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CWF Presents - Elimination Chamber



Live From, Stockhold Ericcson Globe, Stockholm, Sweden

Undead - Hollywood Undead


After the song has played, the camera zooms out as we see the crowd and the set up for Elimination Chamber.


Jim Ross: Welcome to the O2 Arena, we're live in Stockholm, Sweden. What a lovely country this is and tonight we present Elimination Chamber!

Matt Striker: That we do Jim, tonight is going to be huge. With Alberto Del Rio facing Rey Mysterio, Regal facing CM Punk, #1 Contenders to the Tag Team Championship!

Booker T: Dawg, we got my boy A-Ry facin' Kane and Lesnar in dat Chamber for da Intercontinental Championship! We also got Christian facin' Kevin Thorn in dat Chambers o' Horror match. Ain't gon' be pretty y'know.

Jim Ross: HHH vs. John Cena takes place in a Hardcore Match with the stipulation being a Homewreckers' Match, should be an interesting match nonetheless. Can't forget about the big one tonight, a six-man elimination Chamber is our main event... This show is ready to explode. Who's ready for the show? I sure am!

The crowd's red hot and cheering, all excited for tonight as...

fans in the attendance are cheering when all of a sudden

I hear voices in my head


fans give a mix reaction as Randy Orton emerges from the curtain and gets a mix reaction. Fans do not know what to expect with the viper making his way to the ring. Randy Orton goes and he looks at all the people around him as he pauses and he keeps on moving. Randy Orton slides in the ring and gets a microphone handed to him Orton grabs the microphone and begins to speak


Randy Orton: Well look who decided to make his way here.... allow me to introduce myself. My name is Randy Orton... future CWF world champion.

fans boo as Orton looks at the microphone and he picks it up and begins to speak again

Randy Orton: Harsh crowd, it seems that I can not give myself a little introduction with out you people coming on all over me. You know who I am, and if you guys know who I am than you know what I am capable of doing. Throughout my career I have done nothing more succeed to greatest levels of my career. No one ever thought I could make it and look where I stand, I stand in front of you as a legend, a killer, a viper. It is funny because when I first started out here I thought I could kill every legend who stepped in front of me, than I came to realize there is one legend no one can kill no matter what. That legend is the legend of Randy Orton. You people better just deal with it because I am not going away any time soon.

fans boo as they can not stand when Randy speaks Randy looks around and he begins to speak again

Randy Orton: It is true folks I am a legend and don't you forget. You know I am tired of holding back. I am tired of just sitting in the shadows. It is time I showed my lovely face to all of you and show you how dangerous I can be. I look at everyone in that locker room and none of them hold a candle too me. See my candle fire it burns bright.Brighter than the night skies it self. While everyone else can be put out... how you may ask? Simple with three easy letters...R...K...O!

fans boo as Randy picks up the microphone one last time​

Randy Orton: I have nothing else to say... I am going to be leaving now and whatever show I end up on just remember. Your luck is about to run out and that is not guarantee that is nothing more than a mere fact.

Orton then leaves the ring, we cut to the commentary area.

Matt Striker: Well, that was interesting... We haven't seen Randy Orton in a while and he's got this new attitude on him here. I wonder how he will go here in CWF.
The camera then moves away as it moves to the entrance stage.


William Regal’s theme song plays over the PA system much to the crowds dislike. Regal comes out onto the stage to a chorus of boos. He walks down the entrance ramp and once at the ring, he climbs up the steel steps and enters the ring.


Guitar strums are heard before 'Cult of Personality' bursts out of the PA System, CM Punk steps out from behind the curtain.


CM Punk then has a microphone in hand as walks down the entrance ramp before getting into the ring.


CM Punk: Look William, as much as I'd love to fight you tonight. I'm clearly not going to... You see CWF have yet to meet my demands. While many people are not exactly enjoying the fact I'm not wrestling, you can clearly blame Bret Hart for not putting me in a match I want. Everybody else continues to get opportunity, but Bret Hart doesn't have faith in me, he doesn't see what I can bring out for all of you people. It's not about what I want, it's about what you guys want. I know you people want to see me in action, I know you people want to see me facing someone like the CWF Heavyweight Champion. I asked for Chris Jericho or Steve Austin, but unfortunately Stone Cold ran away before I could get my dream match with him. But Jericho's still around, yeah... he's in the Chamber tonight but Bret... I'm not wrestling tonight and there's nothing you can do about it!

Regal steps into the face of CM Punk, CM Punk pushes him but Regal then delivers a punch and it's shown that he was wearing Brass Knuckles from the start. CM Punk is knocked out cold as Bret Hart comes out.

Bret Hart: Hold up a minute. CM Punk, you may be knocked out... but I'm going to say it once. If you cannot hear me, there's always the tape to re-watch what I've just said. Now, I'm getting sick and tired of you saying that you're not going to wrestle and such because YOU want what YOU want. All your demands are really starting to annoy me Punk, you want Jericho? You're not getting it until you've proven to me that you've deserved it, you've been taking some time off so I expect you to start from the bottom again and prove why you should face someone like Chris Jericho. I expect to see you on the next WAR or else you're fired and never, ever returning!

Regal smiles as he prepares to leave thinking the match is a No-Contest.

Bret Hart: Hold up, don't think I'm going to give you the night off William. You've got a match, I'm going to change it a little bit. It's going to be a Anything Goes Match. He's a good friend of mine, he comes from the great country of Canada and for one night only... He will be taking you on William, he is... CHRIS BENOIT!


Chris Benoit comes out as he stands by the entrance stage, the crowd heavily cheering with chants of 'BENOIT' being heard.

Chris Benoit then makes his way down the ring looking focused for his one-off match, he steps up the steel steps before entering the ring.


- Ding Ding Ding -

The bell sounds as Regal and Benoit lock up in the middle of the ring, Regal quickly places Benoit in a headlock before pushing him to the ropes. Benoit bounces off as Regal drops to the mat, Benoit jumps over him before getting to the other ropes as he comes back as Regal jumps over Benoit. Benoit springs back from the ropes once again as Regal then looks for an arm-drag but Benoit stays put before reversing and doing an arm-drag of his own. Benoit holds onto the left arm of Regal before placing his knee on Regals back stretching his left arm. Regal works his way to his feet as Regal reverses before connecting with a quick Snap Suplex. Regal then rushes towards Benoit as Benoit who is on his knees punches Regal in the abdomen section, Regal punches Benoit back before tossing him over the top rope. Regal then slides out of the ring as Regal looks for an Irish-whip towards the steel steps but Benoit jumps over the steel steps landing on his feet. Regal goes after Benoit but Benoit performs a low drop-kick onto the steel steps which hits Regal in the shin. Benoit then gets to his feet as he jumps on top of the steel steps before leaping off with a clothesline. Benoit then looks under the ring as he sees a steel chair.

Jim Ross: This match is quickly becoming explosive! Such a fast-paced action match!

Benoit grabs Regal and drags him to his feet as Benoit looks to use the chair but Regal quickly kicks him in the abdomen section before slamming the chair into the chest of Benoit. Regal then grabs Benoit and delivers a Regalplex onto the barricades. Regal grabs Benoit before Regal sees his brass knuckles by the corner, Regal grabs his brass knuckles as he goes to punch Benoit but Benoit manages to kick Regal right in the head, Benoit then slides Regal in the ring as Benoit hops up on the apron before doing a Springboard Elbow drop onto Regal's back. Benoit then goes to lock in the Crippler's Crossface but Regal quickly counters before locking in the Regal Stretch!

Booker T: You've got to be kiddin' me!

Benoit struggles to escape as he slowly moves before making it to the ropes. Regal grabs Benoit as he looks to punch him once again with those brass knuckles but Benoit reverses before connecting with a German Suplex, Benoit holds on and does it once again... and again using the Three Amigos!

Jim Ross: The Three Amigos!

Benoit then goes for a pinfall.



Kick Out!

Benoit then gets to the top rope as he sees Regal as Benoit then leaps off with a Flying Headbutt but Regal moves out of the way on time. Regal then slides out of the ring and grabs the timekeeper bell as he gets back into the ring. Benoit slowly gets to his feet as Regal is waiting for Benoit to be on his feet, once Benoit is on his feet Regal then charges at Benoit but Benoit manages a drop toe hold as Regal crashes into the corner turnbuckle crashing into the timekeeper's bell.

Jim Ross: BAH GAWD!

Benoit then grabs Regal and goes for a pinfall.





Benoit argues with the referee saying it was three, the referee says his leg was on the rope. Benoit slides out of the ring as he grabs a ladder from under the ring, Benoit also grabs a table before setting it up in the ring. Regal is bleeding from the forehead as Benoit grabs Regal and pushes him up the ladder a bit. Benoit comes from the other side of the ladder as Regal is slowly climbing the ladder. Benoit then grabs Regal before placing him in a vertical suplex stance from the top of the ladder. Regal kicks Benoit in the head before Benoit places Regal back on the ladder, the ladder shakes slightly but both superstars remain put. Benoit punches Regal but Regal somehow manages to block the punch, Regal then manages to punch Benoit in the jaw with the brass knuckles. Regal then places Benoit in a double under-hook position before delivering a double-underhook suplex as Regal stays put on the ladder as Benoit crashes into the table. Regal then slowly steps down from the ladder as he gets to the third rung before leaping off with an elbow drop. Regal then makes the pinfall.




Winner by Pinfall, William Regal!


OOC: Ignore the title.

Jim Ross: What a match! Regal is sure not to be taken lightly.

With Bret Hart watching from the entrance ramp he raises the microphone to his mouth.

Bret Hart: Congratulations William, you performed quite amazing tonight and for that I'm going to reward you. On the next WAR, you will be taking on the Hardcore Champion for the very title. You will be taking on either HHH or John Cena, what kind of match it will be... I've already thought of it. It will be a Stretcher Match!


As Regal stumbles, he slides out of the ring holding his back heading backstage. A few technical workers help Regal as Bret Hart and some other technical workers then help Benoit to his feet as they take him backstage. We then go to our next match.

Matt Striker: Certainly a lot at stake in our next match.

Jim Ross: The Tag Team Championships for R.E.M.E.D.Y. and an illustrious career for the New Age Outlaws.

The ring bell sounds as Justin Roberts gets ready to make the introductions.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the CWF Tag Team Championships! Introducing first...

After what they would say was a rather disappointing night at Invasion, the path back to trying to claim the tag team championships starts right here, as their infamous music starts playing over the P.A, as the whole arena rise from their chairs and cheer the veteran team on their way to the ring.

Road Dogg: Oh! You didn't know?! Your ass better CALL SOMEBODYYYYYYYYY!

The crowd copy him as he walks out, with Billy Gunn onto the stage, James with a microphone in hand. He continues to welcome the crowd as he approaches the ring.


Road Dogg: Las Vegas Nevadaa!!!! You are here with the New Age Outlaws!

The Outlaws make their way into the ring and keep saluting the fans until their music gets cut. Road Dogg lifts the mic to his lips, and the whole crowd say in unison with him....

Road Dogg: Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, D-Generation-X proudly presents to you the the best ever Tag Team of the Wooooooorld. The Road Dogg Jesse James, the Bad Ass Billy Gunn, the New Age Outlaws!


Road Dogg then passes the mic to Billy Gunn.

Billy Gunn: And if your not down with that then we got two words for you... SUCK IIIIIT!

The crowd cheers for the New Age Outlaws, showing them much adoration.

Jim Ross: Well, it's do or die tonight for the New Age Outlaws.

Matt Striker: It would certainly be a shame to see the legend of these men come to an end, but against a force like R.E.M.E.D.Y. with all they've done lately, I don't like their chances.

Justin Roberts steps in to introduce the other team competing in the match.

Justin Roberts: And the opponents...


"Coma White" by Marilyn Manson comes blasting over the PA system, pulsating through the arena as the fans begin to boo. As they all rise to their feet, the members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. make their way onto the stage. If one were viewing this on a television screen, R-Truth would be on their right and Eddie Guerrero would be on their left, with Jesse Ventura walking behind both of them.

Justin Roberts: From El Paso, Texas and Charlotte, North Carolina respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 453 pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by former Governor of Minnesota Jesse "The Body" Ventura. They are the reigning CWF Tag Team Champions, the team of Eddie Guerrero and R-Truth, R.E.M.E.D.Y.!

The members of R.E.M.E.D.Y. reach the end of the ramp and walk up the steel steps, entering the ring through the ropes. Jesse Ventura remains at ringside with the tag team championships over his shoulders as Eddie and Truth get ready for their match.

Matt Striker: Well J.R., it's the moment of truth.

Jim Ross: Couldn't have said it better myself, Matt.

The ring bell sounds again and the match gets underway.



The match begins as as Eddie tells Truth he is starting as the Outlaws go over strategy, as they decide Billy should start. Billy and Eddie walk towards each other in the middle of the ring as they size each other up. The two lock up in a test of strength as Eddie lifts Billy clean off of the ground, holding him there for a moment before he tosses Billy down to the mat as Gunn lands on his stomach. Eddie then walks over to Billy, stepping onto his back and remaining there for a moment before stepping off.

Eddie laughs as Billy holds his back in pain. Guerrero bends down and picks Billy up, shoving him into a corner. Eddie grabs Billy's throat, hitting him across the chest with a chop. Billy has a look of pain on his face as Eddie nails him with another. The crowd "oohs" as Billy stumbles out of the corner, Eddie lifting him and executing a back body drop. Eddie lets Sting stumble out of the corner, before he lifts Sting with a back body drop. Eddie picks Billy up and whips him into the ropes, Gunn using the momentum to launch himself at Eddie, connecting with a shoulder block. Eddie staggers backwards a bat as Billy runs to the ropes again, connecting with another shoulder block. Eddie hasn't left his feet as Billy goes to the well again but it proves to be one too many times as Eddie knocks him down with an impactful clothesline.

Eddie makes his way to his corner and tags in R-Truth. Truth enters the ring and quickly goes to work on Gunn, hitting him in the back with clubbing blows. Billy gets to his feet despite them as he blocks a left hand attempt and counters by nailing Truth with a headbutt. Truth staggers back as Gunn drops him with a big boot. Truth is down on the mat as Billy leaps in the air and connects with a leg drop across Truth's chest and makes the cover.



NO! Truth kicks out!

Billy pounds the mat in frustration as he gets up and makes his way to his corner, where he tags in Road Dogg. Dogg runs into the ring as Truth is still down on the mat. Dogg picks up Truth and out of nowhere Truth connects with the Paydirt! The crowd gasps as Truth covers him.





Justin Roberts: Here are your winners and STILL the CWF Tag Team Champions, R.E.M.E.D.Y.!

Matt Striker: Now we head backstage...

Josh Mathews: With me right now is the number one contender to the CWF Champion, Christian! Now Christian, what is your main focus going into the match tonight?

Christian: Josh, how about you shut up. You ask stupid questions and that's exactly why I refuse to be interviewed around here. Have you heard me do an interview? No. So go on and skiddle off, tonight I will beat Kevin Thorn and become the new CWF Champion. But... you inbred morons don't need to hear me speak, you will just have to watch because it will be... an 'Instant Classic'.

Matt Striker: Well, Christian doesn't seem too happy... Well, now is the match that I've been intensely looking forward to!

Jim Ross: It's certainly going to be a spectacle, as we hold the very first Tag Team Elimination Chamber!

The ring bell sounds as Justin Roberts gets ready to make the introductions.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a Tag Team Elimination Chamber match! The match will continue until all but one team has been eliminated, and that team will become the number one contenders to the CWF Tag Team Championships! Introducing first...


The theme music of the new team of Zack Ryder and Robbie E begins to play as the crowd cheers. Ryder and E make their way onto the stage and Robbie fist pumps as Zack Ryder throws up the 'L' and 'I' with his hands.

Justin Roberts: From Seaside Heights, New Jersey and Long Island, New York respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 438 pounds. The team of "Long Island Iced Z" Zack Ryder and Robbie E!

Robbie and Zack make their way down the ramp and enter the chamber, making their way to the top left pod and entering it, the pods a bit wider than usual so that two people can occupy them.

Matt Striker: Well J.R., it's time to see if the Woo Woo Kid and The Platinum Poppa can get it done as a tag team.

Jim Ross: They certainly look the part, Matt, I'm looking forward to seeing if they can play the part too.

Justin Roberts continues the introductions.

Justin Roberts: And the opponents...


‘Rowdy’ Roddy Pipers theme song plays over the arena when the ‘Hot Rod’ takes to the stage along with Mr T. The boos rain down on them as they both walk down the entrance ramp with Piper shouting stuff at the crowd.

Justin Roberts: From Glasgow, Scotland and Chicago, Illinois respectively. They are the team of "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Mr. T!

Roddy and T get to the ring and they climb the steps and step through the ropes entering it.

Jim Ross: History being made again here tonight, folks, as the new team of Mr. T and Roddy Piper reunite for a chance at the CWF Tag Team Champions.

Matt Striker: I'm certainly interested in seeing Mr. T wrestle.

