Donnie watches TNA 2005

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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-16/1/05

March 18th, 2005
Impact Zone

Match#1 Christopher Daniels vs Jarelle Clarke

Fantastic showcase for our new lord and saviour. Clarke bumps his ass off and looks like the best jobber in the world as Daniels unloads a hell of a beating on him. DW and Tenay keep talking about Daniels screwing over Skipper and how he's going to have to pay at some point for it, and it's a great way to build to the match. Angels Wings ends it

Post match, Angel gets the mic and says his all out assault on the X-Division has ended with him becoming champion by beating the best in the world. He has not only proved to be the heart and soul of the division, he's proved he needs to be the flagship of TNA. So he is now Mr TNA. Skipper comes out looking none too pleased at his former friend. Skipper says AJ and the fans don't know him, but he knows him and Daniels knows what he's going to do to him once he gets a shot. He laughs at him before walking back up the tunnel. Daniels is not happy.

Match#2 Kid Kash w/Lance Hoyt vs Mikey Batts
During the intros, Tenay announces there will be TWO six sides of steel at TNA Lockdown on the 24th of April. LMAO if only it was that easy. Solid showcase for Kash whose a few weeks from being fired for once again talking shit about TNA not pushing him, which is why he got suspended a few ago in the first place. So they finally grew a set and got rid of him. Moneymaker does the deed.

In the back, Konnan is mad as hell at BG James for talking to Outlaw behind his back. Truth tries to keep the peace between them, but Konnan says Outlaw is trying to drive a wedge between them and he's going to handle this himself. Weird he's not mad about having a guitar broken over his face, but he's a got a right to be mad about whatever he wants, i guess.

Match#3 America's Most Wanted & Dustin Rhodes vs Chris Candido & The Naturals
Fuck yeah, what a matchup. Wonderful offence from the faces mixed with killer stooging and bumps from the heels. Pro wrestling at his best for a few minutes. Dustin is isolated and Candido does the work and it's soooooo good, and i hope they interact at some point in WWF because i need more. Harris has his sick hot tag before shit breaks down as it tends to. The faces kills Candido with a wicked triple powerbomb, and then kill Andy with the Death sentence for the win.

in the ring, Tenay brings out Jeff Jarrett for a weekly worst segment of the week. He says Monty was passed over time and time again for title shots, and he did the right thing for himself. No one but Jeff knew what he was going to do, and now he's going to side himself with a winner and take the wrestling world for himself. Bullshit reason to turn him heel, but TNA is bullshit when it comes to this reign so i refuse to get angry over it. Monty comes out and cut a terrible promo about shocking the world and doing whatever he wants now and taking TNA to another level and pounce the world. Lmao no.

In the carpark, Dusty promotes Lockdown and hypes up the two six sides of steel. He then announces both ladies will be his assistants which means we wasted weeks on that bullshit for reason. Godamn it, man.

Match#4 Shocker vs David Young
Shocker is not good at all as he's really slow and is one of those guys who goes from hold to hold where you can tell he's remembering what he has to do next. He wins with a Prawnhold that looks like trash.

Match#5 Diamond Dallas Page & Sean Waltman w/Kevin Nash vs Lex Lovett & Buck Quartermain

Hell yeah, Pac is now on the roster full time after those two really odd run-ins that lead nowhere. He's easily one of the best guys in the company now that he cares again, and i'm so happy to have him. He's awesome here making up for washed DDP and a pair of bad jobbers who bring nothing to the table. Diamond Cutter ends it.

Post match, Nash calls out Dusty and asks for a 6 man Six Sides of Steel against the new bad heel stable. Dusty says he'll let him know next week. Good hook even if that match sounds mostly bad.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-16/1/05

March 25th, 2005
Impact Zone

We get a disclaimer saying this episode has been edited from it's original airing. Ok then.

In the carpark, Abyss storms Dusty's truck and grabs Trinity before the camera cuts away.

We go back to it, and Traci realises he's looking for the contract he dropped on them weeks ago. AJ Styles walks over and tells him to back off because he can't scare him, AND ABYSS PUNCHES HIM AND THEY HAVE AN AWESOME PULL APART BRAWL. FUCK YEAH.

Match#1 Trytan vs Buck Quartermain
Oh, so he's not just gone forever after that disaster at the PPV. This is terrible as he once again can't wrestle and has no clue what to do, so it's all really bad musclehead stuff that he botches. He wins with an F5 dubbed "T3' lmao no.

In the back, Konnan confronts Outlaw about trying to break up the crew, but BG gets in the middle of it. Outlaw says he'll deal with this later but he's got business with BG right now. BG is hesitant but he walks off with him, and Konnan and Truth are very upset.

Match#2 Jeff Hardy & Shocker vs David Young & Lex Lovett
Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww. Shocker is horrible again and Nero doesn't give a shit on TV, so yeah bad times. Shocker wins with his bad pin.

DDP comes out and demands Dusty give him an answer for their match. Dusty and the ladies come out and ramble for a while before making said match. Double J pops up on the big screen where he and his boys are beating the shit out of Nash.. DDP runs off to help to end the segment.

In the back, Raven finds Nero and says he had a hell of a match against Abyss and it was cool. He was thinking with their fans combined maybe they should make a team. Nero says he wrestles for his fans and he's never gotten into Raven's business, and he's going to have say no. They shake hands and after Nero leaves, Raven shoots him a look. Uh oh.

Match#3 Apollo vs Sonny Siaki
Oh what the fuck is this episode in ring. So bad and terrible and every other word you can think of that describes and pain and hell. Apollo wins with a shitty school boy.

Post match, Sonny offers his hand and they become pals, and now Chris Candido's fate is sealed. Kash and Hoyt come out and talk some shit about how much that match sucked, and hey he's not wrong. Kash says there is no love making allowed here and they can walk out the door. Sonny calls them dumb and dumber and challenges them to a fight. Kash says he knows he wants his hands on him like a weirdo, but he doesn't play that sort of game. The faces leave the ring and chase them off.

In the back, Douglas announces it will be Dustin vs Roode at Lockdown. Dustin says a Canadian has never whooped a Texan, and this won't be that time. D'Amore walks on and talks shit about rednecks and bull riders. Roode says he's going to prove he's better than him. Horrible start to a feud i actually want to see.

