WWE wrestler The Undertaker. A number of variants exist, where the object is to place the other wrestler in other closed containers. The Casket is often placed on the ringside, but the other variants might have the container on top of the ramp. The casket may be replaced by other containers, such as a dumpster (in which case the match becomes a Dumpster Match),
an ambulance (Ambulance Match), or a hearse (known as a Last Ride Match)

Stretcher Match: Stretcher Match is an ambiguous term that can be used to described two different matches:in the container-based variation, one must restrain your opponent by strapping them on a stretcher (and then possibly pushing the restrained opponent onto an ambulance) to win. In the weapon-based variation, the stretcher is simply treated as a legal foreign object, and normal rules apply. This is the hospital version of the Casket Match.

Handcuff Match: Handcuff Matches are matches in which wrestlers to seek to handcuff the opposing wrestler, often to a ring fixture, but sometimes so that the opposing wrestler is unable to make use of their hands.

Ladder Match: The Ladder Match (not to be confused with the Extreme Championship Wrestling one-fall variation where ladders were used as legal foreign objects) is one where two or more wrestlers compete for an object stationed above the ring, which is only accessible by using a ladder. Due to the nature of the match, ladders are considered to be legal foreign objects.

There are typically two possible finishes to a ladder match: if the object is storyline-related, such as a championship, the match immediately ends when one wrestler obtains this item. However, if a foreign object is stationed above the ring, then the match continues into a second phase, a one-fall variation where the wrestler who retrieves the foreign object may use the foreign object without disqualification.

Tables Match: In a Tables Match, the object is to put opposing wrestlers through tables - that is, manipulate them in such a way that the table is broken in half when they are thrown against it. Tag-team table’s matches, especially elimination tag-team table’s matches, have varied on whether one or both members must go through tables in order for a team to lose. It is common for table’s matches to also include a "no disqualification" clause, which turns them into hardcore matches by nature (although this
variation may also be alternately known as a Hardcore Tables Match).

Lion's Den Match: The aim of the match was to knock out your opponent or to make him submit inside an octagonal cage. The rules are made to mimic mixed martial arts matches, and the octagonal cage is meant to mimic the cage used by the Ultimate Fighting Championship league.

Triple Cage Match: This match, which made its first appearance in the film Ready to Rumble, was a specialty of WCW involving three cages constructed on top of each other. The first cage encompasses the entire ringside area. The second cage is the size of a cage used in typical cage matches, and is filled with a variety of weapons. The third cage is roughly half the size of the second. The object is to climb up to the top of the third cage to grab an object, much like a ladder match.

Final Wars Brawl: This match has two wrestlers in a steel cage for thirty minutes with other wrestlers entering at a timed interval to help out one of the opponents.

Football Classic Match: Two cages are placed at ringside, inside each of which is locked a manager with a weapon. The key for each cage is fastened to a football. Two teams of wrestlers must try and gain possession of the football and take it over to their manager's cage, use the key to unlock the cage, then use the manager's weapon to attack the other team. To get the ball to the cage, the wrestlers must pass it between themselves and attack any opposing wrestlers who have possession of the ball.

Gauntlet Match: A Gauntlet match is, in a sense, a quick series of one-fall one-on-one matches. Here, two wrestlers begin the match, and are replaced whenever one is eliminated (by normal means), with the last person standing being named the winner. A Gauntlet match may also be played out in multiple
"parts" as part of a storyline (where a face wrestler must face a series of a heel wrestler's underlings before facing the heel himself, for instance) - this was common in World Championship Wrestling in the early 1990s, where it was referred to as a Slobber Knocker. A participant involved in a Gauntlet Match may be referred to as to be "running the gauntlet", although in most cases this designation is reserved for those who are involved for most of the match.

The Gauntlet may also be referred to as a Turmoil Match, a likely backformation from Tag Team Turmoil, which is used to denote a Gauntlet involving tag teams.

