APRIL 18TH, 1981
Match#1 Moondog Rex & Sgt. Slaughter vs. Andre The Giant & Tony Garea
King has been banned from the country for getting caught with drugs at the border, so Rex is getting thrown into weird shit until Spot debuts in a few weeks. Andre owns them to start and they find new ways to bump and stooge for him. Sarge really goes out of his way to do some funny stuff like running away and taking a handstand bump when Andre throws him against the ropes, and running into Andre's ass and bouncing himself back across the ring. Rex is more classic in terms of just pancaking on stuff to make it look like he maybe died. They finally control Garea and it's ok, but i wish it has been Martel in this spot, not that my love for him is anything new at this point. The heels keep double teaming Tony, so Andre loses his shit and rushes the ring and kills them both and the ref throws it out
Match#2 The Great Yatsu vs. The Hangman
This goes to a 20 minutes time limit because Baba won't let GY lose, i guess. I mean thy could have just run the 3rd Sharpe match again and it would have ruled, but the 80's are weird as hell. Weird styles clash between them that doesn't at all mesh, and the entire thing is just a jarring choice given what's been done on TV with both of them at this point. Draw happens and may it never happen again.
Match#3 Bob Backlund (c) w/Arnold Skaaland vs. Killer Khan (WWF World Championship)
Poor Bob goes from Stan and Sarge to this dipshit. Not cool, Vince. After all these hot starts over the last few defences, Bob is hesitant to engage Khan in a straight up fight. Which is silly given he's fucking nuts and wants to fight everyone, but i get they want KK to be this feared monster even if he's actually a giant loser. The hesitancy allows KK to take over with his horrible offence and funny screaming that's meant to be scary, but it's all very lame. Bob sells it all and makes him look awesome and dangerous for the first time, and maybe last until Andre gets to him. Bob brings that amazing struggle to everything and makes sure to sell everything, even if it's some of the lamest looking shit in the world. He even takes a header into the ground for him because Bob knows no other way. He survives a bunch of bullshit and never actually comes back, instead getting a fancy rollup to win. Very mad this probably means a rematch down the line.
Match#4 Pat Patterson vs Sgt. Slaughter.
Sarge stalls and runs away for a while and the crowd wants to kill him. Easily the most hated man in the world at this point. Patterson finally gets him and ties him in the ropes and punches the shit out of him in revenge. Lots of gross punches from Pat, and Sarge has some amazing punch drunk sells. He tries to run away, but Pat drags him back into the post dick first, and we get a shot of the crowd fist pumping. Pat keeps it up and Sarge ramps up the bumping again to an insane level. Pat pummels him on the ground like a madman and it's such a wonderful moment. Sarge gets free and drags himself over into the corner where he loads his elbow pad with something, and he cracks Patterson in the face with it when he runs in and Pat takes a wicked bump to the ground. Sarge taunts the crowd even more and holy shit do they want his head. Pat is busted open and Sarge goes nuts on the cut and slams his head off a table and the steps. Pat takes no effort to protect himself and cracks his skull each time, and i love it. Sarge gets the Clutch on and instead of trying to fight out the same way he did last time, PAT JUST PUNCHES HIM IN THE FUCKING MOUTH AND AN ENTIRE BALL OF SPIT COMES OUT. Sarge lets it go and tries to come off the top with a knee, but Pat moves and he fucks his leg up. Pat gets him in the figure four. Sarge can't get out, so he punches the ref in the face for the DQ
Post match, Pat won't let it go and destroys the knee for a few minutes until he lets go in an awesome fuck you. He thinks about it for a moment and he locks it back in until he lets it go again and Sarge limps out of the ring. Pat begs him to get back in and Sarge teases it, but he ends up bailing to the back. incredible angle.
Match#5 Hulk Hogan vs Tony Atlas
Hogan's last WWF match until 83. Not a great loss or anything at this point, but still incredibly important in the grand scheme of things. This is not very good as Hogan clearly doesn't give a shit to try, and Atlas sucks shit as we know. So it's 13 minutes of lazy bearhugs and bad power moves, which is not what anyone wants to see. There's a ref bump near the end it looks like Hogan is going to cheat, but Atlas gets a bad rollup to win