CWF - Staff Trash #8 (Merging Issue)

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Jun 3, 2010
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Put me, Bronzy and Dresden down for Honour. That's a cert for now.


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Geelong, Australia
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War - Andrew, The Hoov

Honor - Sam, Dredson, Bronzy

LOA (Plus what brand they are on in brackets) - Tapout, Awesome Miz, Rock

Potential Emergency Writers - Lubaninho

WAR has two writers but we use Bronzy or Sam to help us out for a bit


Apr 23, 2011
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I think that it would be nice to add that I will return very soon though.

The Hoov

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I vote for when Rock returns he write for WAR with Andrew and myself just to even things out.


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That was the initial plan.

The Hoov

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CWF Monday Night War October 3rd edition SO FAR

The scene opens on WAR General Manager Zack Ryder getting off the phone with somebody. His office door opens as CWF Owner Vince McMahon walks into frame.

Vince McMahon: Zack Ryder! Zack my boy! How are you settling in so far?

Zack Ryder: Well, Mr. McMahon, I have something I wanna speak to you about. As much as I appreciate you giving me the job, I'm going to be stepping down to just being a competitor.....BUT DON'T WORRY because I have named my replacement and, Mr. McMahon, something tells me you won't be disappointed.

Vince McMahon: Well just who the Hell is it?

Just then, the office door opens once more and then the person who walks into frame is Bret “Hitman†Hart. The crowd goes insane as Vince seems reluctant.


Bret Hart: Hey, Vince. Good to see you!

Bret shakes Vince's hand as Vince calmly walks out of the office. Bret and Ryder fist bump as we kick off the show.


“Collision Course†Episode 4

Live From,
Plymouth Pavillions, Plymouth, UK


The fireworks go off on the stage as the fans are going crazy. We then go to the commentators booth with Booker T and Tazz.

Booker T: Yo doggs, welcome to Monday Night WAR, the first one after Invasion and man, what a show we got tonight! Joinin' me for the first time is the brand new commentator Tazz.

Tazz: Yeah, you see I used to be the General Manager but I guess I wasn't up to snuff for Vince McMahon so he put me on the commentary booth.

Booker T: Don't be bitter now, dogg. We got an awesome show lined up so let's get started!



The fans in the arena erupt as John Cena comes running out from behind the curtain spinning in circles. He stops as he looks out into the back rows of the pavilion as he preforms his signature salute towards the chain gang soldiers.


He then runs down the ramp and slides under the bottom rope into to ring raising both hands into the air as the women and children pop. He walks over to the side of the ring and asks for a microphone. He walks to the centre of the ring and then addresses those in loyal Chain Gang soilders in attendance at the Plymouth Pavillion.


John Cena
Well here we are one week removed from Invasion and I came up short. To be honest congratulations to Sheamus for one hell of a match on Sunday but to be honest the better man lost. The fact is that you got lucky dog, you know it, I know it and every single one of those superstars on this roster know it. But Ill let you have it because I'm a nice guy and you deserved the win I mean its not like Ireland really has a lot to cheer for anyways. And it wont be long till I capture that title whether it is from you or that giant oaf I beat last week on War Triple H I will get that Championship belt. it is just a matter of time before I am a golden leader of the Chain Gang. And you can take that to the bank dawg!!!

The fans Cheer loudly as the capacity arena acknowledged Cenas promise to win the Hardcore title. Many though feel as though he should have accepted he was beaten fairly but let this go as he continues.

John Cena
It seems to me that I can win every match I compete in on Raw but I choke when it comes to the Pay Per Views. Maybe I get nervous on the big stages, nah I don't think so. Maybe the competition is tougher. No I dont think its that either. But maybe it is something that I have let come back into my life since I returned here in CWF. Something which I promised I wouldn't let run my career. But maybe I thought it wasn't going to be that bad. That John Cena could could be the Champ and that I would walk into War after Invasion. I would step into this ring. And together we would proclaim THE CHAMP IS HERE!!!!

The fans Echo as Cena uses his trademark Catchphrase. They then all cheer and screeam with delight as Cena smiles. Suddenly he cuts all there cheers off and suprises everyone inside the Plymouth Arena.