King Of The Mountain Match: Five wrestlers compete in this match for a title belt. This basically is a Ladder Match in reverse with a twist. When one man is pinned orforced to submit, he is sent to a ringside penalty box for 2 minutes, while the wrestler who scored the fall must hang the belt on a hook above the ring. The others try to stop the wrestler from hanging the belt. The first wrestler to successfully hang the belt wins. This is a Total Nonstop Action Wrestling creation.

Relay Match: The match has two (could have more) teams of between 3 or 12 members to a team and before the match there will be a coin toss to see which team switches out first. Every 3 or 5 minutes the teams will switch. The first team to get a pinfall wins. Sometimes performed with hardcore rules.

War Games: Sometimes suffixed with the tagline "The Match Beyond". The War Games match features two rings surrounded by an enclosed steel cage with two teams (or sometimes three) facing one another. One man from each team starts out with another from either team at random entering the cage via a timed interval. The winning team must get a member of another team to submit after all members of each team are in the cage.

200 light tubes death match: A match type first used in Combat Zone Wrestling at an event called "They Said it Couldn't be Done". The object of this match is to win by pinfall. The use of fluorescent light tubes—officially, two hundred are available for use—as weapons are allowed. These matches are often very bloody and have been banned in most states.

300 Lightube Deathmatch: Once Used In Japan, Instead Of The Regular 200 Light Tubes Match.

Clockwork Orange House of Fun Match: A singles match with many weapons suspended from steel chains around the ring, sometimes with sides of a steel cage attached to the ring. The use of weapons is legal, and the match ends in pinfall. Pinfalls count anywhere in the ringside area.

Explosion Match: Usually accompanied with barbed wire ropes, a large barbed wire wrapped explosion board is placed in the ring laced with a small amount of C-4. The loser is the man that is blown up.

Sadistic Maddness: A match where the only way to win is by pin fall, but the only way to make the pin fall is if the opponent is bleeding first. There is no disqualification.

Shattered Dreams Match: Broken Glass all over the floor inside and ouside the ring and sheets of glass in the corners. There is also Taipei Deathmatch Rules. The only way to win is by pin or submission.

Taipei Death Match: Two wrestlers tape their fist and dip them in glue. They also have a bucket of beer bottles, they smash the bottles to shards and dip their glued-soaked fist in the shards and tear each other apart.


Anigma, what a great help to the Bookers, rep added for sure

The Anigma

Active Member
Mar 26, 2007
Reaction score
Another find: WWE Theme Songs...check it out...

*=Currently Using


Armando Alejandro Estrada

Beth Phoenix
1st- Count On It (Production)*

Candice Michelle
1st- What Love Is*

1st- Cool (ThemeAddict)*

Charlie Haas
1st- Medal (Volume 5)
2nd- World's Greatest - WGTT Theme
3rd- Pay The Price by Eric & The Hostiles (WWE Edit)*

Chris Masters
1st- Day of Reckoning 2*

Cryme Tyme (JTG & Shad)
1st- Cryme Spree*

D-Generation X (Shawn Michaels & Triple H)
1st- Break It Down (Volume 3)
2nd- Break It Down (Remix)
3rd- The Kings by Run DMC
4th- Break It Down (SmackDown Vs. RAW 2007)*

1st- You Think You Know Me (Volume 3)
2nd- You Think You Know Me (Anthology)
3rd- On The Edge (Volume 4)
4th- Never Gonna Stop by Rob Zombie (WWE Edit)
5th- Never Gonna Stop by Rob Zombie (WWE Edit Without Extra Quote)
6th- Metalingus by Alter Bridge (WWE Edit)*

1st- Unknown Production Theme
2nd- Gladiators (Production) (WWE Edit)
3rd- Child's Play (ThemeAddict)*

Hacksaw Jim Duggan
1st- Ho Hustle (Early Version)
2nd- Ho Hustle (WWE.com 300k Tron)*

2nd-Remake of 1st
3rd- Overheating*

Highlanders (Robbie McAllister & Rory McAllister)
1st- WWE.com 300k Tron
2nd- Flower's of Scotland (Remix)*