Match#5 America's Most Wanted vs Phi Delta Slam w/Trinity
Oh no, poor AMW are tasked with these fat gross fuckheads for 5 minutes. Easily the worst AMW match since the bad ones with the red shirts in 03, and that bar was already low as fuck so it really says it all. Team Canada eventually run down and attack AMW for the DQ.

Dustin runs down and beats up PDS and fights Roode, and it's very good for the 10 seconds it gets. They all jaw at each other to close the show.

Worst episode thus far.


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-16/1/05

April 1st, 2005
Impact Zone

TNA running on April Fools is perfect.

Tenay and DW announce a #1 contenders match for the X-Division Championship in the main event tonight. Also, Abyss vs AJ Styles is made for 6 sides of steel at Lockdown YES

AJ comes out to join commentary and hugs DW in a wonderful moment of pure dudes rock. AJ says he's not excited to fight Abyss again, but he wants the title back and he'll do what it takes to win the #1 contendership and get the title back. Fuck yes.

Match#1 Abyss vs Cassidy Riley
AJ says he's never been in 6 sides of steel before, but he's going to think of some ways to win this. Short but sick as hell Abyss squash as always. Double finishers end it

Post match, Abyss leaves before he sees AJ on commentary and goes back to the ring and grabs the bag of thumbtacks and AJ shows fear for once in his life in a fantastic moment. Nero Hardy shows up and hits Abyss with the twist of fate in revenge, BUT RAVEN ATTACKS HIM FROM BEHIND AND BEATS HIM UP. AJ jumps into the ring with an amazing forearm on Abyss and helps Nero clean house. That fucking ruled.

Amazing video about the history of Daniels and Skipper. Easily one of the best things TNA has done.

In a pretape, Tenay sits down with Monty Brown. He cuts a very subdued and sort of bad promo about how he respects Jarrett and this is his chance to make it to the top and do big things.

Another long recap video this time about the 6 man feud.

Match#2 Chris Sabin vs Elix Skipper vs Petey Willams vs Michael Shane (#1 Contenders Elimination Match)
This gets 21 minutes in a massive show of faith and it's a great moment to see the best division finally get the shine instead of a lot of lazy washed assholes who don't deserve it anymore. Fun feeling out between all 4 to start as each man get some time to shine before it breaks down. Big dive train happens and Sabin tops them all with a gorgeous moonsault. He goes on a run after that and it's sooo good again as he's easily the best wrestler not named AJ or Daniels in the company. (soon to be Joe, but that's another story). He gets rid of Petey after he vultures a superkick from Shane. Skipper/Shane fight for a while as Sabin is knocked to the floor and it's fine, but really lacks some fire and creativity and speaks to both mens problems and why they never went all the way. Skipper beats him with Sudden Death, and we are down to two. Really sick back and forth that in hindsight should have been the match, but whatever. Tons of crazy moments and nearfalls, and Daniels gets more and more angry on commentary as he realises he's going to have a fight on his hands. Skipper wins with Sudden Death.

Post match, the former friends stare each down and talk shit to close the show


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-16/1/05

April 8th, 2005
Impact Zone

Match#1 Chris Sabin vs Michael Shane

Getting real sick of these two wrestling each other, even if they're having fine matches. Just want something new and cool, guys and girls. Cradle Shock gets the win for Sabin.

Dusty Rhodes makes his way out with his girls, and i have to say it rules he booked himself to hang out with hot girls every week. He makes Raven vs Nero in a tables match, and the 6 man is now Lethal Lockdown aka Wargames. the winner of AJ vs Abyss will get their title title shot at Hard Justice in May. He then announces that EVERY MATCH WILL TAKE PLACE IN SIX SIDES OF STEEL. This is happening because he made a smart arse comment to Dixie that she should book an entire PPV with nothing but cage matches, and she thought he was being serious and now it's real. Just a perfect way to sum up TNA and the infamous stupidly of Dixie Carter.

Match#2 AJ Styles vs Chase Stevens w/Andy Douglas & Chris Candido
Wonderful to have AJ back in ring after a month. He bashes the shit out of this goober and warms my cold dead heart for a few minutes. He runs through him with all his stuff hit perfectly, and the he gives some token offence before ending his life with the Styles Clash.

Post match, Abyss comes out of the crowd and gets into the ring with a chair, and blackshirts hold AJ back from getting in and fighting him.

AMW join commentary as it's announced they'll be defending against Team Canada. Assuming EY and someone else.

Match#3 Dustin Rhodes & Cassidy Riley vs David Young & Lex Lovett
Good little showcase for Dustin and his new son. Cassidy gets a win with a rollup.

Tenay brings out Jarrett for the segment of hell. Horrible back and forth between them because this has been going for 5 fucking years, and i hate it so goddamn much. He swears he'll fire the second shot after taking out Nash last week, but DDP comes through the crowd and beats him in bad slow fashion as he's very old and bad. DDP takes out Outlaw and bails back into the crowd.

They replay the XXX video.

Match#4 Kid Kash w/Lance Hoyt vs Apollo w/Sonny Siaki
This is nearly 10 minutes and not a second of it is good or passable thanks to Apollo being awful and hideous, and Kash hating TNA and not doing anything kill himself before he goes to WWE in a few months for the sick Pitbulls run. Hoyt pulls the ref out for the DQ.

Post match, all 4 fight and it stinks like poop.

We go to the back where Nash is fighting Candido and the Nats to close the show


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-16/1/05

April 15th, 2005
Impact Zone

Match#1 Kid Kash, Lance Hoyt & Michael Shane vs Chris Sabin, Apollo & Sonny Siaki

Oh wonderful, just what we needed. This is the worst Sabin match all year as he can't save very bad wrestlers or wrestlers who don't give a fuck. Also, in better news Kazarian left TNA two months ago and won't be back until June of 2006. Kash beats Apollo with a Frog Splash.

Jeff Jarrett's lawyer walks on set with Chris Candido in a wheelchair and a neckbrace by his side. He says Nash beat him so bad that he can't walk or eat food ever again, and Nash will be arrested if he shows up tonight. AMAZING


In the back, Trinity tells Shane he should go for the X-Division title around his waist like old times. Traci walks on and yells at her for not giving out Dusty's new book, so she calls her a bitch and leaves.

