CWF - Staff Trash #13 (Merging Issue)

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Apr 24, 2011
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I like it, I really do. Think you could do well with a heel Christian.

Also, personally I would swap Ryder for Jericho, have the two champions face the two challengers, sorta, and have Bourne vs Ryder, and Ryder's deffo gonna post either way and then he could wind up getting an IC title shot at some point I guess.
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Bronzy's writing the WHC Match; trust me Hoov... This fella has the most craziest ideas 'cos this PPV is in England.

Also Lewb going to send a promo which will go in the match too

The Hoov

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The Miz vs. Y2J




Much to the shock of everyone else, Chris Jericho makes his way out to the ring in his regular street clothes. He cockily walks down the ramp towards the ring.

JR: Jericho must not think much of The Miz. He didn't even dress to compete here tonight!

As Jericho gets to the ring, his opponent for Extreme Rules, Sheamus, comes running down the ramp with a strange look in his eyes.


King: What's Sheamus doing out here?

JR: That's what I would like to know, King!

Sheamus ambushes Jericho with a club to the back. He starts pummeling Jericho down. He grabs Jericho and hurls him into the ringpost. Jericho falls flat to the outside mat. Sheamus grabs a metal pipe from underneath the ring and grabs Jericho. He positions the pipe under his head and starts to choke the life out of Jericho.

JR: Good God! Will somebody stop this!?!

Sheamus finally lets go but is still not done. He starts beating Jericho down with the lead pipe with shots to the back of the head and his whole body. Sheamus flips Jericho over and starts digging the pipe into the forehead of Y2J.

King: Oh for God's sake someone stop this!

Sheamus continues to dig into Jericho's skull with the pipe until blood begins to trickle down his face. Sheamus then grabs Jericho up off the floor and sets him up for a Crucifix Powerbomb. Sheamus lifts him up and connects, sending Jericho crashing down hard on the mat. Sheamus pounds on his chest and lets out a big yell while the crowd is boo-ing him out of the arena. EMT's finally rush down to Chris' aid as Sheamus walks out of the arena with a smirk on his face.

JR: Folks, we apologize for Sheamus' actions. Somebody please cut to a damn commercial!

As we cut to a commercial, we are left with the image of Chris Jericho beaten and bloodied on the floor below.​

The Hoov

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/\/\/\/\ lol

Kane vs Cena


The fire explodes as “The Big Red Machineâ€￾ Kane comes out to, surprisingly, a series of cheers. It seems to have little effect on him as he still just walks to the ring with a purpose and that is to destroy John Cena.

JR: This is just a scary individual, King. No remorse, no regrets, just pure evil.

King: I have a feeling John Cena isn't going to make it to his match at Extreme Rules!

As Kane reaches the ring.....

So, You Think You're Untochable?


John Cena marches out to nothing but boo's. He runs to the ring and, when he slides in and stands up, is immediately met with a throat thrust by Kane. Kane then starts unloading on Cena. He throws Cena into the ropes and catches him on the rebound, throwing him upward into the air and having Cena crash down onto the ring mat. Cena grabs his ribs in pain. Kane grabs Cena and sets him up for the Tombstone. As he does, Cena wiggles out and pushes Kane towards the referee. Kane, however, does not budge and Kane turns around and nails Cena with a right hook.

JR: Kane has absolutely dominated this match thus far.

King: What did you expect, JR? Kane is a monster!

Kane lifts Cena back up but Cena fights back. He connects with a few punches to Kane's abdomen. Kane doubles over from it as Cena bounces off the ropes and hits a big shoulder tackle. This sends Kane over the top rope. As usual, Kane lands on his feet and looks up at Cena and cocks his head to the side. Cena then becomes frightened. Kane climbs onto the apron and back into the ring. Cena then ambushes Kane and starts unloading on him but Kane shoves Cena halfway across the ring. As Cena comes back, Kane grabs Cena by the throat and slams him down hard to the mat. He then lifts Cena back up and hits a Tombstone on the Doctor of Thuganomics. As Kane is about to pin Cena, Triple H comes out from the crowd with a sledgehammer in tow and hits Kane right in the back with it. Kane is sent down to one knee. The referee calls for the bell.


Triple H then hits Kane in the back of the head with the sledgehammer. The crowd is absolutely disgusted at this point. Triple H then takes the sledgehammer and starts choking the life out of Kane. Triple H then leaves the ring and starts looking for something underneath the ring.

JR: Damnit! Wasn't one malicious attack enough this evening?

Triple H then pulls out a gas can and a couple of matches out and slides back into the ring. He then pours the contents of the gas can onto Kane. Triple H gets full of himself and starts to taunt the crowd. Right before he can strike a match, Kane sits up and literally scares Triple H half to death. Triple H then runs towards the back with a look of fear on his face. Kane then lifts his arms high into the air and sends them crashing down and, as he does, a wall of flame stops Triple H dead in his tracks on the ramp. Triple H jumps back and runs through the crowd.

King: Triple H might have sent a message but I think Kane sent one of his own!

We then fade to a commercial break.​


Apr 24, 2011
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Shits going DOWN on this show, I'm pumped, and everyone else is gonna be for Extreme Rules when it comes around, this ought to be perhaps our best PPV for a while.

The Hoov

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I couldn't agree more Bronzy. This show and the PPV are gonna rock!


Apr 24, 2011
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Am I the only one that thinks it should be Sheamus and Christian vs Rock and Jericho? I mean, I know they've never been best buddies, and I'm not trying to get myself in the main event or anything, but champions vs challengers tag match just sounds good to me :p


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I like your idea; we'll book it for next week.


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The match begins with Stone Cold and Road Dogg starting the match, circling each other.

King: Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare for a JR Rant, Stone Cold will lose.

JR: Now king, I never claimed to be the most unbiased man in the world, but that's unfair.

They lock up in the middle of the ring and Austin gets Dogg in a side headlock, and is pushed off the ropes, where Dogg hits a big clothesline on Austin, flooring him. He hits him with an elbow drop, dragging him over to the corner and tagging in the "Bad ass" Billy Gunn. They stomp Austin in the corner, as Billy Gunn flips him off before stomping him a couple more times as the referee pulls him off and warns him. While he does this, Dogg chokes Austin in the corner as Pillman tries to get into the ring and argues with the referee, while Gunn takes some free cheap shots. He irish whips Stone Cold into the ropes, and goes for a big boot. Austin ducks and trips the other leg, jumping onto Gunn and unloading with a Lou Thesz Press!

JR: And look at Stone Cold fire away at Billy Gunn with such ferocity?

King: It's ALWAYS about Stone Cold, isn't it JR? Stunner this, Austin that.

Stone Cold quickly runs and tags in Brian Pillman, who scales the top rope and hits a beautiful flying dropkick to the face of Gunn! He goes for a cover!



Dogg breaks it up!

Dogg backs away trying to rest as Stone Cold charges him and they both fly over the top rope. Pillman sees his opportunity with Gunn down, and climbs onto the apron. When Billy stands up, he springboards towards him, looking for Air Pillman, but billy ducks, bounces off the ropes, and hits the big boot. He goes for the cover!
JR: That may have taken Pillman's head off!


Pillman kicks out!

Gunn shows signs of frustration and asks the referee why he counted so slow, and the official just tries to tell him that he wasn't slow. Gunn turns around to a bunch of repeated forearm shots by Pillman, backing him into the corner. Pillman grabs him around the abdomen and lifts him to the top rope. He climbs up with him and hooks his head, lifting each others arm over their respective heads.