Jeff Hardy
1st- Hardy Boyz 1st
2nd- Chase Manhattan (Production)
3rd- Blood (Volume 3)
4th- Loaded (Production) (WWE Edit)*

Jerry Lawler
1st- The Great Gates of Kiev*

Jim Ross
1st- Boomer Sooner (Production)*

John Cena
1st- Slam Smack (Production)
2nd- Insert Bass Here (Production)
3rd- Basic Thuganomics by John Cena
4th- The Time Is Now by John Cena*

1st- Spirit Squad 3rd*

Johnny Nitro
1st- WCW Nitro Theme
2nd- WCW Nitro Theme (With WWE.com 300k Intro)
3rd- Paparazzi (MNM)*

Jonathan Coachman
1st- What You Gonna Do? (Production) (WWE Edit)
2nd- Hard Hittin' by Homebwoi (WWE Edit)*

1st- Cryme Spree*

1st- Ready?*

Lance Cade
1st- Inquisition (Production)
2nd- Tunnel Vision (Production)
3rd- Cade & Murdoch 3rd
4th- Garth Vader (Production)*

Lance Cade & Trevor Murdoch
1st- Debuted RAW 9/5/2005
2nd- Early Version of 3rd
3rd- Cowboy*

Lilian Garcia
1st- Thorn In Your Eye (WWE Edit)
2nd- Used Up (Production)
3rd- Whiplash (Production)
4th- Shout by Lilian Garcia
5th- Shout by Lilian Garcia (WWE Edit)
6th- WWE Made Theme
7th- You Just Don't Know Me At All by Lilian Garcia (WWE Edit) (Long Intro)*
8th- You Just Don't Know Me At All by Lilian Garcia (WWE Edit) (Short Intro)

1st- Essa Rios 2nd
2nd- Electron (Production)
3rd- Loaded (Production) (WWE Edit)
4th- It Just Feels Right (Volume 5) (Instrumental) (Long Intro)
5th- It Just Feels Right (Volume 5) (Instrumental) (Short Intro)
6th- It Just Feels Right (Volume 5)
7th- Lovefurypassionenergy by Boy Hits Car (Forceable Entry)
8th- Lovefurypassionenergy by Boy Hits Car (Forceable Entry) (WWE Edit)*

Maria Kanellis
1st- WWE.com 300k Tron
2nd- With Legs Like That by Zebrahead (WWE Edit)*

1st- Paparazzi (MNM)*

Mickie James
1st- Iced Out (Production)
2nd- Mickie So Fine*
3rd- 2nd With Time To Rock & Roll Intro

1st- Ready? (Spirit Squad)*

1st-Ready? (Spirit Squad)*

Mr. McMahon
1st- WMX Celebrity Theme
2nd- No Chance In Hell (Volume 4) (WWE Edit)*

1st- Ready? (Spirit Squad)*

Randy Orton
1st- Blasting (Production)
2nd- Evolution 5th
3rd- Burn In My Light by Mercy Drive (1st WWE Edit)
4th- Burn In My Light by Mercy Drive (2nd WWE Edit)*
5th- This Fire Burns by Killswitch Engage (WWE Edit)

2nd- Remix of 1st
3rd- The Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson (WWE Edit)
4th- Thorn In Your Eye
5th- Thorn In Your Eye/All Together Now
6th- Across The Nation by Union Underground (WWE Edit)
7th- To Be Loved by Papa Roach (WWE Edit)*

Ric Flair
1st- Also Sprach Zarathustra (WWE Version)
2nd- Also Sprach Zarathustra (WWE Edit)
3rd- Also Sprach Zarathustra (WWE Edit) (With Ric Flair Intro)
4th- Also Sprach Zarathustra (Day of Reckoning 2) (Without Ric Flair Intro)
5th- Also Sprach Zarathustra (Day of Reckoning 2)*

Rob Conway
1st- Hendrix Bleeds (Production)
2nd- Final Force (Production)
3rd- Used Heat 7/17/2005
4th- Just Look At Me (SmackDown Vs. RAW 2006)
5th- Just Look At Me (WWE.com 300k Tron)*

