CWF - Staff Trash #8 (Merging Issue)

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Apr 23, 2011
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Well my personal wish is a feud with Bronz. Bronz wants to feud with me, too. We wanted to feud with each other for quite a long time.


Apr 24, 2011
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This was my fault, the Kane/Miz thing, and I take full responsibility and apologize. I didn't realize that Soccerboy had posted after I had wrote the match, but that's no excuse. I apologize to you, Soccerboy, and Staff for a stupid mistake.


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This is why I'm wanting CM to return next week. As I said after WWE raw I'll talk to ya guys


Apr 23, 2011
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Well okay. I will write the promo today. Tell me what do I have to say and it will be said.


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I expect every staff member to read this

So, I've been away all week and I've given assessments to my fellow staff members. I come home expecting the show to be up or almost complete but I get nothing except PROMOS which were PM'd to me. I managed to put them in Staff like a good Jimmy, but how the hell am I suppose to trust you guys if you can't deliver? I set certain assessments that allows you a week to get shit done on time. An hour or even half an hour per day to write a little bit and contribute doesn't hurt.

I want to know the real question here; DO YOU WANT TO STAY?

Because if you want to be a valued CWF Member, you'd put in the effort and ensure things are on time.

Last week HONOR was absolutely short, it almost looked as if nobody put enough effort to make the show look good. This week HOOV has done just about everything and does he deserve to be doing everything? No.

I'm that exhausted and yet I've got to pitch in and do a match or two because a couple of Staff Members can't inform one of us that they cannot do the match. IF YOU CAN'T DO IT, INFORM US!

That's what the STAFF CHAT is for. I'm almost at the point where I'm just going to pull the trigger on CWF because I am at the point where I no longer trust anybody. This isn't the first time it's happened, in fact... The last Pay-Per-View, INVASION was written by BRONZY and MYSELF!

I want to see more effort coming from Staff, this is a place where people enjoy E-Feds and this isn't about what I want, but what THEY want. Members of CWF would love to see a really good show, why do you think we're getting fucking hardly any comments on the show? It's because it's shit.

We need to step our game up and produce something spectucular but we cannot do it if Staff doesn't communicate nor put things up on time. Let's fucking fix it now because I am going to plan a Supershow for next week, I'll be testing every member of Staff for this one.



The Hoov

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CWF MNW Oct.10th SO FAR...

We go backstage where Edge is on a couch sitting alone. The crowd pops loudly when his face is on the screen.

Edge: God what the hell is going on lately. Ever since my title loss things have just been out of control. How the hell did they just put Christian on my show? I wanted to do one with the Elimination Chamber guys, not this crap. He's a lunatic Christian, then I have to tag team with some...

Lita: Hey can I come in.

Edge: What the hell do you want?

Edge is on the couch with his head down as Lita sits right beside him. She is looking a bit under dressed as the crowd remains booing her.


Lita: Look I just wanted you to cool off. I wanted to talk about you about Sunday. I did something horrible, I should have gotten you help. I had no idea about Batista or Jericho or Austin. It was just all in a flash in the moment. I just don't know how to react, you know I'm really sorry. Please Edge..

Edge: You know I've been really frustrated lately because I should be the one with the title. I was doing damn good alone until this happened. I ask for backup in case some interferes yet you couldn't go ask for someone. What is wrong with you?

Lita: I..I...I...I

Edge: I NOTHING!! The next big thing is Elimination Chamber and you clearly won't be needed. As a matter of fact, you won't be needed anymore!!

Lita: NOOOOOO!!!!!!!! Edge please no.

Edge: Get the hell off of me, get out of my face!!

Edge is trying to get Lita off of him but as he does Bret Hart appears as Edge finally throws off Lita. Bret Hart comes in with a smile while Edge gives him a hard stare.

Edge: I have little to say to you either. But if you don't want me to kick your ass right now, do me a favor and get her out of my sight.

Bret Hart: That won't be too hard, Lita never had a contract in CWF. Now Lita, I suggest you leave the premises before I grab security.

Lita is angry as she grabs Edge but Edge grabs her as they walk towards the back door as Edge then puts her to her feet as Edge quickly shuts the door as Lita is stranded in the parking lot as she starts yelling.


“Danger Zone” Episode 5

Live From,
National Exhibtion Centre, Birmingham, UK


The show opens with the usual pyro with the fans going crazy in excitement. Afterwards, we go to the commentators booth where Booker T and Tazz are standing by.

Booker T: Yo, doggs, welcome to CWF Monday Night WAR. We got an awesome show tonight and I can't wait!

Tazz: You can say that again, Booker. We got so many great matches here tonight that I say we get this night underway!

As Tazz finishes his statement.....


The crowd immediately erupts into a chorus of boos as Matt Hardy Version 1 emerges from the back. He lifts a V1 hand sign up high much to the chagrin of the CWF Audience.


Booker T: Yo, man, Matt Hardy has a lot of explainin' to do here tonight!