JR: Pillman going for a big move here, this could be dangerous.

King: Yeah, but high risk, High REWARD, JR.

Gunn suddenly lands shot to the kidneys of Pillman, trying to fight back. Pillman is forced to release the hold, and Billy pushes him off the turnbuckle, as he crashes to the ground. Gunn readies himself, hitting a big seated senton! Gunn is worn out and tired, and lies there for a few seconds before crawling over and putting an arm over Pillman.



3..NO! Pillman kicks out!

JR: Look at the great resilience and tenacity being shown by Brian Pillman!

King: Come on Billy, he's still got some fight left, you gotta squash him!

Stone Cold is going absolutely nuts on the apron, screaming for Pillman to tag him. He tries to reach, and Billy Gunn grabs his leg, only to be met with a big enzuiguri. He makes another dive at him, but Brian tags in Stone Cold and the crowd goes nuts. Austin throws him into the corner and begins to stomp a mudhole in him. He flips him off and motions for the crowd. He tags in Brian who lands shots on him in the corner. Gunn starts to fight back, beating back Pillman, and tagging Dogg, who picks him up for a pilderiver. But he turns around, and Billy scales the top rope, looking to hit the Spike Piledrive. Stone Cold senses the urgency and hits Billy, knocking him off the turnbuckle. Dogg drops Pillman and charges him, making both of them go over the top rope,just like before.

King: Haven't we been here before? See, Brians on the apron and everything.

JR: Indeed King, Pillman trying to get Gunn for a second time.

Indeed he does, Gunn rolls in the ring as Pillman springboards. He soars majestically towards Gunn and looks to hit Air Pillman, but suddenly, he's caught! Billy catches him in mid-air, spins around, and plants him with a massive Gunnslinger!

JR: Oh my God King! Did you see that!

King: Yes, that's my guy right there JR!

Gunn hooks the leg for the cover!




Your winners at 9:26- The New Age Outlaws!​


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WAR cuts from its previous segment, to show Booker T and Goldust walking backstage, preparing for their match. Suddenly, both of them are blindsided by two men. The camera shows them lieing on the ground and shoots up to show Riley and Dibiase standing over them!

JR: Oh what the hell is this? The match hasn't even started yet!

King: It's called getting an advantage, JR!

Riley picks up Goldust and slams his head off a crate and throws him into a pile of crates as we cut to Dibiase beating on Booker. He stands next to a table and pulls Booker facing away from it,and locks in the Million Dollar Dream, tugging and pulling on it as Booker writhes, trying to escape, before he slowly wears down and passes out. Dibiase lets out a wicked smile as he hoists him in the air and slams him through the table with Dream Street. He kicks dust onto Booker and mentions something about class as he and Riley walk off, when suddenly...


King: I guess I'll read this one.

King goes up to the laptop and lifts the front before reading the e-mail aloud.

King: Riley and Dibiase, although I can't agree with your Heinous attack, both Booker T and Goldust are unable to compete, so I must reluctantly give you a bye, to face the New Age Outlaws in the next part of the tournament. That is all.

JR: WHAT?! This is crap! Riley and Dibiase may steal the tag team titles!

JR looks exasperated as WAR moves on.​



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This has all been fixed.


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Christian's theme song 'Just Close Your Eyes' hits the arena once again straight after he's already gone backstage after losing to Finlay. Christian doesn't high-five anybody, he looks frustrated as he heads towards the ring.



Earlier tonight, I lost... but I lost on purpose.

JR: What? Christian lost on purpose, I'm confused here...

That's right; I allowed Finlay to give me a savage beatdown... you wonder why the match was so short. I'm not exactly happy with myself at this very time, the past few weeks I've been on a losing streak. Not to mention the 'McMahon's cannot help what has happened from the beginning of the night, I've lost my opportunity to claim gold. I've lost the opportunity to become the next CWF Heavyweight Champion. All this was blown out of proportion and now Vince McMahon isn't around, I'll guarantee that I will get that very championship shot back. At Extreme Rules, I'll be there without a doubt. I'll enter myself in the match and nobody is going to stop me at all and I MEAN NOBODY!

The crowd begins to give out a mixed reaction.


Who do you people think you are booing Captain Charisma? I'll tell you exactly who I am and exactly what my purpose is!

Christian slides out of the ring, picking up a Kendo Stick. He looks at Lawler.

Lawler: I understand your frustration Christian, I didn't think it was fair either.


Lawler: I wouldn't lie to you Christian.

Jerry, stand up... I'm just a man, a man who gets teased on. They think it's funny to give me something but I get screwed out like this? I've held this frustration in for too long Jerry. I know I can beat The Rock! I know I can become CWF Champion!

Jerry Lawler stands up and asks what now, Christian holding the Kendo Stick hits Lawler in the back, the crowd boo's, Christian continues a few times...


The fans are jolted up from their seats as CWF World Heavyweight Champion The Rock comes out to a massive pop from the crowd. He rushes his way down the ramp as he grabs a microphone.

he Rock is majorly over as always. He walks around the ring, gaining momentum for his rant. The audience is going insane for The People's Champ.


The Rock: What on earth do you think you're doing ya jabroni?! The Rock doesn't like what you're doing, The Rock doesn't like the fact you're bitching 'cos you're not facing me no more. The Rock doesn't care if he has to beat you, Finlay, John Cena or anybody else in the roster. The Rock knows he's going to layeth the smacketh on all of the CANDY ASSES! You can guaran-damn-tee that!

Christian slides back into the ring with the Kendo Stick in his hand. Christian speaks.

You know ever since you've became a Champion, the spotlight has been on you. The cheers, the fame... it's always about you Rock and I'm sick of it. These people didn't care about me, they only cared about you Rock. I don't need anybody's support, I don't need to be disrespected in a company like this. Seventeen years and I win the big one only for it to be snatched off me in a matter of days, now I'm here in CWF... Regardless of my losing streak at Extreme Rules... I'm going to BRING IT!

The Rock is about to speak but Finlay rushes down the ring with a Shillelagh as he hits The Rock from behind, this allows Christian to hit the Killswitch on The Rock. John Cena rushes down the ring as he hits the FU on Finlay. Christian slides out of the ring as John Cena goes to speak, Finlay slowly gets to his feet.

John Cena:

Ya kno-

All of a sudden Christian clocks Cena in the back of the head with the CWF Heavyweight Championship.

JR: This is poor behavior by Christian here.

Christian looks at Finlay who gives a small smile, Finlay goes to shake Finlay's hand but Christian walks over to the turnbuckle as he looks towards the crowd. Finlay asks what's going on? Christian responds by getting up on the top rope before leaping off hitting Finlay with a Tornado DDT. Christian picks up the belt as he walks off before looking down on the belt.


The Anonymous GM noise goes off.

Jim Ross: Give me a moment...

Jim Ross reads the E-Mail, Jim Ross reads it out.

The Anonymous WAR GM says...

'Christian, next week you will team up with Sheamus to take on The Rock and Ryder'. But, you will also have another match, you are going to take on the former CWF Heavyweight Champion, Alberto Del Rio. If you can beat him in under five minutes, you will be allocated back into the Fatal Four Way'. With that being said... I'm announcing more matches that will happen at Extreme Rules.