Robbie McAllister
1st- Highlanders 1st
2nd- Flower's of Scotland (Remix)*

Rory McAllister
1st- Highlanders 1st
2nd- Flowers of Scotland (Remix)*

1st- Cryme Spree 1st*

Shane McMahon
1st- PMS Theme
2nd- Techno Theme
3rd- Brawl For All Theme
4th- No Chance In Hell (Volume 4) (WWE Edit)
5th- Corporate Ministry 2nd
6th- Here Comes The Money (Early Version)
7th- Here Comes The Money (Anthology)*

Shawn Michaels
1st- The Rockers 2nd
2nd- Rhapsody In Blue (WWE Edit)
3rd- Sexy Boy (With Sherri Singing)
4th- Sexy Boy (Full Metal)
5th- D-Generation X 1st
6th- Sexy Boy (RAW 2)
7th- Break It Down (D-Generation X)*

Shelton Benjamin
1st- Hell & High Slaughter (Production)
2nd- Desperate Times (Production) (WWE Edit)
3rd- Shout Out (Production) (Instrumental)
4th- Medal (Volume 5)
5th- World's Greatest (WGTT Theme)
6th- Vapor Rock (Production)
7th- Ain't No Stoppin' (Early Version)
8th- Ain't No Stoppin' (ThemeAddict)*

1st- Hell Camp (Production)
2nd- Early Version of 3rd
3rd- It Wasn't My Fault*

Spirit Squad (Johnny, Kenny, Mikey, Mitch & Nicky)
1st-Bad H.S. Band (Production)
2nd-Remade Version of 1st
3rd- Ready?*

Super Crazy
1st- Essa Rios 1st
2nd- El Guerrero Nømad by Harry Slash
3rd- Mexicools 3rd*

Todd Grisham

Torrie Wilson
1st- Lo Fi Groove (Production)
2nd- Shadows Part 1 (Production)
3rd- Need A Little Time (Anthology)
4th- WWE.com 300k Tron
5th- A Girl Like That by Eleventh Hour (WWE Edit)*

Trevor Murdoch
1st- Cowboys*

Triple H
1st- Blue Blood Theme
2nd- Symphony No. 9 by Beethoven
3rd- Break It Down (D-Generation X 1st)
4th- The Kings (D-Generation X 2nd)
5th- Corporation Theme
6th- Higher Brain Pattern (1st Version)
7th- Higher Brain Pattern (2nd Version)
8th- My Time (Volume 4)
9th- Used On SmackDown 11/16/2000
10th- Used Survivor Series 2000
11th- The Game by Motorhead
12th- King of Kings by Motorhead
13th- Break It Down (D-Generation X 4th)*

1st-Virtual Voodoo (Production) (1st WWE Edit)
2nd-Virtual Voodoo (Production) (2nd WWE Edit)
3rd-Virtual Voodoo (Production) (3rd WWE Edit)*

Val Venis
1st- Hello Ladies (Volume 3)*
2nd- Hello Ladies (1st Techno Remix)
3rd- Hello Ladies (2nd Techno Remix)
4th- Right To Censor Theme
5th- Chief Morley Theme (WWE.com 300k Tron With New Intro)

1st- Chopping Block (Production)
2nd- Adrenaline Crash (Production)
3rd- All The Things She Said by TaTu (WWE Edit)
4th- All The Things She Said by TaTu (WWE Edit) (New Intro)
5th- Don't Mess With (ThemeAddict)
6th- Don't Mess With (Heel Remix)*

1st- Men On A Mission Theme
2nd- The Lyin' King (Full Metal) (Without Intro)
3rd- The Lyin' King (Full Metal)
4th- Acolytes 3rd
5th- Ministry of Darkness Theme
6th- SmackDown 2:Know Your Role
7th- Advance of the Zombies (Production)
8th- Another Way Out (Production) (WWE Edit)
9th- Early Version of 10th
10th- Love Machine*


