Do you try to get trophies/achievements? Are you a trophy/achievement whore? For PS3 owners do you care that certain past PS3 games still don't have trophies and therefore decide to ignore those games?
Yes I care about trophies. It's fun trying to get them but I'm not obsessed with getting all of the trophies. I don't even have a single Platinum yet. If a game has a nice set of trophies that's fun and challenging to obtain than I will be more interested in those games versus games that just have random trophies. Fallout 3 has an awesome line up trophies/achievements for example. Eventually I will platinum that.
Old PS3 games that don't have trophies do hurt them a lot in justifying a purchase but I own and have owned previously a good amount of games with no trophy support. Valkyria Chronicles, MGS4, and Resistance Fall of Man are all amazing games even without the trophy support. Now games like Heavenly Sword should have it because it sounds just good and trophy support would be needed to further justify purchasing it.
Yes I care about trophies. It's fun trying to get them but I'm not obsessed with getting all of the trophies. I don't even have a single Platinum yet. If a game has a nice set of trophies that's fun and challenging to obtain than I will be more interested in those games versus games that just have random trophies. Fallout 3 has an awesome line up trophies/achievements for example. Eventually I will platinum that.
Old PS3 games that don't have trophies do hurt them a lot in justifying a purchase but I own and have owned previously a good amount of games with no trophy support. Valkyria Chronicles, MGS4, and Resistance Fall of Man are all amazing games even without the trophy support. Now games like Heavenly Sword should have it because it sounds just good and trophy support would be needed to further justify purchasing it.