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Jun 3, 2010
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All six of those matches sound very good to me, with the Hardcore title one still to be worked out.

Considering we only have two Nitros before Uprising, I suggest we announce these matches during the show or even through afterwards. This gives everybody just under two weeks to TT.


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As JR and Piper finish there introductions, the tron goes blank. And with that the lights go off too. Then the tron flickers on with images, of John Cena, Chris Jericho, Wade Barrett, Sheamus, Edge and countless other superstars all hurt. It flicks through these getting faster and faster until it sticks on one image.




Batista, the brand new CWF Heavyweight Champion walks out onto the ramp, and slowly takes a breath before spinning with his arms held out, and punches the air before walking forward and pausing for a lot longer than usual. He mouths the words "I Told You So", and slaps he ground and performs his turret taunt as fireworks go off behind him. One more punch in the air and The Animal makes his way towards the ring.


Batista walks up the ring steps and climbs into the ring, to get a microphone. As the mic is placed in his hand, the music stops and Batista waits a few seconds before the spotlight, now with a tint of gold color shines on him alone, as he addresses the booing CWF Universe.

The Animal, Batista: I don't understand this. I really don't. Why is that you people constantly boo me. At a time where I stand in front of all of you, why is it that you now boo me, as your god. As your master.... as your champion. You see, you people are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites. You boo people who suck, that's granted, but you boo people like myself, which is the exact opposite and I don't get why. You never boo tax inflation, you never boo increasing rail ticket prices, bus ticket prices, you never boo any of that and it is all inevitable. The prices are always going to go up, it's just a matter of time. And that's the same with Dave Batista. I was always going to get to the top of the ladder, I was always going to become the champion, but instead of embracing that fact, you all decide to boo the fact that I have achieved the inevitable. And tonight, I will take a worthless title, off an un-worthy champion in Christian, and I can already guarantee that after my good work tonight, all you people are going to do... is boo me.

But, that's where it's time that you all need to realize... that I simply don't care. Your booing doesn't hurt me. It puts me at no disadvantage. There is nothing that any of you can say that change my focus and determination in-between these three ropes because everything that I do in this business, I do for myself! I don't do it for nobody else, because it is all my effort, my sweat, my blood. You do nothing so you get nothing from me. All you get is a showing of my dominance, of my self-gratification in hurting other people. Tonight, it is not a celebration.... it is a beginning of a time that will be here.... I won't say a long time, because that's an understatement of the word forever.

Batista smirks and his music plays again and the screen goes to black....
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Jun 11, 2010
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Ugh I hate when people make promos like that without consulting me. I already have the opening for Nitro written and will post it later today. I edited his post so it will go right after JR and Piper's opening comments. Also any word on the BRMP situation?


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Jun 3, 2010
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Probably a reasonable edit to make.

Yeah he's fine. The guy was just a little frustrated, but it was mainly due to the Punk/Undertaker thing being put as the PPV main event. He felt guys like Andrew and Lewb were a little screwed for not getting to main event the PPV, but I explained why I did it. I also said the entire PPV layout was done by me, so I was to blame for that decision.


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Jun 11, 2010
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Hey guys just wanted to see how things were going and to put some stuff out there for you guys as I would really like your input. So hopefully you guys will get back to me asap on this stuff.

Hoov: Please let me know who is winning the Hardcore Championship so I can plan the Hardcore title match accordingly. Thinking of having the two who aren't pinned in a number one contender match the following week to see who faces off at Uprising. Albo doesn't post I think I may sit him, but he should post. Also, can you do that Foley, Sting, Barrett interaction for me to set up your match at Uprising. That would be terrific. If not let me know so I can do it myself. Thank you.

Lastly, I'd just like to say if any of you guys, including AK have any ideas or want to feud with anyone important please let me know. I won't guarantee it will happen, but to be honest I don't want to be doing all of this myself, and I want your say cause I want you guys to be a part of this. You guys kept this fed alive for months when it (no offence) should have died. You are owed this respect and you would be respecting me by helping me out. That is all I wanted to say and thank you for the continued help.