Matt walks down the ramp and into the ring. He is handed a microphone and begins speaking to the crowd.


Matt Hardy: For those of you who don't know who I am, my name is Matt Hardy Version 1. But to steal someone's catchphrase, “You already know that!” Last week, I promised the world I would get myself noticed. Is everyone paying attention to me now? I took out the biggest star in the company Stone Cold Steve Austin and I have it on good authority that he will never be cleared medically to compete again. I did that. Me. I want anybody to look me in the eye after hearing that fact and tell me I don't deserve to be in the main event. For those of you who doubt me, you only fuel my fire. At Elimination Chamber, I will walk out of that hellish structure as the sole survivor and the true CWF Heavyweight Champion. And if you don't believe me, just ask these two men....

Matt signals towards the ramp as this theme hits.


The crowd bursts into boos again as Jeff Hardy, Matt's brother, and Shannon Moore emerge from the back. Jeff mockingly holds up two thumbs up towards the crowd.


Booker T: This foo' right here oughtta be ashamed for turnin' his back on this audience!

Tazz: I don't think he cares, Book.

Jeff and Shannon walk down to the ring and enter it. Jeff immediately embraces Matt in a big hug which gets major heat from the audience. Jeff then grabs the microphone and starts speaking.


Jeff Hardy: Surprise, surprise! Everyone seems shocked. If I've been asked once I've been asked a thousand times: “Jeff, why'd you do it?” Well, as much as I don't owe anyone a single solitary explanation, I guess I'll indulge you. I did what I did for one simple reason: My brother. You see, he was here for me in my troubling times. For those of you who ask why, I say why not? Where were all of you people when my demons were getting the best of me? You egged me on by encouraging my reckless and dangerous lifestyle and when it all caught up to me, what did you do? Did you stick by my side? No, you all ran to your internet message boards and tried to condemn me. “Jeff Hardy is a pathetic drug addict! Jeff Hardy is a disgrace! Jeff Hardy should die!” You people have absolutely no respect for me and all of my contributions to the wrestling business.

The crowd is absolutely hating The Hardyz and Shannon Moore here tonight. Jeff then continues.

Jeff Hardy: No longer am I going to put my body on the line for people like you. All of my career I have wanted your approval and admiration and what did it get me? A few mediocre and forgettable title reigns and a substance abuse problem. What a way to show a person you care. But you know who does care about me? My brother Matt. He took me in when no one else wanted me. He picked me up when I was at my absolute lowest. I have given myself to Mattitude. I'm an MF'er! And I'm proud as Hell to be one!

The crowd is in an uproar at that announcement. Matt then takes over speaking.

Matt Hardy: My followers are growing....and soon more will follow. Until then......

Matt drops his microphone and all 3 men head towards the back.

Booker T: Who do these guys think they are?

The titatron suddenly lights up with a familiar face smiling on the screen. The crow pop when Zack Ryder is shown standing in an empty room. He then begins to talk as the fans continue to cheer.


Zack Ryder
Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to the first episode ever of Z! True Long Island Story. I am your host the Championship Wrestling Federation Internet Champion, Long Island Iced Z, Zack Ryder. And boyu do I have something bi planned for al of you today when I make a special anouncment to all my broski's out there in the CWF Universe. But first I want to address the events from CWF Invasion and the following Monday Night War a week later. Now I know what many where thinking when Mr. Mcmahon named me the General Manager of War and when he asked me I have to admit I was like Are you Serious Bro? But then when I realised that he was serious it was awsome and we began to design the Internet Champion General Manager T-Shirt for you all to buy but then after Invasion I realised something. Zack Ryder was depriving all his broski's of watching him preform in the CWF ring and that wasn't fair. So I jumped on the pone and called one of the most famous broski's in the whole world. Brett Hart! Can you beieve it Zack Ryder got The Hitman to come back to CWF and now he is the General Manager of War. Thats right .... I am serious bro. But thats that story and all my Broskis can be sure that I will be wearing more CWF gold very ... very soon. But now Broski's it is time for the Long Island Iced Z to reveal his suprise for you all and I really need to take it back a week just for those of you who didnt et a chance to see this.

The UK fans Cheer as Robbie E's segment from last Monday is shown on the screen.

The CWF Titatron Suddenly lights up backstage and the cameras show a pair of feet. They are pacing up and down the hallway. Suddenly we hear a vice speaking to themselves.

Robbie E
Bro Im desperate, no one on this damn roster is Jerseylicious like me and Cookie but you are close. I know I know but i really need you. Think about it with our looks and our skill we will be unstoppable. You need to be in that ring bro. The fans want to see you back in there. You are gonna tell me you are happy sitting behind that desk .... Are You Serious Bro! You know aswell as I do that people like us are champions and CWF needs us.

The camera rises and the fans cheer as Robbie E is shown Talking on the phone. Cookie is behind him playing with her nails. She seems to be worried when she grabs the phone off Robbie.