Match#2 BG James & Ron Killings vs A1 & Petey Williams
This blows as well because A1 is dreadful as fuck, and Ron can't carry all that trash himself with his shitty partner and Petey in this on top of it all. BG has a bad hot tag and helps Truth beat A1 with the assisted Axe-Kick

Match#3 Christopher Daniels vs Mikey Batts

Daniels saves the show as he now has AJ's role of mid-card hero. Super fun showcase for him, and Batts is again a cool little jobber. The ref gets bumped so Skipper gets in and counts the 3 for Batts like a jerkoff, so Daniels gets up and boots him out of the ring and kills Batts with the Wings to win.

In the back, Konnan once again demands to know what BG and Outlaw were talking about. BG says he's up to no good and they're La Familar for life. Konnan says he has to bounce before he gets hit with a guitar. Fair point.

Match#4 Konnan vs Eric Young w/Scott D'Amore
Horrible K-Dawg squash of our guy EY. Eric does his best to bump and sell, but Jesus Christ Konnan is dogshit. Sunrise ends it

In the back, Douglas is with AJ and Nero. AJ says he's afraid of what Abyss can do, but he will digest that fear and not miss his chance to be the world champion. Nero says his match is tailor made for him and he's going to take out Raven. Shane tells them they'll be facing Abyss and Raven next week. Hell yeah. AJ walks off and Raven smacks Nero in the head with a trash can and runs off.

JJ joins commentary, but Nash shows up and tries to fight him!! Blackshirts drag Nash off to the back.

Match#5 Sean Waltman & Diamond Dallas Page vs Outlaw & Monty Brown
Not very good at as the bad remains of the AE are either washed, bad or can't do much to save this, and Monty apparently sucks now or he doesn't give a shit, not sure which. Either way, not fucking good is the message. Jarrett sneaks in and kills Sean with a guitar like it's 1998 and the Outlaw makes the pin

Post match, they all fight again to close the show


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-16/1/05

April 22nd, 2005
Impact Zone

Match#1 3 Live Kru vs David Young, Buck Quartermain & Lex Lovett

They're friends again which is very nice and will last forever, i'm sure. Not a good squash as Truth is only one man, but whatever. Assisted Axe Kick does the deed.

In a pre-tape, JB covers a joins CMLL/TNA show that took place recently.

They air a really cool video about Daniels' title win.


Dustin Rhodes joins commentary where Tenay says it will be Dustin vs Roode in a Prince of Darkness match. Uhhhh. NEVERMIND THAT SHIT, ROODE RUSHES THE SET AND SMASHES HIM IN THE FACE WITH A CHAIR AND THEN IN THE BACK BEFORE AMW MAKE THE SAVE. DW gets up to check on him as well, and Dustin collapses when they try to help him up in one of the best sells of his life.

Match#2 America's Most Wanted vs The Naturals w/Chris Candido
AMW are very mad at Dustin being died, so they have a massive kickass brawl with the Nats around the ring and it's sooooo good. Truly something i've missed. Storm gets isolated, and the Nats are unleashed with a super fun control seg and it's the best one they've had in months and months. Storm dies on everything before Harris has another fantastic hot tag where he beats the shit out of them. It breaks down AND CANIDO RISES FROM THE WHEELCHAIR AND HITS HARRIS WITH HIS CAST AND THE NATS STEAL IT. AMAZING AMAZING BULLSHIT FROM ONE OF THE BEST TO EVER DO IT BEFORE HE DIES IN A FEW DAYS.


Match#3 AJ Styles & Jeff Hardy vs Raven & Abyss
Hell yeah. Nero is on one tonight and works really well with Abyss again, and the opening all him running him tired and dropping him when he gets the opening. AJ continues the trend and it's easily the best the dream team has looked. AJ and Raven fight again for the first time in nearly a year and it's SO fucking joyful and awesome watching them batter the piss out of each other. AJ hits a gross hangman's neckbreak over the ropes, but Abyss shoves him off to the floor and then hurls him into the rail in a nasty bump. Great control seg on AJ as you'd expect as both monsters kick his ass, and he sells and bumps as only he can. Just a perfect control seg in it's best form. Raven sets up a table for Abyss to chuck AJ through, but he counters it with a Pele and takes out Raven, and Nero has the best hot tag possible hitting all his shit clean with the heels bumping huge for him. AJ gets rammed into the post and Nero is all alone and has his ass beaten for a while, but AJ comes back to life with a sick springboard Swanton onto Abyss. Abyss gets the chain and goes to hit Nero, BUT AJ SHOVES HIM OUT OF THE WAY AND TAKES THE BULETT FOR HIM FOR THE DQ. THAT ROCKED

Post match, the heels beat the dog shit out of them with the chain, and Raven throws Nero through the table to kill him off. Abyss chokes AJ with the chair and rams him headfirst into a chair set up in the corner. AJ is loaded onto a stretcher but Abyss runs back and chokes him to close the show. Amazing angle. Best thing TNA has done in weeks and weeks,


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-16/1/05


APRIL 24TH, 2005

Sick opening video as always. Wish TNA was still this good at anything.

To open the show, Mike Tenay announces Kevin Nash has a staph infection and is out of the match. We see footage of Nash lifting up his pants leg in the back to show how bad it is, and yeah it's nasty as fuck. He won't be back in TNA until October, and even then he's out in ring until mid 2006 due to how bad it is. Rest up Big Sexy.

Match#1 Chris Candido & Lance Hoyt vs Apollo & Sonny Siaki
God fucking damn it. Kash has been fired by TNA and Candido is replacing him in this match because TNA decided to book it as a tag and he got placed here, and now it's going to cost him his life. Within a minute Sonny hits a dropkick and Candido's ankle and leg fold underneath him and he breaks it as Sonny lands on the leg, and it's horrific and will be the reason he dies of acute pneumonia in 4 days. It's a horrible fucked situation all around. To make it worse, the ref doesn't stop the match and call for the doctors right away, and instead Chris is forced to crawl to the corner and lay there until these assholes come and open the door and get him out. I won't drop the lol TNA, but Jesus guys. The rest of the match is terrible and Tenay spends some of it saying Candido is faking it to get out of the dangers of the match, and it's a perfect unintentional way to sell it as one last Chris Candido scam. If only it was. He finally says he really did break his leg, and my heart sinks. Faces win and we're never talking about this again.