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The Hoov

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So far, I'm thinking Aries pinning Triple H for the title.

And yes, I'll write the Foley-Barrett-Sting segment.


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'This is what I brought you, this you can keep. This is what I brought, may you forget me.
I promise to depart, just promise me one thing. Kiss my eyes and lay me to sleep.'

The crowd boos heavily as the new CWF Champion comes from behind the curtain, Christian looks at his CWF Championship belt as he takes his time as he strolls down the entrance ramp. He steps up on the steel steps and enters the ring with a microphone in hand.



Life's pretty sweet isn't it? Time after time, I come out here... I tell you what I'm going to do and I do it... Yet, I continue to get disrespected by everyone, the CWF Universe, the guys backstage, the management... What of it? From now on, I demand to be respected. I don't care if you hate me or not but I am here as your CWF Champion, don't you worry about me beating Dave tonight, worry about me because this belt is something I'll hold for a very, very long time. Everyone has tried taking it off me, but after time, I find myself holding this once again. With Uprising being just a couple of weeks away, I know there's another thing I must worry about. The number one contender, Dolph Ziggler... You see, management gives him a number one contendership shot on his debut in which he beat Sheamus and Edge. But you see management has done nothing to protect me, instead they find a bunch of kids who come into this business and hand them title shots. I had to fight for it, I had to be in Elimination Chambers, Hell in A Cells and other stipulation matches to fight for a Championship belt like this. Yet all I hear are boo's, absolute hatred, why? Is it because I'm just that DARN good? Is it because I put my body on the line more than Mick Foley will ever do?

The crowd breaks into a 'Foley' chant.

Yeah Mick Foley's around somewhere, don't forget 'Mattitude'... I was part of them and Mick Foley decided to take them out and seriously injure them that they're now no longer part of CWF. But it doesn't matter if I've got friends backing me up or not, I've proved time after time why I'm a fighting Champion, why I'm successful here in CWF. Management has no choice but to continue giving me chances, they know I can put on one hell of a match but there's a problem... A problem with Management. You see at Cyber Sunday... Just when I was promised that I'd be in the Main Event, where I won my Championship... It wasn't. CM Punk and The Undertaker decided it would be nice to come out and start talking and lead it up to a brawl. I was cheated, lied to and disrespected by management. Yet, we do not know who the 'Owner' of CWF is... But rumors have it... Our General Manager is 'Sting'. Could you get any more stupidier? He's actually a wrestler here in CWF but unless you've hanged up your boots so quickly it's a shame because you see all this... All this is a complete mockery! You think you can save CWF? By being General Manager? By allowing CM Punk and Undertaker to be above Dave and I? As much as I hate Dave Batista, I must admit that one of us deserved to close Cyber Sunday. I don't care if CM Punk or The Undertaker are your two favorite wrestlers, I don't care if they're DAMN good... I'm telling you one thing Sting, if you are our General Manager, I suggest you listen carefully.

At Uprising, my match will main event Uprising regardless of what you think, because if I'm lied to again, I will bring out my lawyer... in fact... He's here tonight. Shall I introduce him?

Out comes David Otunga to no music, he walks straight down the ring as he hops into the ring as Christian gives him the mic.


OOC: Ignore Swagger.

David Otunga;

My name's David Otunga... I graduated from Harvard in law and what I see here is management continuing to breach Christian's contract with nothing filled with deception. Christian has been backstabbed around here and he isn't taking a stand for it and neither am I. Now Sting... whoever your 'Owner' or 'General Manager' is, it clearly states in Christian's contract that he is to main event when contending or defending a Championship match. Mr. Cameraman, get over here so you and the CWF Universe can see this.