Hallo? Look Robbie here is like totally hot right now and the slackers on this roster ... they are just not. FYI Robbie E is what CWF needs and we want you to be part of history because we think that the Two of you will be an amazing force. No word of a lie Robbie has struggled in the past but Im telling you that he will not have that problem again because Robbie Has worked so hard and you are a future Champ and deserve to have a title around your waist. You and Robbie can do that.

Robbie snatches back the phone as he shakes his head, he covers the speaker on the phone.

Robbie E
Cookie are you freaking kidding me? Go file your nails or something.

He then removes his hand from the speaker as he begins to grin. He seems to be listening to the mysterious superstar and then speaks again.

Robbie E
Really bro? Haha I Knew It bro. Thats great Im telling you man the two of us are going to rip up the ocker room and show them exactly how much of a threat we can be after we hit the gym, and get a tan. Ill see you next week bro. Man your no stranger to controversy but this is going to shake things up big time.

Robbie hangs up the phone and fist pumps the air as he smiles and turns to Cookie.

Robbie E
Cookie. ... Cookie hes gonna do it bro, Oh My God its going to be so good. Next week is going to be intense. No one will be expecting that. Hey, hey what are you doing here? Don't worry bro because Robbie E and Cookie are coming to CWF baby and you better believe it that there is going to be a bit of a "situation" next week when Jersey comes to War.

Robbie Steps back andlifts his shirt as Cookie points to his stomach and yells.


So until then remember Robbie E is super hot, and the rest of you in the tag team division, you are not!

The fans have continued to cheer throughout the entire promo and they get louder when Zack Ryder is shown again. He then continues to talk.


Zack Ryder
Now I know what your thinking Broski's why am I showing a video of someone who clearly needs to sort some things out. Well Broski's it is with great pleasure that I introduce to you MY tag team partners for the future. Robbie E and Cookie. Thats right I mean could you get three hotter people working together bro? I mean look at this guy what a tan. What hair he is .... well come to think of it bro he kinda looks alot like me. Great its just another reason why we are going to work so well together Broski. So I am putting the entire CWF Tag-Team division on stand by bro ..... Long Island Iced Z and Robbie E are coming for the tag team titles. So remember Robbie E and Zack Ryder are hot and the rest of the tag division are not.

Suddenly Robbie E walks onto the screen and the fans again cheer. He smiles and then addresses the viewers of the video.


Robbie E
Thats right bro and thank you for that fine introduction. I mean your not that bad yourself. Now broski if we just get you a bit more tanned than you would look almost as good as me bro.

Zack suddenly turns to Robbie and pushes his shoulder clearly offended by his comment. Robbie shrugs his shoulders as if to ask what and Ryder answers him.

Zack Ryder
Woah woah woah woah. Abit more tanned ..... Are you frikin' serious bro. Zack Ryder is the epitamy of hot. Need a better tan. Nice one broski. but anyways Im glad you made it sorry I cut you off bro continue.

Robbie E smiles and then waves it off as he continues his introduction.

Robbie E
No worries Bro Im sorry I offended you. but I think you have covered most of it. I mean we are now officially part of the tag team division and I mean it is only a matter of time before we hold the CWF Tag team Championships. So I think thats about all I have to say about that at this time bro. Also I am relocating to Long Island so that I can spend more time with my buddy Zack here. But I feel like I am forgetting about something.

Suddenly someone can be heard walking up the stairs of the Long Island apartment and a familiar voice is heard. The fans cheer again as Cookie can be heard entering the room.


Hallo ... Zack ..... Robbie are you up here? Oh there you guys are what are you doi---. Is that Camera on... O ... M ... G. Am I on Z! True Long Island Story. Woah hi well I guess you have already heard that my boys are coming to CWF but did they ention that I wil be escorting them around the locker rooms and at ringside to make sure that a hint of Jersey is bought to the Long Island Broski's. Well now you know and we are gonna have so much fun fist pumping our way through this division. I mean look how contagious it is already!


Many of the fans in attendance begin to fist pump as the photo is shown a small We Heart Ryder chant breaks out from the fans in the front rows. Zack then decides it is time to end this episode and continues with a confused look on his face.


Zack Ryder
Well that was weird. But the pic is pretty cool broski. Anyways thats all the time we have for this week. im your host Zack Ryder, this is my partner and new best Broski ever Robbie E. And this small little odd thing was our "manager" Cookie. So until next week broski's follow me on twitter, Like me on Facebook, by the broski T-Shirt, Headbands and Sunglasses ... Take care and Spike your hair. Woo Woo Woo ......... You Know It


The Zack Ryder Signature banner is shown as the titatron fades and War moves onto a commercial break.




The fans are quiet as they are waiting for what's coming next, when suddenly …


The People's Champ along with Santino Marella comes out of backstage. The Rock with his stone face and Santino doing the classic „trumpet pose“. The fans are crazy and after a while Rock along with Santino goes towards the ring, where Rock climbs up on turnbuckle and raises his arm high, while Santino enters the ring and makes some funny stretching. The Rock then goes down and enters the ring, looks at Santino and nods his head in disbelieve. Rock and Santino then gets microphones and starts to talk …


The Rock: Finally ….