John Cena
Yo, Yo, Yo yall. The fact is that The Champ AIN'T HERE. And y'all know why, its not because Sheamus is better not by a long shot. It is because even though I said I wouldn't I have let this become about all of YOU. That's right I lost because I was more worried about y'all here in this arena, yall watching at home but no more. Y'all can believe that John Cena is going to be a big time player in this business and he is gonna make himself a star. Because if I have learned anything these last few week its that pleasing y'all don't get me anywhere. I beat Jericho when I was ratting on Canada and I beat two has-been. But John Cena SHOULD be the hardcore Champion dawg and Ryder I want a REMATCH. I am a champ here bro and if you don't give me my damn shot I only got one thing to say. Are YOU Serious ..... BRO????? Because y'all know these fans are delusional and the Chain Gang gonna come to town and we gonna rip some Shit up bro. That's right dog y'all can fine me I don't care no more and all the children can choke on the merch because from now on Cena is all bout 1 man. And that man is John Cena.

A small boo breaks out amongst some of the older fans however many of the omen and children in the audience sit in their seats stunned at what is unfolding right before their eyes.

John Cena
So honestly I don't care how much money CWF is going to loose in T-Shirt and Arm band sales, because I am sick of my career being centered about making OTHER people money. Now I will be wrestling to make ME money. And if anyone ever says they would do this for anything else they y'all yanking your chain bro. You really think that people would put their body through this pain for yall you jokers. PA...LEASE Nothing is worth doing for all you depressed freaks. And right now there are a group of depressed people with stupid nicknames sitting on there computers all like OMG man are you watching this, this is gold Cena is awesome. Y'all are the guys I hate. I may even hate you more then I hate Canada. Y'all the ones that killed the fire that burned in John Cena but at the same time y'all the ones who lit the fire inside.

A slightly bigger boo this time as Cena stands in the center of the ring snarling as he looks around the arena. Suddenly a small pop and Cena turns to see Booker T standing behind the desk with a microphone in his hands.


Booker T
John dawg think about what you are doing here man. Are you really gonna turn your back on the CWF Fans John. I mean dawg you know that your one of my main men John you the top of my fave Five. But Cena you better believe that ones you turn to the other side you gonna loose everything you worked for Sucka. I come one daw...

A big cheer breaks out for Booker T and Cena quickly cuts off the fans and rips into Booker for getting involved in his business.


John Cena
Booker T shut your mouth homie I know what I am doing and I don't need you to try and tell me otherwise dawg. Your time is over so why don't you sit your ass back down in that little chair of yours, behind your little desk, with your stupid headset and little ring announcing outfit because you are washed up homie. Fact is TNA didn't want you, WWE didn't want you, hell even UCW didn't want you no one wants a washed up wrestler like you dawg. So you had to go behind the desk to stay relevant. Well homie you better believe that John Cena wil be relevant for a long time to come homie. No one gonna forget the moment Cena snapped. The moment Cena changed and became a true champion in this business because I forgot about the fans dawg.

A large boo fills the arena as Cole grabs a microphone and stands up from behind the announcers desk. He then addresses both John and Booker T. However it is difficult to hear him beneath the drowning sound filling the arena.

John Cena
And you better believe that. Sucka!!!

Cena continues and again cuts off all the fans.


John Cena
So that's right children Super Cena is gone and yall gonna hate me. The fact is that while the children and women boo me all you haters gonna cheer. And I just want to say F@#$ Y'all. You ain't a fan you just glad you don't have to put up with the same old crap you've been sick of for years. And Ryder I'm telling you bro that if you don't see the potential I got then this is a joke. Just like this match that is about to happen here with Triple H getting a shot at the title that I should have one last Sunday dawg. So haters you can hate on me more because now I'm gonna hate on you because y'all gonna see that John Cena is the man in this business and Im going to prove that when I crush every single person on this roster on my way to the Hardcore title and then the CWF World Heavy Weight Championship.

John then displays his middle finger right into the camera lens towards the CWF Universe and then raises his microphone for the final time.


John Cena
And you better belive that Homie!

Cena drops his mic as the crowd boo heavily. He then slides out of the ring and slowly backs up the ramp flicking the finger to the crowd again as the cameras fade to black and War roles onto its next segment.

The action in the ring has been explosive so far as War seems to be heating up as the camera's suddenly switch to the backstage area, showing a close up of Todd Grisham.


Ladies and Gentleman, I have a very special guest here tonight so please welcome, The King of Kings Triple H.

