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Sep 14, 2022
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With the third chapter of the DC Extended Universe confirmed to be serving as the introduction of mysticism and the occult to the DCEU. It wasn't a surprise when it was announced that the third chapter would culminate with a special Justice League Dark crossover event. Having already announced the castings of Zatanna (Ana De Armas), John Constantine (Dan Stevens), Swamp Thing (Aaron Eckhart), Blue Devil (Lee Pace), Etrigan (David Oyelowo) and Ragman (Josh Bowman). It isn't a surprise that the believed final member of this team announced is the character of Boston Brand aka Deadman. The character of Boston Brand is described as a talented acrobat who couldn't quite escape the sins of his past. Shown to be troubled and broken beneath an arrogant exterior, Boston's life would be forever changed following his death. As it would be an encounter with a mystical being that as part of his punishment he'd be forced to serve as a being designed for the betterment of others with his promise of peace being made once this mission was complete.

It is said that in a stark contrast from many of the DC Extended Universe's announced character castings so far. There was an originally planned actor for the role of Boston Brand who many have rumored to be Lucifer star Tom Ellis or the Boys' standout Jack Quaid. Unfortunately due to scheduling conflicts this would rule out the actor from the role just as production was beginning. The belief is because of this casting was very much kept to a select group of actors. While many of the names aren't confirmed or verified a few names we do know that did undergo talks or auditions for the role include Kingdom star Jonathan Tucker, The Walking Dead's Austin Nicols and Tom Payne. It is said however one name really stood out to producers and in this case Marvel's loss became the DCEU's gain.


With Steven Yuen of the Walking Dead fame long tabbed for the role of Sentry with the MCU. It was said that the DC Extended Universe for quite a time had to rule him out of consideration for roles despite being high on his talent. Yet now with Steven Yuen being confirmed to have been ruled out of contention for Sentry due to conflicts, the prospect of working with Yuen became possible for the DC Extended Universe. It was said to have started with just a couple of talks with Yuen before Yuen did a couple of readings and an audition for the character of Boston Brand. In these readings it was said that Yuen truly conveyed the character and troubled nature of Boston which more than showed him as someone capable of performing the role as writers intended.


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Sep 14, 2022
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Following the Justice League movie and our entry into the second chapter of the DC Extended Universe. There was a lot of questions about how this second chapter would begin relating to continuation with several of the first few films being designed to introduce new heroes. This changed however when in a surprising and uncredited appearance J'onn J'onnz aka Martian Manhunter (Sterling K Brown) appeared as part of the Justice League crossover film. Despite making his first appearance alongside already established characters such as Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman and the rest of the Justice League, the Martian Manhunter was shown to potentially be one of the groups leaders thanks to his calm and rational nature. Shown to be an incredibly wise individual who may appear cold to the outside world. It would be in glimpses through the Justice League film and more prevalent in his solo outing here that beneath J'onn's cold exterior there lied a kind and noble individual with some of the strongest will power shown throughout the DC Extended Universe today. However before we got to the J'onn J'onzz or from this point onwards John Jones of today. We first had to go back to where it all began as again we'd travel out to space and to the planet of Mars.

Long believed to be a planet capable of hosting life. It seems the stories about Mars was more than factual as we'd learn there was in fact not one alien species but two which inhabited the planet of Mars. Sadly these two species the Green Martians and the White Martians did not coexist. This civil war would be down to the differences in culture between the species. As while the Green Martians were a more peaceful species of philosophers. The White Martians were shown to be a primitive, savage species of martian. It was teased but never fully explained as to how these two species came to live on Mars with hints of them both being the same species who was genetically mutated. While this war raged on we'd see that the battle would seemingly never end and no side ever truly got the advantage on one another. This would be at least until the actions of John's own brother Ma'alefa'ak (Lamonica Garrett). For reasons not yet known Ma'alefa'ak from here known as Malefic had long been an outcast among his people. Embittered and angered by this being cast out Malefic would side with the White Martians and it would be his betrayal which helped turn the tide to the White Martians.

During this violent attack from the White Martians, we'd see numerous casualties claimed on both side. Tragically for John he'd suffer greatly during this attack as well as he'd find his wife and daughter slain during the battle. Having become aware of his brother's betrayal and holding him responsible for the death of his family, John would launch into a rage and look to fight his brother in a quest for revenge. This battle would be harsh and filled with animosity before an explosion triggered by the White Martians would careen John into space. The fall out from this triggered explosion would mean that for a time John would believe his home to be lost and his brother to be dead. However soon he'd have other things to occupy his mind. Badly weakened by the explosion John would be collected by a space pirate by the name of Captain Destiny. A privateer and smuggler who sells to the highest bidders across the galaxy it would be Captain Destiny who brought John to earth. This would be per an arrangement with a Dr. Saul Erdel (Elliot Cowan). While to the untrained eye Saul Erdel may seem like a respectable doctor but the truth was a lot darker than this beneath the surface.

Revealed to have a dark secret that he doubles as a sadistic serial killer known as Doctor Trapp. Shown to be fascinated by alien life and genetics. It seemed that Trapp took a delight in cutting into all manner of species and seeing just what laid beneath. Showing himself to be aware of alien life and also the war between the Green martians and white martians. It seemed that Trapp relished in his chance to see what made John tick. We'd soon learn exactly how Trapp gained this knowledge about the martians civil war as his ally and assistant would be introduced as a Green Martian known as D'Kay D'Razz (Thora Birch). Shown to be a notorious criminal who used the war as an attempt to escape captivity. D'Kay had little interest in the fall of his kind or helping one of her own. Instead she saw this arrangement with Trapp as something she could use to further her own ends. This would be shown in a later conversation between D'Kay and John where she made it clear that for now Erdel entertained her with his sadism. Plus while she was able to stay hidden using his sources for information, she'd never be discovered by the White Martians. However the one thing her and Saul didn't bank on was the extent of John's injuries. As Jones would begin to heal and regain his strength before he'd break free of their clutches.

Showing himself to be a pure coward when the pressure was on, Erdel would collapse clutching his chest as just having his power stripped from him caused him to enter cardiac arrest. In his last few moments Erdel would see D'Kay step over him as she looked to battle against John. This battle would rage on until a fire broke out through Erdel's lab. It was in this fire we'd see the green martians' weakness to fire being show with D'Kay in particular showing fear from this. John meanwhile having survived fires in the wars on Mars while still weakened by the fire wasn't fearful and this allowed him pray upon D'kay's fear and throw her into the flames killing the wanted criminal. Having seen the darker side of humanity John for many years after this would live in solitude as part of his human form. Taking on the name John Jones and living very much a quiet life at least until the events of Justice League. Seeing alien threats nearly bringing death to his home, John would choose to step back into action as the Martian Manhunter. In doing so and meeting this array of heroes it seemed that John would be inspired to step out from the shadows and use his own powers for good and the betterment of this world.

Of course while John's heroism throughout the Colorado area was noble. It would soon attract some unwanted attention. One of which would be a career criminal who found himself regularly a target of John's meddling by the name of Mark Miller (Angus Sampson). A career criminal and fairly low level thug Miller had seen many of his plans thwarted by the actions of this Green Martian. Realizing he was no match physically for the martian, Miller looked to give himself an edge and as luck would have it. Seeing that previously one escape he'd made had been added by a fire he started which made the martian vulnerable. Miller created himself some flame based weaponry and coined himself the moniker the Human Flame. As the Human Flame went on a crime spree across Denver, we'd see quite notably that he was in fact quite an inept criminal. This new weaponry however made him dangerous and the rampage he went on would attract attention. Not just from John however but also from a government agency known as the DEO. Short for the Department of Extranormal Operations, the DEO had been interested in the stories of the Green martian. Yet it would be witnessing John not only save the lives of many people and then defeat the Human Flame that truly drew the groups attention.

As we'd soon see however with the members of the DEO we'd be introduced to. Every member of the team very much brought their own characteristics and personalities to the field. Along with this they all bought their own agendas and motivations to the field of play. The first we'd meet would be that of Cameron Chase (Virginia Gardner). Described as a hot shot and rising star in the DEO, Cameron Chase would very much be described as a by the book agent who was intrigued by this Green Martian. It's said that Cameron very much wanted to meet the Martian not just for a professional reason but also for a more personal one as we'd later learn that her father was killed by Doctor Trapp. While Cameron Chase seemed convinced that the Martian was looking to help, not all her colleagues in the DEO shared her same levels of optimism. This would include her usual partner and mentor Mitchell Black/Sarge Steel (David Arquette). A jaded former detective with a military background. Sarge Steel was shown to be very much a man haunted by his past and a glass half empty kind of human being. Teased as perhaps also battling addiction, Steel seemed like someone who had the weight of the world on his shoulders and was looking for more to keep himself on the straight and narrow.

While Chase was more of a righteous presence and rising star and Sarge Steel contrasted her perfectly as the grizzled elder veteran. At least it could be said that both individuals were clearly on the right side. The next member of the DEO we'd meet would be Katarina Armstrong/Spysmasher (Lynn Collins). Shown to be a character who walks the line on a daily basis Spy Smasher is described as a former anti terrorism operative turned privateer willing to kill without hesitation. The final member we'd be introduced to and arguably the most questionable would Benjamin Lockwood/Agent Liberty (Sherman Augustus). A former operative for the CIA who was let go due to his extremist beliefs. Lockwood is someone who then started his own personal militia called the sons of liberty. Donning the moniker of Agent Liberty, Ben Lockwood for a time was atop of America's most wanted with his extremist behavior. This would be until he was recruited into the DEO with the promise of a full pardon by the DEO's director. One individual we'd not be introduced to at least right away was the director but it was quickly made apparent that he had a vested in John and the Green Martians.

Unfortunately with news of this new protector getting out there. It wouldn't take long for word of a Green Martian on earth to reach the White Martians. In particular Commander Blanx (Alicia Witt). Shown to be a ruthless, sociopath who had worked her way to the rank she had. Commander Blanx even by her people's definition had been noted for her viciousness. It wouldn't just be her however who was shown to take note of this as by her side would be Malefic. As we'd learn these two had come to form an alliance based on both being outcasts. Blanx due to her reputation and sadism while in Malefic's part was his inability to use his telepathy unlike many of his race. Formulating a plan to draw out this martian, Malefic would head to earth and take the name and appearance of the first human he encountered Leo Chandler. As we saw Malefic begin to witness and experience human culture we'd see his differences to his brother. Lacking the compassion and care that his brother shared, Malefic was shown to be an angry individual who was constantly shown to feel inferior. This inferiority is what caused him to turn against his people and his rage would only further this as he sought to be the last of his species.

Looking to draw out this member of his species but unaware of his relationship to this rogue martian. Malefic would begin to commit a series of crimes looking to draw him out. This would only magnify the search for John with the DEO looking to capture the martian. In a surprising move and what would later be described as a leap of faith John would walk through the doors of the DEO and turn himself in. This sent shockwaves through the DEO with each of the agents had their own reactions and thoughts about what should be done with John. Cameron Chase for example was willing to hear him out and listen to his side of the story while notably Lockwood wanted to condemn and execute John without hesitation. It would be here we'd meet another one of the team by the name of Katherine Spencer (Daisy Ridley). A former prosecutor who quit the law on seeing it's many fallacies to determining justice of her own, Kate Spencer used her former background to act as an interrogator for the DEO. Sitting down with John, Kate would put these skills to the test as she looked to gauge his guilt in her typical unbiased approach. While she did so however and soon become convinced that not only was John innocent of his accused crimes but also that he was here to help. Kate would soon be asked to leave the room.