The fans cheers very loud …

The Rock: No, no, no …. I said …. FINALLY !!!

The fans go mental …


The fans are cheering for Rock and Santino …

The Rock: You know The Rock was backstage with his tag team partner Santino and The Rock said: „C'mon my boy, you've got a match!“. Well, Santino looked a little bit scared, but when The Rock told him, that he's gonna be in his corner, Santino was happy! Santino started to have some self-confidence! And all of that just because of The Rock, just because of the elbow droppin', heart stoppin', strudel bakin' The People's Champion, The Rock!

Santino: Well Rock, you …

The Rock: No, no, no, no Santino. Don't thank to The Rock. The Rock knows … that you're happy, that The Rock is your tag team partner, that you're glad, that you're in the team Rockarella! But let The Rock ask you a one thing … are you ready to win those tag team titles?

Santino: If you ask …

Santino is suddenly cut off …


Attendance is cheering very loud and Rock continues …

The Rock: Well Santino, it doesn't matter, if you're ready to win those titles, because we're gonna win them anyway and especially when you have on your team somebody, who is legend and that legend is The Rock, then there is no other way, but winning those belts. Because you see Santino, The Rock is always the dominant one, even in Eden, he was dominant. I know that you think now, that in Eden, there were just two people named Adam and Eve. Well The Rock was the one, who made them! But it's all about your opponent tonight, you have to focus on that ugly piece of monkey crap! Well Santino, The Rock will give you a little advice … when you'll be in the ring with your opponent and right now I mean that Hunchback of Notre Dame, that you're facing tonight. The Rock tells you to ask him … How's his lips …

The fans are laughing, as Santino is focusing what The Rock is saying …

The Rock: Well, The Rock thinks, he told you everything he can, so this match starts right now, but if there's gonna be any trouble, The Rock will get his ass in the ring and beat that masked umpa-lumpa down!

Fans are laughing again …


The Rock leaves the ring, but doesn't leave the place and Santino stays in the ring ...



The crowd boos as Cody Rhodes starts to make his way down to ringside.

Booker T: Man, the crowd is not likin' Cody Rhodes here tonight!

Tazz: I don't think it bothers him one bit, Book!

Cody enters the ring and the bell rings. Both men lock up in the middle of the ring. Cody gets the upper hand and takes Santino down with a headlock takedown. Cody tries to pin him.



Santino kicks out and gets out of Rhodes' clutches. Rhodes tries to clothesline Santino but Santino does the splits while dodging the clothesline. When Rhodes comes back, Santino hits a big hip toss. Santino then calls out for the Cobra!

Booker T: He's goin' for the Cobra!

Santino waits for Cody to turn around and hits him with the Cobra. Santino goes for the pin.






Santino rolls out of the ring and celebrates all the way to the back as we cut to the next segment.

WAR fades back to the locker room, as we see Jericho warming up and stretching. He gets a mixed reaction from the UK crowd, most of them are the affectionately termed "Hardcore" fans, some of whom support Jericho, perhaps in his future endeavours if he keeps with this conspiracy talk. He doesn't get as much time to warm up though, as Jack Korpela comes barging in with a microphone.


Jack Korpela:Mr.Jericho! I'm terribly sorry to interrupt your preparation, but could you perhaps answer a few questions?

Jericho surprisingly nods.

Jack Korpela:Now, last week you defeated the World Heavyweight Champion, Finaly in a non-title match, in what some called a controversial result. That being said, you now have a pinfall victory over the world champion regardless, and do you think this'll help you going into the Elimination Chamber?

Jericho actually cracks a smile as he responds.


Jericho:You know what, Jack? I'm in a good mood tonight, so I'll forgive you for your supreme lack of judgement last week, and your mistake this week, thinking I would need any help, or need to be riding any kind of momentum going into the Elimination Chamber. Who am I even contending with? Finlay, I've beaten him. Batista, I've beaten him. Edge, I've beaten him. Matt Hardy, I beat him.. And our new opponent, Sheamus. I've beaten him earlier this year, for the Intercontinental Championship in a Ladder match. Now, look at that. I've beaten all of these men individually in singles competiton. What makes you think I couldn't beat all of them when they'll all be focusing on each other as well? They're fish in a barrell. One by one, I'll pick them off and eliminate them until I'm the last man left standing, and I'm the CWF World Heavyweight Champion.

Jack Korpela:Strong Words there from Chris Jericho, and I have to ask, Mr.Jericho, some people think you're rather overconfident going into the chamber with almost all of your opponents being former world champions, along with the current World Champion, Finlay, can we get your thoughts on that?

Jericho looks at him like he's strange and taps the microphone a couple of times.