Triple H slowly walks into the shot, followed closely by the lovely Stephanie McMahon. They both look quite happy as Todd welcomes them.


Grisham: Triple H, you have been back in CWF now for a few weeks after you DX reunion didn't exactly work out, now it's nice to see you bring back Stephanie McMahon as well with you but I have to ask you Triple H, what has changed since last time you were with Stephanie inside CWF?

Grisham shoves the mic towards HHH's lips as he starts to speak.


Triple H: What makes you think anything needs to be different Grisham? Last time I checked, Triple H is still the measuring stick, I am still the man that everyone wants to beat and I am still the Man in this business, the fact that Stephanie is in my corner doesn't really mean much, she is just there for moral support, plus I can't go very long without seeing those two juicy things that pack a punch on Stephanie. Now Grisham, I'll admit, I haven't set the world on fire whilst being in CWF, my record is actually pretty bad but because I am with Steph, I keep getting opportunity after opportunity and tonight, I have a very special chance to become the CWF Hardcore Champion and if Sheamus thinks he has a chance of stopping me from climbing that first rung of the CWF Ladder, well the fire on his head must be burning through to his brain.

Grisham: You sound very confident Triple H about your match against Sheamus for the Hardcore Title, but do you deserve to be confident after you lost to the very man that Sheamus beat at Invasion last week?

Grisham puts the mic towards Hunter's lips as his face turns into a sour one. Hunter seems to clench his fist as Steph grabs his arm, shakes her finger at Hunter as he nods his head. Steph leans forward, leaning over the mic and starts to answer Todd's question.


Stephanie McMahon: Todd, how many years have you been standing there with your microphone, waiting and waiting for someone to stop for you, just so your little nerdy face has someone to talk to but yet, you still can't tell the difference between a good question and a stupid question can you? Of course my husband is confident of winning that Hardcore Title tonight and beating the Celtic Albino, although I'm not sure my husband will be entirely happy with the title but everyone has to start at the bottom don't they Grisham? I remember when you first come into my life, you use to have to clean up after my dog, although I have to admit, the dog did smell and clean up better then you ever could sweety. Back to tonight, my husband is confident because he deserves to be, look at this man, do you really think that anything would worry him? Tonight marks the release date of a new game, but this game isn't going to be like the ones you like to play all night long in your mothers basement, this isn't a game that will have people queing for hours and hours on end, this game that begins tonight is one that doesn't have an easy level, this game that starts tonight will be one that everyone tries to avoid, but this game tonight sees the return of The Cerebral Assassin which means for every CWF Superstar that decide to play the Game, their fate will all be the same resulting in a GAME OVER.

Steph pushes Todds hand away as Hunter smiles and lets out a little laugh but motions for Todd to put the mic towards him again.

Triple H: Now if you will excuse us Grisham, I have to go get ready for my match and to show Sheamus that I AM THE GAME AND I AM THAT DAMN GOOD..... god you can never get enough catch phrases in there.

Triple H and Stephanie McMahon walk away from camera shot as Todd stands there a bit bemused at what just happened as the camera shoots to another area of the arena.



Returns to MTV on October 27th!!


Justin Roberts: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is for the CWF Hardcore Championship



The crowd is booing as “The Game†Triple H makes his way out to ringside, minus Stephanie McMahon, for his match tonight. He spits water out and walks down the ramp.

Booker T: This is gonna be one hell of a match. You gotta wonder if Sheamus is 100% though.

Tazz: Well, he better hope he is because he's stepping into the ring with Triple H.

As Triple H enters the ring, his opponent arrives.

Read The Words That Are Written In My Face ...
Why Believe Them? I Believe Them!


The crowd erupts as “The Celtic Warrior†Sheamus, the reiging Hardcore Champion emerges from the back with an intense fire in his eyes. He beats on his chest and heads towards the ring.

Tazz: Sheamus looking all kinds of pumped up tonight!

Booker T: Yeah he is. This match is gonna be a street brawl, dogg!

As Sheamus enters the ring, Triple H wastes no time in getting the match underway. He starts pounding away on him with right hand after right hand. He backs Sheamus into the corner and starts hammering away on him in the corner. Sheamus slumps down in the corner and Triple H starts choking Sheamus out with his boot. Sheamus, in an act of desperation, low blows Triple H. Hunter falls to the mat in pain. Sheamus grabs Triple H and starts kneeing him in the face. He then Irish whips him into the corner with so much force that Triple H falls over the ropes and to the outside.