This would be under the orders of the director of the DEO Mister Bones (Sharlto Copley). Believing it was finally worth unveiling himself to sit down and chat with the Martian Manhunter himself personally. Mister Bones was shown to be a chain smoking, suit wearing bureaucrat who showed little concern for John being able to read his thoughts. Shown to be a reformed villain who had worked hard to achieve his post. Mister Bones spoke honestly with John about his responsibilities to the DEO and how even now he finds himself wondering if he is on the right side of the equation. Yet every night despite the hard decisions he has made he finds peace with the times he is able to bring justice to the world and peace to the people he has sworn to protect. It is then that Bones makes a call and in would walk Captain Destiny. This would trigger an immediate response from John who remembered the trauma that Destiny had caused him previously. Apologetically Destiny admitted that he profited from Martian's pain. Calling himself a privateer who for a long time justified his bad work by sharing information with the DEO. Destiny reveals that recently his work with Blanx made him uncomfortable. This is why he is picking a side an looking to make amends. Allowing John to enter his mind, this would allow John to see that Destiny was genuine and also seemingly kicked off a partnership between John and the DEO.

With Director Bones allowing John a chance to save Earth and get revenge for his people. As John would begin to work alongside the rest of the DEO we'd begin to see him form a friendship with Cameron Chase and also a close bond with Katherine Spencer. While Sarge Steel was shown to also be also willing to work with John and learn from him. He was also candid with John that if the Martian's intentions were not pure he would have little issue in pulling the trigger. Spy Smasher meanwhile was shown to be intrigued by John and his capabilities while also envious of his abilities to blend in. Of the team the only one who was problematic was Lockwood believing that John wasn't to be trusted and was a threat. Showing himself to be a team player John would begin talking more with Captain Destiny and asked him to reach out to an old friend of his. One who he believed would be key to them stopping whatever threat that Blanx posed. Soon however John's team would have another interesting addition by the name of Daryl Weasel (Zach McGowan). Revealing himself to be a white martian named Till'All, Daryl said it was through Destiny that he got this life on earth and it was Daryl who provided extra information on Blanx and her mission. He also revealed that Blanx was well aware it was John but had hidden that information from Malefic. While John was dubious of Dayl, he'd soon find that Daryl's intentions were pure and that perhaps not all White Martians were villainous.

As the pair continued to talk Weasel would warn John of Agent Liberty conspiring against him. It would also be through Weasel that John began fully integrating himself with the alien communities through Colorado and this would put John in contact with M'Gann M'orzz aka Megan Morse (Naomi Scott). Shown to be another Green Martian living on Earth, John seemed over joyed to meet another of his kind. Yet Megan not wanting to lie to him would reveal that she was truly a White Martian who had long turned her back on her species. Despite their differences a close bond would be formed between the pair with Megan also wishing to stop Commander Blanx's attack. With these new aliens apart of the team and Daryl Weasel being offered a job with the DEO we'd see further anger from the xenophobic Ben Lockwood who believed that these were the aliens that threatened earth. Despite this Lockwood's warnings would fall on deaf ears as finally a ship led by Blanx would arrive on earth. However this should would be met on by Captain Destiny who per John's request had found and recruited the alien known as Jemm (Corey Reynolds) and his partner Cha'Rissa (Sarah Tomko).

With the arrival of these two powerful martians also on the scene and the combined force of the DEO. Daryl Weasel and Megan would appeal to the White martians in their human forms imploring them to turn down their weapons and surrender. Many of Blanx's forces would do so much to the commanders anger as she only coveted war. Megan would attempt to reach Blanx further but the irate Blanx refused to see a way that this would end in anyway other than conflict. Despite Blanx being on her own and her troops surrendering it seemed that any attempts of capture of Blanx were quickly foresaken as Lockwood without hesitation took the shot killing Blanx immediately. While Blanx was a threat this kill seemed unnecessary to some of Lockwood's DEO colleagues who felt that the commander's incarceration would have provided them with some valuable intel. Arguing that he made the right decision with Spencer and Chase, Lockwood would be thrown to the ground by Sarge Steel and sent back to the DEO headquarters while one confrontation remained between John and Malefic. Stunned at seeing one another in the flesh for the first time since their first conflict, it seemed now that John looked to reach his brother, wanting no more of their kind to die.

However Malefic was shown to be someone who was too far gone and he'd refuse John's attempts at reconciliation. During a short fight between the brothers we'd see John albeit with reluctance and at the cause of great despair be forced to kill Malefic and stop his blood lust once and for all. With Malefic defeated and the White martian threat for now ended we'd see Jemm reunite with John and the pair promise to look out for one another before in a tease Jemm mentioned that he may soon need to call on John for help. With that Jemm and Cha'Rissa would return home with the help of Captain Destiny. In the aftermath of this we'd learn that Daryl Weasel had fully accepted his role as a DEO agent and would be partnered with Spy Smasher. Despite his anger and prejudice Ben Lockwood would remain under the DEO banner having been reminded of the terms of his DEO service. Cameron Chase meanwhile would graduate her training and mentorship of Sarge Steel and become a fully fledged DEO agent.

Mister Bones meanwhile would offer John a role with the DEO but John would reject it at least for now instead wishing to continue finding his place with the world. In closing John would meet with Katherine Spencer with the pair developing a close friendship. Pulling some strings Katherine had gotten him a job in Middleton as a police officer. His final farewell with be with Megan who John had also formed a close personal bond and the pair would swear to keep in touch. The final scenes would show John in his first day as a Middleton police officer serving under the watchful eyes of Middleton police captain Daryl Harding (Kelly Rowland). While Harding informed John that she was aware of his real side she had kept that information confidential as it's not her story to tell before introducing John to his new partner Diana Meade (Dakota Fanning). Like John this was also Meade's first day on the force, shown be a nervous presence but one eager to carry out her duties, the pair would rush into action on receiving their first ever call!
J'onn J'onnz/Martian Manhunter ~ Played by Sterling K Brown
Cameron Chase ~ Played by Virginia Gardner
Mitchell Black/Sarge Steel ~ Played by David Arquette
Benjamin Lockwood/Agent Liberty ~ Played by Sherman Augustus
Katarina Armstrong/Spy Smasher ~ Played by Lynn Collins
Daryl Weasel/Till'All ~ Played by Zach McGowan
Commander Blanx ~ Played by Alicia Witt
Michael Miller/Human Flame ~ Played by Angus Sampson
Montgomery Moran/Captain Destiny ~ Played by Derek Wilson
M'gann M'orrz/Miss Martian ~ Played by Naomi Scott
Ma'alefa'ak/Malefic/Leo Chandler ~ Played by Lamonica Garrett
Robert Todd/Mister Bones ~ Played by Sharlto Copley
Katherine Spencer/Manhunter ~ Played by Daisy Ridley
D'Kay D'Razz ~ Played by Thora Birch
Jemm ~ Played by Corey Reynolds
Cha'Rissa ~ Played by Sara Tomko
Saul Erdel/Doctor Trap ~ Played by Elliott Cowan
Diana Meade ~ Played by Dakota Fanning
Daryl Harding ~ Played by Kelly Rowland
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Sep 14, 2022
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Three spin offs from Martian Manhunter film unveiled today!
In some exciting news revealed today following the premiere of the Martian. We now know that not only has a direct sequel from this film been confirmed and will see Sterling K Brown return to the screen as the character of John Jones aka Martian Manhunter. But we also will receive further expansion on the world around Martian Manhunter with three spin offs confirmed today. This will not only include another film but also one TV miniseries and a special TV event. The confirmed spin offs and their details have been listed below.
Hello Megan - Miss Martian Film
The first spin off confirmed will be a feature film which will focus on the story of M'gann M'orzz aka Megan Morse (Naomi Scott). This story will tell of what caused Megan to shun her White Martian nature and alter her appearance to become a Green Martian. On top of this we will see Megan's early days on earth and her reunion with Till'All (Zach McGowan). It is also believed that D'Kay D'razz (Thora Birch) will be appearing as part of this story along with Captain Destiny (Derek Wilson) while we know that a character known as the Persuader will be the stories antagonist.

Rings of Saturn - Jemm and Cha'Rissa Television Special
The second spin off will tell the story of Saturnians Jemm (Corey Reynolds) and Cha'Rissa (Sara Tomko). This will be the story of the races and the civil war between their people which was triggered during the Martian conflict. Despite being on opposite sides of the war Jemm and Cha'Rissa would come together in an effort to unite their people. However this union would meet some resistance by those not content with peace. Including one confirmed character known as Commander Synn who is believed to be plotting against the entire affair. We can confirm that Captain Destiny will also be appearing in this special.

Department of Extranormal Operations - Miniseries
Finally a miniseries has been confirmed to be focusing on the goings on of the DEO. Led by Mister Bones (Sharlto Copley), this government agency has long focused on the extranormal and threats to the earth. Currently comprised of Manhunter (Daisy Ridley), Cameron Chase (Virginia Garnder), Sarge Steel (David Arquette), Spy Smasher (Lynn Collins), Till'All (Zach McGowan) and Agent Liberty (Sherman Augustus). We will see this group band together as several new recruits for the DEO are sworn in including Nemesis and Damon Matthews.
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Sep 14, 2022
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Quiver Cast fully confirmed

With the Martian being released to overall positive reviews despite some mixed response to it's lot. It has been confirmed of course that the next point of action for the DC Universe's rebirth is Quiver: The Oliver Queen story. With the plot being confirmed already for this Green Arrow story we know that Alexander Ludwig will be starring in the titular role while also making her debut as part of the story will be Blake Lively's Black Canary. With the majority of the cast already announced, there was only a select few names held back including the believed main antagonist.


Bruce Greenwood as Robert Queen
The husband of Moira Queen and father of Oliver Queen. Robert Queen is described as a business magnate and the head of his own company. Said to be quite the unscrupulous business mind, Robert Queen isn't one to let emotions cloud his judgement when it comes to business. Yet it would be an attempt to bring his son into the family business which would lead to the fateful journey which saw Robert and his Son on the Queen's Gambit during it's final voyage.


Rinko Kikuchi as Shado
A mysterious woman who Oliver Queen meets on Starfish Island. It is said that the woman known as Shado was the daughter of a disgraced Yakuza captain and was banished on the island for a lifetime of servitude. Said to be a skilled archer and martial artist, Shado is described as one of Oliver's mentors and a true confidant on the island who he grows close to in the years spent on it.


Laz Alonzo as John Diggle
A former military man who is currently one of Queen Consolidated personal security detail. John Diggle is a man who is personally assigned to watch over Oliver Queen on his return home and to ensure the playboy keeps out of trouble. It's said that while Diggle may have some negative thoughts and feelings towards Oliver in the early goings, he will soon grow into becoming one of Oliver's most trusted allies.


Alexis Knapp as Felicity Smoak
A highly intelligent woman and a member of Queen Consolidated computer research program. Felicity Smoak is very much seen as a rising star through the company who's idealistic nature has at times held her back. Thanks to her quirky personality, Felicity is a popular member of staff who quickly becomes a close personal friend of both Oliver Queen and John Diggle.


Keanu Reeves as Malcolm Merlyn
The business partner of Robert Queen, Malcolm Merlyn is very much described as a man cut from a similar cloth when it comes to the ruthless business approaches employed by Robert Queen. This includes Merlyn having himself positioned as the head of his friend's company when Robert Queen goes missing an is believed to be dead. When Oliver returns to the company his father built, it is said that Merlyn himself personally tries to mentor Oliver in the smarter plays in business.