As Piper and Mr. T occupy the bottom right pod, Justin Roberts continues the introductions.

Justin Roberts: And the opponents...

The fans are quiet as they are waiting for what's coming next, when suddenly …


The People's Champ along with Santino Marella comes out of backstage. The Rock with his stone face and Santino doing the classic "trumpet pose“. The fans are crazy and after a while Rock along with Santino goes towards the ring.

Justin Roberts: From Calabria, Italy and Miami, Florida respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 493 pounds. The team of the "People's Champion" The Rock and Santino Marella!

The Rock climbs up on the turnbuckle and raises his arm high, while Santino enters the ring and makes some funny stretching.

Jim Ross: Well speaking of interesting teams, look at this one.

Matt Striker: So far, Rockarella has been surprisingly impressive but this environment will be the ultimate test.

The Rock steps down as he and Santino occupy the bottom left pod. Justin Roberts continues the introductions.

Justin Roberts: And the opponents...


The crowd boos as Shannon Moore and his new tag team partner in Mattitude Jeff Hardy emerge from the back.

Justin Roberts: From Cameron, North Carolina. Weighing in at a combined weight of 390 pounds. The team of the "Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy and the "Prince of Punk" Shannon Moore, Team Mattitude!

Jeff and Shannon make their way down the ramp and enter the Chamber, occupying the remaining pod in the top right.

Jim Ross: These two men certainly bring an interesting dynamic to this match as they were the closest to winning the Tag Team Championships before R.E.M.E.D.Y. won the match.

Matt Striker: And although it's now Jeff in Matt's place, there's no doubt Team Mattitude is just as hungry for redemption.

Justin Roberts continues the introductions.

Justin Roberts: Introducing the first starting team...



The crowd begin to boo as the lights go to a dark red hue. Smoke emits from the stage and a fiery circle forms on said stage. From the circle emerge The Coven without their leader Kevin Thorn. Ariel leads the charge leading down the two evil henchmen of The Coven.


Justin Roberts: From The Other Side of Darkness and The Depths of Hell respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 495 pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Ariel. The team of Judas Mesias and Gangrel, The Coven!

Ariel walks round and gets up onto the ring apron, she does her bat pose as Gangrel walks up the ring steps, goblet in hand. He takes a drink from the goblet before spitting it up into the air so it lands down on the crowd and all over himself. Judas Mesias simply slides into the ring and spits blood from his mouth as he sits himself in the corner.

Jim Ross: These two looking more at home than anyone else in this match.

Matt Striker: They're just like their leader, Jim, the more they can harm someone the happier they are.

Justin Roberts prepares for the final introduction.

Justin Roberts: And the second starting team...




The former tag champs emerge from the back, Storm on his beer cooler and Roode walking as the crowd goes wild and totally apeshit for them! They high five the fans on their way down the entrance ramp as they make their way to the ring.

Justin Roberts: From Leiper's Fork, Tennessee and Toronto, Ontario, Canada respectively. Weighing in at a combined weight of 470 pounds. They are the former CWF Tag Team Champions. Bobby Roode, James Storm, they are Beer Moneeeeeeey!

Roode and Storm make their way up the steel steps and enter the ring, James handing off his t-shirt, cowboy hat, and sunglasses to the ringside official before the match begins.

Jim Ross: Beer Money arguably with the most to gain from winning this one, given their history with R.E.M.E.D.Y., especially as of late.

Matt Striker: Well they've got a long way to go, that's for sure. I can't wait for this!

The ring bell is sounded as the match begins.


Before the action can officially begin between the two teams, suddenly the door to the Chamber opens. Two men enter through the door and are officially inside the structure. Jesse Ventura is seen working the door as the identity of the two entering is now known. R-Truth was holding a steel pipe and Eddie was holding a steel chain as the two of them entered the ring. Truth hit Judas Mesias in the top of the head with the pipe, busting him open and sending him to the mat. James Storm went for the Last Call on Eddie but he moved and Gangrel was hit with the move instead. Eddie threw the chain around Roode's neck as he pulled back and began to choke him as Truth clubbed Robert several times with the pipe until he was busted open, then Eddie threw him to the mat. Eddie alternated between whipping the four men with the chain as Truth stepped through the ropes and walked up to the pod of the Broskis. Truth smashed the glass with the pipe and then took another quick swing, hitting Robbie E in the forehead and busting him open. Ryder threw a punch at Truth but he sidestepped it and turned, connecting with the Paydirt through the other pane of glass in the pod.

Truth got up, brushing the shards off himself as he grabbed the pipe and went to the pod of Team Mattitude. Truth did the same as before, smashing the side open and hitting Shannon Moore in the forehead. Truth lowblowed Jeff with one end of the pipe as he grabbed Shannon and hit the Paydirt into Jeff as all three of them went through the other pane of the pod! While this was going on, Eddie had smashed through the pod of Rockarella as he was choking out The Rock. Rock passed out and Eddie let up as he grabbed Santino and hurled him from the pod, dragging him towards the pod of T-Pipe. Eddie suplexed Santino through the pod and got up as he and Truth left the Chamber. Piper and Mr. T, though not officially in the match yet, exited their pod and took advantage of the fact they were the only one's standing. Mr. T pinned Santino as Roddy walked towards the pod of Rockarella and pinned The Rock.




Justin Roberts: Rockarella has been e-liminated!

Roddy Piper entered the ring and covered Robert Roode of Beer Money as Mr. T covered James Storm.




Justin Roberts: Beer Money has been e-liminated!

Piper then pinned Judas Mesias while Mr. T pinned Gangrel.




Justin Roberts: The Coven has been e-liminated!

They exit the ring and Piper pins Jeff while Mr. T pins Shannon.




Justin Roberts: Team Mattitude has been e-liminated!

Lastly, Piper pinned Ryder while Mr. T pinned Robbie E.





Justin Roberts: Broskis have been e-liminated! Here are your winners and the number one contenders to the CWF Tag Team Championships, the team of "Rowdy" Roddy Piper and Mr. T!

The camera shows Alex Riley, who has a look of concentration on his face. Riley opens his eyes and looks at the camera, before turning his head away and smiling.


Alex Riley: I don't think I could describe the feeling that I have right at this moment. I'm just minutes away from stepping out into the bright lights, my music blaring through the speakers, and the CWF Universe cheering at the fact that I am about to compete in one of the most important matches of my short career. To date, my CWF career has had its ups and its downs, but just knowing that I am in an Intercontinental Championship match on a pay-per-view card... it's surreal.

Riley gets up onto his feet, still looking away from the camera.

Alex Riley: I came to CWF for one purpose, and that purpose being asserting myself as one of the brightest and one of the most talented young superstars to ever walk through the doors of the wrestling business. I have big dreams, ones that accompany a bright future, and the only way I can fulfil my dreams is if I capitalise on opportunities like tonight. The only way I can make a name for myself is if I seize the moment, pull it close to my chest, and make it mine.

Riley turns his head and faces the camera.

Alex Riley: I go into the Intercontinental Championship match as the underdog, going up against The Big Red Machine and The Next Big Thing. I have my fans and I have my critics, and when I step inside that ring tonight, my goal is to prove my critics wrong and give my fans something to REALLY cheer about. I WILL become the next CWF Intercontinental Champion, moving one step closer to forging a career that will be remembered for years to come. So Kane... Brock... you're both about to be dismissed!

The CWF Universe cheer Riley's words as Riley has now left the camera's view.

We cut backstage as Jim Cornette is in his office.


Jim Cornette: This is frickin' insane... I hate announcing things like this, this company is a fucking joke! Alberto Del Rio isn't going to get any kind of match tonight, Little fucking Rey Mysterio isn't here the stupid freak. But don't you worry Alberto, there's no fucking conspiracy or anything. On Honor, you will be given opportunity. Anyways, I'm off, fuck this shit!

The camera then cuts back to the entrance stage as...




'Only One Can Judge' Hits the the PA System and Cody Rhodes comes out from the back as the fans break into a chorus of boo's. He has his suit on as well as his face mask, and has two paper baggers in tow. He's walking as fast as he can and covers his face with one hand and blows the fans off with the other as they shower him with abuse. Rhodes reaches the bottom of the ramp and pauses for a second as he orders the paper baggers to hand out bags.


Rhodes then slowly climbs the steps and enters the ring under the top rope. He shields his face as the lights drop and make a shadow which makes it so you can barely see his face. He is then tossed a mic from one of his baggers and he takes a deep breath before beginning to speak.


Cody Rhodes
Shut up, sit down, take one of those paper bags and put them over your heads right this instant! These paper bags will cover your lying eyes... they will cover those spots creeping out from behind your disgusting greasy skin... they will cover your discolored and ROTTEN teeth!... And most importantly they will save me the painful task of having to shield my eyes from the bland faces of the CWF Universe! I'm sure you all remember the hurt I experienced when Rey Mysterio broke my nose, well that's NOTHING compared to the hurt I experience every single time I catch sight of one of your faces... it's like staring into the brightest of light-bulbs; un bearable. I fear that if any of you remove those paper bags from over your head I will be blinded not by the light, but by the sight of your facades...


Rhodes is clearly pissed off with the fans as they begin to boo him and chant 'You soft bastard!'...Rhodes shudders as he holds the rope with one hand and scans the crowd once more. He speaks once more as the fans voices get louder and louder.

QUIET! I'm a professional athlete, I put myself through hell week in week out and therefore I'm well within my rights to wear a mask for PROTECTION! That's right, I wear this mask to protect myself from picking up injuries, whereas you despicable human beings wear those bags to protect yourselves from humiliation.... That's right, all of you people who laughed at me when I was humiliated by Rey Mysterio are now wearing paper bags to avoid being humiliated themselves, how ironic!....I think I've spoken enough, you fans are the least of my worries.... I'm sure there's a dozen CWF stars backstage being humiliated by their disgusting faces, whoever you may be don't worry, THIS PAPER BAG IS FOR YOU!


Rhodes raises a paper bag in the air as Vengeance goes to commercial...


Booker T: My dawg I'm so hyped for this match Striker!

Striker: That gonna be epic! But, with Undertaker having title in his hands, for what these two athletes gonna fight for?!

Booker T: Well, I guess Matt we gonna hear about Undertaker tonight!

Striker: Now, let's take a look at this match!


Booker T: This match is supposed to be a triple threat, but since Brock was taken out by Undertaker, I really don't know at what we are!

Striker: Well, I have chance to talk with our GM and I was informed, that Brock is unable to fight tonight, therefor it gonna be one on one match!


Booker T: And here comes my big fella! I feel like he's gonna take the win tonight Striker!

Striker: But he got tought opponent to face Booker!

The fans in the arena are excited as "Slow Chemical" by Finger Eleven begins to play, cheering the nearing arrival of Kane and the fond sound of his former theme. Without any hesitation, the Big Red Machine makes his way from the back, where the fans are met with surprise on another matter.


Booker T: Kane is looking ready for this!

The roof nearly came off of the place as they were witnessing the return of the true Monster. Kane walks up the steel steps, steps onto the apron and walks along it, then steps through the ropes and makes his way to the center of the ring. Kane raises his arms at his side into the air and drops them, sending fire shooting from all four turnbuckles simultaneously.

Striker: Well, I have to say that gonna be something Booker!


The fire burns strongly for a moment before fading out as the lights come back and...


Booker T: And here he is! Future of our company!

The CWF Universe burst into cheers as Alex Riley makes his way out from the back. Riley emerges with a smile on his face as he stands at the top of the ramp and soaks in the positive atmosphere. Riley looks around at the crowd for a moment before deciding to walk down the ramp and towards the ring


Striker: Here he goes!

Riley high-fives some fans as he rounds the corner and walks up the steel steps. He stands on the ring apron with the smile still on his face, before entering the ring. Riley walks over to the turnbuckle, climbs up it and raises his arm in the air. The CWF Universe cheers him as he gets off the turnbuckle and stepping to the middle of the ring as...

Booker T: WHAT THE?!


Striker: Brock Lesnar is here?!!

Booker T: It can't be!

Both men are shocked, because they didn't expected this theme, but after 30 seconds no one comes out and theme cuts down as over arena is heard..

Striker: What the?!


Booker T: Oh my godness!

after the noise is over, arena turn into darkness...


Lights turn on again and both men are standing shocked and referee immediately calls for a ring bell...


Striker: And we are under the way Booker!

Booker T: That's gonna be big Matt!

Alex Riley takes the moment, because Kane isn't absolutely ready and Riley from back attacks Kane and beat him down with few punches to the back of Kane. Riley put Kane to his knee and then Riley runs to the ropes and jump on the Kane, that get back to his feet, but Kane still able to stand and Riley again runs to the ropes, but this time Kane was quicker and before Riley gets to him, Kane jumps up to the air and hit Riley with the Dropkick! Kane quicly picks the moment to grab Riley's head and pick him up to his feet and Kane gives few punches to the head of Alex Riley and then, Kane pick arm of Riley and wants to throw him to the corner, but Riley reverse it and throw Kane there by himself and Kane hits Turnbuckle hardly and confused after that hard hit walk to the middle of the ring and Alex Riley runs forward the ropes and run right on the Kane and then hits Kane with huge Running Clothesline and Kane falls down to the canvas and Alex Riley goes for the cover...


Striker: Wow, perfect Clothesline by Alex Riley there!

Kane kicks out!

Booker T: And Kane kicks out quickly!

Alex Riley looks angry and he grabs head of Kane and put Kane into the headlock and Kane is in huge pain now, but after few seconds, Kane's trying to slowly gets up and when Kane get to his knee, he delivers huge elbow to the body of Alex Riley and then Kane delivers few more punches and Riley has to break the hold, but Riley quickly tries to fight back and he gives few punches to Kane as well and both men fight in the middle of the ring, delivering punches to each other and Riley is taking over little bit and then Riley kick Kane to the guts and Riley picks the moment and run to the ropes, but Kane mentioned Riley's thinkings and Kane put Riley up and down with huge Scoop Powerslam and Riley grab his back in huge pain after that fall and Riley rolls near to the ropes and grab them to help him gets up and with few problems, Riley is still able to get himself up and when he turns over to Kane, Kane picks him under his arm and then drop Riley down to the canvas again with hard Sidewalk Slam and Kane now goes for a cover...


Striker: Wow, Kane's taking over now!


Booker T: Oh this could be it Striker!

Riley kicks out!

Kane looks little bit sick by that Riley kicked out, but Kane takes the moment and quickly grab the arm of Alex Riley and pick Riley up to his feet and kick him to the guts and then send Riley to the ropes and when Riley gets to Kane, Kane throws Riley over to the air and Riley flies like 10ft high and then hardly fall down to the canvas. Riley grabs his back again and slowly tries to roll out of the ring, but when Riley gets to the apron, Kane comes to him and grabs the leg of Riley and drag Riley back to the middle of the ring and pick Riley up to his feet again and Kane gives huge upper hand to the head of Riley and Riley fall near to the ropes again and he grabs them to help him gets up, and when Riley did, Kane runs right after him and when he gets near to Riley, Riley grab hand of Kane and put Kane up high and then put Kane down right on the ropes with unbelievable Hangmans Flapjack and Kane fall down to the canvas but Kane someway confused gets up and fall to the corner and grab ropes to help him stay on his feet and Riley takes the moment and he runs right after Kane and looks for a Corner Splash Body, but Kane gets out, before Riley jumps on him and Riley hits turnbuckle hardly and when he turn over Kane jumps up and connects head of Riley with his leg with huge Enzuigiri and Kane goes for a cover...


Striker: Oh my! What a action so far!


Booker T: My man Kane is now on a roll Striker!

Riley kicks out!

Right after Riley kicks out, Kane says something to himself and then quickly grab head of Riley and drag Riley's body to the corner and Riley sits in the corner and Kane step to the middle of the ring with crazy looks of his facce and Kane then runs right on Riley and looks for kick to head of Riley, but Riley get himself out at the last second and Kane's leg connected with the steel and Riley quicly grab all his energy to quickly get up and Riley comes from back to Kane and pick Kane up and down with huge Back Suplex! Kane yells in pain and he's slowly trying to get himself up to his feet and Riley comes to Kane and kick him to the head and then then help Kane get to his feet and Riley looks for a punch, but Kane reverses it and give punch to Riley by himself and Riley grab head in pain after that huge punch and Kane pick Riley high over his head and come with Riley near to the ropes and then Kane let Riley fall down to the floor after Military press drop and Riley grab back in pain and referee begin to count Riley out...


Striker: Oh my! Riley hit the floor very hard!


Booker T: Kane gonna pick the win maybe!


Striker: That's awesome match!

As referee counted to three, Riley is trying to get back to his feet with little help by barricade and Kane in the ring is slowly climbing up on the third turnbuckle and when Riley get to his feet, Kane jumps high to the air and then hit Riley's head with huge Diving Clothesline and both men fall on the barricade and fans chant “holy shit†and referee begin to count again...


Booker T: Did you see that?!


Striker: That was huge Booker!


Booker T: Kane is dominating so far!


Striker: Booker, Riley is maybe out after this!