Post match, The Nats come out an beat the shit out of Hoyt to kill some time. Babyface Lance Hoyt is a choice, and i don't have much faith in it, but lets see what happens.

In the back, Dusty says AMW and Team Canada got into a fight before the match, so he's making it a strap match. Oh come on. He draws names out of his hat and says JJ and Waltman will start the match,

Hype for Dustin/Roode.

Match#2 Dustin Rhodes vs Bobby Roode w/Scott D'Amore & A1 (Prince of Darkness Match)
It's a two out of three falls match with the last fall. being a fucking blindfold match for some horrible reason. Roode gets a 3 count in 90 seconds when he gets his feet on the ropes for a pin, and TNA doesn't announce it so the commentators don't realise, nor do the fans. Dustin is mad now and beats the shit out of Bobby to turn it into a fun fight for a while. Bobby is still raw as hell, but he does well for himself and Dustin covers the rest for him. Good control seg from the kid as the cage helps him beat the shit out of Dustin, and we get some great bumps from Rhodes. Dustin makes his comeback and throws Roode into the cage over and over and even does it hard enough to knock the door open in a cool moment. They fight on the top rope and Dustin hits a super bulldog to even it up, and now we get the blindfold match. It's bad as they all are because they can't possibly be good. The ref gets bumped and Scott throws a chair into the ring. Cassidy Riley comes out and directs Dustin towards the chair and he brains Roode to win.

In the back, Douglas is with Christopher Daniels. He says in 2004 he bled buckets in a vain attempt to keep Triple X together, but this is the X that means more to him than that ever did. Skipper walks on and says he warned him he would get him when the time was right, and tonight the time is right.

Hype for the X-Scape match.

Match#3 Micheal Shane w/Trinity vs Chris Sabin vs Shocker vs Sonjay Dutt (X-Scape Match)
First two stages are elimination matches and the final match is escape only hence the shitty name TNA is using. They're also using fucking tag rules which i LOATHE so fucking much in cage matches. Just the stupidest shit possible in a match meant for complete mayhem. This is a fine little spotfest with one of the best guys in the company, two decent guys and a real piece of shit in Shocker. It comes down to Sabin and Shocker and Shocker gets out first to win in a real bullshit call.

They replay footage of Candido breaking his leg, and it's fucked up.

Hype for Nero/Raven

Match#4 Raven vs Jeff Hardy (Tables Match)
The fact this is only a tables match after last weeks Impact is very funny to me. In saying that, this is a super rad plunda filled brawl with one of the craziest dudes ever, and one of the best minds for stupid shit like this in order to make it work. They make it work by beating the fuck out of each other and mostly ignoring the tables so it's much more fun than most tables matches. Not that's a high bar when the best one is still the Rumble 2000. but still good times. Raven misses a spear and goes head first through a table to bust himself open and he takes some gross headers into the cage for Nero. Jeff beats his ass and it's a heel in peril segment for the first time in a long time, but it works really well. Nero misses the swanton off the top and goes through a table in a classic bump. Raven takes too long playing with his food and Nero is able to fight back and beat his ass. They fight on top and Nero sets Raven up on a stack of tables and kills him with a sick Legdrop to send him through them to win.

Match#5 America's Most Wanted (c) vs Eric Young & Petey Williams (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships. Strap Match)

Just a horrible stip to do in a cage match, but like the last match they make it work by simply kicking the fuck out one another and not letting TNA ruin it too much. AI smashes Harris in the back of the head with the title and drags him to the floor and locks the door so Storm is isolated in ring in a cool move. Very good control seg thanks to them busting Storm open and working the cut with punches and the cage itself to further fuck him up. A1 keeps kicking the shit out of Harris on the outside and it's the best he's ever, or will ever look. EY takes lunatic bumps to keep Harris out when he tries to climb in, and he's once again amazing. The control on Storm is fantastic and we get a ton of close up shots of his bleeding skull. Harris finally decks A1 to get in and he dives off the cage onto the heels and has a sick hot tag pinballing them all over the place. It breaks down and we get a ton of near falls and more crazy bumps form everyone not named Petey because he's a dork. Harris murders him with the spear when he's setting up for the CD in a great moment. A1 throws in a bag of powder, but Storm kicks into Petey's face and he kills EY with the CD because he's blind and shit. AMW then kill him with the Death Sentence to retain.

Hype for Daniels/Skipper

Match#6 Christopher Daniels (c) vs Elix Skipper (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
Incredible series of counters to start with both men knowing the other so well and leaving the other man scrambling when they get caught. Daniels points to his head to show he's smarter, so Skipper bitch slaps him as a fuck you. He keeps countering stuff and getting Daniels more and more angry as it goes on, so it turns into a slug fest and Skipper beats the hell out of him, until Daniels throws him elbow first into the cage and hurts him bad, AND DANIELS KICKS HIM RIGHT IN THE BAD ELBOW AND GOES TO WORK. Fantastic work on the arm as Daniels is soooooo amazing at this point working a limb, and the cage lets him do mean as possible stuff. Killer selling from Elix helps a ton, and it's just great, great stuff. Daniels adds a ton of taunting on top of the attack and he's even better than he was last month when he won the title, which is insane and scary. Daniels bends and wreaks the arm for a while and it never gets dull or tired, and Skipper's attempted comebacks rock a ton. Skipper finally nails a nasty kick to comeback, and he uses his good arm to stay on him but he uses the bad one and stops himself and Daniels drops him and hits the BME for a super close nearfall. Skipper climbs up and hits an INSANE crossbody that lands right on Daniels head. Jesus Christ. The arm is still dead and holds him back as he can't hold the Sudden Death and Daniels counters it into a gross Angel's Wings to retain the title.

Hype for Lethal Lockdown

Match#7 Sean Waltman & Diamond Dallas Page vs Monty Brown, Jeff Jarrett & The Outlaw (Lethal Lockdown)
-Jarrett and Waltman are #1 and #2 as we found out earlier.
-They brawl on the outside around around the zone right away because holy fucking shit Jeff Jarrett is a broken man at this point.
-It's good because these two have always been magic together and this is no different, thankfully.
-They finally get in the cage and keeping beating the crap out of each other
-Outlaw is next
-He's still ass and brings nothin to this, even with Waltman bumping his ass for him
-DDP is next.
-He stink as well, but he's ok swinging some plunda.
-Monty Brown
-He's still not trying very hard of giving a shit, so fuck him.
-Waltman is still busting his ass for these assholes.
-BG James is the last man in for the babyfaces.
-He shows some damn fire as he bashes all these goons with trashcans and it's good fun.
-He can't hit Outlaw, so maybe Konnan was right
-Everyone goes crazy and it's om.
-Waltman beats Monty will a victory roll
-Bad match

Post match, BG and Outlaw stare each down.