We're going to have a Triple Threat Steel Cage match between Zack Ryder, Randy Orton and CM Punk. They will battle it out in a Steel Cage Match and the winner will become the new number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship! With Chuck Taylor walking out earlier, I've decided to make Evan Bourne and Alberto Del Rio face in a Singles Match. There will be no tag match, Del Rio and Bourne will face off in a Last Man Standing!

With that being said, Cody Rhodes & The Miz are expected on the show next week. If I don't hear from them then they will suffer serious consequences.

The show then goes to fade with Christian posing with the CWF Heavyweight Championship


Tag Tournament - Bronzy
Jericho vs. The Miz, CM Punk vs. HBK, Cena vs. Kane - Hoov
Finlay vs. Christian, The Main Event, The Show, Promos and Coding - Andrew

World Heavyweight Championship - Falls Count Anywhere
Rock vs. Christian vs. Finlay vs. Cena

CWF Intercontinental Championship - Ladder Match
Sheamus vs. Jericho

Singles Match - Inferno Match
HHH vs. Kane

Triple Threat for the IC - Steel Cage Match
CM Punk vs. Orton vs. Ryder

Last Man Standing
Bourne vs. Del Rio

Tag Team Championship: - Tables Match

Henry & MVP vs. Winner Of Bracket Two Winner

Facing off next week on WAR

Bracket 2
Riley / DiBiase vs. vs. New Age Outlaws

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Finlay’s music hits to a good pop and he comes out stony faced. He quickly shakes that feeling, perhaps nerves? Replaced is a look of casual determination. The Finlay we all think we know, as he enters the ring and poses on the turnbuckle for a brief time…



Christian's theme song 'Just Close Your Eyes' hits the arena to a great reaction, he instantly slides into the ring.

Finlay uses the shillelagh and beats Christian down. Christian tries to get back on his feet but is unable to, Finlay continues beating him down before Christian slides out of the ring. Finlay goes after him as Christian throws Finlay to the barricades. Christian charges but stops before whispering something to Finlay's ears. He nods his head as Finlay grabs Christian and rolls him into the ring.

JR: What on earth is Christian doing?

Christian stands in the middle of the ring not even throwing one punch as Finlay lifts him and connects with the Celtic Cross and pins him.


Winner by Pinfall, Finlay!

Lawler: That was ridiculous. What is Christian thinking.

Christian gets to his feet and shakes Finlay's hand before leaving the ring. Finlay soon follows on, the crowd is booing heavily and are left confused as...



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The Show So Far

The scene opens on backstage correspondent Lillian Garcia.

Lillian Garcia: Ladies and Gentlemen, my guest at this time, the CWF World Heavyweight Champion, The Rock!

Camera pans out to show The Rock standing next to Lillian with his title draped across his shoulder.


The Rock: Hey, Lillian. How's it going? Long time no see. It's been a while since you and The Rock have shared a few words with one another.

Lillian: * chuckles * Yes it certainly has. I have a few questions for you if I may....

The Rock: Hold on, hold on! That's all fine and good but you see The Rock has a few questions for you. The Rock was just wondering if after all this time being away from The Rock if you still felt the same way. If you still thought about seeing The People's Strudel. If you've still often fantasized going ONE-on-ONE with The Great One?

Lillian: * giggles * umm.....

The Rock: Ok, The Rock can see he's making things a little unprofessional around here so let The Rock answer the question that's been on everybody's mind. What does The Rock think about his title defense at Extreme Rules. Well, let The Rock just say that it doesn't matter who The Rock faces.....Hey jabroni camera up here!

The cameraman zooms his camera up close to The Rock's face to capture his facial gestures.


The Rock: But like The Rock said, it doesn't matter who The Rock faces at Extreme Rules whether it be 4 or 5 or even 45 sum bitches. The fact of the matter is this, Lillian Garcia, is that The Rock will layeth the smacketh down on any and all candy asses. And whether it's John Cena, or Finlay, or even Christian, it doesn't give a damn to The Rock. And as far as Triple H is concerned, tonight The Rock will teach you exactly why he is The Most Electrifying Man in All of Entertainment and The Rock will show you and the entire world why he is the Jabroni-Beatin', LALALALALALALALALALALOW! Pie-Eating. Trail-Blazin', Eyebrow-Raisin'. Everything's bigger in the heart of Texas including the ass-whoopin' you are about to receive courtesy of The Rock. IF YA SMELLLLLLLLLLLALALALALALALALALALALALALOW! WHAT THE ROCK......IS COOKIN'?!

The Rock raises an eyebrow as the scene fades.



Jim Ross: Welcome to a Monday Night WAR and what a show we've got tonight!

Jerry Lawler: This could be the best WAR we're having so far.

Jim Ross: No doubt Jerry, I mean we've got The Tag Tournaments, Jericho vs Miz, Finlay vs Christian, Cena vs Kane, HBK vs CM Punk and lastly the main event which will be HHH going one on one with The Rock!

Jerry Lawler: You can't get better than that!

The crowd goes from cheers to boos as the beginning of Drew's music starts to play over the PA system.

What's that Metronome I hear?...
Perhaps the end, is drawing near..
You never hear the shot that takes you down..
Out of time!


The crowd erupts to boos as Drew McIntyre makes his way out to the ring with Curt Hawkins walking behind him, Drew hops up on the steel steps as Curt gets onto the apron. They both enter the ring as Drew has the microphone.


'The Chosen One' Drew McIntyre: Last week was a travesty, Vincent Kennedy McMahon personally signed me to a contract for this? For me to be screwed out of a dream I've 'eld for so long? To become a champ'on. After our victory last week we sat by the comment'ry table as we watched Mark 'enry and MVP defeat the 'Ardy's in a matter of seconds. We did our job and showed 'Enry and MVP who the credible threats were, but Vincent Kennedy McMahon had to come out 'ere and interfere what we were doin'. 'Ere's the replay.

The bell rings as Jeff Hardy is in the ring as Mark Henry starts off for his team. MVP hops off the apron as Mark Henry turns around looking confused but MVP rushes over to where Matt Hardy is and grabs his feet before Matt slams onto the canvas. MVP begins stomping as Jeff Hardy tries to punch Mark Henry, Henry turns around before delivering 'The World's Strongest Slam' as Henry goes for a pinfall.




Winner by pinfall, Mark Henry!

That was a quick match...

Lawler: I'm actually somewhat surprised, MVP and Mark Henry sure had a game plan...

Drew McIntyre: Give me a moment.

Curt Hawkins sneakily goes around the side of the ring as MVP turns around, Curt Hawkins boots MVP right in the face. Henry looks over the ropes as he threatens Hawkins. Drew McIntyre delivers a low kick to Mark's shins before Henry drops down to his knees. Drew then delivers the Future Shock on Henry as Curt Hawkins drags MVP into the ring. Hawkins grabs MVP before delivering 'The Taste of Pain'.

As Drew and Curt are celebrating what they have just done, Vince McMahon makes his way back down to ringside with a microphone in hand.


Vince McMahon: Well, Drew, Curt.....You know I have the up-most respect for both of you gentlemen but your actions tonight were resembled those of a bunch of juvenile delinquents. I didn't hire you two for that type of behavior. So, I'll tell you what I'm going to do. The second round match that was scheduled to take place between you two and MVP and Mark Henry is going to take place....NOW! Ring the bell!