You see, the contract was broken and Christian has yet to be paid the $150,000. With Vincent Kennedy McMahon no longer owner, we will be suing the owner once we find out who it is. Christian is to be paid, this is the contract that is up until 20th December, 2011 on that very day Christian and I will be speaking with the board of directors in order to fill out a new contract. If things don't go our way... then perhaps history will be re-created, perhaps Christian could be walking out of here with the Championship belt like CM Punk once did. But we'll put things aside for now, because if Christian does win the belt at Uprising, we will still stay around regardless what the contract is... I am a lawyer and I can manipulate management into listening to us.

Otunga then gives Christian the microphone.

So... seeing there's a lot of things happening here in CWF. My only focus right now is that tonight, I become the Undisputed Champion and I, Christian head into Uprising as the Champion and walk out still Champion. While my contract ends in just fifteen days time... I will do everything I can to ensure management to keep me here because this is a company where I worked hard for to become Champion. Don't fret because the 'Instant Classic' isn't going anywhere quickly... But Sting... if you're the 'General Manager'... I suggest you pay up or else it'll be SHOWTIME.

Christian and Otunga then leave as they laugh, we go to commercial.
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The Hoov

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The crowd comes alive as “The Hardcore Legend” Mick Foley comes out from the backstage area. He hasn't been seen in the CWF for a long time and everyone is happy to see him. He stops at the top of the ramp to address the audience.​

Piper: Jim, look who it is!

JR: It's “The Hardcore Legend” Mick Foley himself!


Mick Foley: You know, it feels good to be back RIGHT HERE in Kansas City, Missouri!

The crowd cheers loudly as Foley goes for one his classic cheap pops. Foley then continues addressing the crowd.​

Mick Foley: You know, I've been asked about a billion times over the last week: “Mick, why'd ya' do it?” Well, the tides are turning in CWF and I wanted to make a, no pun intended, Impact around here and what better way than to show these good people why they call me “The Hardcore Legend”. Now, I heard that both Matt Hardy and Kurt Angle quit in protest when they heard I wasn't going to be punished for what I did. No, in fact, I was rewarded. I have the opportunity to face whoever I want to at the next PPV “Uprising”.

The crowd starts chanting loudly and begin chanting “WORLD TITLE! WORLD TITLE! WORLD TITLE!” Foley cracks a smile.​

Mick Foley: You know, that's a major possibility. Last time I was here I was in a tag team with my good buddy The Rock and Stone Cold, but I really....

All of a sudden, this theme interrupts Foley's speech.​



JR: Now what the hell is he doing out here?!

Piper: Show some respect, Ross! This man took Batista to the limit at Cyber Sunday.

JR: That's true, but he's interrupting a legend right now.


Wade Barrett: Now hold on, wait just a minute there Foley. I have something I want to make absolutely crystal clear to you. Old dinosaurs like you, Stone Cold, or The Rock....nobody cares one bit about them.The only person who they care about and the only person who is going to make their CWF PPV debut in a World Title match is going to be me. Not you. Not anybody. You see, last Sunday, I took on Batista and I took him to his limits and shook him to his absolute Core. Again, no pun intended. You see, I don't care who you are or what you've done, right now you have the nostalgia factor on your side but to me, you're just another speed bump in my way. In the way of the Barrett Barrage and, at “Uprising” it will be just that: MY Uprising.

Foley looks out towards the crowd before giving Barrett a response.​

Mick Foley: You think that's all I am Wade? A nostalgia act? Well, I'll tell you what.....

Foley wastes no time and bashes Barrett in the head with a microphone. Barrett falls down on the stage as the crowd erupts.​

Piper: What a cheap shot, Foley!

Foley looks out to the crowd and lifts a thumbs up towards them. He then points down towards his sweats and pulls out Mr. Socko.​


As Foley puts on the sock, he turns around and is hit by a big axe club by Barrett. Barrett then mounts on top of Foley and starts hitting him with right hand after right hand. After a few moments, referees and backstage officials try to pull Barrett off of Foley. It doesn't work which brings out Nitro GM Sting. He gets a hold of Barrett and separates him from Foley.