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Sep 14, 2022
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With the beginning of beginning of Chapter Two of the DC's rebirth beginning with the story of the Martian Manhunter. The second film in this sequence was quite the stark contrast to the sci fi elements of the Martian. For this second film would tell quite the grounded coming of age tale of Oliver Queen (Alexander Ludwig) and his journey from spoiled, rich kid to protector of Star City. When this story would begin we'd see Oliver Queen at his most obnoxious. Shown to be a careless, spoiled playboy with little regard for the consequences of his actions. Having lived a life of leisure and one where he was silver spoon fed, it was said by many that deep down Oliver was a nice guy but one who'd been clouded by this life of fortune. Shown to always be one for a party it would be one party too many which would forever alter and change Oliver's life forever. As it would be on a voyage of his family yacht which would alter the course of his life forever. This voyage would be a tight nit affair arranged by Oliver's father Robert Queen (Bruce Greenwood). For most part it was said that Robert Queen was cold hearted businessman and someone who many would call a dispassionate man. His relationship with his son was always one of discontentment with Robert never truly approving of Oliver and his behavior while also seemingly keeping his son at an arm's length.

On this night however things seemed a little different with Robert and his son. It seemed on this night that Robert Queen genuinely wanted to reach Oliver and connect with his son. Admitting that like Oliver there was a time when he like Oliver had allowed the high life to lead him astray. Robert Queen says that he sees Oliver as someone who is a lot like himself. That deep down Oliver wants to do good and the mistakes he's made will mold the man he becomes later in life. During this chat we'd learn that it was Robert who sent Oliver's sister to boarding school in the hopes that she takes a different path to him and the one which Oliver is bordering on. Just as it seemed that Robert was about further share with his son, there would be a series of bangs and crashes. With panicked people rushing all across the vessel and screams sounding out it would soon become apparent that something had gone wrong with the yacht on it's journey. Realizing the trouble they was potentially in Robert Queen looked to save his son Oliver at all costs. Heading to the life rafts and finding only one left, Robert Queen would make sure that not only was his son in the raft but that his life preserver was properly equipped. However when they went to release it from the ship they'd find the raft's release had been tampered with. Despite Oliver insisting on going Robert would force his son to stay in the raft as he hopped back onto the ship. Putting his strength in pushing the raft from the ship, Robert would see the raft hit the water but before he could jump off the ship himself an explosion would trigger claiming his life in an instant.

Distraught at the death of his father and seemingly being lost at see. Oliver Queen would contemplate giving up and throwing in the towel. However he'd be confronted with the reality that his father had died trying to save him and just giving up would throw that away. Paddling without a direction or location in sight Oliver gave it his all that night in order to survive until he'd wash
ashore on Starfish Island. Oliver quickly notices another raft is on the island and soon he'd be reunited with his father's chief of security Hackett (Tom Wakeling). Unfortunately this wouldn't be a warm reunion as Oliver may have expected as he'd find Hackett would be joined by several armed individuals from the Island. Quickly Oliver would be knocked out by Hackett before he'd come around in a small cell with Hackett waiting for him. It wouldn't take Hackett long to explain that no one was supposed to survive what he did to the ship. Telling Oliver that he'll come to wish he died on that boat. Hackett seemed intent to make Oliver suffer for reasons which at first weren't entirely explained. As we'd come to find however Starfish Island wasn't the uninhabited dessert island it may have appeared to be. Instead this island was a front for a drug operation by Hackett's employer Chien Na Wei aka China White (Summer Glau).

Along with the drugs lab were the field where enslaved workers were forced to pick seeds for the operation. Worked to the brink under the threat of death it appeared that Hackett took quite a sadistic pleasure in making Oliver work alongside them. As we'd learn the reason for Hackett's aggression to Oliver was down to his survival and the overall failute of his mission. While Oliver himself wasn't considered a threat by China White, she wasn't impressed that there was even one survivor from Hackett's plot. Suffering repeated beatings and acts of torture from Hackett, many of the workers would keep a distance from Oliver in the hopes of not attracting the same treatment. One person however who went against this was a woman known as Taiana (Maria Dragus). Shown to be fully aware of who Oliver Queen was, Taiana would help care for Oliver after several vicious attacks by Hackett, During one in which Oliver was left for dead after Taiana would leave her post and help a wounded Oliver escape into the jungle. After tending to Oliver's wounds and leaving Oliver with water, Taiana would implore Oliver to escape and send help back for them. When asked why she would help him and why she'd go back. Taiana would reveal how her and her brother were captured and forced into slavery by China White. Sadly her brother would die because of men like Hackett. Saying she won't abandon the others and leave them to their fates. Taiana hopes that Oliver can be the match which lights the flame.

With Taiana returning to her post and Oliver believed to be dead, time would begin to pass as Oliver looked to survive and find a way off the island. Unfortunately due to his life of luxury and leisure it wasn't quite easy for Oliver to survive on his own. However soon Oliver would soon find an unexpected ally, albeit one who nearly killed him when he first met her. This would be our introduction to the character of Shado (Rinko Kikuchi). We would learn that Shado had long been exiled to this island following the death of her father who was a high ranking Yakuza. Believed to have been double crossed by China White, Shado has spent the majority of her life on Starfish Island waiting for her chance to get revenge. While perhaps not having much faith in him, Shado would agree to train and mentor Oliver Queen in the hopes of having an accomplice. Over time with this training we'd see Oliver become a skilled archer and steadily earn the respect of Shado. Along with this a connection between the pair would begin to form as the duo acted on the chemistry they shared with one another. On one night in which the pair staked out the operation Oliver would see Hackett and some of his men torturing Taiana and others. Having experienced this brutality himself Oliver couldn't hang back and he'd launch an attack on the operation. Despite her misgivings Shado would aid Oliver in doing so and the pair would start an uprising with many of the prisoners fighting back against their captors.

Thanks to Taiana, Oliver would free many of the prisoners and in doing so he'd meet one Edward 'Eddie' Fyers (Sean Pertwee). A former government agent turned mercenary who had been brought to the island for a mission, Fyers would find his men killed and himself held captive and tortured for information. Shown to be someone who very much walked on both sides of the line Eddie Fyers would be someone that Oliver quickly found he had to be wary of at all times. With the release of Fyers, the battle would fully turn to the favor of the hostages with Fyers personally being the one to kill Hackett. With China White's forces defeated, Fyers would manage to locate a helicopter used by China White's people to get to and from the island. Willing to pilot the helicopter and get them off of the island Fyers would extend this offer to many of the captives. Surprisingly however Shado, Taiana and a lot of the captives would instead choose to stay believing that they could start a new life afresh on Starfish island away from the evils of the world. After a farewell with Shado and Taiana, Oliver would climb into the helicopter with Fyers and the pair would agree to create a cover story for Oliver in order to protect everyone on the island.

This story would involve Oliver being washed up at sea with little memory of where he was before he'd wash up on a fishing trawler. With this story Fyers would be able to go underground as well from his previous employers. However the pair would make an agreement that should Oliver ever be in need of help, Fyers would help him as a thank you for helping him make his escape. Returning to his home of Star City it wouldn't take long for people to notice that in all his years away from the island that Oliver was now a different person. Humbled, quieter and now focused on the betterment of his city. Oliver's changes didn't go unnoticed by his mother Moira Queen (Paige Turco). On his return to the city Oliver would quickly look to honor his father by applying for a role with Queen Consolidated. While Oliver would look to make these professional moves he'd also look to make some personal ones. This would be thanks to a little gift from Eddie Fyers and his intelligence network which told Oliver that China White had a grasp on the Star City underworld. With a purpose to save his city Oliver would learn that China White's power in Star City came from her alignment with local crime boss Ricardo Diaz aka The Dragon (Shemar Moore). A violent and disciplined criminal who has highly trained himself in martial arts. Diaz is a man who commands fear across Star City with a grasp in many ways reminiscent to Hackett on the island.

As he watched and studied everything he could Oliver would design a costume similar to what he wore in the comics as part of the Green Arrow Rebirth storyline. Armed with the bow he'd brought with him from the island. Oliver's first move under the guise of the Green Arrow would take a different turn. Thanks to intelligence we'd learn that was provided to him by the dossier that Fyers gave him. Oliver found himself a potential way into the organization by way of a low level member known as John Diggle (Laz Alonzo). A former solider who had returned to Star City following the death of his brother overseas. Looking to provide for his family and also his brother's family on top of this. A desperate John Diggle would turn to crime. Making sure he wasn't involved in anything violent or at harm to other, all Diggle really would be is a glorified watcher or security guard and because of this moral compass Oliver saw someone who he could work with. Their first encounter however wouldn't be the most harmonious as Oliver on confronting Diggle would be forced to fight against the Soldier. Believing this hooded vigilante to be a banger Diggle fought hard only for Oliver to disarm him.

Revealing his knowledge of Diggle throughout the fight to catch him off guard. Oliver after disarming and knocking Diggle down would begin to tell him of his plan. Being candid with Oliver about how much he hates this life but sadly no one is in a rush to hire the former soldier. Wanting to help Diggle, Oliver says he will trust Diggle if Diggle is willing to trust him. Oliver would soon prove himself to be a man of his word as he'd personally ensure John Diggle to be apart of his circle as his paid bodyguard. This money would help Diggle's situation overnight and he'd be able to leave his life of crime in return. Along with gaining an ally Oliver gained a source of information not just relating to Diaz and his criminal enterprise but he'd also gain John's military knowledge and tactics which further helped improve Oliver's combat abilities. The addition of Diggle would also appease the concern Moira had for her son following his return from the island noticing that the Oliver who came back was very different from the Oliver she had previously. Settling into this new way of life Oliver would also connect with a member of the Queen Consolidated board of directors Zehra Darvish (Shohreh Aghdashloo). A friend of his fathers and a reputable businesswoman in her own right, Zehra would prove to be quite a positive professional influence on Oliver.

On top of Zehra mentoring him, Oliver would also be appointed an assistant by the name of Adrien Rivers (Cassie Scerbo). Unlike Zehra however Adrien wasn't someone thrilled to be working with the latest in the line of the Queen Family. Shown to be cold hearted and intent on keeping a distance, Adrien wouldn't hide that she considered her roll as a baby sitter for Oliver and as we'd later learn this was quite applicable as she had in fact been tasked to keep tabs on Oliver Queen. This wouldn't be the only new associate Oliver would make however and in a similar facet to Zehra, Oliver would be introduced to Stanley Dover (Robert John Burke). A kindly and charitable businessman who claimed to be an old friend of Robert Queen, Stanley Dover in some ways appeared like a potential father figure for Oliver as he told him of stories of Oliver's father. Talking about how Robert Queen loved this city, Stanley said that Robert like himself understood sometimes it's the hardest decision in the world to do what is right for one's city. But above all else when it comes to home, those you love and you family there should be no exception. With Stanley Dover being a potential valuable ally, Oliver felt like he could do with all the friends possible.

Slowly entering the field as the Green Arrow with John Diggle on occasion assisting him. Oliver would make small moves against some of Ricardo Diaz's operation. It would be through Diggle that Oliver learned of Francis Doran (Brady Pierce). Doran was the right hand man of Diaz and as we learn he was a former military man himself who was in fact partly responsible for Diggle joining Diaz's fold. While Oliver may have been looking to do good however his actions were far from celebrated through the city. With many of the police and those in power may have looked down their nose at a vigilante in the city. One ally Oliver would also find would be a star city police detective named Mack Morgan (Joseph Gordon Levitt). Very much a straight arrow who had grown disheartened at what had become of his city. While he in the past may not have been someone who would have supported a vigilante or anyone taking the law in their own hands. Morgan quickly formed a kinship with the Green Arrow and their shared beliefs on saving this city. Despite Oliver's focus being primarily on China White and her operation, Mack would actually personally request some help with a case which had his attention. This being a serial killer known as the Star City Slayer. To Oliver's surprise Mack would say he had been of the theory that the Star City Slayer was an affluent member of society with connections. Believing this to be why a serial killer has gotten away with his crimes for decades, Mack admits for a time he thought that it was in fact Robert Queen.