Booker T: My man Kane gonna do it!

Kane gets up first and he rolls back to the ring …




Riley is back on his feet and roll back to the ring as well and when he get in, Kane goes after him and give few punches to his back, but Riley push him back and Kane runs back to Riley that is near to ropes and Riley gets up and like a train hits Kane with huge spear and put him down on the canvas and give many punches to Kane's head and Riley continues in punching Kane and referee has to step in and get Riley out of Kane and Kane hold his head in pain and Riley says to referee to let him go and referee does so, and Riley runs after Kane and grab Kane's head into the Front Headlock and get Kane up and then Riley delivers Facebuster with Forearm Smash and Kane fall down back to the canvas! Riley doesn't waste any time and he quickly again grab Kane's arm and get Kane up back to his feet and Riley then puts Kane on his shoulder and then put Kane down with epic Michinoku Driver and Riley goes for a cover!


Striker: Well, Riley took that match over with that huge spear!


Booker T: Get your shoulder up homie!

Th... Kane kicks out!

Riley in all anger gives few punches to the head of Kane and then Riley picks Kane up again and send Kane to the ropes and wait for him, but Kane reverses it and he delivers huge Running DDT to the head of Riley! Alex Riley confused after that hard shot to his head quickly gets up and when he turns over on Kane, Kane picks him up on his shoulder and then put him down on the canvas with huge Front Powerslam! Riley in pain is holding his body and he wisely rolls on the apron, so Kane can't go for a pin, but Kane goes after Riley and Kane grabs arm of Riley to get him back to the ring and when he get Riley back to his feet in the middle of the ring, Riley give huge punch to face of Kane and then Super Kicks Kane down on the canvas and Riley goes falls right on Kane for another cover...


Striker: What a Super Kick! Did you heard the impact Booker?


Booker T: it was huge Matt and it gonna do it!

Thre... NO! Kane kicks out!

Riley quickly picks the moment and grab head of the Kane and Riley wants to send Kane to the ropes, but Kane holds arm of Riley and then grab his head and deliever quick DDS to the Riley and Riley quickly rolls out of the ring and Kane is down on the floor and referee gets out of the ring to check Riley and then ref gets back into the ring and begins count...


Striker: Oh this match is so epic!


Booker T: I absolutely agree with ya Matt!


Riley gets up with the help of apron and he looks at the crowd and people cheers for him and Kane from the ring grab the head of Alex Riley and pick Riley up on the apron and turn Riley over and Kane looks for a punch, but Riley reverses the punch of Kane and Riley someway kicks Kane to his body and put head of Kane between 2nd and 3rd rope and Riley holds Kane's head and then deliver awesome Rope Hung Apron DDT to the head of Kane and fans in arena clap for Riley. Kane's head still between the ropes and Riley high-fives few fans and then he mentions that Kane's head is out and Riley runs and delivers huge Single Leg Dropkick From Outside to the head of Kane and Kane falls back into the ring and Riley rolls after him and goes for another cover...


Striker: Oh my! Riley looking impresive right now!


Booker T: Get up my big homie!

Three... NO! Kane gets his shoulder up!

Riley is angry and he tries a cover once again...


Striker: And another cover by Riley?


Booker T: Riley looks like he isn't happy with Kane getting his shoulder up!

Thre... Kane kicks out!

Riley quickly grab Kane's head and put Kane into another headlock, but Kane now quickly reverses the hand of Riley and Kane gets up and Riley gets up as well and he goes after Kane and looks for a Clothesline, but Kane ducks down and Riley misses, but he continues in running and he looks for another clothesline, but Kane ducks down again and this time, when Riley gets to him again Kane put Riley down with a Clothesline by his own! Riley gets up very quickly and Kane runs after him and hits another Clothesline and Riley is still able to get up quickly and for the third time, Kane puts him down on the Canvas with another Clothesline! Riley is holding his back in pain, but Kane quickly grabs him and with all his anger pick Riley up to his feet and then put him up on his shoulder and deliver huge Tilt-A-Whirl Front Powerslam to the Riley and Kane goes for a cover...


Striker: And the match turns upside down once again!


Booker T: That's what I call a match!

Three...No! Riley kicks out!

Kane punches to the canvas, but he knows this is his time and he slowly goes to the corner and slowly is climbing up to the top turnbuckle and when he gets there, Kane wants to turn over, but Riley already gets up and he Clotheslines the leg of Kane and kane fall right on the top turnbuckle and over arena is heard loud “ OH “ and Riley doesn't waste any second and he puts Kane on his shoulders and then both men fall down to the canvas after epic Electric Chair! Both men are laying down in the middle of the ring, but Riley is slowly getting up and so as Kane and when Kane gets to his feet he runs after Riley and looks for a Running Clothesline, but he misses and when Kane turns over, Riley picks Kane up and down with epic Spinebuster and Kane quickly in pain and confused gets up and Riley from back turns Kane over and grab his head and then delivers LIFTING DDT and goes for a cover....


Striker: LIFTING DDT! This is it!


Booker T: That was an epic match!

Three......NO! Kane gets his shoulder up!

Booker T: WHAT THE?!!


Alex Riley just can't believe what happened and he goes absolutely crazy, begin to punch to the canvas and then Riley steps to the referee and argues with him and referee tells him to let him do his work and Riley looks really angry and slowly walks to Kane that is trying to get to the ropes, but after that DDT he doesn't even know where he is and Riley from back stays up behind him and Riley then grab Kane's leg and put it over Riley's head and lock Kane into painful Riley Lock and Kane begins to screams in huge pain that is Riley putting him to and Riley yells to Kane to tap out, but Kane is with everything he had left get to the ropes, but every second Riley's hold is more and more painful and when Kane looks like he's gonna tap out, he someway begins to slowly getting to the ropes and he's just finger tips away from reaching the ropes!

Striker: Will Kane be able to get to the ropes?

Booker T: Common bro!

Kane get his hand on the ropes and referee tells Riley to break the hold, but Riley still holding Kane's leg and referee begins to count..



Striker: You better break the hold Alex!


Booker T: Oh common Riley!


Riley breaks the hold when referee counted to four, and Kane rolls under the ropes on the apron and he's trying to recover from huge pain he went through just few moments ago and Riley is still angry and he can't believe that Kane is still in after his two signatures, but Riley is taking the momentum and he raises his arms and arena goes crazy for him and Kane is already on his knee on the apron and Riley slowly walks to Kane and when he grabs head of Kane, Kane reverses the hold and deliever huge punch to Riley and Riley fall down to the canvas and Kane looks and fans go crazy for him and Kane goes to the corner and as quickly as he can climbs up to the third turnbuckle and when he gets there, from a nowhere Riley gets back to his feet and jump right on the third turnbuckle as well and throw Kane over down to the canvas with huge Super Hip Toss and both men are down and Riley is slowly trying to get to Kane and when he gets to him, Riley puts his arm over Kane and referee goes for a cover...


Striker: Oh my goddess! That 's epic!


Booker T: Oh that's gonna be it!

Three.....NO! Kane gets his shoulder up!

Riley stays down absolutely shocked and he really can't believe that Kane was able to get his shoulder up and Riley confused with Kane rolls to the corner and just sits there and tells something to himself and then, when he sees that Kane is not able to get up, he walks to him slowly and Riley then grabs head of Kane and he tells him that “ It's time to rest in peace Kane “ and after Riley finished this sentence, he puts his hand on Kane's neck and put Kane up to the Chokeslam position, but before Riley picks Kane up, Kane with all his energy that lefts in him tries to fight back and he delivers few elbows to the head of Riley and Kane makes Riley break the hold and when Riley turns over, Kane put a hand under his head and pick Riley up and down and deliver devastating Chokeslam and Kane falls right on Riley and referee goes for a cover...


Striker: CHOKESLAM! Kane does it!


Booker T: Common homie, you have it!

Three....NOO!!!!! Riley kicks out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Striker: Did he?!

Booker T: Riley really gets his shoulder up!

Both men are down, with no more strength to get up and both men are just someway trying to get to the nearest ropes to help them get back to their feet, but Kane after that hard beating is slower than Riley and Riley reaches the ropes first and with their help get to his feet, but he falls back to his knee again, but then he's able to get up and get to Kane and grab his head into a Lifting DDT position, but Kane doesn't want to give up the match and with everything he has in him he's trying to fight back, and Riley has to let him go and Kane then from a nowhere put Riley up on his shoulder and fans are cheering as Kane looks for a Tombstone, but Riley tries to fight out and Kane let him out of his shoulder and Riley then from back turn Kane over and put him up on his shoulders and looks for his signature You're dismissed, but Kane again fights out of it and Riley lets him go and when Riley turns over, Kane from a nowhere pick Riley up and down with unbelievable Falling Powerbomb and Kane put his arm over Riley...


Striker: Awesome Falling Powerbomb!


Booker T: Oh my goddess my big homie gonna do it!

Three..No!!! Riley kicks out!

Kane is absolutely shocked and he slowly gets up back to his feet and he can't believe that Riley again kicked out! Kane doesn't waste any second and he quickly get to Riley to finish him and he put him on his shoulder again and looks for another Tombstone but Riley again tries to fight out of it and Kane lets him go and Riley falls near to the ropes and Kane runs after him, but Riley mentioned Kane and he throws him over to the air and Kane felt over the ropes down to the floor and Riley can't believe what he just did, but he as quickly as he can runs to the ropes and then Riley jumps over the ropes with epic Suicide Drive right on the Kane and both men falls down to the floor and referee begins to count them out and over arena is heard “ Holy shit!


Booker T: Bah gawd did you see that?!


Striker: That's a absolutely epic contest between two awesome athletes!



Booker T: No one of these two guys are even moving!


Striker: Oh this could be it!



Booker T: Common my big homie, you have to get up!


Striker: Both men still down!


As referee counts to three lights in arena shuts down and on screen appears some clip and...




Lights goes on again and now in the ring is The Undertaker with the belt...


Referee is down on the canvas and both Riley and Kane are down on the floor and lights goes off again...


When lights goes on again, both Riley and Kane are laying on the canvas in the middle of the ring, just as referee and nobody knows what's going on and referee still down on the canvas but Riley is first that is trying to get up and Kane still down on the canvas, but after few seconds, he's trying to get up as well and Riley is already up on his feet and he's holding a briefcase in his hands...


OOC: Ignore Cena little bit...

Striker: Oh but this isn't no DQ Alex!

As Kane gets back to his feet, Riley from a nowhere hits him right to his head and then throw the briefcase away and Riley then put Kane up on his shoulders and then put Kane up and down You're dismissed and Riley goes for a cover and referee is retiring and he goes for a slow cover...


Striker: Oh this gonna be it...


Booker T: That wasn't legal tho! My homie can't lose this!




Striker: What a contest there Booker!

Booker T: Oh that isn't fair, but I have to say, I'm really impressed by Alex Riley tho!


As Riley is Celebrating in the ring from a nowhere …


Arena turns into darkness and when it comes back, no one is in the ringside instead of commentators and then Undertaker appears on the stage and then camera fades out into commercial...






Justin Roberts: The following contest is a Household Hardcore Match and is scheduled for one fall and is for the CWF Hardcore Championshiiiiiip! The contestants will fight in a house and are allowed to use every single item in the house as their weapon!


Cameras show Cena walking backstage on the way to the "house" as his theme blares and the arena is filled with boos.


Justin Roberts: Making his way to the ring, hailing from West Newbury, Massachusetts, weighing at 241 lbs, the challenger, John Ceeeeeeeeeeena!

Cena does the you can't see me motion into the camera as the fans continue booing.


The camera now zooms onto the other side backstage as HHH is seen walking to the very same house Cena walked in and stares him eye to eye and his theme is playing.


Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing at 255 lbs, he is the current CWF Hardcore Champion.. Trrrrrripleeee H!!!!!

Both contestants stretch a bit as the bell dings and a referee walks into the room.

Cameras show Cena walking backstage on the way to the "house" as his theme blares and the arena is filled with boos.


Justin Roberts: Making his way to the ring, hailing from West Newbury, Massachusetts, weighing at 241 lbs, the challenger, John Ceeeeeeeeeeena!

Cena does the you can't see me motion into the camera as the fans continue booing.

The camera now zooms onto the other side backstage as HHH is seen walking to the very same house Cena walked in and stares him eye to eye and his theme is playing.


Justin Roberts: And his opponent, from Greenwich, Connecticut, weighing at 255 lbs, he is the current CWF Hardcore Champion.. Trrrrrripleeee H!!!!!

Both contestants stretch a bit as the bell dings and a referee walks into the room.

They are situated in the middle of the living room as Triple H looks around which allows Cena to get a dirty start of the match with smashing a lamp that he picked up from a table into his head!

Booker T: OH BOI, DIS GON BE A CLASSIC. DAT BOY CENA DERE, HE'S IN MAH FAVE FIVE FO SHO! Imma be very surprised if he doesn't grab dat title tonite!

Tazz: Anyone ever told ya' Book that you piss people off sometimes?

However Cena picks the groggy Triple H up and drags him all the way into the kitchen, which is one room to the left. He pushes him into the kitchen unit and takes the matches that are for an unknown reason laying in the sink. Cena gets a match on fire and apparently tries to put HHH on fire. HHH blocks him with his hands and tries to push him away. Cena puts more pressure, but HHH somehow slips out and ducks, which allows Cena to smash himself into the kitchen unit and drop the match which doesn't put anything on fire. Cena is laying on the ground holding his apparently hurt ribs. Triple H now searches a bit in a shelf situated on the wall between the sink and the stove. He finds a duct tape in it and with the help of it, he makes sure that Cena isn't going anywhere by affixing him onto the ground. With that being said, Cena puts his head up, yelling something at HHH. HHH continues to dominate as he kicks his head back down. HHH rips the tapes off Cena's arms to Pedigree him onto the tiled floor! He goes for the pin!


Tw.. Kick out by Cena!

Cena gets on his feet and the two exchange punches all the way to the living room. Cena however lowblows HHH and takes a glass bowl that's situated behind him and smashes it into his head! HHH doesn't fall on the ground yet he still is groggy. Cena grabs him by his hair and starts smashing his head into the table. HHH is still conscious, but obviously he doesn't know where he is or something like that. Cena shows a middle finger to the cameraman, climbs on the edge of a couch in the room and jumps a leg drop off it on his head which breaks the table down! Both competitors now lay on the ground in pain. It should be noticed that Cena is bleeding from his leg. After about 30 seconds, HHH unplugs a lamp out of the socket which is situated near the floor and wraps it around the neck of John Cena and the referee runs to them to ask if everything is ok and to tell HHH to stop this. However, HHH, proud of his cable garotte strengthens the submission hold and Cena's trying to stop it, he hits the face of HHH with his elbow and HHH drops the cable down, allowing Cena to pick the lamp with the cable up, to pick up HHH on his feet and smash the lamp into his face. Cena puts HHH in the sitting position and starts whipping him with the cable!

Booker T: Good lord this ain't normal what Cena's doin' Tazz dawg!

Tazz: Well this is gon' be a damn freakin' match full of these moments so keep yo' legendary lines in store Book, this ain't the end.

Cena throws the cable on the floor and picks up a marble ornament and smashes it over Triple H’s head. Cena taunts ‘The Game’ before going over to him but Hunter is aware and punches him in the face. The pair walk up the stairs trading blows before they walk into a bedroom. Triple H picks up the television and throws it at Cena narrowly missing his head. John Cena punches Triple H in the face and attempts to go for the FU but Triple H wriggles out and hits Cena with a DDT onto the television, his face cracking through the screen.

Booker T: Oh My Gawd, Cenas out cold.

Triple H goes for the cover




Tazz: How the hell did Cena kick out.

Triple H attempts to stomp on Cena but he rolls out of the way causing Triple H to stomp on the television. Cena then kicks him in the gut before picking up a guitar and smashing it over Triple H’s head. Cena notices a miniature cactus plant on the bedside table and picks it up and scrapes it across the face of The Game. Prickles dig into his face and eyes and he screams out in pain. Triple H then chases Cena out the room and Cena locks himself in the bathroom. Triple H goes downstairs and finds an axe in a storage cupboard. Triple H grabs it and runs back upstairs and proceeds to break his way in with the axe. Cena hides behind the shower curtain and when Triple H gets in, hits him with a flying shoulder tackle.

Booker T: This match is insane

Tazz: These men are out to hurt one another tonight Book.

Cena picks up the axe and throws it away. He picks up Triple H and whacks his head off the sink. Cena picks up the shower head and beats Triple H with it. The two competitors brawl out of the bathroom out onto the landing. Triple H hits a Spinebuster on Cena and rips the damaged bathroom door off its hinges and proceeds to hit Cena with it. Triple H throws it at Cena who ducks and it gets lodged near the bottom of the staircase. John Cena kicks The Game in the gut and then hoists him onto his shoulders looking for the FU but Triple H wriggles out and looks for the Pedigree. Cena reverses the attempt and the two end up clotheslining each other.

Booker T: Who will come out on top in this match?