Vince signals for the bell as McIntyre and Hawkins plead with McMahon to reconsider. Just at that moment, both MVP and Henry make it to their feet and are angrily glaring at the two chosen ones. MVP and Henry start taking it to the both of them. MVP clotheslines Drew over the top rope as Henry grabs Hawkins and hits a World's Strongest Slam. Henry makes the pin.




'The Chosen One' Drew McIntyre: Just like that... our dreams were like ashes, like sand if ye ask me. Vincent, I didn't come from Scotland all the way to America to be treated like this. We demand a rematch right now, Curt and I are the true champ'ons 'ere and I know you Vincent, you would give us the rematch. So come on down Mark 'Enry and MVP 'cos we're gonna give you a beatin' like nev'r before!

Vince McMahon makes his way down to ringside with a microphone in hand with no music.


Vince McMahon: Well, Drew, Curt.... You're not going to get anything at all. You lost fair and square and I am not going to be doing favors for anybody. For the past few weeks I've let people walk all over me and I cannot let it happen anymore.

Drew scowls at Vince, looking furious as Drew grabs Vince and locks in the Future Shock before Vince hits the mat which knocks him out. Shane McMahon rushes down the entrance ramp as once Shane slides into the ring he gets stomped on by Drew and Curt. Curt then lifts him up to his feet before connecting with a big boot. Drew then grabs Shane and gets him to the steel steps as Drew hits a Future Shock which knocks him out cold. Drew goes back into the ring as Curt Hawkins goes to raise Drew's hand in the air, Drew drops his hand instantly before kicking Curt Hawkins in the guts and hitting a Future Shock!

Jim Ross: What on earth? Drew just took out his partner!

Drew grabs the microphone as he walks over towards Vince. Drew gets on his knees as he grabs Vince by the back of the head and speaks.

Drew McIntyre: You know Vince, once you return. You won't be messing with a Chosen One, I am going to be 'The American Nightmare'; ev'ry single person in this building will suffer an accolade, the prize bein' my ruthless aggression takin' out ev'ry single person in me sight. I don't need Curt no more but I promise you Vince I will find me a partn'r and we will win those Tag Team Champ'onship whether you like it or not. I am sick of this country not respectin' me, I demand respect from ev'ryone 'ere 'cos me tag partner which I'll reveal at a later date will 'ave you sleepless; those long endless nights... those Nightmares we give you, which is why we call ourselves 'The American Nightmares'. Only time will come and we make our impact, it's only...

Drew is suddenly interrupted by what sounds like a CD being burnt. The noise continues for a bit.


Jerry Lawler: It seems my E-mail has gone off. It's telling me to read it out to the audience.

Lawler stands up as he reads the email.

Jerry Lawler: I've just received an E-mail from what looks to be WAR's Anonymous General Manager. Ok, this is surprising.... The E-Mail says Drew McIntyre, you must reveal your partner right now or you will be fired from CWF. If you reveal your partner right now, the Anonymous WAR General Manager says you will get a chance in a Number One Contender's Match on the WAR after Extreme Rules. Who you will face or how many tag teams you will go through, I will not say.

'The American Nightmare' Drew McIntyre: Jerry, you tell that General Manager to give me The Tag Team Championship then I'll reveal my partner.

The Anonymous WAR GM music goes off once again.

Jerry Lawler: Ahem... The Anonymous WAR General Manager says if you don't reveal your partner right now then you can forget about CWF and those Tag Team Championship. You've got one choice, get out of that ring or reveal your partner.

Drew McIntyre pulls his hair as he walks around the ring frantically, a theme song finally hits.


The music of Mason Ryan hits the arena, as soon as Mason makes his way out everybody begins chanting 'Batista' over and over; but it's not Batista. It's Mason Ryan. He walks down the entrance ramp as he gets into the ring.


Mason Ryan; My name is... Mason Ryan. Born from Tremadog, Wales. Drew and myself have formed as a team. We are not American, but for quite some time I've been wrestling in America and the disrespect I get makes me angry. So Anonymous WAR General Manager, you've met your match.

As Vince slowly gets to his feet, Mason Ryan grabs him and rolls him out of the ring before dragging him up to the entrance ramp as Mason hits a Swinging Side Slam but Mason drops Vince as he falls off the stage onto a few pyrotechnics as they explode.


Jim Ross: What on earth are these two doing to the McMahons tonight?

Jerry Lawler: Obviously making a statement, I've just received another E-Mail.

Anonymous WAR General Manager: STOP! STOP What you're doing. This chaos you've set already and the show has yet to begin. You've made your point, if you want those Tag Team Championship shots you're going to have to wait until after Extreme Rules. If you do anything that is not acceptable. That includes putting your hands on other opponents or such, you will not have a match until Extreme Rules and if I find out you've done something. I will fire you. Do you understand?

Drew looks absolutely pissed off as he leaves the ring as him and Mason Ryan shake hands as a theme song begins playing.

WAR cuts from its previous segment, to show Booker T and Goldust walking backstage, preparing for their match. Suddenly, both of them are blindsided by two men. The camera shows them lieing on the ground and shoots up to show Riley and Dibiase standing over them!

JR: Oh what the hell is this? The match hasn't even started yet!

King: It's called getting an advantage, JR!

Riley picks up Goldust and slams his head off a crate and throws him into a pile of crates as we cut to Dibiase beating on Booker. He stands next to a table and pulls Booker facing away from it,and locks in the Million Dollar Dream, tugging and pulling on it as Booker writhes, trying to escape, before he slowly wears down and passes out. Dibiase lets out a wicked smile as he hoists him in the air and slams him through the table with Dream Street. He kicks dust onto Booker and mentions something about class as he and Riley walk off, when suddenly...


King: I guess I'll read this one.

King goes up to the laptop and lifts the front before reading the e-mail aloud.

King: Riley and Dibiase, although I can't agree with your Heinous attack, both Booker T and Goldust are unable to compete, so I must reluctantly give you a bye, to face the winners of New Age Outlaws and Cowboys From Hell later tonight. That is all.

JR: WHAT?! This is crap! Riley and Dibiase may steal the tag team titles!

JR looks exasperated as WAR moves on.​

Josh Matthews: With me at this time, I have one of the three number one contenders to the CWF Heavyweight Championship at Extreme Rules, the tough Irish Bastard, Finlay!

Finlay comes into the screen to a mixed reaction from the crowd.

Josh Matthews: Finlay, firstly I was wondering if we get your thoughts on your upcoming title match at Extreme Rules?

Finlay: You can have my thoughts on it Josh, but first of all, let me go back to how you introduced me. You have with you, one of THREE number one contenders to the CWF Heavyweight Championship at Extreme Rules. I went into Vengeance and earned the number one contenders slot in a match against a man I had already defeated the week prior on War. Without a doubt and to be honest, without raising too much of a sweat, I beat him and felt as though I would be proud to call myself THE number one contender. I arrive at War last week, and the new champion, The Rock comes out, starts running his mouth and calls me out, just like he should to THE number one contender. And then what should happen before I get out there? The man who LOST at Vengeance goes out there and answers to the Rock. Really? What the hell gives Christian the right to go out there and take my spotlight. He had his chance at Vengeance, a chance which he rightly deserved in a match against me. He lost that chance when the Rock was named the new champion. He is supposed to go back down the ranks and earn the spot all over again, just like everybody else has to in this business.

The crowd boos, obviously flawed by there allegiance to Christian.