Jericho:Is this thing not on, or were you just not listening, Korpela? I've BEATEN every single one of these men throughout my career. There's a reason I'm the Best in the World at what I do, and that's because nobody can stand up to the greatness I've achieved and the utmost decency I've shown towards them by not only gracing them with my presence, they'll be able to tell their children's children, that they got to face Chris Jericho, and those children will scream with excitement and want to hear more, as they indulge in those moments where the spotlight is, for once, on themselves, and that's all they've ever cared about. Everyone par myself going into that chamber is a liar. A hypocritical, parasitacal, pechalant liar, and I am the only honest man in this company. I've proven it time and time again, I've shown that I'll do what I say I do, and to do that I need to be ready for my match tonight where I'm going to beat John Cena. This interview is over.

Jericho grabs the microphone from Korpela and shoo's him out of the room. Korpela obliges and heads out, as Jericho keeps the microphone for perhaps later in the night, leaving it next to him in his locker room as he goes back to stretching.


"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson comes blasting over the PA system, pulsating through the arena as the fans begin to boo. As they all rise to their feet, the members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. make their way onto the stage. If one were viewing this on a television screen, R-Truth would be on their right and Eddie Guerrero would be on their left, with Jesse Ventura walking behind both of them. Both men have their respective tag title over their shoulder as they reach the end of the ramp and walk up the steel steps, entering the ring through the ropes.

HHH's Theme Music is about to start up but the camera pans in and we see John Cena attacking HHH from behind. Cena begins punching away as Cena grabs a chair and whacks it over HHH's back, Cena grabs HHH by the back of the head and rolls him into the ring before R-Truth delivers the 'SHUT UP' on HHH. Cena slides into the ring as the bell has yet to sound, Cena grabs HHH and lifts him to his shoulders before delivering the FU. Cena slides out of the ring as he rings the bell, R-Truth makes the pinfall straight away.




Winner by Pinfall, R-Truth!

Booker T: Dat was disgraceful, Da hell Cena think he doin' out 'ere?!

Tazz: Guess we're about to find out...

Cena grabs a microphone but instead of speaking just laughs and walks out, leaving Truth celebrating his big victory over The Game as we fade to commercial.



Season 2 debuts October 16th, 2011!


The camera goes backstage, and The Animal Batista is just grabbing a drink of water, getting ready for his tag team match tonight.


Batista then looks at the camera, and stares into the lens while talking.

The Animal, Batista: Tonight.... it begins. Last week we saw the start of my rise to the top. I took out Cody Rhodes in one of the quickest matches ever to come off of CWF Television. The dominance, is not going to culminate here however, oh no you see. This will only get worse tonight. Sheamus.... Edge...... you two, I just don't even see why your getting title shots. One lost the Hardcore title last week and the other lost against Finlay in his big chance at the championship at Invasion. Now, this week, my partner in my tag match, is Finlay. But here's my problem. Dave Finlay has not spoken out about this match, he has not replied to my messages about the tactic for this match and nor has he even showed up here tonight yet. Now, for this, Finlay is going to get his come-uppance. But for me, all this does is change my game plan.... to all out attack.

I don't care if this ends up being a handicap match, or if I have Dave Finlay in my corner. I'm the real champion.... I'm the real superstar in this business, everything revolves around me. You might be two of the biggest superstars in this company, but mark my word I'm THE biggest... and the gulf in class between me, and either of you is astronomical. I am the face of War... I proved that when I sent Kane down to the depths of Honor Hell, and represented War, showing that it is indeed the best brand in this company. And the only way to better that, is by being the World Heavyweight Champion. And once I'm done finishing the two men, that are only in the Elimination Chamber to fill up pods, I will make my mark tonight.... and it will happen at Dave Finlays expense.

I don't pussy foot around anything, that's not my style. I'm cold, heartless, and the only thing I care about is me. Sheamus, you'll do well to take heed tonight, and wait for your fate in the Elimination Chamber. Edge.... you may know a lot about my daughter, but tonight, your the one that's going to look like a bitch!

Batista's stare fades out as the screen goes black and CWF heads elsewhere.



Batista walks out onto the ramp, and slowly takes a breath before spinning with his arms held out, and punches the air before walking forward, and with a smirk, stopping, slaps he ground and performs his turret taunt as fireworks go off behind him. One more punch in the air and The Animal makes his way towards the ring.

Booker T: This tag team match is gonna be off da' hook, man!

Tazz: Couldn't agree more, Book!

Batista enters the ring as the crowd is booing him out of the building. He then waits for his partner.




Finlay’s music hits and he walks down the ramp, shilleleagh in hand and CWF Championship around his waist, with Hornswoggle by his side to a boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way into the ring, before moving over to the turnbuckle and climbs it just staring at the crowd and then raises his newly won CWF Heavyweight Championship and lets out a sly grin.

Booker T: This guy is proving the doubters wrong every single day dogg!

Tazz: He sure is! Finlay is finally shining bright!


The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.


Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.


Edge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off .

