Divas Contract Signing

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Chairwoman of The New Day
Jun 2, 2012
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AND INTRODUCING FIRST! The team of Paige and Hornswoggle!!
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Chairwoman of The New Day
Jun 2, 2012
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Here's an idea, if you're gonna stick Natalya with anybody :hmm: Why not.... TYSON KIDD!!

Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
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I'm going preface my thoughts on the segment by stating that I don't watch WWE regularly anymore. I only really tend to watch the PPVs and recently, I've began to branch out and watch a couple segments from Raw (to mixed results). Of those segments, not a one of them came from the diva division for the one simple reason . . . I couldn't care less for either participants involved. I lost pretty much all interest in the division (and to some extent, WWE as a whole) when Eve Torres left and AJ already drove me away from continue to watch rather than reel me in. I've been very critical on her and less so on Kaitlyn since she's really just bland and forgettable. My previous experience watching her wrestle typically has not been positive and trust me I was, once again, surprised to find out how highly this community ranks her spear (as the only one I thought ever looked good was the one against Eve Torres at the 20th Raw anniversary) but all the other times like at Payback and such could've been off nights or maybe it just comes off worse to me because Roman Reigns is also currently doing a spear and he does it so much better.

The specifics aren't really important though, my point is this is coming from someone who's previously been very critical of them and doesn't really know the whole story behind the match. I've gathered what I think is most of it (I did watch the segment where it's revealed AJ was the secret admirer [which I think is all I really need to know], good development, annoying delivery) but if I miss a few details don't be too shocked. Anyway, obviously you can probably gather I actually did like this segment. That said, it didn't change my opinion on either competitors but it allowed me to appreciate them a little more from an objective stance. But the best way to jumpstart my opinion is through the opinion of another.

Kaitlyn looked just eww.

Anyways, the segment was pretty good imo, don't get why they had to bring all the diva's out there.. I mean if you give them TV Time at least give them a role, don't let them just stand there for nothing.

Not really out of the norm.

As for the diva's all being out there, most of them did serve a role here and were important to the segment. It's actually one of the main reasons I enjoyed the segment, since WWE normally does just have them out their for no reason. Well, actually if you're talking from the perspective of why Teddy brought them out there in the first place . . . yeah I don't really get that either but that's not the point. Layla's role as Kaitlyn's friend/support is pretty self-explanatory and good development if she does indeed turn heel on Kaitlyn, possibly being another cog in AJ's machine of screwing with Kaitlyn. Mostly, it was just one small little thing where Layla took the pen away from AJ and gave it to Kaitlyn but it's a good way of showcasing their friendship. It's a good way of building up to that eventual betrayal which I imagine it'd hit Kaitlyn hard considering she obviously has some trust issues and AJ was once her best friend so it's good build up. Just a good way of show, don't tell. As for the others, Natalya and booty dancers were out there to further the impact of AJ reading Kaitlyn's text. Since the texts were pretty much her bashing them, it a lot more poignant to show the immediate effects, the reactions of people who are friends with the person (and Kaitlyn saw it too, at least she did with Natalya). That means a lot more than just reading it out and seeing Kaitlyn tell AJ to "Stop it!" As for the others, nothing really direct but wouldn't it have felt rather contrived if Teddy only brought out the girls that did serve a role?

So, now that I just explained what was definitely one of my favorite thing about the segment, I'll talk a little more about some of the positives. AJ's performance here on the mic was easily her best. It's still not for me and her little Hulk Smash thing or her opening line just . . . no, that doesn't work for me. And I doubt she ever will but in this promo I can at least appreciate it a little more. As for where Kaitlyn improved here, oh god damn that spear was awesome. I also liked the inevitable end brawl because they did something different with it. At the very least, I don't remember the last time during a contract signing someone was trapped in the corner using the table.

As for the negatives, I still don't care about this feud. I just don't. Partly because I really thought their Payback match was an unbelievable bore and I can't get hyped up for a rematch to a match I disliked but it's just not that. A segment's purpose is to make you care about seeing the match, so in a way it still is a negative even if it's not so much the segments fault. I mean, of course my personal dislike for AJ on the mic (not the Kaitlyn's any better mind you) is also a factor but I'm being fair here.