This would shake Oliver as he perhaps started to wonder if there was a lot more to his father than would meet the eye. Morgan mentioned that the Slayer has gotten away with his crimes for a long time with investigations and wants to broadcast these crimes further quickly curtailed. Despite being shaken by this revelation that perhaps his father wasn't the man he thought he was Oliver would agree to look into the Star City Slayer. As he continued to gain allies and friends in this course, Oliver soon perhaps gained one of his most valuable assets while he was in the field as well as closest confidants. As during one tour through Queen Consolidated hosted by Zehra, Oliver would step in on a heated confrontation between employees Felicity Smoak (Alexis Knapp) and Henry Fyff (Rohan Campbell). With Fyff being the aggressor over what boiled down to unwelcome advances, Oliver who had until this point shied away from using his family name would step in and intervene. Lashing out Fyff would attempt to strike Oliver only to be quickly taken down by Queen before John Diggle escorted Fyff out of the building. This would start a close bond between Oliver and Felicity as Oliver gained a close confidant as well as someone who was a skilled technician and hacker. Despite his best attempts to keep his activities quiet Oliver soon found it was hard to keep some as determined, intelligent and fiery as Felicity at arms length.

However when he did tell Felicity of his identity, Oliver would find himself with a loyal ally and confidant who he could trust just as much as John Diggle. With Felicity working behind the scenes thanks to her computer abilities this would allow Diggle at times to step into the field and help Oliver when he could. Meanwhile Oliver would talk with the pair about the Star City Slayer and what Mack Morgan believed. Using the information given and the research Oliver had provided soon Felicity would find some shocking news. That Oliver had been lied to and that Stanley Dover wasn't a friend of Robert Queen. In fact Stanley Dover was a man who had long been suspected of numerous crimes from his past. Having used his connections to cover up a multitude of his crimes it was clear based on his MO that Dover was the Star City Slayer. An enraged Oliver would suit up and he'd confront Stanley Dover about his crimes. Angered at someone who he felt he could trust betraying him, Oliver would only be met with laughs by Dover who couldn't believe the Arrow's gullibility in trusting him. Saying that he knows fully well about who Oliver is and what he has become since the island. Dover calls this a beautiful moment of pure honesty with two men who fully know who one another is. Saying that Oliver maybe the first Queen he actually respects, finally Oliver would begin to ask in the face of these comments just what was wrong with his family.

Laughing at the naivety that Oliver has displayed out of loyalty to his family and the belief that his father's sacrifice made him a good man. Dover called the Queen family a big reason for the state of Star City. Citing his mother turning a cold blind eye to the sins of his father, Stanley Dover would allude to corruption and infidelity not to mention ties to organized crime. Dover claims that it was because of Robert Queen that people like China White came into power in this city. He calls politicians like Jack Major (Ken Leung) puppets for those truly in power. With Dover continuing to taunt him over his actions and make it clear that he'll never be stopped. It would be here that we'd see a clear differential in the Green Arrow character than we had in the likes of Batman, Superman, The Flash and others. This being that while Oliver may not wish to do so there are times when the Green Arrow is willing to kill. He may not be comfortable with it but would do so out of necessity and in this case realizing that Stanley Dover because of his power and influence would never be stopped. However he wouldn't do so without prompting as Dover perhaps knowing this fact would draw a knife and look to kill Oliver only to have Oliver force the blade into Dover's chest. Sadly with the death of a prominent figure like this it seemed to further the narrative of the vigilante not being a good thing for the city.

Meeting with Mack Morgan and telling him everything Dover said about the rot in this city and how he'd never be trapped. Morgan would sadly state that Star City maybe in ruin but he will not stop doing whatever he can to save this city. Following this Oliver would return to Felicty and Diggle and the group would talk about the death of Dover. While Diggle was more understanding Felicity herself took a little time to get around this. However eventually even Felicity would acknowledge she could sleep a little easier knowing someone like Stanley Dover was no longer out there in the city. While this went on we'd see Adrien Rivers in between her reporting on Oliver's every move go out of her way to visit Henry Fyff. Revealed to be working secretly for someone Adrien would offer Henry a chance to get back into Queen Consolidated and a chance to get some revenge against Queen and Felicity. The film would then take a slight twist as we'd cut to Ricardo Diaz's hideout and we'd see a masked archer attack the operation. Fighting with a brutality and a much different style than we'd seen from the Green Arrow, this archer wouldn't wound but instead maim or kill all those who got in his path. While Diaz narrowly managed to flee, he'd see his right hand man Francis Doran shot down and killed by this archer which would enrage Diaz.

Meeting with China White, the angered Diaz wanted blood and revenge. However China White would advise him that now is not the time to be rash or hasty. This would be our first show of friction between the pair and we'd later see Diaz intimidate Jack Major into putting it out there that the vigilante is evil and a killer hoping to start a manhunt. With these actions and the munitions being ordered in it became clear that Diaz was looking for blood. With this news out there, Felicity would manage to get footage of the attack and Diggle would warn Oliver of this new player in the city. Despite the evidence of numerous bodies being dropped it would seem that Mack Morgan's belief in the Arrow wouldn't falter. Looking for more information, Oliver would reach out to Eddie Fyers with this footage. Warning Oliver that this is an assassin known only as the Dark Archer, Eddie Fyers would state that the Dark Archer is someone who isn't to be taken lightly. Agreeing to come to Star City as per his promise to Oliver, Eddie Fyers would bring munitions with him in order to help Oliver and Diggle. Knowing they were up against things, they agreed to focus on one issue at a time and looked to stop Ricardo Diaz and his reign first. While keeping his identity secret, Oliver would offer Morgan a chance to join this off the book operation and Morgan would eventually agree.

Knowing that Diaz's operation is in a location known as the Glades, The Arrow would be joined in the field by John Diggle who would go under the moniker of Freelancer. It would be teased however that soon Diggle would have his own costume and codename as would Felicity. Storming the Glades and the warehouse that Diaz and his soldiers had taken hold in. Oliver and his team would use stun grenades and non lethal weaponry to defeat and disarm many of his soldiers. While Oliver went in search of Diaz, Morgan and Diggle would find hidden inside of a room would be a trapdoor and on opening it they'd find a woman who had been imprisoned. Helping the woman out of her chains and reuniting her with her gear she would introduce herself as Laurel Lance aka Black Canary (Blake Lively). Having been drugged and left unable to speak for a long time, Black Canary on being reunited with her gear would help combat Diaz's men and had Diggle and Morgan stand behind her as she took out several of Diaz's men with the Canary Cry. Weakened from her treatment Canary would collapse to a knee and Morgan and Diggle would agree she needed to go to hospital. Oliver through comms would tell them to take her before he'd confront Ricardo Diaz.

Having waited patiently for the Green Arrow, Ricardo Diaz would toss his guns aside and remove his shirt. Believing himself to be a pure fighter and warrior, Diaz said it was time to settle things and in turn Oliver would put down his bow. What followed would be a back and forth fight between the pair as we'd see Oliver's growth in hand to hand combat continue as he held his own with a highly experienced and seasoned fighter. Before a winner could be claimed however Ricardo Diaz would be shot directly in the chest by an arrow from the Dark Archer who appeared out of the shadows. As Diaz fell to his knees and then onto his back before succumbing to his injury Oliver would try for his bow only to have it shot out of his hands by the Archer who was instantly shown to be faster on the draw. Standing before the Arrow, the Dark Archer said nothing as instead he'd remove his hood. On doing so the Dark Archer would be revealed to be none other than Malcolm Merlyn (Keanu Reeves). A member of Queen Consolidated and a friend of Robert Queen for decades, Malcolm says that he and Oliver need to talk but he'd much rather that they do so in more appropriate circumstances. Inviting Oliver to talk at Queen Consolidated it would be here that Malcolm revealed there was little choice in the matter as we'd see Adrien Rivers now fully showing which side she was on holding Felicity at Gun Point.

Warned to come alone and to be there in an hour. Merlyn then made his leave while Oliver contacted John Diggle. Making Diggle aware of what has gone on, Oliver said he would have to go this alone for the sake of Felicity and asked Diggle to make sure Laurel is safe. Heading to Queen Consolidated, Oliver would be surprised to find the whole office building evacuated while Henry Fyff relished in letting Oliver know he had full control of the security systems. Using the power and lights to light Oliver a path to his father's old office. Oliver would be surprised to find Malcom Merlyn seated waiting for him. Telling Oliver to take a seat, Malcolm says he has asked him to come here on civilized terms so that they can talk because he wants Oliver to understand what is actually going on and why this is happening. Calling this a genuinely regretful situation and one which he personally would have rather avoided because he genuinely considered Robert a friend. Malcolm revealed that it was actually he who started this company with his money and had Robert Queen be the face of the operation. Admitting since then they both profited off of this arrangement at the extent of the city. Malcolm admits that Robert and Moira to an extent may have known things weren't right with this operation but they never knew the full truth of what was going on here.

Stating that this whole situation was one out of necessity as he needed to disappear and fast. While Robert Queen direly needed someone to support his vision. Revealing his real name to be Arthur King and stating that he had changed his identity after serving for years under the League of Assassins. Stating that there is no leaving the League until death, Malcolm reveals that he was in fact excommunicated from the league and when that happens you are marked for death. There is no statute of limitations on that either, so he needed to rebrand himself and become a new man. While the League always knew him as a showman and a magician of sorts. Merlyn says the real trick was killing Arthur King and having Malcolm Merlyn rise from the ashes. This is why he took a role as a silent partner on the board. Saying that things had been fine for a long, long time until Robert began to grow concerned with the legacy he was leaving. Calling the decision to have Robert Queen killed one of the hardest choices of his life but not as hard as condemning his innocent son to death also. Merlyn said he did all of this to appease China White, for while on her own he knows he has the upper hand. Thanks to her connections she has always been dangerous and a threat to his identity. This is why he killed Robert Queen to keep things running smoothly between them but the one thing he didn't count on was Oliver surviving and becoming the Green Arrow.

Angered at Hackett for not going with the plan they'd agreed. Merlyn says that because of Oliver's antics as an archer there are a lot of eyes on this city that there once wasn't. This is thanks in part to China White. This is why in order to survive Malcolm now has to make another harsh decision and that decision is what to do with Oliver Queen. Admitting that he could have killed him several times since his return to Star City, Malcolm admits that the reason he hasn't done so partly is because of his fondness for Robert and also partly down to how impressed he is with what Oliver has accomplished so far. This is why in League tradition Malcolm has called him here to give him the respect of being put down in a formal challenge. Warning Oliver that refusal will make things unpleasant for all those Oliver has aligned himself, Oliver says he will only agree if they let Felicity go. Nodding his head in agreement Malcolm agrees to these turns which angers Henry Fyff. Fyff's protests however are quickly cut short when Adrien Rivers showing her true nature shoots him dead before telling Felicity she can go. Heading to the roof of Queen Consolidated Oliver and Merlyn face off as the sun begins to rise above Star City. Both men armed with their bows of choice, Oliver quickly impresses Merlyn with a few quick draws.

Praising Oliver for his skills and admitting that perhaps he under estimated Oliver Queen's abilities as a bowman. Merlyn and Oliver would then engage in some close hand to hand combat and sadly here the differences would be more apparent. Merlyn with his experience and training would badly outclass and bloody Oliver while John Diggle and Mack Morgan rushed to the scene. As they entered Queen Consolidated, neither man would notice Adrien Rivers making a swift and sharp exit from the building. Meanwhile Merlyn looking to end things after ground Oliver would return to his bow and look to claim the grace. As he'd turn and fire at Oliver he'd be surprised to see Oliver had also managed to get his own bow and fire an arrow of his own. The two arrows would collide and shockingly some shrapnel from this would cut Malcolm's throat. As Merlyn collapsed to the ground bleeding out from his wound, Oliver would rush over to Merlyn an try and stop the bleeding. Joined by Mack Morgan who by this point had called for back up. Oliver and Morgan ignored Merlyn's please to let him die as they agreed he had to see justice for everything he had done. Telling the Arrow to flee, Morgan promised that he had this and would be sure to tell everyone he was a hero.

