He's improved. Alot. And he had good matches with Orton and a good match with Show. I don't think anyone's calling him the second coming of Vader, but he has been entertaining and the most effective heel they've had since Orton turned face.
Balls to the face? It's a leg-drop-clothesline :/... you're hating on the wrong person for balls to the face finishers... that belongs to Rey Mysterio.Henry
Sheamus, fucking workhorse
People stlil like Ryder? Hasn't he grown tiresome by now, since he's on EVERY STINKIN' WEEK with that terrible jumping balls to your face finisher.
First of all, Ziggler hasn't been up with anyone since anything in the E. He's just starting to hit his stride in the E. But I'll get more to Ziggler in a second...im glad people are finally believing in ziggler. the guy's been up there with punk and christian since jericho and hbk left.
top guys:
1. punk
2. christian
3. ziggler
4. danielson
overrated list:
1. ryder: what's the big deal? the guy has nothing going on. the only thing he has over santino is his size. good god at least santino's material is structurally funny on paper. am i the only one that hates his guts here? are those "smarks" cheering for him the same douchebags that cheer for the miz? what the fuck happened to wrestling fans?
2. cena: obvious reasons
3. orton: just because he's had good matches with THE BEST guys in the ring doesn't mean he's all of a sudden a god now. he still sucks.
Aight, here's where I carry on with Ziggler. While I said he wasn't up there with anyone since so and so left... Ziggler was never given the opportunity in the E to be anything other than "Hi, I'm Dolph Ziggler!" Anyone who checks ANY of his work prior to the E, and in developmental, can see he had great mic-work already and a solid take on his character. Zig's problem wasn't that he could work the mic, it was adjusting to working it in a strictly PG-fashion.No love for Barrett? Fuck you guys then. He's doing a really good job of being built and pushed back to the top.
Ziggler is definitely the most improved of the year. He has come such a long way. He has finally improved greatly on the mic, has had good character development, is one of the biggest workhorses and really one of the best guys in the ring. He always did have talent in the ring, had some incredible match with fucking Kingston but that son of a bitch held his own against CM FUCKING PUNK
I guess my fave five are:
CM Punk
Christian(bring captain charisma back plz)
Cody Rhodes(also one of the most improved guys, amazing job with his Undashing gimmick)
Dolph Ziggler
Wade Barrett(besides his push and decent job as IC champ, he has improved a bit in the ring)
I'll give Sheamus props for making it big as a face and being a great workhorse but it is another Superman created. Fucker buried Christian even further and he dropped the ball big time in their matches. Really disappointing. In regards to Henry, he has had an amazing monster push but has already lost some momentum.
Lol @ the balls to face comment with Ryder's finisher. That move may very well be the worst finisher in the WWE. The zig zag and wasteland all suck too, but if John Cena can't put people out with a friggin top rope leg lariat, how the hell can Ryder do it, he's basically just jumping and falling on people. Turrible. Just turrible.
here we go again with "given the opportunity"...if you couldn't see how good the guy has been since his debut, and you can only see it now that he got his push then you lose all of your credibility.
Pretty much all this. Barrett def has like the best theme in the WWE along with Dolph's Perefction v2 which he changed for no fuckin apparent reason, sigh.First of, Barrett has probably the best theme in the WWE. How is that emo music? You're Blue. I guess I agree his hair has looked weird lately but who gives a shit? You're really using his hair as a fault?
Secondly, shut the fuck up. Dolph hasn't always been this good. When he made his debut he was still green, had an annoying horrible character, he couldn't really talk without being annoying and providing comedy. He was good in the ring but no fucking way was he as experienced as he is now. Of course like mentioned most of the faults had to do with his character but that's still him, it's a part of getting over so you have to judge it. For a long time, Vickie was getting all of his heat up until he finally could talk or was allowed to talk.
as for ziggler, it's a fucking metaphor you dumb fuck. and it wasn't just at you it's at luke as well because according to him, if you dont get pushed hard enough for us to see how good you are then you're no good on your own(ziggler, henry, ryder and others). what kind of stupid logic is tht? and no im not being ZOMG I KNEW BEFORE U LOLOL, i dont give a shit. its just fucking disappointing to see how some of you think. im starting to believe in the idea that wwe should never listen to "internet fans".
[£]thé dãrk knîght[£][/c=#484848]
just looked at the raw roster 4/17/2011
5:44:43 AM
[c=1][£]thé dãrk knîght[£][/c=#484848]
only cm punk and danielson 4/17/2011
5:44:45 AM
[c=1][£]thé dãrk knîght[£][/c=#484848]
and ziggler 4/17/2011
5:44:47 AM
[c=1][£]thé dãrk knîght[£][/c=#484848]
are wort watching
2:27:17 AM
[c=1][£]thé dãrk knîght[£][/c=#484848]
in your opinion who are the best up and comers? 5/28/2011
2:27:20 AM
[c=1][£]thé dãrk knîght[£][/c=#484848]
future top talent? 5/28/2011
5:52:13 AM
[c=1][£]thé dãrk knîght[£][/c=#484848]
answer that question 5/28/2011
5:52:22 AM
[c=1][£]thé dãrk knîght[£][/c=#484848]
Punk, Rhodes and Barrett are the best 5/28/2011
7:39:32 AM
[c=1][£]thé dãrk knîght[£][/c=#484848]
punk and ziggler 5/28/2011
7:39:50 AM
[c=1][£]thé dãrk knîght[£][/c=#484848]
rofl 5/28/2011
7:39:54 AM
[c=1][£]thé dãrk knîght[£][/c=#484848]
i even remember enzo and axis making fun of me for putting him up with christian and punk months ago.