Dolph's, a wise friend once said that us longtime fans "have to hold on to the little bones WWE throw our way, no matter how little meat may be on them."
We knew Cena was going to win, but the match was phenomenal. We don't want Twice in a Lifetime, there are several other booking quirks I'd love to change, but the one guy in the rumble you care about had a phenomenal showing. He'll be WHC after Elimination Chamber and all will be well in the world of Ziggler. If you would have said this when you posted you'd take it in a heartbeat.
The match results sucked, we all knew they would, hell, you called everything last August and we all knew you were right. May as well see the positives (the match quality was fantastic) and hold on to them.
We knew Cena was going to win, but the match was phenomenal. We don't want Twice in a Lifetime, there are several other booking quirks I'd love to change, but the one guy in the rumble you care about had a phenomenal showing. He'll be WHC after Elimination Chamber and all will be well in the world of Ziggler. If you would have said this when you posted you'd take it in a heartbeat.
The match results sucked, we all knew they would, hell, you called everything last August and we all knew you were right. May as well see the positives (the match quality was fantastic) and hold on to them.