With the arrest and exposure of Malcolm Merlyn being out there it would seem that a cleansing process would take part through the city. As we'd see the mayor of Star city Jack Major be escorted out in handcuffs along with many police officers and officials who were under Merlyn's pay role. Because of this former mayor Thomas Bolt (Boris McGiver) would be reinstated to his former post and praised the efforts of the Green Arrow and his attempts to clean up Star City. Secretly however as we'd learn Bolt was just another pawn in China White's game. This would be shown in a meeting which took place between Bolt, Moira Queen, China White and Adrien Rivers as they spoke of bringing down the Arrow. Moira who had been revealed to be fully aware of Robert's criminal behavior was shown not to know of her son's identity as China White closed this scene by saying she knows exactly who to hire. With that the final scene of the film would see a toast between Oliver Queen, Mack Morgan, John Diggle, Eddie Fyers and Felicity Smoak as they said there was still work to be done before they'd be joined by Laurel Lance who offered to help them in her mission. Following the credits we'd see a stunning shot a deceased Malcolm Merlyn in his jail cell with a sword put through his chest as the League had finally handed it's justice.
Oliver Queen/Green Arrow ~ Played by Alexander Ludwig
Laurel Lance/Black Canary ~ Played by Blake Lively
Moira Queen ~ Played by Paige Turco
Robert Queen ~ Played by Bruce Greenwood
Malcolm Merlyn/Arthur King/Dark Archer ~ Played by Keanu Reeves
Shado ~ Played by Rinko Kikuchi
John Diggle ~ Played by Laz Alonzo
Felicity Smoak ~ Played by Alexis Knapp
Mack Morgan ~ Played by Joseph Gordon Levitt
Edward Fyers ~ Played by Sean Pertwee
Hackett ~ Played by Mark Wakeling
Taiana ~ Played by Maria Dragus
Francis Doran ~ Played by Brady Pierce
Ricardo Diaz/The Dragon ~ Played by Shemar Moore
Chien Na Wei/China White ~ Played by Summer Glau
Stanley Dover/Star City Slayer ~ Played by Robert John Burke
Jack Major ~ Played by Ken Leung
Thomas Bolt ~ Played by Boris McGiver
Henry Fyff ~ Played by Rohan Campbell
Zehra Darvish ~ Played by Shohreh Aghdashloo
Adrien Rivers ~ Played by Cassie Scerbo


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Following the release of the Green Arrow solo film Quiver which has thus far been met with positive reviews on it's more grounded tone. We can confirm that a sequel to Quiver has already been put in motion and the film has been entitled The Sound of Violence. While plot details still remain scarce we know that this film will feature the introduction of Slade Wilson aka Deathstroke (Brad Pitt) to the DC Extended Universe. In some exciting news however that's not just the only continuation from Quiver as we know of another film added to the DC Extended Universe's board as well as a Television special.

Island of Scars ~ Television Special
While Oliver Queen (Alexander Ludwig) may have made his escape from Starfish Island. He did so while agreeing to never speak of the Island and let Shado (Rinko Kikuchi) and the other survivors live in peace. Unknown to Oliver, Eddie Fyers (Sean Pertwee) hasn't been as content to put the island behind him as he'd make frequent visits to the island with supplies. Unfortunately as we'll come to find while the operation led by China White may have been dismantled. A rival faction known as SCYTHE soon begins to make their present felt. It has been confirmed that actor Matt Dillon has signed on to appear in an antagonistic role.

New Wings ~ Black Canary solo film
Having been introduced as part of Quiver. We now know that not only will Laurel Lance/Black Canary (Blake Lively) be appearing in the Sound of Violence. But that she will also be featuring in her own solo film. This will not only tell what led to her capture by Ricardo Diaz (Shemar Moore) but also tie into present day. It is rumored that this film may also serve to introduce the Dinah Drake iteration of the Black Canary also. Joining the cast for this film will be actresses Samara Weaving and Bella Thorne as well in a slight Cobra Kai reunion actors William Zabka, Sean Kanan and Martin Kove.
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Sep 14, 2022
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With two films down in this second chapter of the DC expanded Universe. This next film has been described as perhaps one of it's boldest and most ambitious projects yet. Described in some ways as a love story which defies time, but sadly as is the case with many love stories there is also tragedy. Pulled apart by forces out of their control, this tragic tale will tell the story of strangers pulled together for reasons they can't quite explain standing together in the face of pure evil. This film of course will see Jamie Dornan and Alicia Vikander star in the titular roles of Hawkman and Hawkwoman and as we know will introduce Benicio Del Toro's Vandal Savage to the DC Extended Universe.


Diego Boneta as Hektor Hol/Silver Scarab
Again with this movie described as something which traverse time and timelines. Hektor Hol is described as a young man who works alongside North Wind as her second in command. Said to be fully aware of the dangers that Hath-Set poses to the world and his agenda for Carter/Shiera. Hektor loyally serves his purpose to protect the Legacy the of the Hawks.

Willa Fitzgerald as Kendra Saunders
With this story being one which traverses many time lines. In an interesting casting we can confirm that Kendra Saunders will be making an appearance in this Hawkman/Hawk woman tale. Described as a troubled young woman who truly has found herself hitting rock bottom. It is as Kendra's life truly hits rock bottom that forces out of her control alter her life for good.

Michael Fassbender as Anton Hastor
Doctor Anton Hastor, Described as a medical researcher who has long had questions raised relating to his less than ethical methods. Anton Hastor is said to be someone who is a love rival for Shiera Sanders. Shown to be a jealous and possessive individual, this side of him makes him an easily manipulated pawn in Vandal Savage's game as he recognizes Hastor as the lastest in a long line of a dark lineage.

Kristen Stewart as Larissa Diaz/Copperhead
While many know of the assassin known as Copperhead and describe a male. It appears that the Copperhead may not be one individual directly and rather a collective as a ruthless female assassin known as Copperhead is making her presence felt. An assassin for hire who is an excellent markswoman and agile hand to hand combat specialist. Copperhead's main specialty however is in her toxins and venoms which she utilizes to full effect in combat.

Joseph Marcell as Nabu
A powerful being who is described as a lord of order in the universe. Said to be a stoic, unsympathetic presence who only seeks to keep order. Nabu is someone who shares a storied history with Hawkman having been an ally of his back in egypt. It is said that while Nabu for most part is stoic and uncaring overall. He does show some respect and at times friendliness to Hawkman and Hawkwoman.

Omar J Dorsey as George Emmett
The police commissioner of Midway City who is the superior of Stewart Frazier. George Emmett is described as a cold, calculated individual who quickly realizes that things are not as they appear in Midway City. Shown to be someone who is deep down wanting to do what is best for the city. Emmett is someone who recognizes the need to pick a side in this battle that is ongoing.


Dennis Haysbert as Stewart Frazier
The police chief of Midway City who was once a long serving member of it's police force as a detective. Stewart Frazier is described as someone who is the epitome of being a lifer. Truly dedicated to the force to the point that he's recently gotten divorced. Stewart is a man who very much sees the world in a black and white story, so when forces he can't quite explain start to take hold of the city. Stewart tries to explain them as rationally as humanly possible.

Bobby Soto as Jose Delgado/Gangbuster
A vigilante who has often walked the line of hero and villain. The individual known as Gangbuster is described as a former teacher and amateur boxing standout who genuinely wanted to do right by the kids in his care. However recently Gangbuster has found himself steadily growing with a blood lust and using more lethal/vicious tactics in the field against his opposition.

Effrat Dor as Karen Ramis
A woman who has recently entered the life of Shiera Sanders. Karen Ramis is described as a former addict with a history of abuse who is looking to turn her life around piece by piece. Sadly for Karen, she soon finds herself pulled into the insanity and changes that are going on in the world. This forever changes Karen's life and leaves her with a power she has never quite felt before.

Grace Caroline Currey as Emma Ziegler
A researcher and historian whose recently passed father was once a mentor of Carter Hall. Emma Ziegler is described as someone who has not just followed in her father's footsteps but has actually exceeded them. Said to be a highly intelligent and resourceful woman who keeps a relatively open mind when it comes to the goings on in the world and the myths of the past. Emma is someone who will prove to be a major asset to Carter as he looks to find out what's going on.

John Hannah as Dave Clark
A grizzled detective with a drinking problem. It is said that Dave Clark has long had an adversarial relationship with Carter Hall and his exploratory missions which have at time brought attention of the law. As Carter's life begins to change due to outside forces and things begin to get crazy in the world around him. Clark is unfortunately manipulated to believe that it is Carter who is the cause of all of this.
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Looking to continue on the DC Extended Universe's second chapters run of success so far. The third film in the DCEU's Rebirth project had long been tabbed as it's most ambitious yet. Described in the build up as a at times tragic love story which transcends time. In a stark contrast to the grounded story of Quiver or the sci fi nature of The Martian. This film would actually begin in Ancient Egypt and it would tell the story of Prince Khufu (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) and his beloved Princess Chay-Ara (Margot Robbie). Believed to be the descendants of gods, this duo were seen as liberators in some ways as they helped save many repressed people from their captors. Shown to both be formidable warriors who thanks to a mysterious Nth Metal were capable of flight and also were shown to have enhanced strength and durability. Of course while their abilities may have been similar, we'd see some differences in their ways on the battlefield. As Khufu was shown to be fierce tempered and a savage barbarian in combat while Hawkgirl was shown to be brave and fearless. A lot more compassionate of a warrior than her husband. These two seemed to make a great pairing on the battlefield and as rulers.

Sadly while their mission was a noble one it would make them many powerful enemies who were well aware of the legend of the hawks. The most powerful of which would be the emperor known as Julius Ceasar (Benicio Del Toro). The ruthless dictator didn't appreciate his plans for a takeover being thwarted by these perceived gods. In turn the ruler who was shown to be hiding a lot of secrets among his people would begin a conspiracy inside the Prince's own court to take hm down. This would include a high priest known as Hath-Set (Alexander Siddig). A devout follower of Anubis who believed that the worship of false gods and prophets would lead their people to eternal damnation. Hath-Set was easily manipulable for Caesar's plotting especially thanks to the secret love he held for princess Chay-Ara. What Julius may not have counted on however was Khufu's advisor Nabu the Wise (Joseph Marcell) who warned Khufu that Caesar may have been plotting against him. Unfortunately even Nabu couldn't recognize the internal threats posed to the prince and his princess.

What no one could predict however would be the fallout from this plot as while Hath-Set was swayed upon the fact that Khufu must die. He found himself conflicted with the need to kill Chay-Ara, this down of course to his impure thoughts and feelings about the princess. Yet being a devout man of faith, he'd soon manage to sway himself on the hard choice to be made believing it to be the will of the gods that these pretenders be cast into judgement. Setting up an assassination on the pair, Hath-Set's plot involved a staged attack by some fellow followers of Anubis posing as Caesar's guards. Playing himself as a victim in this attack, Hath-Set thanks to Caesar's surprising knowledge of the civilization understood that a normal weapon would not be good enough. He'd be forced to use one of the Hawks own weapons against them believing it to contain the very cause of their powers. In order to do so however not only would he need to be willing to sacrifice his own allies but also use some cunning. What followed would be some shocking scenes as Hath-Set used one of Hawkman's own daggers to slit Khufu's throat from behind. In response to this Hawkgirl would tackle Hath-Set but in doing so she'd be empaled with the same dagger.