Speaking of attention seeking spotlight hungry little bitches, as far as John Cena goes, he can go back and get in line as well. He was in a match for the Intercontinental Championship at Vengeance and couldn’t even win that. What gives him the right to even think he can be in the same vicinity as me. All he does is rap every single word that he says, and people honestly tell me that my accent is hard to understand. He talks a load of crap every time he opens his mouth, and to be honest, his wrestling isn’t much better. His robotic five moves that he does in every match, it amazes me that he has ever been successful.

Josh Matthews: In all honesty you didn’t really answer my question about your thoughts about the title match. All you really did was ramble on about your other competitors. Would you care to continue on?

Finlay: I don’t even no whether I should consider this to be my chance at the title. How can you go into a number one contenders match and come out of it and all of a sudden you are not the only number one contender. Alongside you are two blokes who lost at the pay per view, so what gives them the right to even be in the match. I’ll tell you one thing right now; if I have anything to say about it, maybe Christian won’t even make it to the pay per view. And that reminds me, I do have something to say about it. Right now, I have a match against that spotlight stealing piece of stench called Christian. A Belfast brawl no less; a match that I am never beaten in because nobody can do what I can do in a no disqualification situation. Nobody can handle the pain that I can handle, and nobody can handle the pain that I dish out. Christian I tell you this for your own safety. You can either step back, out of the spotlight, and go back through the ranks and earn your spot instead of being a whiny little bitch, or you can step into the ring with me right now, and wish that you had never tried to take my spot!

Finlay pushes the microphone out of Josh Matthews hand which falls to the ground, and walks out of the screen leaving Josh Matthews looking quite bemused, as the crowd boos.





Lawler: Just a quick run down on what's been announced for Extreme Rules.

Match Card:
CWF Heavyweight Championship Match - Fatal Four Way Falls Count Anywhere
John Cena vs. Christian vs. Finlay vs. The Rock©

Intercontinental Championship - Ladder Match
Chris Jericho© vs. Sheamus

Inferno Match
HHH vs. Kane - HHH's Special Prize Revealed

Lawler: More expected to be announced tonight.

The crowd are silent inside the CWF War arena, when suddenly a new, unfamiliar theme hits the PA system...


The crowd seem confused as the entire arena is dropped into a deep blue hue and snow falls from the sky. A shadowy figure appears on the stage with a full ninja costume on, resembling Sub-Zero of Mortal Kombat fame. The man walks down the ramp with no interaction with the crowd. No emotion.


He walks round to the ring steps and does a quick bow before walking up the ring steps and over to the ropes before jumping over them. The man then gives a quick martial-arts demonstration before being handed a microphone.


Glacier: My name... is Glacier.

Mixed reaction from the crowd, small nostalgia pop from anyone who watched WCW Saturday Night back in 96.

And I'm back. For those of you who do not know of Glacier.. I am a Martial Artist of the highest calibre. I have black belts in numerous fighting techniques including Karate, Judo and Kempo. I have proven myself around the world as one of the most calculating... cold-blooded and above all dangerous fighters to grace the world... and now, now I find myself bringing the coldness to the Championship Wrestling Federation. Now with new beginnings, fresh competiton tend to arise... so I'd like to just open up the invitation to anyone on the roster, to step up and see if they can stand face to face with the coldest... and most dangerous man on the planet today.

The crowd give a mixed reaction, intrigued by the ninja.

So there it is, my blood does still run cold... and I'm bringing the freeze to CWF and it won't be long until gold will be frozen stiff around my waist... and anyone who stands in my way?... well I suppose they'll be on the receiving end of a fatality known as the Cryonic Kick curtousy of the coldest man in the business today... me... Glacier...

Glacier drops the microphone, the lights dim and he walks back up the entrance ramp with the crowd still somewhat confused and interested in what he is all about. He heads behind the curtain as we await our next segment.

King: Ladies and Gentlemen, prepare for a JR Rant, Stone Cold will lose.

JR: Now king, I never claimed to be the most unbiased man in the world, but that's unfair.

he crowd comes absolutely unglued as “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and Brian Pillman, the self-proclaimed “Loose Cannon” come out to the ring to immediate applause. Both men make their way towards the ring and both share the same look of intensity. Both men enter the ring. As Austin does his usual middle-finger salute to all of his fans, scaling each turnbuckle.

Just then a guitar riff that has not been heard in professional wrestling for years hits the PA, and the crowd erupt as a voice can be heard from behind the curtain.

Road Dogg: Oh! You didn't know?! Your ass better CALL SOMEBODYYYYYYYYY!

The crowd copy him as he walks out, with Billy Gunn onto the stage, James with a microphone in hand. He continues to welcome the crowd as he approaches the ring.


Road Dogg: Dallas Texas! You are here with the New Age Outlaws! You are now rockin with the best!

The Outlaws make their way into the ring and keep saluting the fans until their music gets cut. Road Dogg lifts the mic to his lips, and the whole crowd say in unison with him....

Road Dogg: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, D-Generation-X proudly presents to you the soon to be first ever CWF Tag Team Champions of the Wooooooorld. The Road Dogg Jesse James, the Bad Ass Billy Gunn, the New Age Outlaws!


Road Dogg then passes the mic to Billy Gunn.

Billy Gunn: And if your not down with that then we got two words for you... SUCK IIIIIT!

The crowd are giving the New Age Outlaws a lot of support as the mic is passed right back as we get ready for the match.

They lock up in the middle of the ring and Austin gets Dogg in a side headlock, and is pushed off the ropes, where Dogg hits a big clothesline on Austin, flooring him. He hits him with an elbow drop, dragging him over to the corner and tagging in the "Bad ass" Billy Gunn. They stomp Austin in the corner, as Billy Gunn flips him off before stomping him a couple more times as the referee pulls him off and warns him. While he does this, Dogg chokes Austin in the corner as Pillman tries to get into the ring and argues with the referee, while Gunn takes some free cheap shots. He irish whips Stone Cold into the ropes, and goes for a big boot. Austin ducks and trips the other leg, jumping onto Gunn and unloading with a Lou Thesz Press!

JR: And look at Stone Cold fire away at Billy Gunn with such ferocity?

King: It's ALWAYS about Stone Cold, isn't it JR? Stunner this, Austin that.

Stone Cold quickly runs and tags in Brian Pillman, who scales the top rope and hits a beautiful flying dropkick to the face of Gunn! He goes for a cover!



Dogg breaks it up!

Dogg backs away trying to rest as Stone Cold charges him and they both fly over the top rope. Pillman sees his opportunity with Gunn down, and climbs onto the apron. When Billy stands up, he springboards towards him, looking for Air Pillman, but billy ducks, bounces off the ropes, and hits the big boot. He goes for the cover!
JR: That may have taken Pillman's head off!


Pillman kicks out!

Gunn shows signs of frustration and asks the referee why he counted so slow, and the official just tries to tell him that he wasn't slow. Gunn turns around to a bunch of repeated forearm shots by Pillman, backing him into the corner. Pillman grabs him around the abdomen and lifts him to the top rope. He climbs up with him and hooks his head, lifting each others arm over their respective heads.

JR: Pillman going for a big move here, this could be dangerous.

King: Yeah, but high risk, High REWARD, JR.

Gunn suddenly lands shot to the kidneys of Pillman, trying to fight back. Pillman is forced to release the hold, and Billy pushes him off the turnbuckle, as he crashes to the ground. Gunn readies himself, hitting a big seated senton! Gunn is worn out and tired, and lies there for a few seconds before crawling over and putting an arm over Pillman.