Hype for AJ/Abyss

Match#8 AJ Styles vs Abyss (#1 Contenders Match)
AJ HITS A GORGEOUS DIVE OVER THE TOP ONTO ABYSS AS HE'S ABOUT TO ENTER THE CAGE AND THEY HAVE A SICK FIGHT AT RINGSIDE. AJ DUCKS UNDER RAIL AND HITS A RANA TO SEND ABYSS FLYING ACROSS THE FLOOR. AJ STAYS ON AND BEATS HIS ASS. ABYSS TRIES TO THROW HIM INTO THE CROWD, BUT AJ LEAPS OVER THE RAIL AND TURNS AROUND AND HITS A FOREARM OVER THE FANS. AJ TRIES IT AGAIN AND MISSES AND FLIES OVER THE FUCKING RAIL TO THE FLOOR. GOOD LORD. Easily the best opening minutes in any match in TNA history. They brawl through the crowd and unlike Jarrett, these two make it work by using everything around them and taking insane bumps off of everything. Abyss grabs him by the throat and throws him right into a wall and then kicks him down the flight of stairs and AJ rolls down each one in gross fashion. They fight back to ringside and we get a shot of all the bruises on AJ's back. AJ open the cage door and tries to climb in, BUT ABYSS RAMS IT INTO HIS ARM TO DROP HIM TO HIS KNEES AND THEN HE SMASHES IT INTO HIS FUCKING FACE. JESUS CHRIST AJ. He's a bloody mess off of that and Abyss finally throws him into the cage and get another amazing closeup of AJ's bloody and broken face. Abyss beats the everloving shit out of him with the chain and it's the best control seg of his life as it's so brutal and mean, and AJ dies over and over in some of the biggest bumps of his life. He rams himself into the cage and never once gets his hands up on anything and it's incredible and deranged and perfect. Abyss twists his head like he's Leatherface trying to make a new face, and it's horror movie greatness. AJ finally counters him and slams his face down on the chain to finally get a break, and he mounts a comeback that pure hope and fire as he does everything he can to drop this fucker. AJ kills him with a nasty German that sends Abyss onto the back of his head and neck, but it's still not enough. Abyss hits the BHS out of nowhere and AJ is the first man to kick out of it, and this is way to do it. Abyss snaps and drops the tacks out on the mat and tries to powerbomb him, but AJ counters into the Clash and drops him face and chest first into them. Fucking hell. AJ climb to the top, but Abyss throws the ref into the cage to knock him down to the otherside and AJ is left hanging on for dear life. Abyss climbs back up to get him and he wraps the chain around his neck and hangs him off the side of the cage!!. Abyss pulls him back over, but AJ bites his fucking fingers, AND HE JUMPS OVER HIM AND GRABS ONTO A SUNSET FLIP AND DRIVES HIM RIGHT INTO THE TACK AND GETS THE 3. HOLY FUCK

I've always loved that match a ton and thought it was amazing, but on this watch i truly believe it's damn near perfect and one of the very best matches TNA ever put on. Once again though, there are at least 4 more matches that will possibly top this. A goddamn year and then some.
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You'll be happy to know that the edit was to remove a Harris Twins match. Guess they forgot to cover their Nazi tattoos in that one
lmao of course they did


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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions; America's Most Wanted-16/1/05

TNA Impact
April 29th, 2005
Impact Zone

We open the show with still images of lockdown and Tenay repeats that Candido has broken his leg. He's dead by the time this airs, but due to TNA's taping schedule it won't be mentioned for a few weeks. It's also mentioned AJ will get his title shot at Hard Justice on May 15th.


Match#1 Petey Williams w/Scott D'Amore vs Shocker
EWWWWW BROTHER. EWWWWWWWWWWW. WHAT'S THAT, BROTHER. Really awful as Petey only works to a high level when against great wrestlers, and Shocker is a bum who sucks a ton, so not happening. Shockers gets a shoddy rollup counter to win after 3 really lame minutes.

Post match, Tenay interviews Shocker and says he will be facing Daniels for the title at Hard Justice. He cuts a bad promo about proving who the next champ will be. Fuck this guy.



Match#2 Sonjay Dutt vs Buck Quartermain.
Dutt gets 4 minutes to work in a strange choice against a job guy, but TNA is the land of strange choices. Buck is really bad and adds nothing, so of course TNA lets him get a lot of offence and suck shit at it, so Sonjay looks like a nerd loser as a result. Dutt makes a comeback and wins with a slighshot Hurricanrana

Match#3 The Outlaw vs Mikey Batts

Goddam it, this show is awful. Shit 2 minute squash for this jackass. It breaks my heart to think that to this day (27/5/24) he's still active and winning matches despite being the fucking worst. He wins with the One and Only.

Post match, 3LK storm the ring to confront him, but Konnan steals the mic and calls him a bitch and dares him to make a move. He then challenges him to a match next week and walks out on the Krew. MOTY upcoming.

In an office, Dusty Rhodes announces the Hard Justice lineup.
-20 man gauntlet for the Gold
-Jeff Jarrett vs AJ Styles for the worlds championship.
-MMA Legend Tito Ortiz will be the special guest referee for the main event. This is TNA attempting to get in on the buzz of UFC, but WWE beats them to the punch with the TUF/Raw combo and ruins any chance of it working out, sadly.

Jeff Jarrett rushes out and attacks Tenay and screams this will never happen. He fear no man and he ain't scared of anyone, not even Tito Ortiz. His victim list goes on and on. AJ has no chance in hell against the King of the Mountain. He's going to slap the taste out of Tito's mouth the moment he sees him. He's walking in and walking out as worlds champion.