Standing over Chay-Ara's body it appeared that Hath-Set had finally realized what he'd done and been apart of. Seeing the woman who he loved bleeding out and dying from her wounds, the distraught priest would plunge the very same dagger into his own heart. While the death of the prince and princess would ensure Caesar's victory. It also set in stone the true legend of the Hawk. As this trio through a combination of love, the gods and forces they couldn't quite understand would all find themselves on journeys through time. It'd start with them appearing in the bodies of new hosts with total amnesia as to who they were. Before events seemingly fated in motion would cause this trio to remember who they are and start this saga once more. Traversing through time we'd then be taken from Ancient Egypt to medieval times in England. Here we would see once more a time in war with the war being orchestrated by Genghis Khan (Benicio Del Toro). Curiously looking quite similar to Julius Caesar and employing a lot of his tactics, Genghis Khan's enemy in this war would be the noble King Arthur (Richard Madden).

In order to thwart war a proposition had been made for an arranged marriage. This would involve Genghis Khan taking a bridge from the royal family to appease tensions. The bride would be one of King Arthur's cousins Cecilia Pembrook (Vicky McLure). Shown to be a kind hearted woman who looked to do the best for her people, Cecilia may not have been fully on board with this arrangement but she was willing to do what she had to do for the best of her people. While King Arthur would seek to find another way to combat Genghis Khan and his forces. He'd reach out to the Wizard Merlin (Jeremy Irons) in the hopes that his trusted ally might be able to help here. It would be Merlin who went into his store of magical artifacts that he had acquired throughout the years. Here Merlin would find some of the fabled Nth metal weaponry, believing this maybe a chance to turn the war around Arthur would task one of his most loyal followers Brian Kent (Theo James) to become his champion. Wearing the armor and swords and taking the name of Silent Knight, we'd see Brian begin to see flashes of a time past these memories would be of ancient egypt and through the eyes of Khufu.

Revealed to be sharing the same memories and experiences that Khufu did, Silent Knight found himself with the same combat style that Khufu employed also. With Silent Knight having these visions we'd also see Cecilia begin to have visions remembering Chay-Ara. Slowly these two would be drawn to one another and begin to seek each other out as their visions and memories grew stronger. United together the pair would be overcome with the full power of the hawks and they would begin making a difference in this war. Genghis Khan would be stunned as in private he revealed the last time he faced this issue was in Egypt centuries before. Forced to look for allies in his cause to dethrone this new threat, Genghis Khan would be revealed to have a mole in Oswald Bane (Adrian Dunbar). Although soon Genghis would face a realization when Bane began having the memories of Hath-Set from Egypt and recognized Khan as Caesar. This would further add to Khan's intrigue as he come to wonder if the group was perhaps stuck in a time loop. Knowing that with Bane by his side believing his mission to be a just one. Khan would add to their ranks with a tailor known as Koenraad Von Grim (Richard Sammell). While to the outside world he may appear to be a humble tailor, the truth was that Von Grim was a twisted serial killer and proxy for Genghis.

This would all lead to the fateful night where Genghis and his forces attacked the castle of King Arthur and looked to lay siege to the lands. During this battle thanks to With a plan set from Genghis Khan to launch an assault. Oswald Bane very much gave him the keys to the castle while Koenraad Von Grim would covertly enter the frey. During this skirmish we'd see Silent Knight and Cecilia team up to defeat Koenraad with Silent Knight cutting the head off of his foe. What they didn't count on however was the full betrayal of Oswald Bane, having now inherited the memories of Hath-Set a long with his secret feelings towards Cecilia, Oswald would lead Silent Knight and Cecilia into a trap by Genghis Khan. This ambush would see the duo be forced to battle against many of Khan's forces and Genghis himself. Joined by King Arthur and many of his round table soldiers, this fight would begin to turn a corner as many of Khan's army would be forced to flee. Genghis Khan himself would also be forced to do so as a slash with a Nth metal blade would carve into his face and leave him badly wounded. During the skirmish however Oswald Bane managed to stab Cecilia in the heart before he and Silent Knight would cut one another down repeating the cycle from Ancient Egypt.

Having lost this war for the very first time Genghis Khan would check the damage to his face and appear to be horrified at this damage. Closing this chapter of the story he would swear that he would find out what was happening. It would be then that again the story location and time would take a jump, this time the biggest time jump as of yet as we'd head to early 1900s New Orleans. The focus would be on a hardened, weathered detective known as James Wright (Max Martini). Shown to be a heavy drinking, potentially PTSD ridden former soldier turned detective. James Wright's grizzled figure doesn't have many friends but lately he has been communicating with a former army buddy turned writer Samuel Hammett (Frank Grillo). Hammett lately has taken an interest in a serial killer who is operating in the town of St. Roch. Wright for his part unlike many detectives is willing to look into this killer who is targeting the poor. Knowing that many of the local police don't care about this, Wright and Hammett wonder if it is someone with connections. Hammett for his part has suspicions of a wealthy congressman known as Marshal Sauvage (Benicio Del Toro). Shown to be sporting some scarring on his face similar to the wounds suffered by Genghis Khan. Sauvage played himself as a former military man looking to help bring a better life for the people of St Roch.

While Sauvage may have been untouchable in St. Roch, there were criminals in this investigation who were not. One person that Wright was personally after was a career criminal known as Eddie Dawson (Winston James Francis). A vicious thug with whom Wright had history after Dawson beat his former girlfriend to death, Wright had long been on his case to bring him down unaware that Sauvage was personally employing Dawson as a hitman. During the investigation Wright one evening would begin to be haunted with memories of times past and visions of Khufu as well as Silent Knight. These visions would be thanks to Wright picking up a pistol which was revealed to be made of Nth Metal. Carrying this pistol with him as he looked to interrogate a mobster turned club owner Louie Moretti (Diego Calva). Wright would continue to be haunted with these visions when he'd be attacked by an enhanced Dawson who was using the name Lion-Mane. Enhanced by a chemical given to him by Sauvage, Dawson would savagely attack him in Louie's club and just as it looked like he may kill Wright, He'd be shot in the back with the Nth metal pistol by a lounge singer known as Sheila Carr (Megan Gale).

Carr would flee the club with Wright and Hammett but she'd find herself flooded with the same memories of Chay-Ara and Pembrooke. These memories and visions would bring her and Wright together while at the same time. Louie Moretti would be haunted by visions of Oswald Bane and Hath-Set, this would bring him to Marshal Sauvage as Louie revealed that he knew he was Caesar and Khan and he was willing to serve him. Angered that he was being haunted by this curse and the damage he suffered during his last conflict with the Hawks. Sauvage sought to go right on the aggression this time, telling Louie to get his men together to do an attack that night. Aware that they'd be hunted Wright and Carr wrote details of all they knew involving Moretti and it was Carr who was able to provide details of Sauvage's corruption which they gifted to Hammett knowing that they likely wouldn't survive the night but he could. With Hammett escaping with this information tragically both Wright and Carr would say farewell with one another as they mentioned seeing each other again in another life before engaging in a shoot out with Moretti and his men. During this shoot out we'd see Moretti, Carr and Wright all fall while days later in the papers Marshal Sauvage would be exposed as a ruthless criminal which forced him to go into hiding once more.

This would bring us to present day and a more modern timeline where quickly we'd be introduced to Carter Hall (Jamie Dornan). In many ways it appeared that Carter's character was reminiscent of an Indiana Jones. Shown to be quite wry, witty and sarcastic with a deep knowledge of ancient civilizations and languages. Carter to the outside was shown at points to be quite an urbane individual who was also a rough, globe trotting adventurer fully obsessed with archaeology and research. Despite his success and reputation in the archaeology fields, Carter did have some run ins with the law most notably a detective Dave Clark (John Hannah). A grizzled detective who had his fair share of demons, Dave Clark was not a fan of Carters having arrested him numerous times for many perceived offenses. His dislike of Carter very much seemed to be quite personal based on the pairs noted personality clashes and Clark having a more simplistic view on the world. One day Carter's life would be forever altered by the arrival of one of his rivals Daniel Evans (Sinqua Walls). While these two may have been against one another on many expeditions, there was a friendly rivalry and banter between the pair. With Evans actually seeking out Carter as he needed his help on his next expedition.

The prize was a high priced dagger origins unknown and the buyer was a collector and professor known as Curtis Knox (Benicio Del Toro). Also on the trail of the trail of the dagger however would be an individual known as Carl Sands (Patrick Schwarzenneger). Another rival of Carter Hall and Daniel Evans for that matter, Sands had earned the nickname of Shadow Thief for the belief that he'd always disappear into the dark. It was said unlike Carter who for most part was on the hunt for discoveries to share with the world and Evans who looked to sell to reputable bidders for research. That Sands had more selfish reasons for his crimes, purely driven by financial gain and willing to sell on black markets or keeping for his own private collection. While Carter had some doubts regarding whether he should align with Daniel and go against Sands again as it was teased that it was due to Sands that Carter was on the police's radar. It would be a later conversation with Carter's girlfriend Domina Paris (Ruta Gedimentas) that he'd make a decision. Domina was a lounge singer and budding starlet who in many ways was the total opposite of Carter. Yet both were ambitious individuals who looked to move up the ladder in their chosen fields. It would be Domina who encouraged Carter to go out on this job and unite with Evans.

To find the dagger however we'd see Carter and Daniel head to Egypt in the hopes of procuring this dagger from a tomb. As they got there however and began to see traps all around them, it appeared that there maybe more to this mission than would meet the eye. Taunted by Sands from the shadows who clearly delighted in having an advantage on the pair. Soon we'd find that even Sands hadn't accounted for what protected this dagger. As not only would their be traps but this tomb would be guarded by things beyond their imaginations. As they all come across the tomb in which the dagger was held, Sands showed himself to be unafraid of resorting to violence. This would be when Sands shot and wounded Carter badly. While Carter pulled himself along the ground, we'd see a group known as the Feithera attack and in this attack the Shadow thief would no longer be able to hide as he'd find the Bird like humans capable of seeing in the dark and hunting him down before swiftly killing him. During this skirmish, Daniel showed his true colors as he left Carter bleeding on the ground. Gradually being surrounded Carter would be introduced to a woman known as Northwind (Tati Gabrielle). Crouching beside Carter, Northwind recognized something in Carter's eyes as she put the dagger in his hand.

This would set apart a chain of events as Carter would begin to be flooded with visions of the Legacy of The Hawks. Shown to be the latest in the line to carry the memories of the other Hawks. Carter would find himself able to pull himself to his feet as he held the Nth metal dagger which seemingly began to heal him of his wounds. Allowed to leave the temple, Carter would find himself overwhelmed by the visions as he looked to arrange for transport home. While Carter may have been allowed safe travel however Daniel Evans wouldn't get off so lucky as during a conversation with Curtis Knox over the phone, Evans was informed that failure wouldn't be accepted and that his contract had been terminated. Ending the call an anxious Evans slowly turned to come face to face with an assassin known as Copperhead (Kristen Stewart). The vicious assassin quickly drove a small dagger right into Daniel's throat killing him without any hesitation or concern. Returning home and clearly troubled by his visions, Carter Hall would seek out an old friend known as Emma Ziegler (Grace Caroline Currey). The daughter of Carter's mentor, Emma was a researcher with a strong knowledge of both history and mythology.

Using Carter's visions as a map so to speak of various points in history. Emma managed to fully discover the stories of The Hawks tracing it back to Prince Khufu and Princess Chay-Ara. Through her competent research and knowledge, Emma began to tell Carter that Khufu and Chay-Ara weren't just seen as royalty but as gods capable of things beyond human comprehension until they was betrayed by Hath-Set for Caesar. As she trawled through the legends of the Hawk and the myths of the Silent Knight it was Emma who first began to notice some similarities in the stories bringing her all the way to the early 1900s. While the stories concerned her, what also did was the constant of one villain who she began to notice some facial similarities with. Telling Carter if this is a case of history repeating itself he must find out exactly who Chay-Ara is as those who target the Hawks always seem to kill her first believing that Hawkman needs Hawk Woman to center himself and without that he spirals into a dangerous rage which makes him an easy target. With Emma's threat Carter rushed home to check on Domina, but sadly it would be too late as she had been left for dead with a similar blade to the one Copperhead had used on Evans. It would be then that Dave Clark arrived on the scene and he arrested Carter believing him responsible for the murders of Domina and Evans.

