Iirc Sal is going to college for criminal degree or something so I'd advise people to not argue with him.
Well we have courts and judges set up for this very reason, to debate such issues. Two judges will argue different perspectives with the same degree, I'm not going to begin to pretend I know much about the law, especially in America.
But back on topic, is this murder? Well I think it is even if the intent wasn't necessarily there, the over exaggeration aggression was enough. Put it this way, I work part time at a McDonalds, and I've had every customer but an angry, punching 67 year old man. Now I'm 17 and I'm in pretty good shape and if one was to take a swing at me, I would know that he's probably in some shape or form altered. I'd also be aware that I can more than take this guy so I'm looking to restrain him not
punch him in the head. Look, if I punch a guy in his nose, it'll break. I punch him in his eye, it could have at best, a big black eye. I punch him in the crown area, he is going to hurt, especially an older gentleman with which he could have been restrained. In fact to do such damage, I'd have to think the following.
1) The man is fragile
2) The 20 year old guy is in good shape.
Punching the man was an aggressive and needless act, fulfilling his macho needs has resulted in death and there was a strong intent to hurt the man. Manslaughter I do lean towards, but I wouldn't be all bothered if this guy got murder charges.