Booker T: You have to wonder if Edge's head is fully in this match seeing as how he just dropped Lita like a bad habit and has the Cutting Edge later tonight with his best friend Christian.

Tazz: Yeah, he better have his mind on this match if he wants a win.

Read The Words That Are Written In My Face ...
Why Believe Them? I Believe Them!


Theme of Celtic Warrior and also called Irish Curse Sheamus, but also the former Hardcore Champion hits the PA System of the arena. Sheamus comes out of backstage area and goes straight to the ring. On the ramp, while he's walking, he's hitting his chest as a sign of his great power. He stops in front of the ring and look at both sides of the arena. The crowd cheers loudly, but Sheamus gives attendance just a sarcastic smile and continues his way to the ring over the steel steps to the apron, where he stands for a while and looks at the crowd again. Then over the second rope he enters the ring and starts to hit his chest again.

Booker T: The most talked about guy on the roster. Sheamus is in my Fave Five, dogg!

Tazz: Book, something tells me your Fave Five is like a mile long.

The bell sounds and we start it off with Sheamus and Finlay. Two Irish men in one ring. Both men lock up but Finlay hits a knee to Sheamus' midsection. Finlay then starts pounding away on Sheamus with clubs to the back. Sheamus then shoves Finlay off and sends Finlay across the ring. As Finlay gets up, Sheamus goes for a Brogue Kick but Finlay ducks. When Sheamus turns around, Finlay starts kicking Sheamus in the shins. Sheamus then falls to his knees as finlay bounces off the ropes and hits a front dropkick to Sheamus' face. Finlay then goes for the pin.



Edge interrupts the pin. He starts hammering away on Finlay with a fury, taking out his Invasion frustration out on him. Suddenly, Batista enters the fray and attacks Edge from behind. Both men go falling through the ropes and to the outside. Both men are brawling on the outside and this gets the referee's attention. Meanwhile, Hornswoggle slips into the ring with the Shallelagh.

Booker T: Hornswoggle, that damn little munchkin!

Tazz: He's like a lolipop kid, Book!

Hornswoggle tries to hit Sheamus from behind but Sheamus catches him. Sheamus kicks Hornswoggle in the face. After he does, Finlay turns Sheamus around and tries for a Celtic Cross. Sheamus then wiggles out and runs off the ropes and connects with a big axe handle. Sheamus goes for the pin.

Booker T: This could be it!

Tazz: You could be right Book!



Batista has knocked Edge out with a clothesline and pulls the ref out of the ring just as he's about to count to 3. Batista is about to knock the ref out but Sheamus sees this and rolls to the outside and connects with a big Brogue kick. Sheamus then rolls back inside as does the referee. The ref is still distracted with Edge and Batista and doesn't see Finlay clock Sheamus in the head with the Shallelagh. As the ref enters the ring again, Finlay pins Sheamus.





Finlay and Batista start making their way towards the back as Edge and Sheamus start arguing with each other in the ring over the loss.





The crowd pops as WAR General Manager Bret “Hitman” Hart makes his way down to ringside with a microphone in hand. He smiles at the crowd as he walks down the ramp.


Tazz: Our General Manager.....

Booker T: Man, are you still sore man?

Tazz: Shut up, Book!

Bret climbs into the ring and wastes no time in getting right down to business.


Bret Hart: How's everybody doing tonight? I hope everyone is enjoying the show. I'm going to try not to take up too much time but I have an announcement to make regarding our main event. It's gonna be John Cena taking on Chris Jericho but there is a special incentive for one competitor to emerge victorious. You see, I want to make things interesting out here so I'm giving each man something to motivate them to give you people 100 percent. John Cena, if you can beat Chris Jericho here tonight then I will give you a Hardcore Championship match against Triple H at Elimination Chamber since you seem to have some sort of problem with him. Chris Jericho, if you can beat John Cena here tonight, then I will have it to where you enter last in the Elimination Chamber match for the CWF Heavyweight Championship. So, without further adieu, let's get this started.



The crowd boos as John Cena comes out from the back with a look of extreme determination on his face. He runs down the ramp and into the ring in usual fashion.

Booker T: Man, this next match is do or die for each competitor here tonight, that's for sure!

Tazz: Not for nothing, but each man has something to gain here! It's gonna be a fight, no doubt!

As Cena gets into the ring, the theme of Chris Jericho hits the PA.


The crowd is still booing as Jericho makes his way down towards the ring. He stops and scowls at members of the audience.

Tazz: Jericho looking to be all business here tonight.

Booker T: As usual, Chris Jericho doesn't look at all happy, dogg!

As Jericho enters the ring, the bell sounds and the match is underway. Both men lock up with Cena getting the upper hand. Jericho then lifts Cena up and connects with a back body drop. Jericho goes for the early pin.




Cena kicks out with a force and sends Jericho upward. Jericho lands on his feet and runs for the ropes. As Cena turns around, Jericho connects with an inziguri. Jericho again goes for a cover.