Booker T: Sheamus and Triple H getting brutal here tonight.

Sheamus follows suit and looks under the ring. He then pulls out a table. He throws the table into the ring. Sheamus then grabs a chair and goes toward Triple H. Hunter sees this and connects with a kick to Sheamus' knee and brings him down. Triple H grabs the chair and smashes it over Sheamus' head. Triple H then covers Sheamus.




Triple H lifts Sheamus' up and tosses him into the ring. He rolls in himself and decides to set up the table. After he does, he decides to toss Sheamus onto the table. Triple H then scales the second rope and goes to drop a forearm drop on him. At the last second, Sheamus rolls off the table, letting Hunter crash and burn. Sheamus then goes for a cover,




Booker T: Man, that was pure instinct right there, dogg!

Sheamus lifts Triple H up to his feet and sets up for the Crucifix powerbomb. As he lifts Triple H up, he wiggles out. As Sheamus turns around to confront him, Triple H clotheslines him. Triple H then starts choking the life out of Sheamus. Triple H, after a good while, has Sheamus knocked out. Triple H then gets a weird smirk on his face and rolls to the outside. He grabs a sledgehammer from under the ring and a collective groan is heard coming from the arena.

Tazz: Triple H has his weapon of choice!

Booker T: Sheamus is in trouble now!

Triple H enters the ring with the sledgehammer. He sizes Sheamus up and goes to hit him when he stands up. Sheamus, however, ducks the attempt. When Triple H turns around, Sheamus attacks with an axe club. Sheamus grabs the sledgehammer and cracks it over Triple H's back. Triple H writhes in pain and rolls out of the ring. Sheamus drops the sledgehammer and follows suit. Triple H is leaned next to the announcers table. Sheamus goes for the Brogue Kick but Triple H ducks. Sheamus' leg gets caught on the table. Triple H grabs the table monitor and cracks Sheamus over the head with it. Sheamus falls on the table. Triple H climbs up and nails Sheamus with a Pedigree through the table!

Booker T: Man, did you see that?!

Tazz: They ruined our table!

Triple H then covers Sheamus.






Triple H is awarded his title and he limps out of the arena. Sheamus is down and out and has to be helped to the back.

We fade to show Chris Jericho walking down a hallway, as you do. Suddenly, Jack Korpela has run up to him and is sticking a microphone in his face.

Jack Korpela:Mr.Jericho, sorry to bother you but can I get a few words?

Jericho actually smiles at Jack when he speaks.


Jericho:Jack, I remembered your name this time, because that, let me tell good to hear. Mr.Jericho, it's good that you've finally learned some respect, and I'll give you that promised dog treat later on. As for now, let me just say. If Finlay thinks he's gonna walk into the Elimination Chamber, with a victory over a man of my calibre, he has another thing coming.

Jack Korpela:Well, I...

Jericho suddenly grabs the microphone while it's still in Korpela's hand and drags it towards his face.

Jericho:And let me tell you something else, I am glad that not only you, but some of the others in the back are starting to realize just who Chris Jericho is. Hey, are you listening? Is this getting to you, Jack? Do you understand what I'm saying to you right now? This isn't Pythagoras' Theroem, I would think even a guy like you, who has so little intellect, a tacky suit, that haircut, a voice like a chipmunk lacking any sort of testicles, a terrible commentator, frankly, a horrible interviewer, a nose that looks like Triple H's was birthed from it, a tie that makes me want to choke you so bad with it I'll get fired for it, and....

Jack's had enough now and actually yells at Jericho.

Jack Korpela:MR.JERICHO! What's your point?!

Jericho stares at Korpela like he's just signed his own death warrant, and bites his lip before he starts speaking.


Jericho:MY POINT!? You wanna know my point!? My point is...well...THAT'S NOT IMPORTANT! You're meant to be interviewing me, and when you ask a question, you actually let them answer the question! Even I could do this job better than you! Give me that microphone. Now, Jack, why don't you tell me and everyone in attendance, who do YOU think is gonna win the Elimination Chamber!?

Jericho sticks the microphone in Korpela's face and listens intently.