Ashley Massaro
1st- Be Yourself by Audioslave (WWE Edit)
2nd- WWE.com 300k Tron
3rd- Bleed Suckers (Production) (WWE Edit)*

1st- Animal Unleashed
2nd- I Walk Alone by Saliva (WWE Edit)*

Bobby Lashley
1st- WWE.com 300k Tron
2nd- SmackDown Vs. RAW 2007*

Brian Kendrick
1st- Attitude (Production)
2nd- Hey You (Production) (WWE Edit)*

Brian Kendrick & Paul London
1st- Hey You (Production) (WWE Edit)
2nd- London Calling*

Chavo Guerrero
1st- Euro Euro (Production)
2nd- RAW 2
3rd- Los Guerreros 3rd
4th- Chavito Ardiente (Early Version)
5th- Chavito Ardiente (ThemeAddict)*
6th- Never Thought My Life Could Be This Good (WWE.com 300k Tron)
7th- Never Thought My Life Could Be This Good (Remade Version of 6th)

Chris Benoit
1st- Rabid (Volume 5)
2nd- Whatever by Our Lady Peace (WWE Edit)*

1st- Muhammad Hassan 1st
2nd- WWE.com 300k Tron*

Dave Taylor
1st- William Regal 3rd*

Dave Taylor and William Regal
1st- William Regal 3rd*

Elijah Burke
1st- Sylvester Terkay 1st
2nd- Sylvester Terkay 2nd
3rd- Sylvester Terkay 3rd*

1st- Early Version of 2nd
2nd- Love to Fight*

1st- Kaientai Theme*

Great Khali
1st- SmackDown Vs. RAW 2007*

Gregory Helms
1st- Doin' Tha Joint (Production) (WWE Edit)
2nd- Doin' Tha Joint (Production (WWE Edit) (With Hurricane Intro)
3rd- Doin' Tha Joint (Production) (WWE Edit) (Hurricane Intro With Wind Effects)
4th- Eye of the Hurricane (Anthology) (With Mighty Molly Intro)
5th- Eye of the Hurricane (Anthology)
6th- Fire Storm (Production) (1st WWE Edit)
7th- Fire Storm (Production) (2nd WWE Edit)
8th- Fire Storm (Production) (3rd WWE Edit)*

Gymini (Jake & Jesse)
1st- Sticks & Stones (Production) (WWE Edit)*

Idol Stevens
1st-Idol Stevens & KC James 1st
2nd-Idol Stevens & KC James 2nd*

Idol Stevens & KC James
1st-Hell Raiser (Production)
2nd-Debuted SmackDown 8/25/2006*

1st-Sticks & Stones (Production) (WWE Edit)*

Jamie Noble
1st-Slam Smack (Production)
2nd-2 Z Top (Production)
3rd-RAW 2
4th-Pit Bulls 2nd*

1st-Justin Hawk Bradshaw 1st
2nd-Justin Hawk Bradshaw 2nd
3rd-New Blackjacks 1st
4th-Bradshaw & Terry Funk 1st
5th-Ministry of Darkness Theme
6th-APA Theme
7th-Longhorn (Early Version)
8th-Longhorn (ThemeAddict)*

1st-Sticks & Stones (Production) (WWE Edit)*

Jillian Hall
1st-Move It Up (Production)
2nd-Top Spin (Production) (WWE Edit)*

Jimmy Wang Yang
1st-Gonna Punch Someone Tonight*

Joey Mercury
1st-MNM 1st

Josh Matthews

1st-Burned (Volume 3)
2nd-Out of the Fire (Volume 5)
3rd-Slow Chemical by Finger Eleven (WWE Edit) (With Intro From 2nd)
4th-Slow Chemical by Finger Eleven (WWE Edit)*

KC James
1st-Idol Stevens & KC James 1st
2nd-Idol Stevens & KC James 2nd*

King Booker
1st-Rap Sheet (Production)
2nd-Rap Sheet (Production) (WWE Edit)
3rd-Can You Dig It? by Booker T (WWE Edit)
4th-Dead White Guys (Production)*