Tazz: What a match!

The two get to their feet at the same time and they begin to trade blows. John Cena picks up a computer chair and hits Triple H with it. Cena then places him on it and wheels it into a wall. Triple H falls off the chair and Cena picks him back up. Cena bounces Hunters head off the wall and hits him with a Spinebuster of his own. Cena then drags Triple H to by the stairs and locks in the STFU. Triple H wriggles but Cena tightens the hold. Triple H wriggles back to the bedroom and picks up a trashcan and hits Cena on the head with it causing him to break the hold. Cena attempts to stomp on The Game but Triple H whacks Cenas foot with the trashcan causing him to fall over out of the room.

Booker T: Triple H is looking for an advantage here.

Tazz: This is too close to call Booker.

Triple H hits the downed Cena twice more with the trashcan and then picks him up. He attempts another Pedigree but John Cena reverses it and hoists him onto his shoulders. He hits the FU right down the stairs and Triple H lands straight through the door that was lodged there beforehand. Triple H’s broken body lays motionless through the wreckage.


Tazz: It looks like we are getting a new Hardcore Champion Book.

John Cena walks down the stairs and pushes The Game off the wreckage and goes for the cover.




Booker T: He done it. We have a new champ!

Tazz: What a match-up we have just witnessed.

Justin Roberts: Here is your winner...and your NEEEEEWWWWWWW CWF Hardcore Championnnn....Johhhhnnnnnnnnn Ceeeeeeeeeenaaaaaaaa

Jim Ross: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match will not be for the weak of heart.

Matt Striker: That's right, J.R. We've seen both of these men endure gruesome things over the past few months, but nothing like this!

The ring bell is sounded as Justin Roberts prepares to do the introductions.


Justin Roberts: The following contest is a Chamber of Horrors match and it is for the CWF Championship! This match will be contested inside a steel cage with an electric chair and the only way to win will be to put your opponent in the chair and pull the switch, thereby electrocuting them. Introducing first...



"Highway to the Danger Zone" by Versus The Ocean begins playing as the crowd erupts into boos. Soon after this, the "Instant Classic" himself makes his way onto the stage.


Justin Roberts: From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Weighing in at 227 pounds, Christian!

As he looks out at the crowd, Christian makes his way down the ramp and enters the ring, preparing for the match ahead.

Jim Ross: Well Matt, we've seen Christian come closer than arguably any other superstar in the company to winning that Championship. Will tonight be the night he goes one step closer and captures it?

Matt Striker: If it were a normal match, I'd say his chances are good. If it were another steel cage match, I'd say almost a definitive yes. But this looks like Kevin Thorn's playground. If I were Christian, I'd want to get out alive more than I'd want to win the belt!

As the commentators finish giving their thoughts, Justin Roberts gets ready to finish the introductions.

Justin Roberts: And the opponent...

The lights suddenly go down inside the arena and the familiar whisperings of The Coven's theme begin to be heard throughout the arena.



'Fangin' n' Bangin' hits the PA system and the crowd begin to stir, in fear and in hatred they boo the immediate entrance of The Coven. A fiery circle forms on the stage, and from the fire emerge Kevin Thorn, Ariel by his side and his minions trailing behind him. They walk out from the fire in that order as the crowd begin to rain down with boo's.


Justin Roberts: From Parts Unknown. Weighing in at 270 pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by The Coven, he is the reigning and defending CWF Champion. The "Master of Macabre", Kevin Thorn!

The blood thirsty cult make their ways down the ramp as a unit as the crowd continue to boo. Thorn has not take his eyes off of Lesnar and Christian since he emerged from the fiery pit. Ariel takes the lead and walks round to the side of the ring, she then props herself up and then gets herself into her signature bat pose as Kevin Thorn locks lips with her. Ariel then swings down and sits on the middle rope and allows Thorn to enter.

Jim Ross: Kevin Thorn looking right at home in that Chamber, Matt, I too am worried for Christian.

Matt Striker: You never know though, Jim, he could pull an upset.

The Coven exit the Chamber and remain ringside as the ring bell is sounded again.



The two men circle each other at the start as Thorn lunges at Christian looking for a tie up. Christian dodges and hits Kevin in the back of the leg with kick, Thorn stumbling as Christian hits him once more with a kick to the back of the leg as Kevin drops to a knee. Christian sizes up Thorn and nails him with a hard roundhouse kick to the head. Kevin gets up as he and Christian move towards the middle and this time lock up. Kevin uses his strength to push Christian to the ropes, before before Christian whips Thorn to the far ropes. Kevin bounces off and avoids a big clothesline from Christian. Kevin turns around as Christian jumps and bounces off of the second rope looking for a cross body, but Thorn catches him mid-air and lifts him onto his shoulder as he backs up to his corner. Kevin runs to the middle of the ring, throwing Christian down with a spinning side powerslam. Christian writhes in pain as Thorn wastes no time picking Christian back up as he lifts him high in the air and throws him over the top rope into the side of the cage.

Christian gets up relatively quickly as he re-enters the ring where Thorn is waiting. Kevin picks him up and whips him into the far ropes where Christian bounces off and Thorn lifts him high over his head and flips him, successfully executing a back body drop. As Christian gets up holding his back in pain, Kevin charges at him with a big boot attempt, but Christian catches it before leaping in the air and hitting Thorn in the back of the head with an enziguiri. Kevin is sent into the ropes as a result then uses it to his advantage, turning around and launching himself in his opponent's direction. Christian goes for a clothesline but misses as Thorn slips behind him and applies a sleeper hold. This doesn't last long as Christian grabs his arms and pulls them apart, breaking the hold as he twists one of the arms, connecting with a flowing snap DDT. Christian rolls him over and hooks the leg.

Jim Ross: Well he can keep the leg hooked all day, folks, the match can only be won by putting your opponent in that electric chair and flipping the lever.

Christian looks at the ref as he gets up and walks to the legs of Thorn. Christian puts his right leg in between his opponent's as he goes for a Sharpshooter but Kevin realizes this and at the last second takes his left leg and pushes Christian off of him, causing the Instant Classic to bounce to the far ropes. Kevin gets up and charges at Christian, but Christian low bridges the ropes and Thorn falls to the outside of the ring, hitting the side of the cage head first. Much like Christian, Kevin shook it off relatively quickly as he re-entered the ring. Christian picks Thorn up and whips him to the far ropes, placing Kevin on his back shoulder and connecting with a Samoan Drop when he bounces off. Christian measures Thorn as the Master of Macabre gets to his feet slowly. Christian kicks him in the solar plexus, grabbing Kevin's wrists and turning, connecting with the Killswitch! Kevin places his hands on the mat and pushes himself to his feet, looking at his opponent intensely.

Thorn begins hitting him with left and right jabs, backing him into the corner as Christian slowly slid to a sitting position as the attack continued. Kevin stops after a moment and picks up Christian, but Christian gives him a thumb to the eye. Thorn backs up as Christian follows him, picking him up and dropping him with a scoop slam. Christian poses arrogantly as Kevin gets up and charges at Christian, grabbing his head and driving his face into the mat with a bulldog. Thorn rolls Christian onto his back and goozles him, lifting him from the mat and grabbing him quickly, driving him down with a spinebuster. Christian gets up holding his back in pain as Thorn kicks him in the stomach, looking for the cross powerbomb but when he goes to place Christian's head between his legs, the Instant Classic punches him in the groin.

Matt Striker: Ouch! That's easily the greatest horror of all.

Christian, ready to end things, slips behind Kevin and locks their arms together, spinning and connecting with the Killswitch! He then drags him over to the electric chair and straps him in, walking over and flipping the lever.

Jim Ross: By gawd! He's being electrocuted! Ring the damn bell!


Justin Roberts: Here is your winner and the NEW CWF Champion, the "Instant Classic" Christian!


After the match, Christian was laughing as Thorn suffered in the chair. The crowd gasped as the "Instant Classic" had no intention of flipping the lever back up and turning off the chair. Suddenly the lights in the arena go out.

Jim Ross: What's this?

Matt Striker: Maybe the power's out from all the electricity being used!

The lights came back on and the crowd cheered with surprise as Kane was seen sitting in the chair, the restraints and helmet destroyed. Christian ran at Kane with his belt in hand, but the Big Red Monster saw it coming as he got up from the chair and leveled him with a Big Boot. Kane grabbed his briefcase from the chair and threw it at the cage, signaling to the ringside official that he was cashing in. The crowd cheered as Kane picked up the electric chair, holding it above his head. Christian was pushing himself to his feet, his back turned to Kane, and once he was to his feet, Kane brought the chair down on top of him, breaking it into wood splinters and dust as Christian fell on his face, now bleeding from the head. Kane rolled him over and covered him as the referee counted.





Justin Roberts: Here is your winner and the NEW CWF Champion, Kaaaaaaaaane!

Jim Ross: Well this is certainly unexpected folks, a very exciting turn of events.

Matt Striker: My only regret is you know Christian's going to have something to say about this Thursday night. Now for the hype for the Elimination Chamber Heavyweight Championship Match.


Tazz: It's finally time, baby, the match that I've been waitin' for!

Booker T: It's the match this night is all about dog, the Elimination Chamber! Six men, one belt, and a whole bunch a' metal, and it's next!

As the crowd is ecstatic with anticipation, the ring bell is heard as Justin Roberts prepares to do the introductions.


Justin Roberts: The following contest is an Elimination Chamber match, and it is for the CWF World Heavyweight Championship! The match will continue until all but one has been eliminated. The remaining superstar will be the World Champion! Introducing first...


Suddenly, as the theme of Chris Jericho storms the arena, the fans boo in turn. Jericho walks down with perhaps the most focused look on his face that he's ever had, as some fans break out a "You suck" chant which is surprisingly challenged by some fans starting a "Y2J" chant, although Jericho really doesn't care either way. He marches his way down the ramp, and as he reaches the bottom, he stares up at the chamber surrounding the ring, and it looks like you can see him gulp.

Justin Roberts: From Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Weighing in at 226 pounds. Chriiiiiiis Jerichoooooo!

Jericho enters the ring and looks around at the crowd, the same look on his face as before.

Tazz: Well, to give a little background here, Chris Jericho has been in five of these bad boys, tonight makes his sixth!

Booker T: That's certainly impressive dog, he certainly has what it takes ta' survive, the question is does he have what it takes to win? We're gonna find that out tonight!

Jericho looks at Justin Roberts from the top left pod, almost as if to remind him to do his job.

Justin Roberts: And the opponent...



Batista walks out onto the ramp, and slowly takes a breath before spinning with his arms held out, and punches the air before walking forward, and with a smirk, stopping, slaps the ground and performs his turret taunt as fireworks go off behind him. One more punch in the air and The Animal makes his way towards the ring.


Justin Roberts: From Washington, D.C. Weighing in at 290 pounds, he is the "Animal", Baaaaaatiiiiistaaaaaa!

Batista walks up the ring steps and climbs into the ring. He turns and looks at Jericho as he steps through the ropes and enters the top right pod.

Booker T: There he is dog, my boy Batistaaa! Jericho's chances might be in question, but I know Big Dave can get it done!

Tazz: Batista's not quite as familiar with this environment, as tonight will be only his third foray. So say what you will about Jericho, tonight puts him in twice as many of these as Dave.

Justin Roberts gets ready to introduce the next combatant.

Justin Roberts: And the opponent...




Finlay’s music hits and he walks down the ramp, shilleleagh in hand and CWF World Heavyweight Championship around his waist, with Hornswoggle by his side to boos from the crowd. He slowly makes his way down the ramp as he heads up the steps into the ring.

Justin Roberts: From Belfast, Northern Ireland. Weighing in at 233 pounds. Being accompanied to the ring by Hornswoggle, he is the reigning and defending CWF Woooorld Heavyweight Champion, Finlay!

Finlay and Hornswoggle move over to the turnbuckle and climbs it just staring at the crowd and then raises his CWF Heavyweight Championship and lets out a sly grin..


Booker T: Fit Finlay, the defendin' champion, dog. He's def'netly had an impressive reign so far but tonight might be the night it ends.

Tazz: That's somethin' I could see happenin' for sure, Book, but at the same time I could see Finlay keepin' it and carryin' on his reign, whether it's the second Chamber match in his career or not.

They hop down, Finlay stops and looks around at the big crowd, and continues to take it all in before walking over to the bottom left pod. He has a quick glance at Chris Jericho and Batista before entering it.

Justin Roberts: And the opponent...

Read The Words That Are Written In My Face ...
Why Believe Them? I Believe Them!

[video=youtube;KYgzxDEudJA] [/video]

Theme of Celtic Warrior and also called Irish Curse Sheamus hits the PA System of the arena. Sheamus comes out of backstage area and goes straight to the ring. On the ramp, while he's walking, he's hitting his chest as a sign of his great power. He stops in front of the ring and look at both sides of the arena.

Justin Roberts: From Dublin, Ireland. Weighing in at 267 pounds, he is the "Great White", Sheeeeaaaaamus!

The crowd cheers loudly, but Sheamus gives attendance just a sarcastic smile and continues his way to the ring over the steel steps to the apron, where he stands for a while and looks at the crowd again. Then over the second rope he enters the ring and starts to hit his chest again. The crowd cheers even more loudly as Sheamus makes his way to the bottom right pod and enters.

Booker T: Aww yeah, the former Hardcore Champyen makin' his way into this thing. If Big Dave don't get it done, I think Sheamus will!

Tazz: Well Sheamus in the same boat as Batista tonight as this is his third Elimination Chamber match.

The fans are anxious as only two men remain.

Justin Roberts: Introducing starter number one...

As soon as everyone is quiet, the familiar theme of Matt Hardy Version 1 hits the PA.


The crowd starts to boo as Matt makes his way toward the ring where all of his Elimination Chamber opponents are waiting, minus Edge. He walks down the ramp as the camera flashes yet another Matt Fact. Tonight's Matt Fact is “Matt has seen all of the Friday the 13th moviesâ€.


Justin Roberts: From Cameron, North Carolina. Weighing in at 235 pounds. Representing Team Mattitude, Matt Hardy Version 1!

He walks down the ramp all full of energy, much to the crowd's chagrin. He climbs into the ring with all of his opponents.

Tazz: Well whether he's at an advantage or a disadvantage is for you to decide folks, Matt Hardy is competing in his first ever Chamber match tonight.

Booker T: And it's gon' get violent real quick after what Matt Hardy did to Edge last week on WAR, 'specially since he's gotta start the match wit 'em, dog!

Justin Roberts gets ready to introduce the final participant.

Justin Roberts: And starter number two...


The crowd goes absolutely crazy when the smoke rises up and they only know it could be one man. The Rated R Superstar comes out to his trademark theme song "Metalingus" as he walks through the smoke with a determined look on his face.


Edge looks around and walks in nodding his head. He has his signature coat on and looks down to the floor. He looks up and poses for the crowd with fireworks going off everywhere.


Justin Roberts: From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Weighing in at 241 pounds, the "Rated R Superstar", EDGE!

Edge runs after that into the ring with a huge smirk on his face now. He gets up and hops on the top rope and looks into the crowd. The crowd is cheering loudly as Edge takes his coat off and hops down, ready for war.

Tazz: And rounding out the group is Edge, making his fifth appearance in this kind of match tonight. With him being the only one to ever win a Chamber match, is it possible to argue against him?

Booker T: Absolutely dog, cuz he lost three of 'em.

The ring bell sounds and the crowd erupts in excitement as it's time for the match to begin.



Matt and Edge lock up in a test of strength. Hardy gets the better of the exchange as he backs Edge into the ropes. Edge exerts more strength and takes a few steps away from the ropes, backing Matt towards the center of the ring. Currently at a stalemate, both men got frustrated as they both threw a knee towards their opponent's stomach. They did this simultaneously, each using their left, and their knees connected. The lock-up was broken as each man held their knee in pain. Edge delivered an uppercut to Hardy as Matt staggered a few steps backward, the Rated R Superstar charging and connecting with a lariat, both of them flying over the ropes in a complete flip and landing on the steel on the outside. Both men were up quickly as they locked up again, Hardy's hands around Edge's throat and Edge's hands around Hardy's as they pushed against one another.

Edge threw a knee into the groin of Hardy, breaking Matt's hold and bringing him to his knees. Edge looked into his eyes, continuing to choke him out, intensity in his expression. Hardy looked to be fading for a moment then closed his hands around the outside of Edge's wrists, applying pressure as he rose to his feet. Before Matt could turn the momentum around in his favor, Edge lifted him and slammed him into the wall of chain, letting go upon impact as Hardy fell a short distance towards the floor, Edge raising his knee before he did as Matt was hit in the mouth and went flying backward into the wall again, hitting the back of his head.

Tazz: Well I was wonderin' how long it'd be before the Chamber itself came into play.

Booker T: Edge has that boy Matt Hardy right where he wants him right now, dog.