Jack Korpela:Well...every guy in there has a chance, all very dangerous and experienced competitors, plus there's the mystery opponent who we don't even know about, but....Batista, I have to say he-

Jericho goes to smack Korpela but he runs off.

Jericho:BATISTA!? Batista isn't gonna be able to save you if I see you walking around here again, Korpela! Do you understand me? I'm Chris Jericho! I'm the Best in the world at What I do! Hey!

Jericho stares off at the direction where Jack Korpela ran off to and you can hear a door slam and someone chuckle. Jericho sighs, the microphone still in his hand, and he looks at the camera deciding it's his time to speak now.

Jericho:If we can be serious now. Finlay, I don't know how many knocks to the head you've taken in your long and difficult career. But tonight, you're gonna get the worst you've ever had, and let me tell you it's gonna be a wake up call. I am done playing games now, Finlay. At the Elimination Chamber in Stockholm, you're going to step into the chamber with a man you can never amount to, no matter how hard you try. And tonight, you'll be getting a preview of that match. Once you see what I can do to in any singles match, think about what I can do to you when there's a chain floor invloved, chamber pods that have glass surrounding them, and chainlink walls all around us. Finlay, I'm going to leave you with that thought, and I thought I'd let you know, that no matter how long you've been here, no matter how hard you've tried, you've strived, no matter how much you want this championship, no matter how much you beg and plead. I am winning the Elimination Chamber....because I am the Best in the World at what I do.

The tron fades to black as Jericho stares coldly.



CWF Monday Night WAR is brought to you by NUTELLA!


We come back to commercial to a familiar theme.


The crowd goes nuts at the sound of Bret “Hitman†Hart's theme music. The legend walks down the ramp with a microphone in hand as the crowd is loving every minute of it.


Booker T: Here he comes, Tazz. Our new General Manager.

Tazz: Yeah yeah yeah....

Bret enters the ring and surveys the crowd a bit before starting in.


Bret Hart: How everybody doing tonight?

The crowd cheers loudly and even a “BRET! BRET! BRET! BRET!†chant breaks out in the crowd. Hart then continues.

Bret Hart: You know, It really means a whole lot to hear you people still cheer my name after all these years. It still brings a tear to my eye, it really does. That's why I took this job was to give back to each and every one of you who have supported me throughout my entire career. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. But hey, enough about that mumbo jumbo. Let's get down to business. I believe we are missing the 6th man in the Elimination Chamber match in a couple of weeks. Now, I've done a lot of thinking and I have decided to select someone who has been busting their ass for a long time and the man I'm referring to is Sheamus.

The crowd cheers loudly for the “Celtic Warriorâ€. Bret lifts his microphone to continue but he is interrupted by Matt Hardy Version 1 popping up on the titantron. The fans' cheers turn to boos quickly.


Matt Hardy: Sorry to interrupt Hitman, but I have a question to ask: What are you on? What kind of medication are you on these days? Obviously it must be a hallucinogen because you are delusional. Sheamus worked hard? If by worked hard you mean coasted by, by the pasty white skin on his back then you would've hit the proverbial nail on the head. There isn't a single hard-working man in the CWF than Matt Hardy Version 1. So, since I wasn't given the 6th spot, that leaves me no choice but to improvise. Stay tuned, MF'ers, and until then.....

Matt immediately cuts off the titantron as Bret looks on confused and abruptly leaves the ring, presumably to find Matt.

Booker T: What do you think he meant by that?

Tazz: I'm not sure but he put Bret Hart on notice, that's for sure!

The CWF Titatron Suddenly lights up backstage and the cameras show a pair of feet. They are pacing up and down the hallway. Suddenly we hear a vice speaking to themselves.

Bro Im desperate, no one on this damn roster is Jerseylicious like me and Cookie but you are close. I know I know but i really need you. Think about it with our looks and our skill we will be unstoppable. You need to be in that ring bro. The fans want to see you back in there. You are gonna tell me you are happy sitting behind that desk .... Are You Serious Bro! You know aswell as I do that people like us are champions and CWF needs us.

The camera rises and the fans cheer as Robbie E is shown Talking on the phone. Cookie is behind him playing with her nails. She seems to be worried when she grabs the phone off Robbie.


