I mean I've got this quote here but already seen the flip and like 100 people saying exactly what I was gonna so I mean yeah
Also gonna say the same thing everyone else said, setup is not the same as character which was implied to be a factor. Also this doesn't look good in hindsight
How was I opposed to the banez wagon I don't think I ever said his name. Why are you suggesting false info?
I was around but never mentioned him was distracted by poy poys TRASH ace read
Have given, dunno why he gave out random names in it as I don't recall phenom being opposed either, or Alco really but I don't really remember Alco posting. The fact he put himself in their is odd, I'd want to say he used others as camoflauge but I mean that's super obvious when he's giving random names which can easily be proven false
Poyser making up for his garbage read though