As Hardy came off of the chain wall again and fell forward, Edge hooked his head and went for the a DDT, but Matt put his hands down and caught himself, so now Edge was the only one hurt by the move. Hardy got to his feet as Edge rolled and got to his. Edge took off running and went for a spear but Matt sidestepped and connected with a drop toe hold as Edge hit the chain head first. Hardy rolled him onto his back and stepped over him, squatting down and grabbing a fistful of Edge's hair with his left hand, pulling his head upward as he punched it repeatedly with his right hand. Edge shifted his arms forward, placing his hands on the abdomen of Matt as he turned and pushed Hardy off of him at an angle. Edge got up quickly and Matt was sitting there in a corner created by one of the pods and a lower part of the chain wall. Edge placed his foot on Hardy's throat and pushed, choking him out. In the pod was Chris Jericho, who was just watching. Matt struggled as he clutched Edge's foot with both hands and tried to push it away from his throat, but wasn't finding much success as the lack of oxygen was turning his face very red.

Tazz: Well the uh, Sensei of Mattitude finds himself in a very precarious position right now.

Booker T: His only hope might be the next guy to enter this match.

Hardy, losing strength, had just about given up on trying to push Edge's foot away. He tried an alternative way to break things up as he kicked away at the front of Edge's other leg. Edge removed his foot from Matt's throat and went to kick him but Hardy rolled out of the way. He pushed Edge forward into the side of the pod and threw an elbow into his back, the point of it connecting between Edge's shoulder blades. Matt was coughing in between dishing out the offense as he was regaining his breath. He grabbed Edge by the back of the neck and top of the back of the head as he began to beat his face into the pod repeatedly. After about five, Hardy pulled him away and turned him around, throwing a kick towards his stomach. Edge unexpectedly caught his leg and connected with a kick of his own, hooking Matt's arms behind his back when he hunched over. Edge was about to connect with a double-armed DDT when things went dark and the lights started flashing around the pods.

Tazz: Well it's time for some new blood to get injected into this thing.

The light stopped on the pod of Chris Jericho as the crowd booed. Jericho slid open the door of the pod and stepped out onto the hard steel. Edge let go of Hardy as Matt returned to a vertical base, both men looking across the chamber at Jericho. Chris stepped through the ropes into the ring as Edge and Hardy did the same thing. As soon as they entered, Edge grabbed Matt and threw him into Jericho, who connected with a standing dropkick, hit the mat, and was back to his feet in no time. Chris and Edge walked towards one another and Jericho slapped him in the mouth. Edge looked back at him seething and moved to strike when Hardy came off the ropes and took both men down with a double lariat. As all three men rose, Edge went on the attack, alternating between Matt on his left and Jericho on his right with punches. After this had went on for a moment, both men goozled Edge and took him down with a double chokeslam. After Edge made contact with the mat, Hardy kicked Jericho and pulled him towards him hooking his head. Chris pushed Matt off of him and he went into the ropes. Hardy came back and Jericho leapt over him as Matt went into the opposite ropes and came off as Chris leapt upward and connected with a Pele' Kick that brought Hardy down. Jericho got to his feet, looking down at Matt, then turned to face Edge, who lunged at him and took him off his feet with a Spear.

Hardy got up and ran into the ropes behind Edge, bringing him down with a double axe handle to the back of the head. Matt grabbed Edge and dragged him towards the ropes, lifting him to a half-vertical base and sticking his upper body over the second rope. Hardy applied a sleeper hold, pulling Edge to a full vertical base, wrenching back and using the ropes as leverage. Edge's feet had left the ground as he kicked at the air, but Matt kicked him in the back of the leg, setting him back on his feet, then rocked backwards quickly, throwing Edge through the air, rolling completely over Hardy's shoulder as Matt brought him down with a form of cutter. Hardy turned and pushed off of the mat to regain his footing when suddenly he was met with a soccerball kick to the lower jaw that made his head snap as he rocked backward to the mat. Jericho took a short jog and leapt into the air, connecting with a running shooting star press onto Matt. Chris popped up and did the same in the other direction, this time landing on Edge. Despite being a heel, this drew some cheers from the crowd.

Booker T: Well you can't deny that there are steel some Jerichoholics in Germany, dog!

Jericho got up, surveying the battlefield and enjoying the damage he'd done, but he wasn't satisfied. Suddenly Matt kicked him in the stomach while he wasn't looking and hooked his head. He threw Chris upward, placing his feet on the ropes and bringing him head first to the mat with an assisted Twist of Fate. Jericho rolled onto his back as Hardy began to deliver stomps to his chest. Edge leapt onto the top rope and launched himself at Chris, connecting with a springboard clothesline. Edge rolled to his feet and watched as Matt and Jericho both got to their feet. All three men had a stand-off with one another when the arena darkened and the lights began to flicker again.

Tazz: And then there was one more.

Booker T: I hope it's Finlay!

The light stops on the pod of Dave Batista, inciting boos from the crowd. Batista opens the door of the pod and steps out into the chamber, the door closing. Dave smiles smugly as he steps through the ropes into the ring. Edge, Hardy, and Jericho all rush him and take him to the mat. The crowd cheers as they have him on his back in the corner, stomping him all over. The numbers game didn't last long though as Edge swung at Matt, hitting him in the face. The two brawled out of the corner as Chris made the mistake of watching them for a moment. When he turned back to Dave, he was on the top rope. Batista leapt, connecting with a hurracanrana that sent Jericho over the rope to the outside. Dave went running after Matt and Edge, leaping into the air and going for a cross body but Hardy scouted it and cut him off with a jumping corkscrew roundhouse kick. Both men crashed to the mat as Matt grabbed Batista as he popped up and connected with the Twist of Fate. Edge waited for the execution of the move and then took Hardy down with a shoulder tackle. Jericho stepped through the ropes, re-entering the ring and walking over to all the ruckus. Edge was stomping on Matt as Batista walked up behind him and applied a sleeper hold. Edge fought out of it quickly, prying Dave's hands apart, then turned to face him and grabbed him by both sides of the face, falling to his knees, connecting with a jawbreaker. Batista went staggering backward as Hardy charged him, diving at him with a lariat, sending both of them flying over the ropes. Both hit the floor hard as Batista rolled into the wall of chain.

Booker T: Batista still the freshest man in this contest. Four men in the match at the moment, no eliminations thus far as Finlay and Sheamus are still waiting to enter.

Tazz: Thanks for the recap.

In the ring, Edge attempted a big boot on Jericho but he sidestepped and connected with a knee lift. While Edge was dazed, Chris threw him with a strong irish whip, sending him over the top rope into Batista and Hardy. Jericho took to the opposite ropes, coming off of them to the other side of the ring, connecting with a slingshot crossbody as he and Edge went crashing into the chain and to the floor. Edge got to his feet and grabbed Chris by the throat, pulling him to his. He began to slam Jericho into the chain but Chris leapt up, hooking his head and turning, DDT'ing him into the nearby pod. Jericho turned and ate a discus clothesline from Batista. Matt grabbed his head and went for a bulldog, but in mid-air Dave pushed him off and Hardy's groin hit the ring post, the crowd gasping as he fell to his back, writhing in pain.

Tazz: Well his weekend's just been ruined.

With Matt and Edge out of commission for the moment, Jericho and Batista were left to duke it out amongst themselves. Dave threw a punch but Chris moved and stuck his hand through the chains, making sure it was trapped. Jericho elbowed him in the lower back several times, the point of his elbow connecting with each vertebrae of Batista's spine as he came to his knees. Hardy came limping over, holding his groin as Chris grabbed him and whipped him into the nearest ring post, Matt hitting face first and falling down again. Jericho ran over and kicked Edge as he was getting up, knocking him into the chain. He then brought the Rated R Superstar back to his feet and threw him as hard as he could into the pod, sending him crashing through the side of it as he stumbled and crashed through the other side.

Edge lie there amongst the shards of broken glass, bloodied and motionless. Chris grabbed a few shards of glass and placed them between his fingers as he balled his hand into a fist. He turned to walk towards Batista but as he did, Hardy brought him down with a big boot. Matt turned to where Dave was still stuck and grabbed him by the shoulders. He leapt up and brought him down with a Backstabber, his hand coming free in the process. Hardy went over to Jericho and grabbed him by the hair, pulling the seemingly out cold Y2J to a vertical base. Once there, Jericho revealed he was playing possum as he threw a punch with the hand concealing the glass as they exploded into Matt's face, him falling into the chain clutching his eyes as blood ran down his face in streams, almost like tears. Chris grabbed another shard as he went after Batista. Dave was getting up with his back to Jericho, not even knowing he was there. When he got up, Chris grabbed him, applying a Cobra Clutch with the shard of glass positioned so that it dug into the side of Batista's neck. Suddenly the chamber went dark and the lights began flickering once more.

Tazz: Third time's the charm.

Booker T: Who's it gon' be?

The light shone on the pod of Sheamus as the crowd erupted into cheers. Sheamus exited his pod and stood, looking around. He looked across the Chamber at what was going on as he leapt over the ropes into the ring. He turned to his left at Edge, lying in a bloodied mess, then turned back to the action in front of him as he walked forward and stepped through the ropes to the steel flooring. Hardy was to his feet, pulling glass from his face and eyes. Shawn looked at him and in the blink of an eye, BAM! He hit him with a Brogue Kick, watching him collapse. He walked over and tapped Jericho on the shoulder, who released the Cobra Clutch and turned around, BAM! Sheamus hit him with a Brogue Kick as well. The crowd was red hot as Sheamus grabbed Batista and pulled him to his feet, spinning him around. Just as he did though, Big Dave grabbed him and planted him with a spinebuster.

Batista stepped through the ropes into the ring, then stepped through the next set in front of him so that he was standing over Edge. Edge wasn't stirring as Batista grabbed the bloody Rated R Superstar and gradually brought him to a standing position. Edge was out on his feet as Batista grabbed him and hit him with a spinebuster as well. The crowd booed even heavier as Batista was laughing at what he did. He climbed into the ring, looking at the top turnbuckle, then at Edge, smiling with cruel intentions. He turned to the turnbuckle then looked at the pod behind it at Finlay and shook his head.

Tazz: What's he thinkin' about here?

Booker T: I dunno Tazz, but I think we're about ta' find out right here, right now!

Dave climbed on the turnbuckle then climbed onto Finlay's pod, turning and facing Edge. He stood up and with hardly a moment of hesitation, Batista went for a leg drop. Before he could connect, Edge rolled out of the way and Dave hit nothing but Chamber as he cried out and began rolling around in pain. Edge got up and grabbed Batista when he rolled toward him, pulling him up and hooking his arms behind his back as he connects with a double-arm DDT. Edge is breathing a little heavily as he begins to make his way over to where the others are, a limp in his step. Sheamus, who had been standing there waiting on either Jericho or Hardy to get up, looked over at him, beginning to walk over. Sheamus went for a Brogue Kick but Edge grabbed his leg and slammed it back of the knee first of one of the steel girders of the shattered pod they were walking through, then slammed it knee cap first into the opposite girder before throwing Sheamus off of his balance. Suddenly the Chamber went dark and the lights started flickering.

The light stops on Finlay's pod and the crowd boos as he opens the door and exits his pod. Edge looks at him as Finlay grabs Edge's wrist and whips him across the ring, sending him over the ropes to a side of the Chamber that hadn't been tread on yet, the one closest to the entrance ramp. Finlay lifted Edge up and charged forward, driving him spine first into the steel girder of the pod, then turned around and brought Edge crashing down with an insane spinebuster. Edge sat up, holding his back in pain. Finlay grabbed him by the shoulders and picked him up, delivering a series of knees into the solar plexus, alternating between left and right as he backed Edge into the next pod over. He bent Edge forward, hooking his head, and lifted him straight into the air, holding him there. This went on for about a minute, then Finlay suddenly fell backward, finishing the delayed vertical suplex, slamming Edge into the steel girder of the pod.

On the side where most everyone was, Sheamus and Matt and Jericho were all to their feet, watching what was being done to Edge. They stepped through the ropes into the ring, and Finlay saw this as an intention to gang up on him, so he stepped through the ropes as well. Edge began crawling along the floor army style as he grabbed the bottom rope with one hand, then the other as he arched his back, pulling himself up and grabbing the second rope with one hand, then the other. He did the same with the top rope as he got to his feet, leaning on them. He stepped through the ropes and made his way over to the others, them waiting for him. The all-out brawl was about to begin when Batista slid into the ring, clipping Finlay's knee and bringing him to the mat. He got up and speared Hardy. He popped up as Jericho took a swing at him, sidestepping and planting him with a spinebuster. Sheamus went after Dave as he popped up, but Batista speared him as well. Dave and Edge had a staredown then, Edge looking like he'd just about had it, his face bruised and cut up, his hair mangled, and his whole face covered with blood.

Tazz: Well you can't say Edge doesn't have heart.

Booker T: Yeah and Big Dave's lookin' like he's ready ta' rip that heart right out and have it as a snack.

Batista hit him with a spinebuster, then was taken to the mat suddenly. It was Finlay with the shillelaigh as he laughed and beat his chest cockily, shouting to them, "You think you're gonna be World Champion? It's my belt! MINE!" As he said that, Matt Hardy got up behind him and spun him around, kicking him in the stomach and connecting with the Twist of Fate! Matt hooked the leg as the referee counted.




Justin Roberts: The CWF World Heavyweight Champion has been e-liminated! Ladies and gentlemen, Monday Night War is now guaranteed a NEW Champion!

Finlay is helped up by the referee and skeptically exits the chamber, not looking pleased at all as Matt begins walking towards Edge and Sheamus, who are trading punches. Sheamus suddenly hits Edge with the Brogue Kick and watches him collapse to the mat. Sheamus turns his attention to Hardy and takes a swing at him but Matt steps out of the way, hooking his arm across Sheamus' chest, and connects with the Side Effect. Edge crawls desperately across the mat, reaching the feet of Matt. He grabs his pants legs and pulls himself to his knees. He uses Matt to climb to his feet and once he gets there, Hardy just stares at him. Edge throws a punch but Matt catches it and twists his arm around, holding it behind his back. Hardy held Edge at his mercy until Edge stepped on his foot and threw an elbow into his abdomen with his free arm. Matt backed off holding his abdomen as Edge turned around to follow up. Hardy kicked him in the abdomen, hooked his head and dropped him with a Twist of Fate!

Tazz: Where did that come from?

Booker T: I'll tell ya where it didn't come from dog, Parts Unknown.

Matt covered Edge to boos from the crowd, as others shouted along with the referee's count.




Justin Roberts: The "Rated R Superstar" Edge has been e-liminated!

Edge is helped up and out of the match as Matt gets up and finds himself nose-to-nose with Batista. Batista slaps Hardy across the face and connects with an uppercut. He follows up with a kick to the abdomen and a knee lift, sending Matt staggering into the ropes. Hardy leaned into the ropes slightly before rocking forward and staggering towards Dave, who hooked him into powerbomb position and lifted him into the air. He powerbombed Matt into the turnbuckle then walked briskly across the ring, leaping up and knocking Sheamus and Jericho into the ropes with a standing dropkick. He grabbed Sheamus and brought him down with an overhead belly-to-back suplex, releasing him as Sheamus landed on the top of his head, rolling through onto his face. Dave got up but Chris applied a sleeper hold. Batista backed into the turnbuckle, sandwiching Jericho and breaking it. He stepped forward and turned around as Chris fell forward and caught him in powerbomb position, lifting him up. Instead of slamming him, he threw Jericho over the top rope into the chains as Chris went falling to the floor.

Hardy charged him but Batista wasn't about to let his roll stop as he connected with a lariat. Matt collapsed to the mat but Dave wasn't done as he pulled him up and hoisted him into the air, nearly breaking him in half with a spinebuster. Sheamus attacked Batista shortly after he connected with the move. Dave walked away as Sheamus threw punches into his back, eventually becoming annoyed as he turned and attempted a lariat. Sheamus leapt out of the way and went for a Brogue Kick, but Batista caught his leg and threw it down, kicking Sheamus and lifting him, spinning and connecting with an inverted DDT. As he got up from the mat, he turned around and Jericho hit him with a Codebreaker, then turned it into a form of Gogoplata as Batista struggled in the hold.

Tazz: What's this?

Booker T: Dat's an innovative move right 'dere!

The effects of the match were now catching up with Dave, especially the damage done to his face and head as he now found it compressed between Chris' knees, the back of it being pulled forward as his oxygen was cut off by the leg across the throat. Batista could be heard coughing as he began patting the side of Jericho's leg furiously with his hand. Chris broke the hold and got to his feet as the referee helped Batista to the exit of the Chamber.

Justin Roberts: "The Animal" Batista has been e-liminated!