Match#4 America's Most Wanted (c) vs The Naturals w/Chris Candido (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
Same super fun opening fight as all their matches, but it hits different with Candido cheering his sons on as they fight like hell. They go all over the Zone and it's better than anything JJ has done in months as they use everything they can and really smack the shit out of each other. AMW get the best of it and in a sick moment Storm smashes Chase's face off the ramp and the sound is horrible as he hits. AMW keep it up and beat the shit out of them some more, before we go to break and come back with the Nats in control. Hate that TNA can't figure out to show the transition first, the dumb bastards. Candido chokes Storm with his towel as the Nats kick his ass, and it's a wonderful sight to see. Harris gets the hot tag and goes nuts on them before one of them knees him in the back to isolate him. Good control on him with some sick Harris selling as always to really make it. Andy really comes into his own as a shithead working the neck and talking shit at the same time, and Chase is getting better as well at it. Andy uses one of the crutches to hurt him some more, and Chris is SO happy at his son learning to cheat on his own. Storm gets the hot tag and beats the crap out of them before it breaks down into classic fashion for them. STORM KILLS ANDY WITH A SUPER KICK, BUT CHASE MURDERS HIM WITH A CHAIR SHOT, HE TURNS AROUND INTO A SPEAR BY HARRIS. BUT CHRIS JUMPS IN AND THROWS ANDY ON TOP OF STORM AND THE NATS STEAL THE TITLES. FUCK YES


Post match, Tenay confronts him about this, and Chris says he breaks the rules and made the difference and now his boys are the champions. Even injured, he proved his boys are better. He screams at Tenay to do his job because he and his boys are going to party.

Rest in Power, Chris Candido


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions: The Naturals-29/4/05

May 6th, 2005
Impact Zone

Match#1 Abyss vs Cassidy Riley

Standard fun Abyss murder. BHS does it


Christopher Daniels comes out to join commentary for the next match.

Match#2 Shocker vs Sonjay Dutt
8 minutes of super slow awkward mat wrestling and bad spots between two really bad wrestlers. Sonjay might get better when he's feuding with Jay Lethal in a few years, but for now he sucks and can't do shit to make Shocker look good. They fight on top and Shocker hits a powerbomb to win.

Post match, Daniels teases fighting him, but he leaves instead.

On a staircase, Raven is hanging out. He says his heroes would take 3 to get 1, and he's inspired by that. He says he wishes he could care about anything, but he's seen and done it all to the point that he just can't do it. There is no salvation for him and he's going to cause more pain, damage and suffering. He knows who he is and what he's about. He is a human cancer to the point that God is working overtime to keep score. Jeff Hardy must die so he can live, and he's standing in path of immortally. He says Jeff will be terminated at Hard Justice. Nah he won't be as Nero is suspended for no showing events and is gone until August. So, a massive waste of time.

Match#3 Konnan vs The Outlaw.
Ah fuck me. They have a bad fight around ringside before Gunn kills him with a gross chair shot and the match stops.
Smelly Poop

BG & Killings run out and get Outlaw to back off and leave, before turning back and checking on Konnan.

In a pre-tape, Tenay sits down with AJ & Jarrett in the ring. Jarrett repeats his promo last week about everyone trying to dethrone him and steal what is his. He has been through a list of greats, and he has earned everything he has done. LMAO YEAH PAL. He says AJ is still a young punk wet behind the ears and not ready for this. HE BEAT YOU TWICE FOR THE TITLE, YOU STUPID ASSHOLE, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT. He says he's not afraid of Tito stepping into his world, and he's going to slap him. AJ says this has been his goal since he started in TNA, and he has the athletic edge over Jeff. JJ says you need to be more than an athlete to beat him and they go nose to nose before blackshirts break it up. Horrible, horrible shit that makes no damn sense at all if you're paying any attention to TNA since this place started and have seen AJ's rise to beating him for the title twice and having his number almost every fucking time.

Next week, Tito Ortiz "talks" lmao oh no.

Match#4 Chris Sabin w/Traci vs Michael Shane w/Trinity
This gets 10+ minutes in another kind gesture of TNA to showcase them as stars, but once again i'm over this match as they've done everything together at this point. The good news is this one is at least leading to something new for both men. They have their normal good ass match with the same structure as always, and i won't bore you with all the details other than to say it's GOOD. Sabin ducks a superkick into a rollup to win.

Post match, Shane superkicks him and beats his ass. Trinity gets in as well and attacks him, so Traci makes the save. Shane teases kicking her to close the show.

Horrible episode. Holy shit


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
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NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions: The Naturals-29/4/05

May 13th, 2005
Impact Zone

Been FAR too long since i crossed the line.

We open with a recap video of that awful sitdown between AJ and Jarrett where they're acting like AJ has never won the NWA title before.

Tonight we hear from Tito Ortiz. Motherfucker i forgot about that doofus is here.

Match#1 Jeff Hardy vs Christopher Daniels vs Elix Skipper vs Eric Young (Elimination Match)
I assure that Russo is gone, but you'd be forgiven for thinking otherwise with this match coming out of nowhere with 4 dudes not feuding with one another. In that saying that, this is a fun little spotfest with a million cool dives and EY being a wild crashtest dummy. Daniels hits a dive with a chair in hand to take everyone out like a real piece of shit!!! Raven runs out and fights Nero and they brawl to the back and the ref counts Nero out, which doesn't seem fair actually. We go to break and miss nearly 5 minutes of action in a really stupid thing. Daniels is in control and keeps knocking the other two out of the ring and talking endless amounts of shit as he does it. Skipper finally gets back and fights Daniels again, and it's good times for the 60 seconds it gets. Skipper beats EY with Sudden Death and then rolls Daniels up with one second left to win.

Zero need for the champion to eat a pin to a man he's not facing.

In another LOLTNA moment they now air a Shocker hype video. You know, the guy who is actually facing Daniels on PPV.

We come back from break where DW announces that the time limit was wrong and it's actually a draw. LOLTNA

AJ Styles hype video.

In another pre-tape, Tito Ortiz talks about how much he loves wrestling and how he wants to help make sure this is called down the middle.

Nero/Raven hype video for a match that's not happening.

This episode is awful. Holy shit.

