I was debating with a friend on whether or not Desmond WOfle has been wasted in TNA or not. I said yes he has and he said no that Desmond received a push and he has been used well. I think Wolfe has been wasted and should have gotton far more than what he has done. I think he should have at least went over Kurt Angle in one match last year. Then I think he should have joined fortune instead of Kaz. In my opinion, I think that he fits in better than Kaz because Kaz seems to goofy for fortune. So WOlfe should have been given a better push and I think a feud with The Pope or Anderson would have helped him get established as a solid upper mid card/Main Eventer. Plus if he was put and Fortune and was given the Television title instead of Aj that it would have helped him much more than it did AJ since AJ has already been established.