3..NO! Pillman kicks out!

JR: Look at the great resilience and tenacity being shown by Brian Pillman!

King: Come on Billy, he's still got some fight left, you gotta squash him!

Stone Cold is going absolutely nuts on the apron, screaming for Pillman to tag him. He tries to reach, and Billy Gunn grabs his leg, only to be met with a big enzuiguri. He makes another dive at him, but Brian tags in Stone Cold and the crowd goes nuts. Austin throws him into the corner and begins to stomp a mudhole in him. He flips him off and motions for the crowd. He tags in Brian who lands shots on him in the corner. Gunn starts to fight back, beating back Pillman, and tagging Dogg, who picks him up for a pilderiver. But he turns around, and Billy scales the top rope, looking to hit the Spike Piledrive. Stone Cold senses the urgency and hits Billy, knocking him off the turnbuckle. Dogg drops Pillman and charges him, making both of them go over the top rope,just like before.

King: Haven't we been here before? See, Brians on the apron and everything.

JR: Indeed King, Pillman trying to get Gunn for a second time.

Indeed he does, Gunn rolls in the ring as Pillman springboards. He soars majestically towards Gunn and looks to hit Air Pillman, but suddenly, he's caught! Billy catches him in mid-air, spins around, and plants him with a massive Gunnslinger!

JR: Oh my God King! Did you see that!

King: Yes, that's my guy right there JR!

Gunn hooks the leg for the cover!




Your winners at 9:26- The New Age Outlaws!

Backstage Chuck Taylor is on the phone...

Chuck Taylor: Seriously? That sounds like a sweet deal to me!

HBK: What does?

Chuck Taylor: I've gotta go, talk later Mike.

HBK: Who's Mike?

Chuck Taylor: Mike Quackenbush has offered me better money then CWF to go back to CHIKARA. I'm going to do it.

HBK: You've learned nothing from me Chuck, I'm disappointed. I thought we had a deal going on here...

Chuck Taylor: Obviously not, you can go tell the General Manager that I'm out of here.

HBK: General Manager is Anonymous, we don't know who it is Chuck.

Chuck Taylor: Yeah well, I'm out of here. Cya!

Chuck Taylor walks out as we go back to ringside.

JR: Chuck Taylor quitting on HBK and the company right before HBK's match. I'm surprised!


The crowd erupts into boo-ing as the self-proclaimed “Straight Edge Savior” CM Punk makes his way to ringside. He lets out a big yell and walks down to the ring.

JR: This next match should be an interesting one to say the least.

King: That's right, JR. I mean, HBK hasn't wrestled a match since his match against The Undertaker at WWE Wrestlemania 26. And now he steps back in the ring with a deranged lunatic like CM Punk? Not a real smart idea on behalf of Shawn Michaels if you ask me.

JR: Well, The Heartbreak Kid isn't afraid of anyone.


HBK's music hits as the crowd breaks out into a massive pop. HBK makes his way out and continues with his ring theatrics. He climbs into the ring and is immediately attacked by Punk.

JR: What a malicious attack by Punk here!

Punk continues to beat down on HBK and has him beaten into the corner. The referee separates the two and Punk is led away. Punk then decides to go for a corner shining wizard but HBK moves out of the way and Punk goes crashing into the turnbuckle. Punk then crumples to the mat. HBK then taunts the crowd much to their delight as Punk struggles to get to his feet. As he does, HBK backs him up into the corner with a series of chops to the chest. Punk then gets a thumb to HBK's eye and stops the assault. Punk throws HBK into the ropes and tries to catch him with a clothesline but HBK ducks. HBK then hits Punk on the rebound with a flying forearm. As HBK hits the mat, he kips up and is on fire.

JR: My God, King! Shawn Michaels hasn't lost a damn thing!

King: You said it, JR! HBK!

As Punk gets to his feet, HBK goes for the Sweet Chin Music. As he does, Punk ducks and picks up HBK into GTS position.

JR: The GTS. This could be all she wrote!

As Punk goes for the GTS, Michaels slips out behind Punk. As Punk turns around, he's caught with the Sweet Chin Music. HBK goes for the cover.






HBK celebrates as Punk is stirring and rolls out of the ring.

JR: What an impressive return by “The Heartbreak Kid” Shawn Michaels here tonight!

As HBK celebrates in the ring, we cut to the next segment.

So Evan understand I am already done with you gringo move on and face the beating I gave you last week like a man!

Del rio lowers his mic as his music plays and has a huge smile as the fans boo..




Much to the shock of everyone else, Chris Jericho makes his way out to the ring in his regular street clothes. He cockily walks down the ramp towards the ring.

JR: Jericho must not think much of The Miz. He didn't even dress to compete here tonight!

As Jericho gets to the ring, his opponent for Extreme Rules, Sheamus, comes running down the ramp with a strange look in his eyes.


King: What's Sheamus doing out here?

JR: That's what I would like to know, King!

Sheamus ambushes Jericho with a club to the back. He starts pummeling Jericho down. He grabs Jericho and hurls him into the ringpost. Jericho falls flat to the outside mat. Sheamus grabs a metal pipe from underneath the ring and grabs Jericho. He positions the pipe under his head and starts to choke the life out of Jericho.

JR: Good God! Will somebody stop this!?!

Sheamus finally lets go but is still not done. He starts beating Jericho down with the lead pipe with shots to the back of the head and his whole body. Sheamus flips Jericho over and starts digging the pipe into the forehead of Y2J.

King: Oh for God's sake someone stop this!

Sheamus continues to dig into Jericho's skull with the pipe until blood begins to trickle down his face. Sheamus then grabs Jericho up off the floor and sets him up for a Crucifix Powerbomb. Sheamus lifts him up and connects, sending Jericho crashing down hard on the mat. Sheamus pounds on his chest and lets out a big yell while the crowd is boo-ing him out of the arena. EMT's finally rush down to Chris' aid as Sheamus walks out of the arena with a smirk on his face.

JR: Folks, we apologize for Sheamus' actions. Somebody please cut to a damn commercial!

As we cut to a commercial, we are left with the image of Chris Jericho beaten and bloodied on the floor below.




The fire explodes as “The Big Red Machine” Kane comes out to, surprisingly, a series of cheers. It seems to have little effect on him as he still just walks to the ring with a purpose and that is to destroy John Cena.

JR: This is just a scary individual, King. No remorse, no regrets, just pure evil.

King: I have a feeling John Cena isn't going to make it to his match at Extreme Rules!

As Kane reaches the ring.....

So, You Think You're Untochable?


John Cena marches out to nothing but boo's. He runs to the ring and, when he slides in and stands up, is immediately met with a throat thrust by Kane. Kane then starts unloading on Cena. He throws Cena into the ropes and catches him on the rebound, throwing him upward into the air and having Cena crash down onto the ring mat. Cena grabs his ribs in pain. Kane grabs Cena and sets him up for the Tombstone. As he does, Cena wiggles out and pushes Kane towards the referee. Kane, however, does not budge and Kane turns around and nails Cena with a right hook.

JR: Kane has absolutely dominated this match thus far.

King: What did you expect, JR? Kane is a monster!