Matt and Jericho looked at one another, then turned towards Sheamus. Sheamus looked ready to fight as he looked at both men, and decided to go after Hardy. Sheamus leapt at Matt, hitting him with a double axe handle cross body, popping up as Hardy wasn't far behind. Sheamus grabbed Matt and suplexed him to the mat with a snap suplex. Chris came up behind Sheamus and whipped him hard into the turnbuckle, Sheamus hitting it and flipping upside down into a sitting position on it. As he rolled back onto his feet and staggered backward, Jericho connected with a Russian leg sweep that caused a lot of pain to Sheamus' head. Chris stood on one side of Sheamus, Hardy on the other, as Sheamus suddenly kipped up. They went for a double clothesline but he delivered a Brogue Kick to where their arms were locked as they broke away and fell on opposite sides of Sheamus, lying on their sides on the mat holding their arms. Matt got up as Sheamus dove on him, tackling him through the ropes and beginning to deliver a series of mounted punches. He got up, grabbing Hardy by the hair, and spun him around, lifting him so that Matt lay with his back on Sheamus' shoulder.

Sheamus looked to crotch Hardy into the chains but when he did, Matt ran up the wall and came off them, connecting with a Whisper in the Wind on Jericho, who was joining them. Hardy shrugged and was actually laughing when Sheamus grabbed him and went for the same thing, this time succeeding. Matt cried out in pain as Sheamus tied him in a tree of woe using the chains. Sheamus grabbed Chris and threw him into the ring, then turned to face Matt again. Sheamus threw his leg, connecting with Matt's head with a Brogue Kick. Matt's head whipped into the chains as Sheamus did it again, the same thing happening. Sheamus hit him with another Brogue Kick, and another, then one more for good measure as Matt hung there, his arms hanging straight down as he seemed to have lost consciousness. Blood dripped from the back of his head as Sheamus went to the nearest turnbuckle.

Tazz: What could he have planned?

Booker T:I don't know if I want to know after what we just saw.

Sheamus leapt off of the turnbuckle, connecting with a double leg drop, his leg going across Matt's neck, the other under his head as he was pulled free and both men went crashing to the steel. Jericho reached over the ropes and grabbed Sheamus as soon as he hit the ground, suplexing him into the ring quickly. Sheamus got up as Chris stayed on him, connecting with a bulldog. Jericho grabbed Sheamus and bulldogged him again, through the ropes to the outside. He grabbed Sheamus' head and began rubbing his face against the steel, laughing and smiling sadistically. Sheamus threw an elbow into the side of Chris's ankle, Jericho holding it in pain as he backed off. Sheamus got up and drove him back first into the steel girder of the nearest pod, then irish whipped him hard into the opposite one, Chris stopping himself with his hands. Sheamus was right behind him through and connected with a Brogue Kick to the back, knocking Jericho through the pod!

Sheamus looked down at Chris, who was lying at his feet, as only one of the walls had been taken out. Hardy went running across the ring, leaping over the turnbuckle and went flying through the front of the pod, shattering the glass and knocking Jericho into the steel girder. Matt pulled him up by the neck, both his hands clutched around it, as he chokebombed Chris through the remaining wall. Shattered glass was everywhere as Jericho was bleeding down his face and the front of his neck as he sat up coughing, little fragments of glass all over. Sheamus suddenly kicked Matt in the stomach, placing his head between his legs.

Tazz: This doesn't bode well for Mr. Ha'dy.

Booker T: This type of environment hasn't boded well for anyone tonight, dog.

Sheamus connected with the High Cross, dropping Hardy onto steel and glass , the crowd gasping. He covered as the crowd cheered.




Justin Roberts: Matt Hardy has been e-liminated!

It was now down to two as Sheamus threw a kick at Jericho, but his foot was caught. He leapt forward and tucked and rolled as he threw back his other leg, hitting Sheamus in the shoulder and knocking him backward. Sheamus caught himself and stood, turning to face Chris. The two locked up in a test of strength, Sheamus throwing Jericho through the air to the right, Chris clearing the top rope and coming around as Sheamus turned with him. Jericho drove his knees downward once he cleared the top rope though, grabbing Sheamus' head and hitting him with a top rope jawbreaker. As Sheamus held his throat, Chris grabbed him and hip tossed him into the ring. Jericho followed Sheamus as he tried to crawl away, delivering stomps to his body. Sheamus got to the ropes and turned, Chris now dishing out punches. Sheamus threw his arm outward and upward, hitting Chris in the groin with his forearm. Jericho hunched over in pain as Sheamus went for the Brogue Kick, but Chris sidestepped and connected with the Codebreaker! Jericho covers.

Tazz: I think this one's over!





Justin Roberts: Here is your winner and the NEW CWF World Heavyweight Champion, Chris Jericho!



Andrew - Regal/Benoit, Coding, Putting Up The Show
Prodigy - Cody Rhodes promo
AK - Alex Riley promo
Chase - Orton promo
Chris Dredson - WHC Match, CWF Championship Match, Tag Match, #1 Contender's Match
Derrick/Ellis - HHH vs. Cena
Awesome Miz - Intercontinental Championship Match



Aug 9, 2011
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Great show. Huge congrats to Andrew and BC for winning their repective world titles. haha Bronzy told you you would do alright. Finally a PPV victory and Hardcore Champion so pmped. Look forward to War to see the fall out of everything that happens.


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Great show. Huge congrats to Andrew and BC for winning their repective world titles. haha Bronzy told you you would do alright. Finally a PPV victory and Hardcore Champion so pmped. Look forward to War to see the fall out of everything that happens.

I got cashed in dude!

So congrats to Dredson on cashing in on me :p

Big Red Jericho Punk

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Sep 28, 2010
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Damn not a very good performance by me in the chamber. It looks like I need to step up more. Congrats to Bronzy though, very well deserved. He was awesome in T'Ting and really delivered. Major props to him, one of my favorites in CWF. Also enjoyed Batista in T'Ting as well, he stood out to me big time. PPV was awesome, really enjoyed it. Dresden cashing it was great to see, it was long over due. I look forward to a Kane Christian feud that's going to be so fun. Big win for Riley too, that's a huge confidence booster. Great PPV loved it all around. Time for me to re-group big time.


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Jun 3, 2010
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Stoked to win the IC title with Riley, but the way in which it was done I really did not like. Smacking Kane over the head with a briefcase is a heelish thing to do, and my Riley is far from being a heel. Hopefully we can just ignore that for the future.

I was actually quite pleased with how this pay-per-view panned out, and that cash in by Kane surprised by me tbh. I expected Christian to win as I don't think Sam posted (idk, don't quote me), but def did not expect the cash in. As for the other world title match, Jericho was my pick to win it, so that's awesome to see Bronz with another world title reign. Congrats to them.

Also congrats go out to everybody else who won their matches. Everyone who won deserved it.


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Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
Welll... I pushed. But it wasn't enough. Congrats Bronzy Bro, you truly deserve this one, and world champion on two feds, thats impressive bro.

New tag team for me, hopefully I can get the tag division starting to enjoy it again coz I'm pumped to use my new guys!

Congrats all the winners, and Dres finally cashed in so big props to him, good show, worth the wait!


Apr 23, 2011
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This was amazing PPV. The MAin Event really stole the show, because it was absolutely awesome. Congratulations to Dres for cashing in on Andrew :p and congrats to Bronzy, because he was the best in that TT session. He was my pick to win that match. Congrats also goes to PegKid, becaue his Cena has improved so much and now he's Hardcore Champion. Nice to see AK's Riley win his match, even tho it was a bit of a heelish way lol. Great job Andrew and Dres, keep going!


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Sep 14, 2010
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Well I finally caught the show. And it was a good show. Congrats and blah blah blah :p It was fun. :)

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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wtf? How can you cancel match during the show? Why am I writing TTs then huh? Fuck this is bad...


Apr 24, 2011
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wtf? How can you cancel match during the show? Why am I writing TTs then huh? Fuck this is bad...

That would be my fault, Mr. Awesome Miz. I had the match written and ready, but my computer decided it would be a good time to die on the Saturday night, and I spent AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGES getting everything back up, the computer, the internet, I had to reinstall a whole bunch of programs, including Word (Which refused to reinstall, and that's where I had it saved.) I didn't have enough time to get your match done again, and for that I profusely apologise and take full responsibility. Match writing was never for me anywho, I don't think I can be any help to the Staff. I'm sorry I held up this PPV, and got a match taken out of it.


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Lukas, also given the fact what's been used in promo and TT. On the upside, you get something in return

awesome miz

Apr 24, 2011
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Sorry for my reaction, I was just kinda shocked, but its alright Bronzy. I understand personal issues and I have to admit, not bad show for things that was going on about it ... ;)

The Hoov

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Oct 31, 2010
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I love this show. I wish I could've TT more for the tag match. Maybe there would have bee a different result :p haha. The main event, props to Bronzy for winning it and props to Dres for making me look good in it. Bronz, I hope we do battle soon because our feud earlier this year didn't really get going. All in all, EC was a success. Onwards to Cyber Sunday!


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CWF Presents Uprising!




The pyrotechnics explode as the crowd cheers heavily as the cameras go straight to Jim Ross and Roddy Piper.

Jim Ross: Welcome to CWF Uprising! Tonight is the final Pay-Per-View of 2012! I'm looking forward to this, Mick Foley takes on Wade Barrett. Sheamus goes one on one with The Undertaker in a #1 Contender's Match. We've got the Hardcore Championship match..

Piper: Those four guys have been at it for a month it will be interesting to see who walks away the Champion. The Miz faces Hassan and Bossman for the Intercontinental gold and lastly, the main event which is Christian, Batista and Dolph Ziggler, let's get underway! I cannot wait!

Big Bossman is seen walking around backstage, when suddenly a loud clanging is heard as Bossman is knocked to the ground. Standing over him, with a steel chair in hand, is someone with a skull mask on and an 'I'm Awesome' t-shirt, as well as blue jeans and black shoes. The man raises the chair over his head and swings downward, striking Bossman again. He doesn't let up as he hits Bossman again and again in rapid succession. After eight hits, including the first two, the camera pans down as the man sits on Bossman's lower back and applies a Camel Clutch, wrenching back as Bossman begins to cry out in agony, the lenses of his sunglasses cracked and blood streaming down his face. After a moment of making Bossman suffer, the man releases the hold, getting to his feet and placing his foot on the back of Bossman's head, driving his face hard into the concrete floor. The man begins walking down the hallway as the camera pans to the ringside area.

Jim Ross: Who was that and why'd he attack Bossman so brutally?

Roddy Piper: I think it's Miz, I mean look at the t-shirt this guy was wearing.

Jim Ross: I suppose it's possible but how do you know it's not Muhammad Hassan? He did put Bossman in a Camel Clutch, after all.

Roddy Piper: Either way, we've got an Intercontinental Championship match to get to, Bossman or no Bossman.

The camera pans to the inside of the ring where Justin Roberts is standing, ready to do the introductions. The ring bell is sounded.


Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the Intercontinental Championship! Introducing first...

The camera pans to the stage, where no one is coming out. No music is playing, no pyro is going off. Suddenly Muhammad Hassan is thrown through the air onto the steel, rolling a bit after making impact. The man that attacked Bossman walks out with a nightstick in hand as he begins to beat Hassan with it viciously, striking the head repeatedly and drawing blood. After twelve strikes the man holds the nightstick to Hassan's throat, choking him with it and forcing him to a vertical base. The man lets it go and it falls to the ground as he applies a full nelson and sweeps the legs, driving Muhammad into the stage with a Skull Crushing Finale. The man stands up and grabs Hassan by the ankles, dragging him backstage until he's out of view of the crowd. The camera follows them as the man is seen standing at the top of a staircase, holding Hassan by the throat in one hand and Bossman by the throat in the other. The man pulls both men close to him and chokeslams Hassan onto the top step, watching him roll down all of them until he's out of view. He then slams Bossman face first into the railing and kicks him, watching him roll heels over head down the stairs until he's also out of view.

Jim Ross: Somebody stop this guy!

As the man stands at the top of the staircase, observing his work, suddenly Miz comes charging from behind him, trying to hit him with the Intercontinental Championship. The man sidesteps, tripping Miz as the "Awesome One" goes tumbling down the stairs and the man snatches the title out of mid-air. He throws it over his shoulder and walks off as the camera pans back to Justin Roberts, standing there looking stunned. A backstage agent comes running down the ramp and enters the ring, whispering something into Justin's ear. The agent leaves as Justin relays what he was just told.

Justin Roberts: Ladies and gentlemen, as a result of what we just saw unfold, this match has been ruled a No Contest. So still your Intercontinental Champion, The Miz!

After, the camera scene cuts back to a backstage interview station, with Todd Grisham.


Todd Grisham: Ladies and Gentlemen, it is with great honor, that I introduce to you, the returned.....Chris Jericho! Y2J Ladies and Gentlemen!


Chris Jericho: Thank you. No, seriously, thank you. You know. Sitting at home just doesn't work for a wrestler. You get and itch. A drive. A desire to come back and kick some ass baby! So I was watching CWF at home one night, and thought, "Damn. What if, Y2J invaded that show?" So I made a few calls, and batta bing, batta boom, yours truly is THE NEWEST CWF SUPERSTAR! I've got some good plans, some good ideas for what I want, and am going to do here. I make wrestling interesting. With my unique hybrid wrestling style, and unparalleled background, there is no one on this roster that can give what I can.

Todd Grisham: So, Chris, what would you first plan of action be?

Chris Jericho:'s a secret, I can't go giving my secrets away! No. But I will say, you gotta be watching what I do. Does it involve championships? Maybe. Maybe not. Does it involve me beating some ass clowns? Maybe...maybe not. Actually, probably. Does it involve a ladder? Boy I hope so. Some apes? Some dogs? Some apples? You never know with Ayatollah of Rock-N-Rolla! But all joking aside, I'm not laughing matter. I'm a serious threat, as many know.

Todd Grisham: When will you be making your first in ring appearance Chris?

Chris Jericho: God! You wanna know everything! Who knows? Maybe later this night. Maybe next week. Like I said, I'm not giving any secrets away, but it's gonna be big, it's gonna be huge, it's gonna be the Highlight of the Night! And let me tell you just one thing ass clown.

Todd Grisham: What?

Chris Jericho: The CWF will Never...EVERRRRRRRR... be the same, again.

Chris walks off leaving Todd with a roaring audience.

Justin Roberts: The following contest is a ladder match and it is for the CWF Hardcore Championship!



The crowd pops loudly as "Long Island Iced Z" Zack Ryder makes his way out to ringside for his title match here tonight. He looks out to the women in the crowd and tells them to call him.

JR: This might well be the biggest night in this young man's career thus far!

Piper: And he's gonna fail big time, I just know it, Ross! Woo Woo Woo and all that stuff!

Ryder climbs into the ring and throw up the LI much to the delight of the crowd. Just as he does....



The crowd's cheers quickly turn into boos as R-Truth emerges from the back with a big scowl on his face. He yells out to the crowd "SHUT UP!" as he hastily makes his way down the ramp.

Piper: This is my pick to win here tonight! I like this R-Truth guy!

JR: Certainly no doubt that R-Truth has the necessary tools to get the job done here tonight!

Truth enters the ring and starts trash talking Ryder to his face. The referee separates the two as the theme of Austin Aries hits.


The crowd continues to boo as Austin Aries comes out from the back and mocks the people in attendance here tonight. He cockily strolls down the ramp towards the ring.

Piper: This Austin Aries guy has amazing potential to be great, JR! If only he could learn to keep his mouth shut and just fight!

JR: Austin Aries might be the dark horse to win this thing here tonight, but all 3 of these men have to contend with the reigning champion The Game!

Aries enters the ring with Truth and Ryder and joins them at staring up at the suspended Hardcore title belt. Just then.....



The crowd jolts back up again as "The Game" Triple H, the current CWF Hardcore Champion comes down the ramp minus Stephanie tonight. He takes a good look at the ring and calmly walks down the ramp.

JR: With a determined look on his face while staring his opponents down, Triple H just oozes confidence.

Piper: Not to mention he bleeds that intimidation factor.

Triple H walks to the ring and climbs onto the apron. He looks out towards the crowd and raises his arms high and spits water up into the air. He then walks into the ring and faces his 3 opponents.

JR: This match is indeed sure to be one hell of a slobber-knocker!

Piper: You're not lying, JR! I can't wait! Hey ref, ring the damn bell!

The bell rings as all 4 men exit the ring and grab ladders from the outside. As Ryder grabs a ladder, Aries throws his at Ryder and Ryder falls to the mat. Meanwhile, Triple H throws a ladder into the ring. After he does, Truth nails him in the midsection with his ladder. He tosses the ladder to the ground and DDT's Triple H on top of it. Aries takes Ryder and props him on a ladder that is propped up on the side of the ring. Aries climbs onto the barricade and leaps forward with a somersault. Ryder moves out of the way and Aries crashes and burns on the ladder.

Piper: Not a smart move at all!

JR: You got that right, partner!

Truth slides into the ring and sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring. As he does, Ryder interupts and stops him from climbing up. Ryder connects with punches until he backs Truth up into the corner. He then runs towards him and nails him with an forearm smash. Truth falls down against the corner. Ryder sizes him up and fist pumps as the crowd chants "WOO! WOO! WOO!" He then runs and nails the Broski Boot. Ryder looks over towards the ladder and starts to climb.

JR: Zack Ryder looking to end this one early.

Piper: This could be the upset of the century!