Despite Carter's alibi of being with Emma during the time these killings, Clark remained of the belief that Carter was responsible despite Sands being a more viable suspect having been missing since the fated expedition. Thanks to Emma's alibi, Clark's captain Stewart Frazier (Dennis Haysbert) steps in and tells Clark to let Carter go. Shown to be a rational man and not impressed with Clark's attitude or actions. Stewart would tell the officer to go home as he authorized the release of Carter. Returning home, Carter would be consumed with grief at the death of Domina while Emma revealed that in her research a name kept flagging up. That name would be Vandal Savage, mentioning that they needed to find who Chay-Ara would be inhabiting. Using his visions and memories to draw an image of Chay-Ara as well as the visions he'd have of himself as the new Hawk. Able to sketch a photo of the woman he could see, Carter and Emma would soon recognize the woman as Shiera Saunders (Alicia Vikander). A wealthy socialite who has dedicated herself and her families wealth to all manner of good causes and charitable organizations. Shiera was shown to be an intelligent, sassy individual who truly wanted to help others in anyway she could. This included a support for women on the street venture which Shiera recently employed a down on her luck Karen Ramis (Effar Dor) to be the head of.

Karen had long come from abusive relationship after abusive relationship and very much had hit rock bottom until Shiera had come along. Meanwhile Sheira also funded research by Anton Hastor (Michael Fassbender). A research scientist known to be both a gifted mind and also a incredibly unpleasant, antisocial individual. Anton Hastor while not a fan of many people was shown to hold secret feelings towards Shiera Saunders. Slowly we'd see Shiera also begin to have visions of the Hawks being the latest in the line of Chay-Ara. Haunted by these visions, when Shiera met with Carter she quickly found peace in having someone to speak with about these visions. Joined as well by Emma, it would be Emma who told Shiera everything that she knew of the Hawks. This story would be overheard by Anton Hastor who dismissively branded it all as lunacy. Refusing to believe these crazed superstitious rantings, Hastor tried to make Shiera see his side and standby him. However to his anger Shiera would instead believe Carter and Emma. Angered at this perceived betrayal and also perhaps out of jealousy of Carter, Hastor would attempt to attack only to be knocked down by Carter. As Carter, Emma and Shiera would leave, we'd see Anton begin to have memories of Hath-Set revealing him to be the latest reincarnation of the High Priest. Soon Anton found himself met by Curtis Knox who Anton thanks to the memories he began to have would identify as Vandal Savage. While he may have previously been a non believer, Anton Hastor thanks to his visions seemed to believe the words of Vandal.

Vandal would reveal that he has long sought to kill the Hawks but has never quite succeeded in breaking this cycle of reincarnation. Saying that he is looking to break this cycle once and for all. Vandal Savage says that he is glad to see that this incarnation of Hath-Set is an educated man with a quest for knowledge like him. Saying he wants to know that Hastor is a problem solver and able to help him do so. Hastor suggests to break this cycle to only kill one of the Hawks and keep the other prisoner. This way there is no longer any reincarnation. Vandal nods in appreciation of this idea before he says that despite these centuries there are still things he does not quite understand still. This includes him looking to find the scripts of Nabu. Hastor would then ask how they would go about killing the Hawks and Vandal said that not only does he trust the visions of Hath-Set but he's also employed Copperhead to help clean the field. While Emma continued her research into Carter and Shiera, we'd see Dave Clark convinced of Carter's guilt go out of his way to find Jose Delgado aka Gangbuster (Bobby Soto). A mercenary and vigilante who had long been on the police and Clark's radar for his brutal methods, Clark we'd learn had in the past provided Gangbuster with information on Carter in the hopes he would bring justice.

Looking to find some further intel on the dagger and the Hawks. Emma, Carter and Shiera would soon be surprised when North Wind appeared and introduced herself using her name Norma Cantrell. She'd reveal how the Feithera were long time followers of the Hawks. Calling Khufu and Chay-Ara the last of the Thanagarians whose spirits have managed to traverse time to those worthy of continuing their legacy. Norma offered to help Carter and Shiera discover what they are truly capable of. Allowing Emma to come along with them also, the group would venture to Egypt where it all began. Here the group would be introduced to Silver Scarab (Diego Boneta), a warrior taken in by the Feithera who had pledged his life to protecting the legacy of the Hawks from the evils of the world. The group would then be introduced to Nabu. Revealed to not be human and instead a powerful entity in his own right. Nabu says he has never been someone able to intervene personally but he is able to advise. It would be Nabu who told us the origin of Vandal Savage as once a caveman who was alive during the era of dinosaurs. One fateful night seeking light, warmth and protection Vandal slept in the warmth of a meteor which hit the earth. While this meteor may have offered him that survival it also altered Vandal's DNA. Made immortal with healing properties and advanced intelligence. Vandal Savage quickly found himself pursuing power as a conqueror.

Since that time Vandal had taken many names and monikers such as Julius Caesar, Genghis Khan, Blackbeard and Alexander the Great as he looked to rule the world. While often times Vandal would succeed in some facet or another it would be during his wars with the Hawks that Vandal would usually experience a fall from grace and in power. Having warned them of the dangers of Vandal, Nabu stated that Vandal is banking on experience and the Hawks not fully being equipped to win these battles. Which is why the Feithera have been working hard to provide the new Hawks with the armor and weapons that the originals had. While Nabu said himself he was never quite sure of what Nth Metal actually was it had many properties and with it they had constructed a variety of weapons and armor for both Carter and Shiera to wear. Donning this armor we'd hear the duo first use the names Hawkman and Hawkwoman for the first time as they found the memories they had providing them with combat knowledge and techniques they didn't know they'd had. Knowing that they had to take the fight to Vandal and that he was going to be coming for them. The group agreed to return to Midway and prepare to meet him on home soil. They'd be joined by both Silver Scarab and Northwind who pledged to see Vandal Savage fall once and for all. As they returned to Midway however Carter found himself confronted by Gangbuster, the former teacher turned vigilante believed Carter to be a ruthless killer. As the two faced off Gangbuster taunted Carter about the death of Domina believing him to be a sociopath. In turn Carter flew into a violent rage clearly being taken over by the Hawk inside as he viciously beat Gangbuster. As the group realized Carter may kill Gangbuster it would be Emma who managed to talk Carter down.

Stopping his attack on a beaten Gangbuster who was confused at why he did so, Carter pledged that he was no killer but that he needed to control what was now apart of him. This revelation would stun Dave Clark who was also on the scene as Carter told him that he was wrong about him. Tragically however while Dave may have realized and recognized that he was wrong about his suspicions with Carter. Before Clark could do anymore research he would become the latest victim of the killer knock as Copperhead. Learning about the death of Clark, Carter would visit the police station and he'd meet with Stewart Frazier as well as his superior George Emmett (Omar J Dorsey). Meeting these two officers and explaining that these deaths including Dave Clark's are all connected to a dangerous man who is in Midway. The officers in response would agree and acknowledge that they could see something was going on and agree to help. At the same time Carter received a call that Anton Hastor had shown up at Shiera's home and had come in possession of the Nth Metal Dagger. Now fully corrupted by the visions of Hath-Set and enraged about being rejected by Shiera, Hastor seemingly had gone against his early conversation with Vandal and was attacking Shiera to kill. Returning home with several officers to aid him, Carter Hall would don his Hawkman armor to confront Hath-Set.

A confrontation which has built since the first scene of the film, Hawkman and Hath-Set would to battle with Hath-Set using the dagger to wound Carter. At the same time Copperhead arrived on the scene and would begin fighting with Shiera who had put on her Hawk Woman armor. Joining the fight would be Northwind and Silver Scarab who very much turned the tide against Hath-Set and Copperhead. Watching from the distance Vandal Savage would seem stunned to see his plans coming apart when he'd be confronted by Nabu, warning Vandal that the power of Nth metal was freeing him from his chains and soon he wouldn't be forced to just stand back and observe. This news caught Vandal off guard as he realized that this wouldn't just be a defeat but someone with the power of Nabu could truly come close to killing him. This in turn would cause Vandal Savage to flee, While Nabu on becoming free of the chains he had long been in would vanish into air. Meanwhile in the fight we'd see Hawk Woman manage to knock out Copperhead allowing officers to bind and handcuff Copperhead. With Copperhead beaten Shiera and Carter would work together and manage to do what none of the other Hawks had done by mortally wounding Anton Hastor and killing Hath-Set.

With Hath-Set fallen and Copperhead defeated. The war for now would be over but Northwind warned them that with Vandal Savage still out there, they will never truly be safe until he is stopped once and for all. It would then be Silver Scarab who revealed that Carter and Kendra won't be the only ones out there with the Hawk in them and that they need to find the others in order to save them from Vandal Savage. Both Carter and Shiera would nod their heads in agreement as they swore to honor those who had previously been apart of the Hawks Legacy by taking down Vandal Savage once and for all. With that we'd get a total shift in scene as a young woman (Willa Holland) would be seen laying on a coroner's table her death as the result of suicide. Yet abruptly Kendra would reawaken as the new Hawk Girl. With that the film would come to an end but there would be two post credit scenes which followed. The first of which would see Karen Ramis closing up her work place for the night when she'd be met by Vandal Savage. Talking about how sad he was to hear of how Karen suffered, Vandal promised Karen a chance to have true power. The second scene would show Copperhead in a jail scene as Frazier and Emmett discussed the next steps of her trial. However soon they would be cut short by the arrival of a mystery man (Jensen Ackles) in military uniform who asked to speak with the officers as the government had plans for someone with Copperhead's capabilities.
Carter Hall/Hawkman - Played by Jamie Dornan
Shiera Sanders/Hawkwoman - Played by Alicia Vikander
Norma Cantrell/Northwind - Played by Tati Gabrielle
Daniel Evans - Played by Sinqua Walls
Lady Cecilia Pembrook - Played by Vicky Mclure
Brian Kent/Silent Knight - Played by Theo James
Domina Paris - Played by Ruta Gedimentas
Oswald Bane - Played by Adrian Dunbar
Koenraad Von Grim - Played by Richard Sammell
James Wright - Played by Max Martini
Sheila Carr - Played by Megan Gale
Eddie Dawson/Lion-Mane - Played by Winston James Francis
Carl Sands/Shadow Thief - Played by Patrick Schwarzenegger
Hektor Hall/Silver Scarab - Played by Diego Boneta
Kendra Saunders - Played by Willa Holland
Anton Hastor/Hath-Set - Plated by Michael Fassbender
Larissa Diaz/Copperhead - Played by Kristen Stewart
Nabu - Played by Joseph Marcell
George Emmett - Played by Omar J Dorsey
Stewart Frazier - Played by Dennis Haysbert
Jose Delgado/Gangbuster - Played by Bobby Soto
Karen Ramis - Played by Effrat Dor
Emma Ziegler - Played by Grace Caroline Currey
Dave Clark - Played by John Hannah
Vandal Savage - Played by Benicio Del Toro


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Sep 14, 2022
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Following the conclusion of The Legacy of the Hawks which has so far been met with a mixed reaction. As while the performances were praised, some felt the constant shifts in protagonists and time line made for a convoluted story to tell. Many were curious about the post credit scene which saw a mystery man commission the release of the assassin known as Copperheard (Kristen Stewart) from prison. This tease is believed to be the first of many which will focus on the government's own agenda when it comes to the rise of superheroes and supervillains alike. While the actor in question who appeared as part of this scene was quickly recognized as Jensen Ackles who of course is a hit star from shows such as the Boys and Supernatural, it wasn't until now that his character as part of the DC Extended Universe.