Match#2 10 Man Gauntlet for the gold (Winner is #20 at Hard Justice. First man out is #1)
#1-Chris Sabin
#2-Michael Shane
-Oh fuck, not again
-Traci and Trinity fight down to the ring and then leave through the crowd.
-Tenay announces a mixed tag match for Hard Justice
-#3-Bobby Roode
-He beats up the two in the ring and finally picks it up
-#4-Petey Williams
-He helps Roode team up and it's pretty fun.
-#5-David Young
-Why the fuck is here in this when his entire story is his a massive loser
-Bobby Roode is superkicked out by Sabin
-Very bad offence again
-He throws out DY
-Then he throws out Shane
-Trytan throws petey out onto to A1
-Sabin hits a sick rana on the big moron.
-#8-Lance Hoyt
-He's super over because he's been hanging out with the fans after the shows and drinking with them, so they love him.
-Hoyt kicks Trytan out
-He murders everyone
-Abyss throws out A1
-Sabin is the only good one in ring
-Apollo misses a lunge at Abyss and falls over the ropes
-Sabin works his ass off to make it work, but it's no good sadly.
-Abyss knocks Sabin out
-Goddamn it
-They have a big staredown like this is a monster fight anyone could want
-They have a bad fight for a few minutes
-Abyss wins with the BHS

One of the worst episodes of wrestling TV i've seen.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2021
Reaction score
NWA-TNA World Heavyweight Campion; Jeff Jarrett.-2/6/04
NWA-TNA X-Division Champion: Christopher Daniels-13/3/05
NWA-TNA World Tag Team Champions: The Naturals-29/4/05


MAY 15TH, 2005

The show opens with a ten bell salute to Chris Candido. REST IN POWER

Another really fantastic opening video. I trust TNA with nothing else but these.

Match#1 Petey Wiliams & Eric Young w/Scott D'Amore vs Sonny Siaki & Apollo
LOLTNA to follow a tribute to Candido with the team that were involved in his last match. Really hideous 8 minutes of bad wrestling in all it's forms. AI hits Sonny with a suerplex and throws Petey on top to win

Match#2 Chris Sabin & Traci vs Micheal Shane & Trinity

I am beyond over this feud/match up. It's just not good at all and i'm fucking over it. Decent little wrestling match for a few minutes before the bullshit hits when Traci low blows Sabin, and Shane superkicks Trinty and then superkicks Sabin to win

They're back together in a really silly and complicated way. LOLTNA baby.


In the back, Team Canada declare they will take TNA back over as they should have done when they got here.

In the back, Dusty meets with Tito and says he got him here because he's the only man bad enough to handle this. Tito says if Jeff tries anything he's going to take him out, and Dusty says he has his blessing. That's bullshit.

In the back, Terry Taylor is with Raven. He says Nero is not here and he wants to know if Raven still intends to fight. Raven says he's not shocked that Hardy is hurt after he crippled him at Lockdown, and this is just the type of loser he is. He says he's fighting X-Pac tonight as he's in shape and ready, but Raven is a human cancer and he's going to kill him and move into his place in the land of destiny AND HE'S HUNTING FOR IT AND HE'S GOING TO GET IT. IT AWAITS HIM. FUCK YEAH.

Very funny that a dude infamous for no showing is being replaced by another untrustworthy wrestler. Even if i love Pac, this is still too on the nose.

Match#3 Raven vs Sean Waltman (Clockwork Orange House of Fun)
Pac attacks him from behind and looks amazing for the first time in a long time as he's a house of fire beating the piss out of Raven with plunder attached to the ring. Super awesome fired up attack, and Raven takes a killer beating finally getting to work with someone good again. Raven is busted open and Pac makes the cut worse with a toe hold to a trash can. Raven hurls the can back into his face to counter the bronco buster, and he fucks Pac's day up in classic fashion. Waltman is busted open and Raven rips the cut further open with nasty plunder shots. Raven's entire head is covered in blood and it's gross and stunning as fuck to look at. Raven works on the knee and Pac's selling rules a ton. He bravely fights back and beats Raven's ass in revenge and sets him up on a table and hits a sick Swanton right off the top of the cage. Fuck yeah. Raven somehow doesn't lose to it and manages to fire off a flash Evenflow AND HE DRAGS PAC UP THE STAGE AND THROWS HIM OFF IT INTO SOME TABLES. JESUS CHRIST. Raven picks him back up and handcuffs him to the post and beats him with a cane, and Don says this is a house of fun for Raven. Pac calls him a pussy and tells him to give him more. Dusty walks out and makes the ref uncuff him, and Pac is able to fight back. He wreaks him with cane shots and Raven's back is turned bright red. PAC USES A STAPLE GUN AND SHOOTS THEM INTO RAVEN'S HEAD. FUCK YES. HE RUNS AT RAVEN BUT HE GETS BACKDROPPED THROUGH THE CAGE WALL AND RAVEN JUMPS DOWN AND PINS HIM. What a match.

Recap of Outlaw being a piece of shit.

Match#4 Diamond Dallas Page & Ron Killings vs Monty Brown & The Outlaw
I want to be angrier at the other two being wasted in this, but the other option is an Outlaw/DDP singles match in 2005 and that sounds like a form of hell, so i'll live with it. This is pretty bad as the mentioned old guys are awful, Monty is an exposed lame duck and Truth can only do so much by himself. A ton of bullshit hits when PDS run down and attack DDP in full view of the ref and no DQ is called because fuck rules. Monty beats DDP with the Pounce.

In a pre-tape, Tenay sits dow with the Naturals. He thanks them for sitting down with him given everything they're going through. He helped them find their way again and win the titles, but without them will they be able to maintain it. Chase says without Chris they wouldn't be champs and he was the third Nat. He showed them how to be strong and fight. Andy says they're not alone and he's watching down on them right now, and the fans and the rest of the lockeroom are behind them including an unnamed legend. Chase says he taught them a lot and the biggest thing was how to be winners. Fantastic stuff.

The Nats come out for the match and they set up a chair with a white towel over it.