Sting: Barrett! Wade! Stop it! Stop it right now!

Sting holds Barrett back as Foley gathers himself. Foley grabs a microphone and addresses Barrett.​

Mick Foley: Sting, if you don't mind me saying, I think I've found my opponent for “Uprising”. It will be Me going one-on-one with Wade Barrett!

The crowd pops at the announcement of that match. Wade has a smile wipe across his face. Sting then addresses Foley.​

Sting: If you're 100 percent sure, then you got it, you've got your match!

JR: Did you hear that? It's gonna be Mick Foley vs. Wade Barrett at “Uprising”!

Piper: Oh, I can't wait, JR!

Sting makes his way towards the back as Wade and Foley stare each other down. We then go to commercial.​
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2010
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Order of events with winners in bold...

Sting/Punk Opening Promo
Pyros and Annoucers
Batista Promo
Wade Barrett Promo
Christian Promo
Cutting Edge
Muhammad Hassan Promo (instead of his entrance)
Punk&Hassan/Taker&Miz: Punk and Hassan
Austin Aries Promo (instead of his entrance)
Hardcore Championship
Sting/Edge segment
Foley/Barett segment
Christian v. Batista: ???
End of Show

OOC: This is the order of the card. Pretty freaking hard to do when EVERY promo is in the ring. In bold are who wins after reading all of the promos. Only one that may change is the Hardcore Championship which depends on if Albo posts again. I know who is winning the Unified Championship match but am keeping this a secret till the show goes up. I believe Ak will back me up on this. Next week I want backstage promos and will be mentioning that on the preview. Thanks guys.​
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I'm thinking a double DQ for Ziggler/Bossman

Question is SBS; who is Bossman going to be feuding with? I'll have that person take out Bossman while Batista attacks Ziggler or something?
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Jun 11, 2010
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The Miz Andrew. And Double DQ works for me, though I'd have Christian do the attacking of Ziggler instead of Batista if you don't mind Andrew. Thanks.


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Yep, that works perfectly.

Like the idea man, thanks.


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Generic music begins to play as Bossman comes up from the under the titantron headed towards the ring. He looks as if he is going to attempt to slide in but decides to use the stairs and gets in between the ropes.



Dolph Ziggler comes out from the back in his signature t-shirt to loud boos. He doesn't care though. He walks the ramp and just in the middle of the walk, he slicks his blond hair back again and smiles. He enters the ring and joins Bossman as the bell sounds...​

Piper: Well, you know... Big Bossman is only 41 and still sticking around to wrestling. But either way, I see potential in young Ziggler here.


The bell sounds as Big Bossman gains advantage instantly with a right hook which sends Ziggler to the ropes. Bossman grabs Ziggler and tries to push his forehead into the ropes but Ziggler jumps onto the second ropes as he grabs the neck of Bossman but Bossman manages to place Ziggler in a full nelson but Ziggler wraps his legs around the second rope as Bossman lets go. Bossman grabs Ziggler and irish-whips him towards the ropes, Ziggler baseball slides under the ropes as he looks towards Bossman as he kicks the steel steps.

JR: I don't think Ziggler can cope with this... Big Bossman is proving his dominance here.

Bossman goes over the top rope as he hops off the apron as Ziggler tries to run away, Bossman chases after him as Ziggler charges at the steel steps with a low dropkick as the steel steps crash into Bossman's legs. Ziggler then steps up onto the steel steps as he places Bossman in a sleeper-hold, Bossman struggles for a bit before dropping to his knees, the referee begins counting both men but Bossman manages to get back to his feet as he runs back as Ziggler crashes into the apron. Bossman slides back into the ring as the referee counts Ziggler.





Ziggler gets to his feet as he slowly hops up on the apron, Bossman grabs his hair as Bossman lifts Ziggler to the apron but Ziggler turns around and performs a Hot-Shot as Bossman stumbles back towards the middle of the ring. Ziggler jumps up from the apron as he performs a springboard cross-body but Bossman has caught him as Bossman goes for a swinging side slam but Ziggler counters into a DDT!