Kane lifts Cena back up but Cena fights back. He connects with a few punches to Kane's abdomen. Kane doubles over from it as Cena bounces off the ropes and hits a big shoulder tackle. This sends Kane over the top rope. As usual, Kane lands on his feet and looks up at Cena and cocks his head to the side. Cena then becomes frightened. Kane climbs onto the apron and back into the ring. Cena then ambushes Kane and starts unloading on him but Kane shoves Cena halfway across the ring. As Cena comes back, Kane grabs Cena by the throat and slams him down hard to the mat. He then lifts Cena back up and hits a Tombstone on the Doctor of Thuganomics. As Kane is about to pin Cena, Triple H comes out from the crowd with a sledgehammer in tow and hits Kane right in the back with it. Kane is sent down to one knee. The referee calls for the bell.


Triple H then hits Kane in the back of the head with the sledgehammer. The crowd is absolutely disgusted at this point. Triple H then takes the sledgehammer and starts choking the life out of Kane. Triple H then leaves the ring and starts looking for something underneath the ring.

JR: Damnit! Wasn't one malicious attack enough this evening?

Triple H then pulls out a gas can and a couple of matches out and slides back into the ring. He then pours the contents of the gas can onto Kane. Triple H gets full of himself and starts to taunt the crowd. Right before he can strike a match, Kane sits up and literally scares Triple H half to death. Triple H then runs towards the back with a look of fear on his face. Kane then lifts his arms high into the air and sends them crashing down and, as he does, a wall of flame stops Triple H dead in his tracks on the ramp. Triple H jumps back and runs through the crowd.

King: Triple H might have sent a message but I think Kane sent one of his own!
On titantron shows up logo of Z True Long Island Story and fans turns into huge cheer ...


Theme of Z True Long Island story hits the sound system and Zack Ryder shows up ....


Long Island iced Z - Zack Ryder

Thank you, thank you ! Welcome everyone to episode four, of CWF´s Z True long Island Story ! I´m your host, the CWF´s internet champion, Long Island Iced Z - ZACK RYDER ! Last week, something unexpected and never seen before happened ! I won my match, live on TV and I won it in two minutes ! In two damn minutes ! I won my first ever match here in CWF ! Thats unbelievable ! But this week... Everything is back in same line ! I don´t have match, only thing I can do is this show ! But don´t thing I don´t enjoy this show ! I do ! But...well... Match will be better ! But thats only CWF´s management fault that they not putting me into match ! And when they do, I win in two minutes ! But cause I don´t have match tonight, let´s just have some fun !


All week long, I don´t have to prepare for match, cause I don´t have any and so, I was chilling all week long and I just come to every single city in USA and made a competition for best broskis ! And well thousands and millions of broskis came and tried to be an ultimate broski ! And not only normal fans and broskis came, but some of Legends came as well ! Everybody just wanted to meet me ! So, here is some footage of them !



It was awesome to had there legends like these two guys ! You see, Zack Ryder is for them bigger legend than they are ! And thats truly awesome ! But not only legends of wrestling came ! But legends ... well ... Future legends of music came to see me and just to shake hand with me and this guy, wanted to have me on his next album ! And he wanted to name it after me - JB´s true teenage story ! Thats how I´m rolling all over the world ! Here is footage !


It´s Justin Bieber himself with me ! Thats real deal guys ! But now to next thing ! I need to present you limited edition of "Broski´s drink" ! It´s absolutely new way to become ultimate broski ! You just drink it and in few hours you become ultimate broski ! This is how it works ! You will just drink it and every girl will just want to have you ! Look at it !


I just drank it and now watch, what happened after two hours !


You can buy it in every shop in every country ! But pay attention how much of it you drank cause you can end just like R-Truth !


So thats all the time we have for this week, I hope you enjoyed the show !


Of course like me on facebook, follow me on twitter, like all my videos on youtube... And take care, spike your hair, woo, woo, woo, you know it.... BRO !


Finlay’s music hits to a good pop and he comes out stony faced. He quickly shakes that feeling, perhaps nerves? Replaced is a look of casual determination. The Finlay we all think we know, as he enters the ring and poses on the turnbuckle for a brief time…



Christian's theme song 'Just Close Your Eyes' hits the arena to a great reaction, he instantly slides into the ring.

Finlay uses the shillelagh and beats Christian down. Christian tries to get back on his feet but is unable to, Finlay continues beating him down before Christian slides out of the ring. Finlay goes after him as Christian throws Finlay to the barricades. Christian charges but stops before whispering something to Finlay's ears. He nods his head as Finlay grabs Christian and rolls him into the ring.

JR: What on earth is Christian doing?

Christian stands in the middle of the ring not even throwing one punch as Finlay lifts him and connects with the Celtic Cross and pins him.


Winner by Pinfall, Finlay!

Lawler: That was ridiculous. What is Christian thinking.

Christian gets to his feet and shakes Finlay's hand before leaving the ring. Finlay soon follows on, the crowd is booing heavily and are left confused as we prepare for the main event.


The fans are jolted up from their seats as CWF World Heavyweight Champion The Rock comes out to a massive pop from the crowd. He walks down the ramp with his championship belt to his side. He climbs onto the apron and scales the turnbuckle, holding his championship belt high.


He gets into the ring and grabs a microphone from a ringside employee. He starts walking around the ring, pacing back and forth as the fans are still going absolutely crazy.

The Rock takes off his sunglasses and looks straight ahead towards the ramp, when a theme song that instantly has everyone jump to their feet hits the PA System as it seems Rock isn't going to be kept waiting as the arena flashes purple and green


'My Time' plays out over the arena as the fans haven't heard the theme for a while, but still know that the arrival of the Game is coming. The fans aren't waiting for long as Triple H strides out from the back, looking towards his feet as the fans are going crazy. Triple H lifts his head, looks out into the crowd with a massive smile on his face as he motions to the back. The crowd are looking towards the curtain again as Stephanie McMahon walks out behind him. Stephanie walks out, towards her man as they embrace in the middle of the ramp with massive smiles across their face. They look towards the ring, seeing Rocky as they start to make their way down the ramp. Hand in hand as all the fans go crazy for McMahon-Helmsleys, bending over the side to try and get a high five but both have changed to a focus look and don't take their eyes off the ring as they reach the end of the ramp. Triple H climbs up onto the apron, opening the ropes for his wife who climbs up the steel steps and through the ropes. Triple H climbs into the ring, walking straight past Rocky as Stephanie hops down.

JR: This is going to be one crazy main event Lawler

Lawler: The entire show has had twists and turns and excitement, now this is the main event!

The bell rings as the two instantly lock up in the middle of the ring, Triple H gains advantage with a great right hook. Triple H then puts The Rock in a wristlock applying pressure to his wrist. The Rock rolls down on the mat before reversing the hold, The Rock tosses Triple H to the ropes as he comes back. The Rock looks for a shoulder-block but Triple H doesn't move. Triple H stands there before punching left and rights to Triple H. Triple H tosses The Rock to the corner turnbuckle before connecting with a clothesline. Triple H continues to beat The Rock down some more as Triple H is pushed away by the referee. Stephanie looks at the referee who speaks to Triple H before choking The Rock. Stephanie lets go as soon as the referee turns around. Triple H lifts The Rock to his feet before tossing him to the ropes, The Rock bounces off and connects with a huge shoulder-block. The Rock picks Triple H to his feet before throwing right punches multiple times. The Rock tosses Triple H to the ropes before charging behind him sending Triple H over the top rope. The Rock slides out of the ring but Stephanie blocks The Rock from Triple H, The Rock grabs Stephanie before raising his eyebrow as he goes to kiss her but Triple H attacks from behind before beating The Rock down.