As Ryder gets one run away, Triple H appears out of nowhere and clubs him in the back. Ryder falls limp on the ladder but remains on the ladder. Triple H climbs the opposite side and contemplates reaching for the title. Instead, he lifts Ryder up and puts him in Pedigree position and Triple H Pedigrees Ryder off the ladder and to the mat below.


Piper: JESUS, JR!

Triple H and Ryder are crumbled on the mat below and Truth is still feeling the effects of the Broski Boot. Aries rolls into the ring and starts to climb the ladder. He does so very groggily as he's still feeling the effects of his crash and burn. Just as he reaches the top and goes for the belt, Truth gets up, runs up the rungs of the ladder and grabs Aries and nails a Pay Dirt off of the ladder so all 4 men are down and out.

JR: This match is already barbaric! All 4 men are down and out!

Piper: I love it, JR! These are my type of matches!

Ryder and Triple H are starting to stir and both are using the ropes to make it back to their feet. Then they start trading blows with each other with surprisingly Ryder getting the upper hand. He whips Triple H into the ropes then runs to the opposite ropes. Triple H tries to clothesline him but Ryder ducks then meets Triple H on the rebound with a Ruff Ryder.

JR: And Zack Ryder hits the Ruff Ryder!

Piper: This kid just might do it here tonight!

Ryder then starts climbing the ladder. Meanwhile, Truth has slid out of the ring and has a chair in hand. He slides into the ring and just as Ryder reaches the title, Truth nails Ryder in the back with the chair. Ryder falls to the mat immediately. Truth turns around and Aries hits Truth with a spinning heel kick into the chair connecting with Truth's face. Aries then starts climbing the ladder himself and nears the top as Triple H gets to his feet. Meanwhile, Ryder has slid out of the ring and has grabbed a table and starts setting it up on the outside of the ring. Triple H and Aries are climbing the ladder towards the title belt. Both men get to the top and start exchanging righ hands near the belt. Truth gets to his feet and sees this and decides to take action. He grabs Aries off one side of the ladder and powerbombs him off. Tripl H reaches for the belt but Ryder grabs the ladder and tips it backwards, sending Triple H off the ladder, out of the ring, and through the table set up outside.


Piper: He's gotta be dead, JR!

Ryder and Truth are left staring at each other and then both look up towards the title. Both men are exchanging right hands with Truth getting the upper hand. He sends Ryder into the ropes and he nails him with a back body drop. Truth then decides to grab another ladder from the outside and bring it into the ring. HE sets it up and starts climbing. Aries makes it to his feet and starts climbing as well. Both men are fighting at the top of the ladder as Ryder starts to climb ladder 1. Ryder reaches for the title just as Truth knocks Aries off the ladder and makes him land crotch first on the ropes. Aries falls out of the ring and to the matt below. Truth decides to risk it all and hops from one ladder to another as he punches Ryder off the ladder.

JR: Is R-Truth going to do it?!

Piper: What an underdog story if he can!

Truth lifts his arms up and grabs the title out of the rungs as the bell sounds.



Piper: I can't believe it, Ross! Truth beat 3 other talented gifted athletes and became CWF Hardcore Champion. That's what I love about the CWF. You never know what is gonna go down!

JR: That you certainly don't!

Aries and Ryder are slowly making their way towards the back as Truth is celebrating in the ring with his newly-won title as the fans are booing heavily. Truth hops into the crowd with his title as he lights up a cigarette and blows a puff into a fan's face. The EMT's rush down to check on the state of Triple H. He's not moving so they pack him up and start wheeling him up the ramp.

JR: Triple H is being escorted out. This isn't good, Roddy!

Piper: Triple H is a tough guy but I can't think of anyone who can take a fall like that and truly be alright.

Triple H is wheeled out of the arena as we go to a quick advertisement.



JR: Well Roddy, the rumors have been swirling all day here at the arena that a certain individual was going to be here tonight to sign a contract with CWF.

Roddy Piper: If your sources confirm with what mine have been telling me then he is here and will have ourselves one of the biggest superstars to ever lace up the boots.

JR: Well Roddy, those rumors are true. I can confirm that in just a moment this person will be with us over the titan tron from the back. Folks you have to understand the magnitude this superstar brings to the ring will have you talking for days about his match, whether he wins or loses. There is no one better than he is inside the ring. So right now at the moment we are going to be talking with CWF's newest superstar, Shawn Michaels!

HBK appears over the titan tron while you hear the crowd erupt in the background


HBK: JR, thank you for the introduction. First off though, HELLO Wichita! Yesterday I kept on debating while I was sitting at home in San Antonio whether or not I should come back. I was heavily leaning towards staying put, away from wrestling and letting everyone else do it. But then I get a phone call from an old buddy of mine and we started talking and he mentioned even having one last match and what he said to me was very clear, if I still have what it takes in the ring, then I should still be performing. And so I thought to myself, I know I still got it in me to be the show stoppa, the headliner, the main event. I knew right then that I still can be all that I am in the ring and so I decided this morning to get a flight out here and here I am in CWF!

JR: Shawn just one question, what do you want to take out of this comeback?

HBK: Honestly JR, this is one last run for me. I want to see what this old body has left inside and see if I can take myself to the top of the mountain once more. This time around, I am going to concentrate on a goal and that goal is reaching the top and I won't stop until I do. I know Triple H is here and the possibility of DX happening will always be brought up, but right now that's something I'm not focusing on, we'll see when the time comes, but for now it's about getting back in the ring and getting myself ready to put on a show for everyone. I know I still can do it and I know I have the support from each and every single fan out there and really that's all that matters. I am not coming alone however! No you see the clique is back!

As HBK has just finished what he is saying, Cody Rhodes attacks from behind as he beats down on HBK. Cody Rhodes grabs HBK before connecting with the Cross-Rhodes, Rhodes then kicks him in the stomach as Cody Rhodes leaves as the camera goes to the entrance ramp.


'Smoke and Mirrors' begins blasting out as Cody Rhodes's titantron is lit up, the crowd begins booing as Cody Rhodes comes from behind the curtain wearing a white and black hoodie. Cody is carrying a microphone as he begins speaking as the music slowly fades out.


Cody Rhodes:

Ah it amazes me, coming out here and listening to you people complain the instant moment my music hits. It's a shame that you people cannot accept the greatness that I fullfil, it's a shame that I am a second generation superstar and my father is somewhat called a 'great'. My father is a useless man to me, he puts the name 'Rhodes' to shame, my half-brother Goldust also puts the name to shame. Let me explain clearly so you people can understand, my father Dusty Rhodes is an embarrassment. To this day, I still get embarrassed knowing he is my father, he wrestled in polka dots. There is nothing great about who he was, my half-brother Goldust has schizophrenia or believes he does, you people are just like my family. An embarrassment.

The crowd begins chanting 'YOU ARE CODY', Cody isn't impressed and addresses the crowd.


I am far from an embarrassment, if you're recalling about my previous career here in CWF. I've stated I've never cared about the business, not until I am given something. I've been watching this company carefully and tonight's main event is a disgrace in my eyes. There's nothing special about watching Batista and Christian try fool you unintelligence people, time after time I've watched them try get you cheering... Those are the kind of people I call... desperate. I don't need anybody to cheer or boo me, I am myself. I am Cody Rhodes, a second generation superstar with a lot of potential. Earlier on the night we saw Shawn Michaels return to wrestling, we saw Chris Jericho come out trying Version 3 of himself... This company is an embarrasssment, we have people trying to fool one another far too much that it's becoming a complete haze. CWF isn't exactly crystal clear, I'd say it's more of a fog. The reason I put it this way is majorly because a man who promised he'd never return to in-ring action has blatantly lied to every single one of you. While you rise from your seats the instant moment 'Sexy Boy' is played from the arena, you seem to forget that Shawn Michaels is a very, very old man. A man who should have stayed at home with his loving family, but it's people like Shawn Michaels who disrespect someone like me. I am a young person, at the age of twenty-six... I continued to be looked down, but this time around I'm not taking letting guys like Eddie Guerrero, Rob Van Dam, Chris Jericho get the better of me. While these guys have been part of the wrestling business for so long, they should move aside and allow people like me to shine as your 'Future' Champion.

The crowd boo's, Cody pulls something out of his pocket and it's a DX hat. He walks up to a little kid who is sitting with his father.


This hat here, it's an utter disgrace. You people are delusional, wasting your money on this. You'd want this for Christmas wouldn't you kid?

The little boy looks excited, nods his head as his father is believing Cody will give it to him as Cody places it on the little kid's head but then removes it and laughs.

No Christmas for you. While you delusional people continue to spend your money on merchandise such as DX and Shawn Michaels... I don't need to have money wasted on me. After all, I am the reason you people watch me. Sting, you're the General Manager around here now do me a favor and book me in a match against Shawn Michaels, I'm begging you. Many are wondering, why the hatred for a fan favorite? It's because Shawn is nothing but a fraud, a joke. He thinks he can just step back into a business like this? You think after you cheated and allowed Christian to become Champion will still get you respect around here? Oh! How these people forget things quickly... It's a complete shame I had to remind you all about it once again. Shawn, what I want to know is why did you come back? Why did you lie to these people? Either way, I am going to make sure you stay retired one way or another because your return to the ring will be short. Once I put you to shame, it will be donned... The rise of Cody Rhodes.

Cody Rhodes begins laughing as he drops the microphone after around ten seconds, the crowd boo's him heavily as Cody Rhodes heads backstage.

Jim Ross: It looks like Cody Rhodes wants to get rid of Shawn Michaels and for good!

Piper: Sting needs to make it happen, he really does.

Sting comes from behind the curtains.

Sting: You want Shawn Michaels? You've got it. At the next Pay-Per-View, Showdown of Dreams. You will be facing 'The Heartbreak Kid' Shawn Michaels in a 20 Minute Time Limit Match!

Sting then leaves.

Suddenly something cuts into the CWF broadcast, interrupting what was currently going on. A dark but illuminated hallway is seen as a backdrop to a man that appears simply as a silhouette.


Disguised Man: Members of the Championship Wrestling Federation audience, both those sitting in the arena seats and those watching on the television at home, even those that are watching this on an internet stream, I hope you don't find it too rude of me to interrupt your regularly scheduled programming for my own needs. But if I were to simply walk out into that ring and ask for your attention, it wouldn't be granted to me, so I'm taking it forcibly and now you have no choice but to hang on my every word. For months on end I have observed the happenings that have gone on in this company, but not like someone with sparked curiosity investigates something he wants to know more about, no, more like a vulture hovering around above, waiting for the first body to drop. I have waited around on the outside like a stranger, despite the fact that CWF is a place I once called home. The dynamic of the company continues to change, the alternating talent and the downgrade to one brand being prime examples, and that sits well with me because there are a few changes I myself intend to make. Once I enter the hallowed halls of the CWF arena and make my first ever appearance on Nitro, you'll see what it is that you've been missing. The date is something I will not disclose, so stay on your guard at all times. You have been warned, if you get taken off guard you have no one to blame but yourself. You'll be hearing from me again, and the more you do, the clearer my intentions will be to all of you. Until that day comes, remember to remain alert, because your mortality is a china dish that I'm waiting to shatter, leaving nothing of your soul but pewter shards scattered in the annals of time. When you hear my voice, you will know that you are one step closer to the mystery being solved. When you hear my voice, my words will sting your ears with the cruel reality of their truth. When you hear my voice, well...

The regular CWF programming cuts back in, leaving all listening to what the silhouette was saying not knowing how he was going to finish his sentence.

Jim Ross: What the hell was that?!

Piper: Someone's coming to CWF, but who?

We return from the segment as Wade Barrett is already in the ring.


The crowd comes alive as "The Hardcore Legend" Mick Foley makes his way down to ringside. The crowd is going crazy as the fabled "Man of Many Faces" walks down the ramp. He holds both his arms up in acknowledgment to his fans


Foley walks around the ring, slapping hands with the fans at ringside and some of them giving him pats on the back. He is handed a microphone by the time keeper and, when he gets the mic, he rolls into the ring. He stands up and looks out over his sea of fans, almost blinding him with flash photography.

Piper: This one is for sure not going to be pretty Jim.

Jim Ross: These two have had a few altercations, but this is where they finally meet.

- Ding Ding Ding -

The bell sounds as Barrett instantly kicks Foley in the stomach, Barrett looks for a gutwrench suplex but is unable to lift Foley. Foley punches Barrett before pushing him towards the ropes, Barrett springs off the ropes as he knees Foley in the stomach. Barrett then does a couple of punches to Foley's back, Barrett then goes to the corner turnbuckle as Foley gets to his feet and approaches Barrett, Barrett leaps off the second rope but Foley punches him as Barrett flips over. Foley grabs Barrett as Foley connects with a DDT. Foley goes for a pinfall.


Kick Out!

Foley gets to his feet as he goes to the corner turnbuckle, Barrett gets to his feet as he hits the ropes as Foley drops down to a seating position. Barrett then gets onto the second ropes as it looks as if Barrett is preparing a Superplex but instead Barrett goes behind Foley as they both get to a standing position on the corner turnbuckle. Barrett elbows Foley in the stomach before placing Foley onto his shoulders as Barrett looks for the Wasteland but Foley counters into a Double Arm DDT as Foley leaps towards the apron as Barrett smashes his head hard on the apron!

Jim Ross: BAH GAWD! Barrett's busted open!

Foley grabs Barrett as he rolls him back into the ring as Foley goes for a pinfall.



Barrett's feet just touches the ropes!

Piper: Listen to the crowd! Absolutely hatred for Wade Barrett here!

The crowd boo's heavily as they cannot believe what's going on. Foley's not having this, Foley rolls out of the ring grabbing Barrett as the referee begins counting both men.



Foley takes off the announcer's table desk as he grabs Barrett in a double-arm DDT position.




Foley prepares but Barrett somewhat manages to reverse as Barrett has Foley in the Wasteland position but Foley re-reverses before implanting a huge Double-Arm DDT on Barrett!



Foley tries to crawl into the ring but the bell sounds.

As a result of a Double Countout, this match is a DRAW!


Out comes Sting from behind the curtain to no music as he has a microphone.

Sting: The crowd wants a rematch, you've got it... This is now a No Disqualification match and there must be a winner!

Jim Ross: In such a short match, so much has happened! Now it's a NO Disqualification!

Foley sees Barrett's down and out, he grabs Barrett and tries to force him back into the ring. Foley makes the pinfall.




Piper: Barrett is just not giving up no matter how busted open he is.

Foley gets to one knee as he pushes himself up to his feet, he grabs Barrett and lifts him up as Jim Ross gets to his feet on the commentary.

Jim Ross: Don't do it Foley, don't... You'll hurt him!

Foley smiles as he does his "Bang Bang" pose as he steps onto the second ropes as he gets to the top, Foley is dragging Barrett by the head. Foley grabs Barrett and positions him into a piledriver position from the top rope as Foley then leaps as Foley connects with a piledriver. Foley then makes the pinfall.




Winner by pinfall, Mick Foley!


We go to another commercial break.


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Read The Words That Are Written In My Face ...
... Why Believe Them? I Believe Them!


Sheamus' theme hits the arena, as the crowd explodes. New titantron is playing on the screen as crowd cheers very loud and The Celtic Warrior suddenly appears under the titantron. The Great White Sheamus looks on both sides of the arena and still stands on the stage. After a while Sheamus hits his chest and make a crucifix pose and then goes towards the ring.


Crowd is cheering and some people tries to high-five Sheamus on his way to the ring, but Irish Curse is completely concentrated. Sheamus goes over the steel steps straight into the ring, where he hits his chest and makes crucifix pose again. The Great White then looks at his Irish Cross pendant as..

The crowd are sitting quietly after Sheamus drops his microphone when suddenly.



'Big Evil's theme hits the PA system and before long the revving of a motorcycle engine can be heard and 'Taker appears on the stage. He looks down at Sheamus from the top of the ramp with a look of disgust on his face. He wastes no time before revving down the ramp to the sound of the crowd booing him.


Undertaker rides down to the end of the ramp before stopping for a while to stare down 'The Celtic Warrior'. 'Taker then begins to ride around the ring, encompassing it in an attempt to intimidate his opponent. Taker stops at the foot of the ramp and gets off of his motorcycle. He then slowly walks up the ring steps not removing his eyes once from Sheamus.

Piper: This match is a number one contender's match, Sheamus has been getting so close lately but unfortunately hasn't captured it. Can he do it against Taker?

Jim Ross: Undertaker's one of those wrestlers who is hard to beat, but we'll see...

The bell sounds as Undertaker and Sheamus lock up, Sheamus knees Undertaker in the chest as Undertaker pushes Sheamus as he goes for a right hook which connects. Sheamus stumbles back as he bounces off the ropes and connects with a Brogue Kick. Sheamus drops to his knees as he makes the pinfall.



Jim Ross: Did you see that? Kicking out at 1 from Sheamus' finisher...