Kristal Marshall
1st-Move It Up (Production)
2nd-Feelin' Me (Production)*

Layla El
1st-Move Along by All-American Rejects
2nd-Debuted SmackDown 10/20/2006*

Mark Henry
1st-Stars & Stripes Forever
2nd-Brakkus 1st
3rd-Bam Bam Bigelow 6th (Added Saxophones)
4th-Power (Anthology)
5th-Nation of Domination 5th
6th-Sexual Chocolate (Volume 4)
7th-Race Against Time (Production)
8th-Start Rockin' (Production)
9th-RAW 2
10th-MacMilitant (ThemeAddict)
11th-Echo (Production) (WWE Edit)
12th-Some Bodies Gonna Get It by Three 6 Mafia (WWE Edit)*

Maryse Ouellet

Matt Hardy
1st-Hardy Boyz 1st
2nd-Chase Manhattan (Production)
3rd-Blood (Volume 3)
4th-Loaded (Production) (WWE Edit)
5th-Live for the Moment by Monster Magnet (WWE Edit)*
6th-Live for the Moment by Monster Magnet (WWE Edit) (Typing Intro)
7th-Live for the Moment by Monster Magnet (WWE Edit) (No Loading In Intro)
8th-Live for the Moment by Monster Magnet (WWE Edit) (Different Loading Intro)

Michael Cole

Michelle McCool
1st-Move It Up (Production)
2nd-Torrie Wilson 4th*

1st-Debuted SmackDown 6/2/2006*

Mr. Kennedy
1st-Excessive Force (Production)
2nd-Wreckin' Ball (Production) (WWE Edit)
3rd-Early Version of 4th
4th-SmackDown Vs. RAW 2007
5th-Updated Version of 4th*

1st-I'm Comin' by Silkk The Shocker (1st WWE Edit)
2nd-I'm Comin' by Silkk The Shocker (2nd WWE Edit)*

Paul Burchill
1st-William Regal 3rd
2nd-SmackDown Vs. RAW 2007

Paul London
1st-Hey You (Production) (WWE Edit)
2nd-Kidman & London 5th*

Queen Sharmell
1st-Early Version of 2nd
2nd-WWE.com 300k Tron*

Rey Mysterio
1st-619 (RAW 2)
2nd-Booyaka 619 by Rey Mysterio (Without Intro) (With Intro From 1st)
3rd-Booyaka 619 by Rey Mysterio
4th-Booyaka 619 by POD
5th-Booyaka 619 by POD (Without Intro) (With Intro From 3rd)*

Scotty 2 Hotty
1st-U Look Fly 2 Day (Production)
2nd-Rap It Down (Production)
3rd-Turn It Up (Volume 5) (Without Intro)
4th-Turn It Up (Volume 5)*

1st-SmackDown 2:Know Your Role
2nd-The Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson (1st WWE Edit)
3rd-The Beautiful People by Marilyn Manson (2nd WWE Edit)
4th-RAW 2
5th-SmackDown:Here Comes The Pain
6th-Instrumental Theme
7th-Rise Up by Drowning Pool (1st WWE Edit)
8th-Rise Up by Drowning Pool (2nd WWE Edit)
9th-Rise Up (2006) by Drowning Pool (WWE Edit)
10th-Rise Up (2006) by Drowning Pool (WWE Edit) (With Siren Intro)*

Steve Romero

1st-Final Force (Production)
2nd-3rd Without Vocals
3rd-SmackDown Vs. RAW 2006
4th-WWE.com 300k Tron*

Sylvester Terkay
1st-WWE.com 300k Tron
2nd-1st Remake of 1st Theme
3rd-2nd Remake of 1st Theme*

1st-MLG Tapes Release
2nd-Million Dollar Rap (With Intro From 1st)
3rd-WWE.com 300k Tron*