My biggest problem here is that I'm honestly on AJ's side, not Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn's character, from what I've gathered, is an idiotic insecure paranoid jerk. For the idiotic, her not pinning AJ was Blue, plain and simple. I'm not sure whether or not that's her character but god was that dumb. And don't try to tell me she was overcome by her rage, nobody who's truly overcome by rage would stop to imitate the person they would just keep beating them up. She obviously decided to do that instead of pinning her in a clear state of mind but anyway with even some level of common sense can figure out the best way to get back at her would be to keep the belt (besides she could have done that stupid imitation crap after the match). Insecure is fairly obvious and I don't think I need to justify that claim. Paranoid is pretty obvious because her texts clearly say that she thinks people aren't true friends if they have outside interest/friends outside of herself. I mean, really what a bitch and this was even before AJ revealed herself as the admirer (note: the jerk part comes here too). Granted, AJ isn't all sugar, spice, and everything nice but still, I side with her more than Kaitlyn here. I'm willing to defend my stance on here more if needed to but I have missed several moments from this feud and more importantly I think I've ranted long enough about a division I still have no interest in even if I did enjoy this particular segment.


The Lunatic Fringe
May 13, 2013
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Kaitlyn is a girl version of Sheamus

Lady Deathbane

thanks for the unban, lmao
Oct 4, 2012
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Bay Area 51, CA
Agreed with Mustafar. I don't think there are very many who side with Kaitlyn. The only positives I can think of are that she's pretty hot and her spear has its moments. Other than that, I don't really "feel bad" when AJ mocks her or continues to reek havoc on her life like I'm suppose to.

Now, if it were the other way around (Kaitlyn being the big, demented heel torturing poor little AJ until she breaks), then that'd be a bit more interesting. It makes me wonder how long they're going to carry out this feud, because technically this has been a year long feud. From the moment AJ slapped Kaitlyn when AJ was having trouble with Daniel Bryan a year ago to now. Are they ever going to make Kaitlyn redeem herself in the future? Who knows. I can't really say I care too much about it, though.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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No, no, no, no, god no. The problem isn't that there isn't enough belts for them, the problem is that these women plainly suck so bad. NXT never even had a women's belt until recently and they've had them fighting and built to be just as important as men for quite sometime. THEN, they added the belt. Everyone besides AJ has exactly no substance at all. I'm sorry but one player not completely sucking out of a whole team doesn't really compel me to be interested.

I do agree though that recent developments might possibly be the beginning of something better. We'll just see what happens.

As has been said there roster isn't devoid of talent. Layla usually comes across very likable in person and doesn't embarrass herself in the ring (and is also crazy hot according to most on here) Alicia cares about her ringwork, if she can tone down the botches she can be an ok wrestler. Natalya's great obviously, Tamina's look can make her a nice monster heel... There's no great talents over there (NXT's is still much better) but a smart mind can do good things with the current divas imo.

Wasn't there a guy who made even a few things a talent does well get spotlighted? Oh, yeah, Paul Heyman... The guy who booked the original Knockouts division to stardom (before Bischoff and Hogan temporarily ruined it) is now Jack Swagger's manager. But if there was a serious attempt at reviving the Divas' division, would it work? The fans have been conditioned for so long to see "Divas" and have the sudden urge to piss. Is that going to change with better writing?

Also sure that Emma will do just fine on the main roster :dawg: Not so sure on the other ones.
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Lady Deathbane

thanks for the unban, lmao
Oct 4, 2012
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Bay Area 51, CA
I do know that a lot current divas do have skill and talent, but as for creative giving a shit about it? No way. There are far better uses for current divas, but no, they choose to make them suck, which is why I say they suck. Natalya is one of my favorites, but what is she doing now? Not wrestling, dating Khali and is going to be a main character in that god forsaken reality show.

And if the attempts to revising the division are consistently thriving, I wouldn't see why it wouldn't work. I mean, if they can do it on NXT, I'm sure there's some way to do it on the main roster. 'Course, that's me just being positive about that.