Sheamus is absolutely shocked, Sheamus grabs Undertaker by the back of the head and gets him to his feet, Sheamus grabs Undertaker and looks for a bodyslam but Undertaker slides off Sheamus' back as Undertaker turns around and grabs Sheamus in a Chokeslam. Undertaker goes for a Chokeslam but Sheamus counters before planning for a Reverse DDT but Undertaker goes onto Sheamus' shoulders before Undertaker does a Reverse DDT of his own. Undertaker then goes to the ropes as he slowly bounces off as he goes towards Sheamus before connecting with a Leg Drop. Undertaker goes for the pinfall.


Kick Out!

Undertaker gets to his feet as he grabs Sheamus by the throat, Undertaker gets Sheamus to his feet as Undertaker looks for a Chokeslam but Sheamus counters and hits a huge DDT. Sheamus then rolls towards the apron as he awaits for Undertaker to get to his feet, once Undertaker gets to his feet Sheamus does a Springboard Shoulder Block which connects. Undertaker then kips up as Sheamus looks frightened, Sheamus goes for a few punches but Undertaker feels absolutely nothing, Sheamus goes for a huge right hook but Undertaker blocks it. Undertaker then kicks Sheamus in the stomach before lifting him up as Undertaker prepares for the Tombstone Piledriver but Sheamus reverses and it looks as if Sheamus will do his own Piledriver but instead he lifts Undertaker onto his shoulders as Sheamus goes for the High Cross as he hits his finisher onto the corner turnbuckle as Undertaker slams the corner turnbuckle hard, Undertaker then stumbles in front of Sheamus as Sheamus connects with a Irish Curse. Sheamus goes for the pin.



Kick Out!

Jim Ross: These two are going at it, it's going to be a hard call for who could win this.

Sheamus looks for the pin once again.






Kick Out!

Undertaker kips up once more, Undertaker grabs Sheamus by the throat as Undertaker gets to his feet whilst still holding onto Sheamus' throat. Undertaker then connects with a huge Chokeslam, Sheamus rolls out of the ring as Undertaker looks extremely pissed off. Undertaker rolls out of the ring as Sheamus is stumbling around, Undertaker goes to Irish-whip Sheamus to the steel steps but Sheamus re-reverses as Undertaker goes crashing into the steel steps. Sheamus then goes to the other side of the steel steps as he kicks it hard as the steel steps slams onto Undertaker's back. The referee begins the count.





Sheamus grabs Undertaker and has him in a standing position leaning against the steel steps.


Sheamus charges at Undertaker with the Brogue Kick but Undertaker grabs Sheamus's leg and throws it down.


Undertaker grabs Sheamus and chokeslams him onto the steel steps as Undertaker then slides into the ring.


Your Winner by Countout and NEW number one contender to the CWF Undisputed Championship, Undertaker!

Jim Ross: WOW! Undertaker's done it!

Piper: What a finish! I really thought both men would get counted out.

Undertaker heads to the back as Sheamus soon follows himself out to the back...

As the crowd expects the next match or something rather, the lights darken to the point where only a green glow from the entrance ramp is visible. Then, the titantron brightens as a guitar riff and a drum beat are heard simultaneously...


“Rob Van Dam! ... The Whole Fucking Show!â€

As green lights roamed the arena, brushing over all the screaming CWF fans providing RVD with a myriad of cheers, RVD emerges through the smoke to an even louder response than that preceding it. Microphone in hand, he lets his theme by Kushinator fade out along with the cheers before addressing the CWF audience.

Rob Van Dam
What’s up, dudes?

The fans cheer for the whole fucking show, but he abruptly cuts their adorations short, interjecting in.


Actually... nah, turns out I don’t give a shit. Ha, fancy that? Whatever, it doesn’t matter. What matters though, is that RVD--now Mr. CWF--has single-handedly increased this roster’s star power tenfold.

Completely unaccustomed to this side of Van Dam, the crowd boos Van Dam sparsely, but he simply rubs it off and rolls into the ring, before returning to speak.

That hesitancy? That’s called fear. You dudes have no idea what yours truly is capable of, when I’ve got my mind right. Heck, when I held the ECW Television Championship for 23 months and brought it’s prestige to heights reserved only for the gods of men, far higher than any world championship, you disrespectful ingrates that boo me... well, you were disrespectful ingrates.

No hesitation now as the CWF crowd boo RVD, one even shouting “get out of here, stoner!â€, but Van Dam doesn’t even respond--not worth his time.

You see dudes, as soon as RVD, stepped onto this PPV, everything prior and post this will become irrelevant. Be that as it may, let this be a warning to any people that may question otherwise. Dude. Please, I’m Rob Van Dam. I’m the Whole Fucking Show.

With that being said, boos begin to erupt around the arena as Van Dam shrugs and drops his microphone. It’s barely heard; what Van Dam says. But it’s enough to make out the words “time to get smoking,†as CWF heads to otherwise programming.

Jim Ross: It all comes down to this, Roddy, the Undisputed Championship.

Roddy Piper: Yes sir, this is going to be a war to remember.

The ring bell is heard as the camera pans to Justin Roberts in the ring.


Justin Roberts: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the Undisputed Championship! Introducing first...

A drum beat is heard...



The crowd cannot believe it, Christian is using his old music once again. There are pops and boo's heard throughout the arena as Christian comes out sporting a 'Peep Show' tank-top.


Justin Roberts: From Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Weighing in at 212 pounds, Christian!

Christian walks down the ramp, scouting the audience as the mixed-reaction continues. Christian walks down the ramp as he stops by the steel steps, he looks down to the floor before stepping up and entering the ring via the second ropes.

Justin Roberts: And the opponent...



Dolph Ziggler, wearing his Perfection T-Shirt, shows up on the top of the entrance ramp as he smiles at the loudly booing crowd and walks the way down to the ring.

Justin Roberts: From Hollywood, Florida. Weighing in at 223 pounds, Dolph Ziggler!

As Ziggler continues toward the ring, suddenly a man in the front row wearing blue jeans, black shoes, and a black hoodie with the Punisher skull on the front of it hops the barricade. His hood is up covering his face as he turns and takes down Dolph with a stiff lariat. He pulls the string from the hood until it comes loose and wraps it around Dolph's neck, pulling back and choking him as he begins to pull Ziggler up the ramp. To many people's surprise, Batista comes charging from the back as he grabs the attacker and spins him around. As Batista cocks his fist back, he is suddenly sprayed in the eyes with a dark green mist. As Batista clutches his face in pain, the man grabs Dolph and drags him backstage.

Jim Ross: What on Earth was that about? Who was that?

Roddy Piper: Nice to see security was doing their job.

Batista, now able to see, storms down the ramp and slides into the ring, getting to his feet as the bell is sounded.



Both men walk towards each other, standing nose-to-nose. Christian slaps Batista across the face, the crowd, "Oooh"-ing at the gesture and the impact made. Batista's head rocks with the impact, staying turned in the direction he was slapped in, a smile forming on his face. Big Dave laughs as he turns his head, the expression on his face becoming instantly seriously once he's eye-to-eye with his opponent again. Christian's expression becomes one of concern as Batista grabs him around the wrist and irish whips him into the nearest ropes, turning to face the "Instant Classic" as he is launched back towards the "Animal." Batista was setting up to catch Christian with a spinebuster but Christian stops his own momentum dead and delivers a knee to the groin, hooking his opponent's head and delivering a Snap DDT when he hunches over from the pain.

Christian stood in waiting as Batista used the ropes to climb to his feet. Once he had returned to a vertical base, Christian charged him and knocked him over the top rope to the outside of the ring. The "Instant Classic" took time to pose to the crowd, which proved to be foolish as Big Dave was already back inside the ring. Batista speared Christian to the mat, inspiring "oohs" from the crowd. Batista lifted Christian to his feet by the throat, choking him for a moment, then threw him hard into the nearest corner. Batista went over, grabbing the ropes, and began working on the abdomen of Christian with his patented shoulder thrusts. After a few, he lifted Christian up, turned, took a few steps out of the corner, and dropped him with a modified spinebuster. Batista pulled Christian up to his feet and placed his head between his legs, doing the thumbs down gesture, as he lifted his opponent up for the Batista Bomb.

Jim Ross: This one can't be over yet, can it?

As Batista got him up, Christian looked down and spit in his eyes, blinding him as Batista went stumbling backwards back first into the nearest corner. Christian landed on his feet, but stepped up onto the ropes and started hammering away at Batista's head with mounted punches as the crowd counted along in rapid succession.











Christian looked around at the crowd for a moment, then continued punching, the crowd restarting the count.











Christian went to start things off again but Batista headbutted him in the groin, causing him to fall in a split-legged seated position over Batista's shoulders, who capitalized on this and slammed him down with a Batista Bomb!

Roddy Piper: Well Jim, Christian managed to turn things around for a moment, but the Animal got his wish for that Batista Bomb. That may be all she wrote.

But unfortunately for Christian, Batista wasn't done as he grabbed him by the hair and pulled him to his knees, then up to his feet. Batista reared back for a thunderous right hand but Christian palmed him across the face with a slap and pushed him backward into the corner again. Christian layed into Batista's chest with a few Ric Flair style chops, with the crowd wooing with each one.

CHOP! (Wooooooo!)

Christian reared back for another one.

CHOP! (Wooooooo!)

Christian got in position to deliver a third.

CHOP! (Wooooooo!)

He went for a fourth but Batista grabbed his wrist, turning and slamming him back first into the corner, then irish whipping him across the ring face first into the opposite one. Batista charged and delivered a running shoulder thrust to Christian's lower back then spun him around and began laying into his chest with chops of his own, only Batista's were a lot more quick and painful. The crowd counted along in rapid succession.





















Christian's chest was beet red as Batista whipped him back into the corner he came from. Christian hit face first as Batista hit him in the lower back with a shoulder thrust again. Batista then placed his foot between Christian's shoulder blades and pushed forward, pinning his chest against the turnbuckle pad, and then grabbed his arms and wrenched backward with them. Christian began to cry out in pain, then began to bite into the turnbuckle pad to suppress the screams, but the agony was written in his expression. His eyes clenched tight, his face red, his upper body red.

Jim Ross: These two are going to war in there, but I think it's advantage Batista. He has, after all, appeared to do more damage than he's received thus far.

Just as it looked like Christian's arms were about to be ripped out of their sockets right then and there, he had an idea as he ripped the turnbuckle pad loose with his mouth and jerked his head backwards to the side, hurling it over his shoulder and hitting Batista in the chest, causing him to break the hold. Christian turned around quickly and hit Batista in the chest with a big boot, bringing him down as Christian then fell to the mat as well.

Roddy Piper: The referee's beginning the count now. I hope at least one of these guys gets up, I'd hate to see the match end that way.

The referee stood in the center of where both men were laying and began his count.










Batista rolled over onto his stomach and pushed himself up with his arms. Meanwhile Christian tried to push himself up with his arms, but it was no use, they seemed to have no life in them after Batista's attack.




Batista got to his feet and went right after Christian. He hooked Christian in full nelson position and lifted him into the air, coming crashing back down to the mat with a sitting full nelson bomb. Batista rolled from his sitting position, still holding Christian, as he brought the both of them back to their feet, and started really cranking on the pressure of the full nelson. He walked over to the corner and began beating Christian's face into the turnbuckle pad to make him dizzy so he couldn't fight out. That backfired though as Christian managed to throw his legs up and spring off of it, throwing both men backward and crashing to the mat, Batista absorbing most of the impact.

Jim Ross: Don't count Christian out just yet, Roddy!

Christian got to his feet, shaking his arms to try to get some life back into them as he looked down at Batista. Batista lay there out cold. Christian managed to get some feeling and movement out of his arms again as he went for the pin, but as he went for it, Batista revealed he was playing possum and delivered a kick to the abdomen of Christian, grabbing his arm and throwing him over where he was laying to the mat on the other side of him. Batista kipped up and began bouncing back and forth, flaunting his daunting specimen.

Roddy Piper: I don't think I've ever seen Batista do that!

Christian was up to his feet as Batista came charging at him with a lariat attempt. As soon as Batista got close, Christian leapt into the air and caught him in the face and chest with a standing dropkick as both men went crashing to the mat. The crowd started a "This Is Awesome" chant as Christian got up quickly. He looked at the fallen Batista, then at the turnbuckle and climbed up on it. He got in position but The Animal kipped up once again and charged the corner, hoping to knock Christian down with the impact, but Christian acted quickly. He leapt into a Frog Splash with as much air as he could get, knowing he would hit nothing but mat. Batista hit the turnbuckle as this happened and came staggering out of it as Christian got to his feet behind him.

Jim Ross: Certainly a daring risk on the part of the challenger.

Roddy Piper: It's dare or die, Jim. Dare or die.

Christian delivers a clubbing double axe handle to the upper back that sends Batista back into the corner. Christian takes full advantage of the situation as he lights into the back of the Animal with ferocity and quickness. Batista throws a kick backward into the shin of Christian to break up the barrage. It doesn't break it up long however as Christian raises his arms above his head, forming his fists together, seemingly planning to deliver a double axe handle to the top of the head. Batista sees this over his shoulder and sidesteps, Christian hitting his hands on the turnbuckle. In the brief moment that Christian is left open, Batista locks his arms around Christian's waist and launches out of the corner with a belly to back suplex!

Not long after impact, Batista gets up and brings Christian up from the mat, placing his head between his legs. Christian began punching Batista in the thigh to get him to break it up. It worked for a moment as Batista let go and backed off, allowing Christian to stand up, but then Batista decked him in the right eye. Christian held his eye as Batista went to deck him in the other one but Christian ducked and took him to the mat with a spear! The crowd cheered this as Christian grabbed Batista's ankles and dragged him toward the turnbuckle without the padding. He brought Batista to his feet, delivering a few punches on the way up, and then hooked his arm. Batista came to suddenly, but Christian saw this and reacted quickly, driving Batista head and face first into the exposed turnbuckle!

Jim Ross: Good Lord, Batista has just been split open by that turnbuckle!

Batista lay there with blood running from the cut on his forehead down his face as Christian stood over him. Christian looks to go for the pin, but instead grabs Batista by the neck and head and leads him back to this feet. Christian put Batista's head between his legs and did the thumbs down pose, crying out as he appeared to be going for the Batista Bomb. But before Christian could lift Batista up, Batista managed to shift the weight and get to his feet, holding Christian by the ankles so that his chest was touching Batista's back. Batista threw Kennedy forward and hit an Alabama Slam into the exposed turnbuckle.

Christian hit but unfortunately for him, came staggering out of the corner as Batista kicked him in the stomach and put his head between his legs. A gash could be seen on Christian's back as Batista hoisted him into the air and delivered a brutal powerbomb. Not long after Christian made impact with the mat, Batista kept hold of him and hoisted him up again, delivering another brutal powerbomb. The crowd has come unglued as Batista keeps hold and hoists Christian up for one more, getting as much height as possible and delivering it with as much strength as he could muster.

Roddy Piper: Yowza! Anybody got the number of this kid's chiropractor?

Jim Ross: The raw power of Batista is both impressive and intimidating.

Just when it seemed over, it could be seen that Batista still had hold of Christian, as he looked to go for a fourth. As Batista lifts Christian into the air, Christian throws a punch downward, extending his pinky so that he jabs Big Dave in the eye. Batista lets go as Christian goes over his head and slides down his back. Christian grabs Batista by the wrists and turns him, setting up for the Killswitch, following through and planting Batista with authority. Christian goes for the cover.



Jim Ross: What will be left when these two are finished with this match?

Running off mostly adrenaline, Batista and Christian were both up as they began trading punches. After a back and forth exchange of about thirty seconds, Batista kicked Christian in the abdomen, grabbed him by both sides of the head, and threw him into the ring post like he weighed nothing. Christian went tumbling over it and crashed down onto the steel steps as Batista exited the ring and walked over, grabbed him by the throat and lifted him up, throwing him into the ring. Batista got on the top turnbuckle and waited for his opponent to get up. When Christian got up, Big Dave dove, looking for a diving spear but Christian saw it coming and kicked him in the stomach, grabbed his wrists, then turned him and connected with the Killswitch again! Christian goes for the cover.




Dolph Ziggler comes rushing down the entrance ramp.

Jim Ross: There's Ziggler!

Christian doesn't see Ziggler as Batista rolls out of the ring holding his head, Ziggler sneaks from behind Christian and connects with the Zig-Zag! Ziggler goes for the pinfall.






Jim Ross: After Ziggler was taken out before the match, he managed to find a way to get into the match in the end and pulled off the sneakiest victory I've witnessed in my wrestling life!

The show then goes to fade as the show ends.


Andrew - Foley/Barrett, Sheamus/Undertaker, The Show
Chris Dredson - CWF Undisputed Championship Match, Intercontinental Championship
The Hoov - Hardcore Championship Match
Promos - Respective TT'ers.


Cody Rhodes vs. Shawn Michaels - Twenty Minute Time Limit Match


Kiffy Lube

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun
Jun 25, 2011
Reaction score
The Large House, Arizona
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
No idea why I bothered TTing.

I do like the fact that Dolph Ziggler is champion, though. He deserves it.
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