Hallo? Look Robbie here is like totally hot right now and the slackers on this roster ... they are just not. FYI Robbie E is what CWF needs and we want you to be part of history because we think that the Two of you will be an amazing force. No word of a lie Robbie has struggled in the past but Im telling you that he will not have that problem again because Robbie Has worked so hard and you are a future Champ and deserve to have a title around your waist. You and Robbie can do that.

Robbie snatches back the phone as he shakes his head, he covers the speaker on the phone.

Cookie are you freaking kidding me? Go file your nails or something.

He then removes his hand from the speaker as he begins to grin. He seems to be listening to the mysterious superstar and then speaks again.

Really bro? Haha I Knew It bro. Thats great Im telling you man the two of us are going to rip up the ocker room and show them exactly how much of a threat we can be after we hit the gym, and get a tan. Ill see you next week bro. Man your no stranger to controversy but this is going to shake things up big time.

Robbie hangs up the phone and fist pumps the air as he smiles and turns to Cookie.

Cookie. ... Cookie hes gonna do it bro, Oh My God its going to be so good. Next week is going to be intense. No one will be expecting that. Hey, hey what are you doing here? Don't worry bro because Robbie E and Cookie are coming to CWF baby and you better believe it that there is going to be a bit of a "situation" next week when Jersey comes to War.

Robbie Steps back andlifts his shirt as Cookie points to his stomach and yells.


So until then remember Robbie E is super hot, and the rest of you in the tag team division, you are not!

The titatron fades to black and CWF goes to commercial.



Blink-182's new album “Neighborhoods†is Available NOW!!








"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson comes blasting over the PA system, pulsating through the arena as the fans aren't sure how to react or what to think. As they all rise to their feet, inspired to do so by their peaked curiosity, the members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. make their way onto the stage. If one were viewing this on a television screen, R-Truth would be on their right and Eddie Guerrero would be on their left, with Jesse Ventura walking behind both of them. They reach the end of the ramp and walk up the steel steps, entering the ring through the ropes. Jesse Ventura hands a microphone to each of his clients as the music fades out to silence.


Eddie Guerrero: I am in inside all of your heads and I know it, ese'. I inspire hatred in the fans, fear in the talent, and cautiousness in the management. That's why none of us are on the card tonight holmes, because CWF management is afraid of unleashing Truth or myself on anymore of the roster and losing them to injury or resignation. But what's done is done, at the end of it all there is still going to be blood on their hands, and the longer they try to keep us down, the more bloodshed we will weigh on their consciences. So go ahead Zack, Joey, keep us off of the shows. Keep us off of every show for the next few weeks if you want vatos, because I've made you aware of what the consequences for that will be. Also, when the pay-per-view gets here, you'll have no choice but to let us compete. You want to know how we feel about winning the CWF Tag Team Championships, ese? Don't look to me.

Eddie lowers his microphone as Truth steps forward to speak his mind.

304290_10150332209629556_760619555_7782401_9028717  02_n.jpg

R-Truth: Ya'll wanna know how it feels ta' win the Tag Team Titles? Trust me, we're all proud of our accomplishment, but we never focus on a small victory for long because there's still a lot left ta' be done before out mission is accomplished. If we focused on this title victory and smiled ear ta' ear and gloated about it each and every week, we'd be taking our eyes off of what's important, and while that was goin' on someone would sneak in and take 'em away. Since that's not somethin' I'm willin' ta' stand by and let happen, I'm just gon' say one more time that we're glad ta' be the champions and leave it at dat. As far as what's next, well ya'll are stupid if you think we're gonna tell you, you're just gonna have ta' wait and see!

"Coma White" begins to play again as the three men exit the ring and head up the ramp, making their way backstage.




F&%$#*@ SMART!!




The crowd goes into a frenzy as Stone Cold Steve Austin makes his way down to ringside.

Booker T: Here he comes, man. The Toughest S.O.B. The CWF has ever seen!

Tazz: And the man who lost to Chris Jericho. Just saying.

As Austin gets into the ring and does his usual entrance....



Edge emerges also to a pretty big pop. He sprints to the ring, looking to not waste any time.

Booker T: Edge is all fired up tonight.

Tazz: Also, he lost to Finlay. Again, just saying.