Match#5 The Naturals (c) vs America's Most Wanted (NWA-TNA World Tag Team Championships)
The crowd is 1000000000% behind the Nats as you'd expect, and it's a wonderful thing to see these two little bastards getting love in a horrible situation. In a nice change of pace given all over that, they go hold for hold to start, and it's really good as they're more evenly matched in that respect than i expected given their best matches are insane bloody brawls. Nats get the best of it and aren't dicks about it for once, but they aren't holding anything back either. Storm finally hauls off and boots Chase in the back with a nasty kick to be the first man to break in what's been a respectful fight to this point. Andy hits Harris from behind in revenge, AND NOW IT TURNS INTO A FIGHT BECAUSE FUCK YOU. Wonderful stuff as always and there's a ton of hate and fire and all 4 take wicked bumps into the rails with each man upping the other with grosser bumps. It goes on for a few minutes the ref (baby Rudy Charles) lets it go because he doesn't want to ruin a moment. They fight back into the ring and it rocks as they go full tilt and batter each other and no one can get into control for long because none of these men will let the other win. they keep going nuts and nuts AND CHASE KNOCKS HARRIS OFF THE ROPES AND ANDY ROLLS UP STORM WITH HIS FEET ON THE ROPES TO STEAL THE WIN IN A PERFECT FAREWELL TO CANDIDO

In the back, Tito walks up to Jarrett's locker room and finds David Young standing guard. Tito tells him to let him, but DY keeps telling him to go away or he'll hurt him. Tito throws him away and is greeted by Jeff and Monty. Jeff asks Monty to leave and leads Tito into the room and closes the door.

Match#6 Christopher Daniels (c) vs Shocker (NWA-TNA X-Division Championship)
Shocker blows as we've covered since he debuted as he's doing really bad mat based wrestling mixed with weak strikes and bad flippy stuff that's in no way cool when compared to everyone else. Daniels gets his ass kicked to start and the kid does nothing special or cool to stand out, and Daniels simply takes over by dropping him throat first over the ropes in a real fuck you. Daniels then has his worst control seg thus far as he does lazy basics and rest holds for a while, and hey given that Shocker is bad i can't blame him for not going out of his way to kill himself. Shocker makes a dull comeback and his stuff is not good as it has no fire or urgency behind it. Fuck this clown. Daniels wins with the Angels Wings

Post match, Daniels says Mr TNA just beat the best luchadore in the world (that wasn't one of them) he's the best X-Division wrestler in the world.

Match#7 20 Man Gauntlet for the Gold
#1 is Bobby Roode
-#2 is Zach Gowen
-#3 is Eric Young
-He and Roode beat up a dude with one leg because pro wrestling
-#4 Cassidy O'Riley
-Ok then
-He still sucks for the most part
-#5 Elix Skipper
-He fights Roode and it's awesome as hell
-EY joins in and that's cool as well
-#6 Shark Boy
-He does some cool stuff
-He bites Zach's ass and forces him to jump over the ropes
-#7 AI
-Rather it was B2
-#8 Chris Sabin
-He has a sick run of offence and really picks things up as a result.
-#9 Petey Willams
-AI dumps out Sharky
-#10 Sonny Siaki
-Roode lariats Skipper out
#11-Lance Hoyt
-He tosses out EY
-He then beats the shit out of the rest of Team Canada.
-#12 Micheal Shane
-A1 tosses Sonny
-Sabin and Shane fight on the floor
-#13 Jarelle Clarke
-He does some cool spots.
-#14-Mikey Batts
-#15 Outlaw
-He's horrible again
-#16 Trytan
-He hits terrible chokeslams
-#17 Ron Killings
-Trytan nukes him right away with a press slam because fuck you
-Team Canada shove the big moron out
-Fuck yeah Canada
-#18 Apollo
-He has a terrible fight with Outlaw
-Outlaw tosses him
-#19 BG James
-He throws out Roode
-Fuck man
-NOA team up and beat up A1 and Petey and toss them
-Not a fan of either, but come on you assholes
#20 Abyss
-He runs in and closelines them out
-He and Truth (whose been on the mat for the last 5 minutes) have a fun back and forth and this should have been the entire match.
-Truth uses his speed to stay alive and nearly drops the big man, but it's a massive uphill battle as Abyss keeps bashing his head in
-The ref gets bumped and Truth brains Abyss with a chair over and over and each shot is really fucking nasty, but it still can't keep him down
-Abyss fights back and chokeslams him on a chair, but Truth kicks out lol
-Abyss then wins with the BHS
-Horrible goddamn match

Hype for AJ/JJ

Match#8 Jeff Jarrett (c) vs AJ Styles (NWA-TNA Worlds Heavyweight Championship. Tito Ortiz is the guest referee)
They go hold for hold to start and AJ gets the best of it as always, but the commentators don't actually say that as we're still acting like he's never won the title. nor has he kicked the shit out of Jeff and beaten his ass multiple times. In a cool moment to show the history that we aren't allowed to talk about, JJ lets AJ set for for the dropkick and then slides out at the last second and taps his head to show he's not falling for it this time. He gets back and controls for moment with basics, AND AJ SLIDES UNDER HIS LEGS AND CATCHES HIM WITH THE DROPKICK WHEN HE TURNS AROUND. Fuck yeah. Jeff catches him with a gutbuster and goes to work on the leg and it's classic Jeff working a limb, so it's super gritty and mean. Which of course he saved for the final match after a year of dogshit. AJ's selling rules as he's either hobbling or grabbing onto it whenever he can, and he's got fight like hell to get Jeff off of him. Killer attempted comeback and cut offs as Jeff is just a step quicker and is able to keep AJ down and gets brutal with it as it goes on. Tito stops JJ from cheating and whatnot. AJ smashes the guitar so no one can use it, which is a cool babyface act. He makes a comeback and sells his leg all while kicking the shit out of Jeff. It turns into a back and forth and they steal each others finishers for some reason that doesn't fit this at all. Monty then runs down tries to Pounce AJ, but he moves and Jeff eats it. Tito pulls a second ref out because he's the real one, and then he shoves AJ into a low blow from Jeff. But then Tito shoves JJ and KO's him and AJ hits the Spiral Tap to finally win the fucking title back and end the worst JJ reign of them all.

God awful show for the most part, but the nightmare is over for the next few months and that's what this company has needed for the last year. Of course, we've still got two more JJ reigns to live through, but none of them will be as bad as this. But hey, nevermind that shit, AJ has HIS world title back and all is right in the world

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Feb 1, 2021
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I never got why you hate Petey Williams so much
i find him really hard to watch as he has this awesome moment in ring, and then elects to do crappy spots and not bother with the story he was telling. I do like him more when he turns face. Plus the run with Scotty Steiner is perfection
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