Piper: What an amazing counter by Ziggler there!

Ziggler looks for the pinfall.


Lawler: This could be it!


Kick Out!

Ziggler gets to his feet as he jumps up straight away and performs an elbow drop, Ziggler repeats once more. Ziggler then goes to the corner turnbuckle as Bossman slowly gets to his feet, Ziggler looks for a Fameasser but Bossman moves out of the way, Ziggler turns around only to be met by Bossman's spinebuster. Bossman goes for the pinfall.



Kick Out!

Bossman gets to his feet as he grabs Ziggler before placing his forehead on the ropes facing the entrance ramp as Bossman slides Ziggler's forehead on the ropes from one corner to the other. As this happens, Miz and Christian jump over the barricade as they sneak into the ring.

JR: What's Miz & Christian doing here?!

The Miz sneaks up from behind Big Bossman and delivers a Skull Crushing Finale where Bossman hits his head on the corner turnbuckle, at the same time this happened Ziggler turned around and Christian delivered a spear.

Piper: This is disgusting... I hope Bossman and Ziggler get their hands on Christian and Miz next week because of this!

Justin Roberts: This match has resulted in a Double Disqualification due to interference by The Miz and Christian.

Both men are laid out on the mat as Miz and Christian raise each other's hands as they walk towards the entrance ramp as they go backstage.

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Don't worry. Stratch.
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Jun 3, 2010
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Everything is calm as the cameras come on early to see the new Nitro arena ready to go. The crowd is expecting fireworks to go off but instead...


The crowd goes crazy as the Icon Sting comes out from the back wearing a CWF Nitro shirt and the crowd loves it. The man who opened the first ever Nitro in WCW history slaps hands with the fans as he steps into the ring and takes a microphone before speaking to the hot crowd.


Sting: It’s good to be back folks! And ten years after Nitro shuts down with Sting and Flair, Nitro is back in CWF but it’s unfortunate it’s without the Nature Boy, Slick Ric!

The fans cheer as Sting smiles, the chants begin to chant “Sting†and “Nitro!†even a Flair chant breaks out – Sting ushers the crowd down before continuing with his speech.

Sting: And with Nitro, brings changes; changes for the better, changes that will revent the wrestling world! Familiar faces returning to the squared circle, new champions, possibly new factors; hey, even the Stinger might even get a shout somewhere! But folks, I can’t express how excited I am about Nitro and it’s only few moments before the show begins, so folks…


The fans suddenly erupt as the image of CM Punk hits the titantron, with the epic guitar riff of Cult of Personality blasting through the airwaves, Sting looks at the titantron, his smile drops slightly as CM Punk walks out to a chorus of cheers, his arms up stretched, a big smirk on his face and a microphone in his pocket; he takes it out as his music quietens down, CM Punk lifts his microphone to his mouth and begins to speak.


CM Punk: Nothing has changed… CWF is still the same, being backstage for one evening proves that, in fact it’s on a downwards spiral, rebranding War as Nitro is just as dumb as leaving WWE in Triple H’s hands, and look at what happened to that company, it’s gone… It’s as dumb as letting Russo book a show, it’s as dumb as giving creative control to Hollywood Hulk Hogan and Kevin Nash… It’s a joke, Sting!

Sting doesn’t look too impressed but neither does CM Punk, CM Punk glaring at Sting, Sting responds.

Sting: That’s where you’re wrong Phil! CWF has changed, new owners, new leadership, new staff, new show! You are the only one in the back whose mentality hasn’t change, we got huge plans for tonight but you refuse to play ball, no, you rather believe everyone is the same as before, give the show a chance Phil and I’ll personally prove you wrong!

The fans cheer for Sting, some fans boo him, but CM Punk’s expression stays the same as he calmly answers back.