Booker T: Jericho is trying to end this one early and is pulling out all the stops!

Tazz: Yeah but you can't count out the “Doctor of Thuganomics”!

Jericho then starts arguing with the referee as to whether it was a 3 count or a 2 count. Cena gets to his feet and turns Jericho around and begins to hammer away at him. He backs Jericho up into the corner and starts pounding away at him. The ref gets some separation between the two and, when he does, Jericho clotheslines Cena's head off. Jericho then starts stomping away at Cena while the ref tries to maintain order. Jericho then decides to go for the Lionsault. As he is in midair, Cena moves and Jericho crashes and burns. Cena stands up and goes for the 5 knuckle shuffle. He connects and goes for the pin.




Cena then starts arguing with the referee about the pinfall. This allows Jericho enough time to get a roll-up on him.




Cena kicks out with power and both men go for a clothesline and both connect. Both are down on the mat as the referee begins a 10-count.









Jericho then gets an arm over Cena as the ref starts to count.




Both men struggle to get to their feet but both men do. Jericho and Cena exchange punches until cena gets the upper hand. He sends Jericho into the ropes and, on the rebound, Jericho tries for the Codebreaker. As he does, Cena uses his strength to hold Jericho in midair and toss him onto his shoulders and connects with an F-U. Cena then goes for the pin.






As Cena walks to the back, HHH emerges from the locker room area with a Sledgehammer in hand.


Triple H chases Cena towards the back as we fade to commercial.



CWF Monday Night WAR is brought to you by Sprite!



The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.


Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.


Edge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off and gets the microphone as The Cutting Edge is set up.


Edge: Now at this time, we share some common things such as being Canadian and one of the greats of all time, he is one of my opponents at Elimination Chamber. He is Chris.....


Out comes Christian wearing a leather jacket and a dark red t-shirt as 'Highway to the Danger Zone' by VS The Ocean begins playing. Christian smiles at the crowd as they erupt into boos as Christian goes to speak.



Yeah, that's right Edge... You're interviewing me not Chris Jericho. I am indeed the greatest Canadian to step foot in the ring but it's always been about you Edge hasn't it.

Edge cuts Christian off.

Edge: Here we go again, how the hell did you get in here? Your not on this show, but that being said what a pleasant surprise it is to see you Christian.

Christian: A surprise? How did I get on this show? Well in case you're quite stupid... The same way Tag Teams are allowed on both shows. What did you do to deserve a spot in the Elimination Chamber? I had to go through a tournament and then I went on and defeated Brock Lesnar, finally I have got a chance to have the spotlight. Seventeen long years of being in the business, I'm finally back on top and nothing, nothing will screw me out of my opportunity!

Edge: Oh I see now, guess I am not with the whole modern rules. I'm too concerned doing things you aren't doing like winning matches every week!! As for deserving my spot, well it doesn't take a genius to see what happened on Sunday and how it got out of hand. I have every reason to be in the Chamber match. Other than Finlay, I've yet to be beaten by anyone in this company.

Christian: If you haven't paid attention but I believe I have a better record than you here in CWF. I've beaten every former champion, I've beaten Finlay, I've beaten The Rock, the list goes on to who I've defeated and yet I continue to get screwed out of opportunites whilst you Edge... You have sucked up to every single person just so you can continue hogging the spotlight. At Elimination Chamber, you won't succeed at all. I will be the only Canadian being the Champion and Bret... if you're listening... I'm the best there is, the best there was and the best there ever will be! Edge, you've been ranked highly amongst other Canadians and I've continued to be overlooked. It's about damn time I get some respect I truly deserve, it's all about ME!

Edge: You crack me up, you really do. Ever since I got here, you've just been a negative asshole. You make me sick with all your " oh I never get this oh I never get that". Yeah you've beaten a lot of people around here, but look at what I've done in just three months since I've gotten here. It's funny that I'm debating with you because it wasn't too long ago when we went head to head who came out victorious. I haven't sucked up to anyone, every time i hear that term I look into the person's eyes I see jealousy. Once I see jealousy I have won.

Christian: You may have gotten the best of me that very day, you got extremely lucky! But three months and you're already in the spotlight while I've been here for at least 6-7 months and what have I accomplished?! I accomplished a short title reign that was stolen to me thanks to John Cena! Ever since I never got the chance to be in that spotlight, I DESERVE ONE MORE SHOT! I deserve to be CWF Champion and at Elimination Chamber, I will become Champion and Edge... I will be the better Canadian Champion then you'll ever be!

Edge: Oh I deserve one more shot, oh I deserve this, oh I deserve that, SHUT UP!! You earn things around here and last time I checked you lost fair and square at Invasion. All you've done since I've came back is beat up an injured Randy Orton and complete. Nothing is luck with me, I've beaten the likes of Chris Jericho, John Morrison, CM Punk and list goes on. My track record is great here all I'm missing is that title...