Theodore Long
1st-MacMilitant (ThemeAddict)*

1st-Debut Theme
2nd-Grim Reaper
3rd-Graveyard Symphony (Early Version)
4th-Graveyard Symphony (Full Metal)
5th-Graveyard Symphony (In Your House)
6th-Graveyard Symphony (5th With Intro)
7th-Modified Volume 3 Theme
8th-Volume 3 Intro Into 7th
9th-Shorter Volume 3 With Extra Beats
10th-Volume 3
11th-Ministry Theme (Early Version)
12th-Ministry Theme (Wrestlemania 2000)
13th-Ministry Theme (Volume 4)
14th-Unholy Alliance Theme
15th-American Badass by Kid Rock (WWE Edit)
16th-American Badass by Kid Rock (WWE Edit) (Without Girls Intro)
17th-American Badass by Kid Rock (WWE Edit) (Without Girls Intro/Shorter Intro)
18th-American Badass by Kid Rock (WWE Edit) ("Are You Scared?He's Here" Intro)
19th-Rollin' by Limp Bizkit (WWE Edit)
20th-Rollin' by Limp Bizkit (WWE Edit) (Footsteps Intro)
21st-Rollin' by Limp Bizkit (WWE Edit) (Footsteps Intro/Different Clean Edit)
22nd-Dead Man (Early Version)
23rd-Dead Man (22nd With Extra Guitar Effects)
24th-Dead Man (Anthology)
25th-No Mercy (Instrumental With "Dead Man Walking" Intro)
26th-You're Gonna Pay (Anthology)
27th-The Darkest Side (ThemeAddict DVD Rip)*

Vickie Guerrero

1st-FBI 2nd
2nd-Hard As Stone (Production) (WWE Edit)*

William Regal
1st-Promenade (Production)
2nd-Early Version of 3rd
3rd-RAW 2*
4th-Day of Reckoning 2
5th-SmackDown Vs. RAW 2007


Al Snow
1st-Scurry (Production)
2nd-Scurry (Production) (1st With "What Does Everybody Want?" Quotes)*
3rd-Scurry (Heel Remake)
4th-Scurry (Wrestlemania XIX)

1st-Mi Destrojero (Production) (WWE Edit)*

Balls Mahoney
1st-WWE.com 300k Tron*

Big Show
1st-Instrumental of St. Valentine's Day Massacre Theme
2nd-Big (Early Version)
3rd-Big (RAW 1)
4th-Big (Aggression)
5th-Big (1st nWo Mix)
6th-Big (2nd nWo Mix)
7th-Crank It Up by Brand New Sin*

Christopher W Anderson
1st-Gargantua (Production) (Instrumental)*

CM Punk
1st-This Fire Burns by Killswitch Engage*

Danny Doring

1st-Bodies by Drowning Pool (WWE Edit)*

Full Blooded Italians (Little Guido Maritato, Tony Mamaluke & Trinity)
1st-Chuck Palumbo's RAW 2 Theme
2nd-WWE.com 300k Tron*

Hardcore Holly
1st-Spark Plugg Theme
2nd-New Midnight Express Theme
3rd-Slow Death (Production)
4th-SmackDown 2:Know Your Role
5th-4th With Doubled Intro
6th-5th With "How Do You Like Me Now?" Quote At Start Of Intro
7th-5th With "How Do You Like Me Now?" Quote In Intro
8th-How Do You Like Me Now? (Anthology)
9th-How Do You Like Me Now? (Anthology) (Without Quote)*

1st-Missy Mercy (Production)
2nd-Monster (Production)
3rd-RAW 2*

Joey Styles
1st-This Is Extreme by Harry Slash (WWE Edit)
2nd-Across The Nation by Union Underground (WWE Edit) (Starting At :05)

Kelly Kelly
1st-Holla by Desiree Jackson*

Kevin Thorn
1st-Mi Destrojero (Production) (WWE Edit)*

Little Guido Maritato
1st-Spy Vs. Spy (Production)
2nd-FBI 1st
3rd-FBI 2nd*

Matt Striker
1st-Gargantua (Production) (Instrumental)
2nd-Formula One (Production)
3rd-Next (Production) (WWE Edit)
4th-Dickin' Around (Production) (WWE Edit)
5th-WWE.com 300k Tron*