JR: This is going to get nasty!

Triple H grabs The Rock and kicks him in the guts as he looks for the pedigree. The Rock reverses and ends up tossing Triple H who lands on the mat hard. The Rock then grabs Stephanie and rolls her into the ring, The Rock then corners Stephanie. Stephanie slaps The Rock as The Rock moves a few steps back, Triple H out of nowhere rushes into the ring and hits a spinebuster before going for a pin.





The famous gong is then sounded...

Lawler: The Undertaker's back?!

The lights go off... we hear someone getting hurt, the lights come back on as The Rock is going for a pinfall.




The lights go off once again as the crowd is confused. The lights come back on and the referee is knocked out, The Rock is getting to his feet. Triple H attacks The Rock with the sledgehammer before rolling him out of the ring. Triple H rolls The Rock onto the announcement table as he prepares for the Pedigree.


Someone is playing mind games here!

The light comes back on, The Rock is in the middle of the ring... Triple H is standing on the announcement table looking at The Rock...


The lights go off for a split second, they come back on...


Kane grabs Triple H in a chokeslam position, Kane chokeslams Triple H straight into the announcement table, Kane grabs HHH and rolls him into the ring. Kane tosses HHH to The Rock who delivers a huge rock bottom. The referee finally gets to his feet as The Rock makes the pinfall.




Winner by pinfall, The Rock!

JR: Kane was playing mind games the entire time, now he's helped The Rock get a victory over HHH tonight.

Stephanie rolls into the ring trying to help HHH, The Rock leaves the ring as Kane is still there. Kane then slides out of the ring for a moment before setting the ring on fire.

Lawler: Kane has trapped HHH and Stephanie in the middle of the ring!

Kane begins laughing as he turns off the heat. Kane slides back into the ring and grabs HHH before delivering a Tombstone Piledriver.


The lights go off; once the light comes back on nobody is in the ring.

JR: That was crazy... I cannot wait to see the Inferno Match between the two.



Christian's theme song 'Just Close Your Eyes' hits the arena once again straight after he's already gone backstage after losing to Finlay. Christian doesn't high-five anybody, he looks frustrated as he heads towards the ring.



Earlier tonight, I lost... but I lost on purpose.

JR: What? Christian lost on purpose, I'm confused here...

That's right; I allowed Finlay to give me a savage beatdown... you wonder why the match was so short. I'm not exactly happy with myself at this very time, the past few weeks I've been on a losing streak. Not to mention the 'McMahon's cannot help what has happened from the beginning of the night, I've lost my opportunity to claim gold. I've lost the opportunity to become the next CWF Heavyweight Champion. All this was blown out of proportion and now Vince McMahon isn't around, I'll guarantee that I will get that very championship shot back. At Extreme Rules, I'll be there without a doubt. I'll enter myself in the match and nobody is going to stop me at all and I MEAN NOBODY!

The crowd begins to give out a mixed reaction.


Who do you people think you are booing Captain Charisma? I'll tell you exactly who I am and exactly what my purpose is!

Christian slides out of the ring, picking up a Kendo Stick. He looks at Lawler.

Lawler: I understand your frustration Christian, I didn't think it was fair either.


Lawler: I wouldn't lie to you Christian.

Jerry, stand up... I'm just a man, a man who gets teased on. They think it's funny to give me something but I get screwed out like this? I've held this frustration in for too long Jerry. I know I can beat The Rock! I know I can become CWF Champion!

Jerry Lawler stands up and asks what now, Christian holding the Kendo Stick hits Lawler in the back, the crowd boo's, Christian continues a few times...


The fans are jolted up from their seats as CWF World Heavyweight Champion The Rock comes out to a massive pop from the crowd. He rushes his way down the ramp as he grabs a microphone.

he Rock is majorly over as always. He walks around the ring, gaining momentum for his rant. The audience is going insane for The People's Champ.


The Rock: What on earth do you think you're doing ya jabroni?! The Rock doesn't like what you're doing, The Rock doesn't like the fact you're bitching 'cos you're not facing me no more. The Rock doesn't care if he has to beat you, Finlay, John Cena or anybody else in the roster. The Rock knows he's going to layeth the smacketh on all of the CANDY ASSES! You can guaran-damn-tee that!

Christian slides back into the ring with the Kendo Stick in his hand. Christian speaks.

You know ever since you've became a Champion, the spotlight has been on you. The cheers, the fame... it's always about you Rock and I'm sick of it. These people didn't care about me, they only cared about you Rock. I don't need anybody's support, I don't need to be disrespected in a company like this. Seventeen years and I win the big one only for it to be snatched off me in a matter of days, now I'm here in CWF... Regardless of my losing streak at Extreme Rules... I'm going to BRING IT!

The Rock is about to speak but Finlay rushes down the ring with a Shillelagh as he hits The Rock from behind, this allows Christian to hit the Killswitch on The Rock. John Cena rushes down the ring as he hits the FU on Finlay. Christian slides out of the ring as John Cena goes to speak, Finlay slowly gets to his feet.

John Cena:

Ya kno-

All of a sudden Christian clocks Cena in the back of the head with the CWF Heavyweight Championship.

JR: This is poor behavior by Christian here.

Christian looks at Finlay who gives a small smile, Finlay goes to shake Finlay's hand but Christian walks over to the turnbuckle as he looks towards the crowd. Finlay asks what's going on? Christian responds by getting up on the top rope before leaping off hitting Finlay with a Tornado DDT. Christian picks up the belt as he walks off before looking down on the belt.


The Anonymous GM noise goes off.

Jim Ross: Give me a moment...

Jim Ross reads the E-Mail, Jim Ross reads it out.

The Anonymous WAR GM says...

'Christian, next week you will team up with Sheamus to take on The Rock and Ryder'. But, you will also have another match, you are going to take on the former CWF Heavyweight Champion, Alberto Del Rio. If you can beat him in under five minutes, you will be allocated back into the Fatal Four Way'. With that being said... I'm announcing more matches that will happen at Extreme Rules.

We're going to have a Triple Threat Steel Cage match between Zack Ryder, Randy Orton and CM Punk. They will battle it out in a Steel Cage Match and the winner will become the new number one contender for the Intercontinental Championship! With Chuck Taylor walking out earlier, I've decided to make Evan Bourne and Alberto Del Rio face in a Singles Match. There will be no tag match, Del Rio and Bourne will face off in a Last Man Standing!

With that being said, Cody Rhodes & The Miz are expected on the show next week. If I don't hear from them then they will suffer serious consequences.

The show then goes to fade with Christian posing with the CWF Heavyweight Championship


Tag Tournament - Bronzy
Jericho vs. The Miz, CM Punk vs. HBK, Cena vs. Kane - Hoov
Finlay vs. Christian, The Main Event, The Show, Promos and Coding - Andrew

World Heavyweight Championship - Falls Count Anywhere
Rock vs. Christian vs. Finlay vs. Cena

CWF Intercontinental Championship - Ladder Match
Sheamus vs. Jericho

Singles Match - Inferno Match
HHH vs. Kane

Triple Threat for the IC - Steel Cage Match
CM Punk vs. Orton vs. Ryder

Last Man Standing
Bourne vs. Del Rio

Tag Team Championship: - Tables Match

Henry & MVP vs. Winner Of Bracket Two Winner

Facing off next week on WAR
Bracket 2
Riley / DiBiase vs. vs. New Age Outlaws

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