It has been confirmed today in what is an exciting potential set up for some future stories as part of the DC Extended Universe that Jensen Ackles has in fact officially be confirmed to be portraying the character known as Rick Flag. Full name Richard Roger Flag Jr who is believed to be the son of a decorated soldier. Rick Flag is described as a loyal, honorable soldier who for a long time has followed at times questionable orders as part of his service. Yet lately Flag has began to have some doubts about some of the missions he has been put on and orders assigned to him by the way of a new superior. In fact it's said a key part of Flag's duty lately has been travelling across the world and arranging the release and transfer of captured criminals who have various gifts and enhancements in which maybe the first tease we have of a potential Suicide Squad.

This of course will not be the first live action appearance of Rick Flag with the character first appearing in Smallville before more notably appearing as part of the previous DCEU and being played by Joel Kinnaman. It was said that for a time there was debate about letting Joel reprise the role, however true to form the DC looked to continue it's rebirth with a complete fresh slate but has in fact spoken to Joel about potentially another role in the franchise. Meanwhile it is said for the conflicted soldier that there wasn't much of an audition process as writers and directors very much had Jensen Ackles as their top choice following his roles as both Soldier Boy and Dean Winchester. It is said that Ackles had signed a multiple picture deal with the franchise and this will only be his first appearance as part of Chapter Two of the DC Extended Universe.

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Ackles is a hell of a signing
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Sep 14, 2022
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With the DC Extended Universe's second chapter coming off it's most divisive entry yet with the Legends of the Hawk. The next film in the second chapter will be the first sequel we've had so far as the next chapter of the life of Clark Kent/Superman (Matt Bomer) shall be told. Set to be continuing right on past the Justice League film with little to no time missed, we will see a world still coming to grips with alien's existing. This will include the city of Metropolis and it's reaction to having a being as powerful as Superman in the fold. While to many Superman is a savior, to those like Lex Luthor (Denzel Washington) he is a major threat that needs to be put in check. With part of the cast already confirmed, three more names have been confirmed to be appearing in the film.


Jack Quaid as Jimmy Olsen
A recent hire to the Daily Planet who is fresh out of University. Jimmy Olsen is described as a happy go lucky, eager to please young man who desperately wants to fit in with his colleagues. Sadly this sees Jimmy being a little bit of a target for ridicule and being taken advantage of by the likes of Steve Lombard. As part of his learning process, Jimmy is assigned by Perry White to shadow Lois Lane at points much to Lois' annoyance.


Colin O'Donoghue as Bizarro
A mystery man who has been the subject of numerous experimentations by Lex Luthor. There is no backstory or details of this individual who was described by Lex Luthor at one stage as brain dead. Selected by Lex to be apart of this experimentation involving Kryptonian DNA and technology, this man soon becomes a project of Lex Luthor by the name of Bizarro.


Sullivan Stapleton as John Corben/Metallo
A former soldier of Sam Lane who recently joined the private sector. John Corben has began working as a member of Lex Luthor's private security detail. As Lois Lane looks to continue her investigation into Lex Luthor she is surprised to find her former boyfriend John Corben working for him. While Lane has moved on from this short fling, it is said that Corben has far from moved on and holds a lot of ill will to Lois and her new boyfriend Clark.
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Active Member
Mar 20, 2024
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I've never seen something like this before and this is pretty damn fun. Used to always spend time saying "oh who would you cast in this role or that" and this does it on a crazy impressive scale. Well done! Really enjoyed reading through this, with my only suggestion being to perhaps cast a closer editorial eye on the work before posting. The content is really good, I must add, but sometimes if you read some of the sentences out loud to yourself you can hear that they may be slightly clunky, reiterating words, or slight grammatical errors - 'it's' and 'its' seem to be used interchangeably. Hope this comes across as constructive and not being an arse!


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2022
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I've never seen something like this before and this is pretty damn fun. Used to always spend time saying "oh who would you cast in this role or that" and this does it on a crazy impressive scale. Well done! Really enjoyed reading through this, with my only suggestion being to perhaps cast a closer editorial eye on the work before posting. The content is really good, I must add, but sometimes if you read some of the sentences out loud to yourself you can hear that they may be slightly clunky, reiterating words, or slight grammatical errors - 'it's' and 'its' seem to be used interchangeably. Hope this comes across as constructive and not being an arse!
Thank you for taking the time to leave some feedback man. Don't worry you haven't come off as an arse at all, I appreciate any and all constructive criticism. The goal is always improvement so I'll always do my upmost to take things on board. I'm glad to hear you are a fan so far and I hope you continue to like what I do with this project!


Well-Known Member
Sep 14, 2022
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With the third arc of the DC Extended Universe already announced with it's film order and build to the first ever Justice League Dark live action film. One film in chapter three which has earned a lot of intrigue is the new solo film focusing on the story of Billy Batson and Shazam. With this being a rebirth we know that neither Asher Angel or Zachary Levi will be returning to the titular roles of Billy Batson and Captain Marvel respectively. Instead it was previously announced that Finn Wolfhard and Kellan Lutz would be assuming the titular roles in this new iteration of Shazam. However today in some exciting follow up from this, we know that Mary Bromfield/Mary Marvel will also be appearing in this film with a future solo film in her own right rumored to be on the table for a future chapter. Played memorably in live action by Grace Caroline Currey and Michelle Borth. It was said that Grace Caroline Currey was a name that writers desperately wanted to reuse in her role before instead creating a role for her in the Hawkman film with designs to use her more so in the future. This was done both to honor the plans of the rebirth while also making the best uses of a talented actress who truly delivered in both films. It has been said with this casting announcement that details weren't entirely clear as to whether the new casting of Mary Bromfield would also be portraying Mary Marvel or if an extra actress would be casted to portray the character of Mary Marvel.

To say competition for this role was steep would be an understatement with many actresses being reported to have either had talks or full blown auditions for the role. A few early contenders and favorites mentioned included Chloe East and Meg Donnelly both of whom are believed to have had serious talks and later screen tests for the role. Stranger Things' star Natalia Dyer was said to have been for a while to be a contender for the role in question before later accepting a part in the sequel to the Green Arrow Film. Cobra Kai stars Hannah Kepple, Mary Mouser and Peyton List also were rumored to take meetings about this particular role before agreeing to future roles with the DC Extended Universe. It was said however some names who made it as far as the shortlist for this particular role in question included Samara Weaving, McKenna Grace, Teagan Croft, Olivia Rodrigo and Brighton Sharbino. Yet now after much speculation the casting for the character of Mary Marvel.

In some big news for fans of the hit series Stranger Things, while Finn Wolfhard won't be reunited with his television sister Natalia Dyer. He will be reunited with one of his other cast mates as it can be confirmed that Maya Hawke is set to play the role of Mary Bromfield. The 25 year old actress and daughter of stars Uma Thurman and Ethan Hawke, while best known for her appearance in Stranger Things has also appeared in films such as Fear Street and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood so far in her developing career. Said to have been chosen by her ability to play instantly likeable characters. It has been said that this version of Mary Bromfield will be a student hoping to head off to university, while she may not have many friends her own age. Mary is said to be a loving human being who is described as being quite intelligent as well as the older more responsible sister to her adoptive siblings.



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Sep 14, 2022
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Aquaman Sequel: Deep Dives Characters confirmed

In a taste of things to come for the future today we have been provided with a list rounding out the cast of the Aquaman sequel entitled Deep Dives. This sequel will continue right on from where the Justice League left off as thanks to Aquaman's involvement with the group, we'd see Aquaman continue to attempt to unite the worlds above and beneath the sea. This would be met with a lot of questions and opposition by both civilizations including a criminal known as Fisherman with whom Arthur Curry and his father shared a history.


Martin Henderson as Fisherman
The lead antagonist for this film. The mysterious Fisherman's true identity isn't even known by his own people. Described as a ruthless hunter who was believed to have started his criminal career as a poacher. Fisherman wears a specially designed suit which enhances him physically and uses a variety of weapons most notably his titanium alloy rod to hunt and kill his prey.

Danielle Rose Russell as Mareena Marius/Aquagirl
While Prince Orm may have left Atlantis in his exile some still feel that Orm should be made to face justice for what he did. For Mareena however wanting to see Orm is something different. Revealed to be Orm's illegitimate daughter, Mareena quickly begins to be mentored by Vulko who sees potential in her.

James Remar as Zeekil Noel
A member of the Atlantean Council and a former general of the Atlantean army. Zeekil Noel is known as the High Lord of the Armies. Described as someone who longs to be in the battlefield again despite his advanced age. Noel is said to be quite frustrated with his position on the council.

Jeremy Bobb as Captain Moller
A notorious sea captain who used stolen Atlantean weaponry to hunt whales and other creatures of the sea. Captain Moller was described as a ruthless individual who was only truly concerned with what profited him the most. This would be until a fateful encounter with Aquaman.

Nick Nolte as Jurok Byss
A loyal Atlantean elder who is described as someone who knows a lot of the secrets of many of it's former kings. Jurok Byss while respected for wisdom and tenure is someone who prefers to keep himself to himself, this is why he is currently tasked as a zookeeper of sorts when it comes to Atlantis' more dangerous creatures.

Gaius Charles as Dwayne Fradon
A member of the Amnesty Bay Police Department. Dwayne Fradon is described as a loyal member of the police force with some seeing him as potentially a future captain. It is believed that Dwayne has also recently began dating fellow officer Erika Watson.

Tyron Woodley as Travis Morgan/Machiste
A former military man who has since performed work as a mercenary. Machiste has lately been in the employ of Captain Stingaree. Recently however Machiste suffered a nasty injury during a storm which saw him lose his right arm from the forearm down. Thanks to Fisherman, Machiste has since been wearing an enhanced prosthetic which he can replace the hand with a variety of weapons.


Pearl Thusi as Karla
Fisherman's longest serving ally and trusted right hand. Karla is believed to be as dangerous as she is beautiful thanks to her pyromancer abilities. As a person Karla is described as a sadist who enjoys using her abilities on the defenseless.

Krzystof Sozynski as Peter Mortimer/Scavenger
A deep sea diver and treasure hunter who has long been aligned with Fisherman. It is said that Peter Mortimer was never just in this for profit. Instead he like Fisherman was a collector and someone liked to acquire rare artifacts for his collection.

Michael Huisman as Mort Coolidge/The Eel
A villainous mercenary who has earned his moniker thanks to his ability to slip out of any kind of trouble. Mort Coolidge is someone who has said to be on many of the world's most wanted lists for a variety of war crimes. It's said unlike many of those that Fisherman has recruited, The Eel isn't a loyalist or someone desperate. Instead he is here because he enjoys what he does.

Adewale Akinnuoye-Agbaje as Karshan/Shark
Despite his promises to make good on his previous sins, it seems that habits die hard in the case of Professor Stephen Shin and his experimentations. In his attempts to experiment on Atlanteans and marine life, Shin would experiment on a captured Tiger Shark known as Karshan which led to the genetic enhancements of Karshan making him more human like albeit still predatory.

Tait Fletcher as Karl Courtney/Captain Stingaree
A pirate who despite being the last of a dying breed, longed for the days of true pirating and pillaging. Sadly for Stingaree with people like him steadily dying out and the rise of Atlanteans in the ocean making his crimes less feasible. He'd be forced in an act of desperation to align himself with Fisherman.

Lyrica Ocano as Deep Blue
A blue skinned Atlantean who has recently been training to be a warrior by Murk. During this time it was said that Vulko recognized in her some traits and gifts that weren't exactly common for an Atlantean to have. Leading to some discoveries soon being made as to just who Deep Blue was.