Austin stares across at Edge, who's already pacing in the ring. Austin licks his lips a little, before advancing on Edge and already landing big shots to his head. Edge is rocked and backs up in the corner, taken aback by how early the offense has stepped up, as Austin begins to stomp a mudhole in him. He continues despite the referee counting to 4, and flips off Edge before stomping two more times and the official finally pulls him off. Austin yells at the referee who isn't having any of it. Suddenly, Edge runs in and clotheslines Austin's head off.

Booker T: Ohhhhh man. D'you see that, dat clothesline looked something nasty right there.

Tazz: Booker, of course I saw it, I'm sitting right next to you.

Edge runs his hand through his hair as Austin gets to his feet, eating another clothesline. Austin quickly gets up and takes another. Austin gets up quickly once again, and this time Edge nails him with a big boot. In a surprise move for Edge, the Rated-R Superstar scales the turnbuckle and waits for Austin to recover before hitting him with a big missle dropkick. Edge and Austin both get up and relatively the same time, and Austin goes for a clothesline of his own, but Edge ducks, Austin turns around, and Edge nails him with the Edgecution DDT! Edge moves to the corner, sits there, with his arm draped over the rope, and starts to pull his hair back violently, the famous facial expression on his face. A dopey Austin doesn't realize where he is. He turns around and sees Edge flying towards him. Austin side-steps Edge and he goes sailing shoulder-first into the ring post. Austin the sizes Edge up but, as he does, a mysterious masked man jumps the barricade and hops up on the apron.

Booker T: Now, what the hell is goin' on here?!

Tazz: I'm just as confused as you are, Book!

The referee is concerning himself with Edge so he pays no attention to what is going on. The masked man gets Austin's attention and, as Austin attempts to confront him, he blasts him in the jaw with a pair of brass knuckles. Austin stumbles back as Edge charges and the man drops off the apron. Edge nails a spear to the weakened Rattlesnake and gets the pin.






Booker T: Well, a nice victory by Edge but it came with a bit of help at ringside. Who is this guy?

Tazz: I dunno but he's got a problem with the Texas Rattlesnake, that's for sure!

As Edge leaves the ringside area, the masked man enters the ring and looks down on Stone Cold. All of a sudden, Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore appear from the back to add on to the already increasingly louder boos being thrown towards the ring.

Tazz: Look, it's Matt Hardy and Shannon Moore. What are they doing here?

Booker T: I guarantee they got somethin' to do with all this!

Matt and Shannon edge closer to the ring and eventually make it to ringside. The masked man mounts Austin and starts beating the hell out of him with the brass knuckles until Austin is bloodied and battered. Matt picks Austin up off the mat and hits a Twist of Fate onto the wrestling legend. Shannon grabs a chair and begins slamming it hard against Austin's prone body.

Booker T: This is just sick and malicious. Somebody get out here now, man!

All of a sudden, the newly-appointed WAR General Manager Bret “Hitman†Hart comes out to stop the vicious assault.

WWE+Raw+NXT+Season+One+Winner+vs+GM+Bret+Hart+Over  +Firing+%5BHD+VIDEO%5D+1.jpg

Bret Hart: Alright, that's enough! Stop it right now you three! What the hell is the matter with you? Attacking a wrestling legend for no good reason and costing him his match tonight. Do you have anything to say for yourselves?

Shannon is ordered to get Matt a microphone and Matt address out GM.


Matt Hardy: Bret, do you want to know what I have to say? Let me turn back the clock here and take you back to last Sunday at Invasion. Shannon and I proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that we are the most impressive force the CWF, no scratch that, the entire wrestling business has ever seen. We eliminated the majority of the tag teams in the Tag Team Title match until we were screwed over by a pair of brass knuckles. And then what happens, huh? We weren't even booked on the card this week. So, we decided to make an impact and we fought fire with fire and screwed someone over with our own pair of brass knuckles and it just so happened we did it to the single biggest wrestling star in history. One because that seems to be the only way to get noticed around here and second because people like him have kept me down for far too long. I deserve an opportunity and I want his spot in the Elimination Chamber match seeing as how he's in no condition to make it there.

Bret scratches his nose and then offers his two cents.

Bret Hart: Ok, Matt. You win. You are officially noticed. But be careful what you wish for because now you have it. Seeing as how I can't afford to have another competitor be left out of the match, I'll give you the opportunity you crave. Matt, you are officially IN the Elimination Chamber match for the CWF Heavyweight Championship....on one condition. You see, I don't like people walking around thinking they can have secrets from me. Your friend in the ring.....I want him to reveal himself before I make it official. Is it worth being in the match knowing your ace in the hole will be exposed?