Mike Knox
1st-Death Grip (Production)*

Paul Heyman
1st-This Is Extreme by Harry Slash (WWE Edit)*
2nd-Mental (Production)

Rebecca DiPietro

Rene Dupree
1st-Final Force (Production)*

Rob Van Dam
1st-RAW 2
2nd-One of a Kind by Breaking Point (WWE Edit)
3rd-One of a Kind by Breaking Point (WWE Edit) (With Intro)*

1st-Huka Blues by Harry Slash*

1st-Enter Sandman by Metallica
2nd-WWE.com 300k Tron*

Shannon Moore
1st-Chopping Block (Production)
2nd-Be My Baby (Production) (Instrumental)
3rd-Killing Me (Production) (Instrumental)
4th-5th Without Typing Intro
5th-RAW 2
6th-I'll Do Anything (Production) (Instrumental)*

Stevie Richards
1st-bWo Theme by The Swamp Candles
2nd-Big Style (Production)
3rd-Beeping Theme
4th-Right To Censor Theme
5th-Tuff Stuff (Production)
6th-Love Dump by Static X (WWE Edit)
7th-RAW 2 (Without Quote)
8th-RAW 2*

1st-Path of Rage by Harry Slash
2nd-If You Dare (Volume 5)
3rd-If You Dare (Volume 5) (Short Intro)
4th-Just Another Victim by Cypress Hill (WWE Edit)
5th-Survive If I Let You by Harry Slash*

Terry Funk
1st-Trash Metal (Production)*

1st-Acolytes 3rd
2nd-Updated Version of Tori 1st
3rd-Fullout (Production)
4th-This Is A Test (1st Version)
5th-This Is A Test (2nd Version)
6th-This Is A Test (3rd Version)
7th-This Is A Test (4th Version)
8th-This Is A Test (5th Version)
9th-This Is A Test (6th Version)
10th-This Is A Test (7th Version)
11th-This Is A Test (8th Version)
12th-This Is A Test (Volume 4)
13th-SmackDown:Shut Your Mouth
14th-13th (With Intro From 12th)
15th-13th (Starting At :36) (With Intro From 12th)
16th-13th (Starting At :36)*

Tommy Dreamer
1st-Innovation by Harry Slash
2nd-New Age Frankenstein (Production)
3rd-Take Down (Production) (WWE Edit)
4th-RAW 2
5th-Man In A Box by Harry Slash
6th-WWE.com 300k Tron*

Tony Mamaluke
1st-FBI 2nd*

1st-Debuted RAW 10/9/2006*


2006 PPV Themes
New Year's Revolution- "Stricken" by Disturbed
Royal Rumble- Roman Production Theme
No Way Out- "Deadly Game" by Theory of a Deadman
Wrestlemania XXII- "Big Time" by Peter Gabriel
Backlash- "Baby Hates Me" by Danko Jones
Judgment Day- "This Fire Burns" by Killswitch Engage
ECW:One Night Stand- "Bodies" by Drowning Pool
Vengeance- "Victim" by Eighteen Visions
Great American Bash- "Lonely Train" by Black Stone Cherry
SummerSlam- "The Enemy" by Godsmack
Unforgiven- "Run" by Day of Fire

Diva Search
2004-Walk Idiot Walk by The Hives
2005-Be Yourself by Audioslave
2006-Move Along by All-American Rejects

Kelly's Expose
1st-Don't Stop (Production)
2nd-Buttons by Pussycat Dolls
3rd-Chelsea by Stefy

Saturday Night's Main Event
1st-Obsession by Animotion
3rd-Boom by POD (WWE Edit)*

2007 PPV Themes
New Year's Revolution- ?
Royal Rumble- "Drones" by Rise Against
No Way Out- "Powertrip" by Monster Magnet
Wrestlemania 23- "Ladies And Gentlemen" by Saliva
"The Memory Will Live On" by Default
Backlash- "There and Back Again" by Daughtry