CM Punk: I heard some people were bitching I'm back, that I cause trouble, that I rub people the wrong way, that I'm too harsh! Well duh, of course I am, because some people don't like being confronted with the truth! That’s my mentality it hasn’t changed, because noone else’s mentality has changed, I see everything clearly through my sober eyes but other people don't, because those particular people like to shy away from the TRUTH, and that is why I'm the best in the world, because I don't talk bullshit and I am simply better than them! So Mark if you want to keep hiding from the truth, you do that, but I got more pressing issues, particularly with the man standing in the middle of that ring, Sting!

You have been saying I’m wrong? No no no, Sting you are wrong, you know full well this will be as Little Jimmy would put it “WCW Mark 2!†and his labelling of the place has been right so far up to now and with Nitro coming back, hell let’s put you, Nash and Hollywood Hulk Hogan as our main event because that is really gonna draw, that is really going to get CWF the ratings they crave! My ‘promo’ with The Undertaker at Cyber Sunday and that which ensued after it was called the best damn thing to ever happen to CWF and you want to know why Sting? Because I am the top guy in this company, I am the exciting prospect yet I’m stuck in midcard mediocrity with the Miz and Muhammed Hassan! It’s a joke Sting, so no, nothing has changed and won’t until I get put where I belong, top the card, making this little company money, getting ratings and being the Undisputed CWF Champion!

The erupt into a huge mixed reaction, deafening as Punk’s intensity and frustration is high, Punk continues before Sting can get in a word edge way.


Oh no, I’m not finished yet Sting! If you think you can just butt in when I’M talking, you got another thing coming, I am a ticking time bomb on this microphone and I have always got something to say! People say I shouldn’t of been allowed back, well people like Edge and Christian are insignificant, just like your presence on this show Sting, you’re a has been, outdated; NOTHING! Do you hear me Stinger, you are no better than Mark, you claim to have found god, a new direction in life, but that doesn’t change you does it Sting and I know you have nothing to say to that!

Punk snarls as he crosses his arms, staring at Sting as the Icon finally gets a word back in against CM Punk.

Sting: It’s unfortunate you feel that way Phil; I respect the fact you had it tough the past few times you tried to help out this company, people backstabbing you – I realize your own potiental and I also realize what you want but you have to EARN IT! Just like you have to earn your respect, you have to earn your title shots and I don’t doubt your ability one bit but prove to me, I can trust you in such a role!

Punk points at Sting, yelling back at Sting.


CM Punk: It’s not your decision Sting! It’s not your choice, you have no say in my direction, I wouldn’t let a fifty year old has been telling me when I can and can’t main event, I’m not having you telling me who I can and can’t face; I came out here to prove a point that nothing has changed and you proved me right, Steve! Once I’ve finished with Mark Calloway, aka “The Undertaker†I’m going for that CWF Championship and word of advice, stay out my way Sting because I am Straight-Edge and I’m better than you!

CM Punk turns his back to Sting and begins to walk backstage but Sting quickly stops him.

Sting: WOAH WOAH WOAH! Hold up there Philly! What gives you the right to walk away from me after a blatant sign of disrespect! You say once you’re finished with the Undertaker, you’ll be coming for the CWF Championship, well I got news for you Phil, at Uprising, fitting title for a man such as yourself I might add, it will be you versus the Undertaker in a No Holds Barred Match. Oh, and before you get any ideas, Punk, it's not for number one contendership. Like I said, you need to EARN that right, and if you manage to beat the Undertaker at Uprising, maybe I'll consider it.

CM Punk looks behind him before turning around fully, the fans going absolutely bonkers, CM Punk quickly fires back.


Sting interrupts CM Punk with conviction in his words.

Sting: Oh but I do Phil, because you see things HAVE changed around here and I can tell you more changes are coming because I am the General Manager of Nitro and what I say goes… And oh will you look at the time, Folks are you ready because it’s SHOWTIME!

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