That title will be earned by me at Elimination Chamber because their is no one that can stop me. Their wont be any random people interfering in the chamber. It's everyone for themselves and no one is going to stop me. Im the Ultimate Opportunist for a reason, I am on the PPV cover for a reason, everything I do is a reason. So listen here closely Christian, their is no debate on who's better between us. It's proven time and time again that I deliver. That is something that will be shown at Elimination Chamber. You used to call yourself the Instant Classic, it's time for a new catchprhase buddy because that's what they will be calling me after Elimination Chamber.

Christian then goes to speak but he uses the microphone to hit Edge over the head. Christian then grabs Edge before connecting with the Killswitch... Christian then goes to the corner turnbuckle where he looks at Edge before motioning his pose as Edge slowly gets to his feet only for Christian to hit him with the spear. Christian then gets onto the top rope as he motions that he is coming for the CWF Championship.


Tazz: Christian finally doing something right, he's going for the CWF Champion and he wants to prove Edge he's better than him.

As Christian is still in the ring, Team Mattitude arrives on the scene.

Booker T: What are these dudes doin' out here?

All 3 men enter the ring and have their eyes on Christian. Christian then leaves the ring as Edge is all alone in the ring with The Hardyz and Shannon Moore. Matt lifts Edge back up to his feet only to plant him down with a Twist of Fate. Jeff scales the top rope and hits a Swanton Bomb. Shannon gets Matt a microphone and hands it to him. Matt bends down to Edge.

Matt Hardy: Edge, being in the Elimination Chamber match was the worst mistake you ever made. In fact, all of you in the Elimination Chamber will finally take me seriously. I will continue to make my voice heard until someone notices. I said earlier in the night that more followers would join me, and I was right.....

Matt looks out towards the ramp and, as he does, we are in for a huge shocker.


Tazz: It's Lita!

Booker T: It can't be, dogg!

Lita comes down the ramp and climbs the top rope. She looks down at Edge before hitting a moonsault on him. Lita stands up and embraces Matt. We end WAR with a visual no one thought they would ever see again.



Cena vs. Jericho, Santino vs. Rhodes - Hoov
Finlay & Batista vs. Edge & Sheamus - Sam
HHH vs. R-Truth, putting the show up – Andrew


Elimination Chamber for the CWF Heavyweight Championship
Finlay(c) vs. Batista vs. Edge vs. Matt Hardy vs. Chris Jericho vs. Sheamus

Hardcore Championship
Triple H(c) vs. John Cena

OOC: Lack of TT is the reason why the show is once again Promo Heavy. If you're wondering why the show isn't top-notch, you can look at Staff who bailed out last minute without informing us. We have a Staff Chat in the Staff Room which is barely used and communication really sucks, we're holding a Supershow next week and hopefully... Just hopefully the show will be a WOW FACTOR.

I apologize if you're not enjoying the show. I will be sending out PM's over the week and I'll be asking a few questions to my valued CWF Monday Night WAR Members, I expect all to reply to those PM's.​
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Jun 3, 2010
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Thing is about Honor, if the TTers don't put in the effort, why the hell should we?. If they don't put in the time, we won't, simple as that. Yeah, they might want to see a really good show, but I want to see really good trashtalking, it's a contract sorta deal, if you don't TT and show me what you can do?, you'll be squashed and I won't show you what I can do as a match writer. And btw, we had two good matches on Honor, the tag match and the main event, just saying.

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Alright. Just announcing, that next week, I'm coming back for writing and sorry to Sam for my bad tting in few last weeks but NOW it's my time! And that's why, I'm putting on a offer, cause of really, really bad show for CWF's standard, to help with Honor's writing. I will still love to write for both brands and I WILL be able to write for both shows. That's it :)


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I understand, this is why the Supershow's there.

Just about everyone on the roster is booked and I expect everyone to TT.


Apr 23, 2011
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They piss on our work Andrew. First of all I'm still on my writing LOA, nothing changes, BUT. Why the fuck should I spend 30mins per day when the CWF members don't give a horseshit about the staff and all of our hard work, they comment on shows only if and when Andrew or someone from staff asks them - okay not everyone but the majority of the guys does, and the comment is a generic "nice show guys" comment. So why the fuck should I work my ass off when they don't respect it? However I respect staff, the forums and the fed, and so if the match I'm given is required to be longer than the penis of Val Venis (Vivo el Y2J), I'll go for it and write it, because when I see that I have to do something, I ain't gonna stop till it's the best I can do.


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I completely agree that if members don't TT or barely post anything then their match should be short. The length of the match should correlate to the length of the TTs.


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True, it's disappointing really.


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How's everyone?

Alright Staff, need to know how we're going with the Supershow and E/C Writing.

I'm getting onto my stuff tomorrow.

Lack of TT'ing happening lately, we need to pick it up.

Please ensure communication here in Staff is in top-notch because we have Supershow and PPV in the same week frame so things will really need to pick up.


Apr 24, 2011
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Starting my stuff later today, gonna be TT'ing like a madman for the EC if more post.
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