Matt gets closer to the ropes and glares a hole right through Bret.

Matt Hardy: Do you honestly think that intimidates me, Bret? Do you honestly think in that do-do headed brain of yours that me bringing in a guy in a ski mask would make much of a difference for me? I am going to walk out of the Elimination Chamber the CWF Heavyweight Champion whether you or anybody else likes it so yes, I will indulge you. Go ahead and let the whole world know just exactly who you are.

The masked man gets onto the top rope and looks down at Austin's bloody body. Bret comes down the ramp in an attempt to help but Shannon cuts him off and has a chair in hand. Bret stops in his tracks. The masked man then leaps off the turnbuckle and hits a Swanton Bomb onto Austin. The masked man takes off his mask and reveals himself to be Jeff Hardy.


Tazz: HOLY S&%$!!


The crowd is in complete and udder shock at what they have just witnessed. Jeff Hardy has joined forces with his brother Matt and their childhood friend Shannon Moore. WAR fades as the three men leave the ring as Bret checks on Austin in the ring.


Sheamus vs. HHH - Hardcore Championship Match - Hoov
Cody Rhodes vs. Batista - Andrew
Kurt Angle vs. Justin Gabriel - Sam
Jericho vs. Finlay - Andrew
Edge vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin – Bronzy


Elimination Chamber match for the CWF Heavyweight Championship:
Finlay(c) vs. Edge vs. Matt Hardy vs. Batista vs. Sheamus vs. Chris Jericho​


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Yes because you are mod for all of CWF you don't need to worry about the password.


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Maybe everyone can put some feelers out and ask around if anyone wants to be an emergency writer for CWF? Would rather have too many writers than not enough.


Apr 23, 2011
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Here's the deal..

I wanna return as Punk so damn desperately. I sooo miss playing him. When and how will it be possible?


Apr 24, 2011
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Another question bout this whole thing actually, when you do return as Punk, since we've agreed the next few guys will go to Honour, will you? Just a thought.

The Hoov

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Tbh I think you should come back as a rogue, like the real Punk should have done. You know, come out and interrupt shows and be escorted out by security saying you don't work here anymore. Just a thought. We could drag this out for a while. It would just require promos from you Rock.


Apr 23, 2011
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Well I don't have a single problem with writing promos on a weekly basis, if you saw Honor's preview, you saw that I'm already returning as Beer Money. So I don't see a problem with Hoov's idea. Oh and Bronzy, no. It would just be like you would make CM Punk return to SmackDown after MITB. Just not the thing we're aiming for. Andrew told me he's had plans for me after Elimination Chamber and he mentioned the WHC.. I suggest we wait for him to address the situation.

P.S.: Since when am I able to close threads?


Apr 24, 2011
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You can close it because you started it. Fair enough on the whole returning to SD after MITB anecdote. Was just wondering, as Honour's roster is thin.
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Only a mod can close threads.

First off, Rock can return and I'll find him a match with someone maybe someone on Honor as an Inter-brand match.

CM Punk will be staying on WAR due to the fact he went LOA, he didn't quit and return. Therefore he stays on WAR.

What I want is Rock to send me a promo NOT this week but the following week. Right before Elimination Chamber like I said and then I'll find him an opponent.

I am too busy this weekend so once WWE RAW is on, I'll figure something out.


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A Few Things...

I haven't been on much this week and I haven't got a clue who wrote Kane vs. Miz but I managed to take my time to read the TT's and I was a bit stunned by Soccerboy (Miz) being completely jobbed out when he actually TT'd.

Next time, take notice on TT's and make both look strong regardless because both people managed to TT and I was a bit annoyed. Soccerboy didn't comment the show because he told me over FB that he felt like he was completely jobbed when he actually TT'd, I read the show and by the looks of it... he did get jobbed when he shouldn't have.

Also, we need to communicate a shit load more, communication around here has been quite poor. I'd also want to state the fact that HONOR was extremely short for a show last week, do you guys need something to make the show flow because every match looked short even the main event and yes it might have only been 1-1 but it looked short.. People commented and said the short was short as well.

Can we try pick things up because we got a PPV in a couple of weeks and I want to make CWF look strong.
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