Conspiracies, Illuminati, Elite Thread 2.0

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Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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I wanted to make a new thread for this kind of stuff for people who do follow it, believe it, or just find it fascinating.
Obviously everyone is entitled to their own opinion but if you don't care about this stuff, just move along.
No need to post stupid comments or troll people. I personally find the stuff fascinating.

Here is some stuff on the "card game" that is interesting : Illuminati Card Game Predictions Coming True, What’s Next?

A bit on the election, yup this is basically saying Trump is being used to make the Republicans look like morons and to ensure it looks like Hillary actual does come out on top because of this:
Highly influential CEO Martin Sorrell suggests that the outcome of the 2016 presidential election has already been decided, remarking, “It doesn’t matter who the Republicans put up…Hillary will win.”

Sorrell’s comment, reported by the DC Whispers website, raises eyebrows given his position as head of, “The single most influential and prominent marketing firm in the world with decades-old ties to the most elite of the elite.”

Sorrell, who is the Chief Executive Officer of WPP PLC (Wire and Plastic Products), has a net worth of over $150 million dollars and is described as having “huge clout” in the world of advertising. “Sorrell’s opinions have huge weight,” reported the Guardian in a 2008 profile.

As DC Whispers highlights, his ties to Fox News, which at times has been antagonistic towards Donald Trump, are also extremely noteworthy.

“WPP and its myriad of affiliates, represents up to HALF of all Fox News ad revenue. WPP’s clients include such corporate giants as Ford, Glaxo Smith, IBM, Microsoft, Nestle, Walmart, Unilever, etc. – clients who in turn represent tens of millions of dollars in monthly ad revenue that keep the lights of Fox News on and pays the salaries of on-air personalities like Megyn Kelly,” reports the website.

“So when someone like Martin Sorrell signals it doesn’t matter who the Republicans nominate because Hillary Clinton is going to be the next President of the United States regardless, it is a prediction/threat that should be taken very seriously.”

As Mac Slavo points out, “Trump has not only been bucking the establishment, as well as contentious Fox News host Megyn Kelly – but he has also taken on some of the very advertisers that Sorrell represents, and Fox News depends on for their operations.”

Sorrell’s comments are in line with similar sentiments expressed by globalists at the recent Davos confab. Sorrell is married to Cristiana Falcone, director of media and entertainment industries at the World Economic Forum.
According to a Reuters report, financial elitists are “alarmed” at the prospect of Trump being the Republican nominee, although they still expect his campaign to falter.

Harvard University’s Niall Ferguson told Reuters that Trump’s chances “could be over before Super Tuesday,” and that populists never win the presidency, but that the public is “mad as hell” and this is what’s driving the Trump phenomenon.

Ferguson was even more candid in comments he made to Bloomberg, asserting, “I think there’s going to be a wonderful catharsis, I’m really looking forward to it: Trump’s humiliation. Bring it on.”

According to columnist Ann Coulter, that “humiliation” could come in the form of a “fake scandal” that breaks right before the Iowa caucus.

As we previously reported, the powerful Bilderberg Group, which counts Ferguson and Sorrell as two of its regular attendees, backed Hillary to become president at its annual confab in June last year.

Here is a interesting video on the election as well:


Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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Now I am reading too much lol but both science and the bible speak of hell being on earth, and hell being the deep ocean. Seems to make sense... Lack of light, monsters, HOT water, and so on.

Revelation 20:15 says, " And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the LAKE OF FIRE." The ocean starts cold/warm depending on the area then cools down to the point of nearly freezing but it is kept from freezing by the hot water at the bottom of the sea. It is said that the earth's core is what makes the deep ocean water so hot. Makes sense no?

Here is a scientific post that calls the devil mythical so you all don't think I am exaggerating with saying science believes it. lol The Truth About Hell - Pictures of Hell

Aids Johnson

The Beast
May 25, 2012
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If there are aliens here, I buy this theory more than anything else. It makes the most sense IMO, same with the google image maps that show the giant holes/caves in certain parts of the earth.

I dig conspiracy theories more than most, but honestly most of mine are Cold cases and unresolved mysteries. That is what interests me most lately. Cool to see Solid posting here, I assumed it'd be you and Deth posting back and forth like always.

Ryan Blade

The Lunatic Fringe
May 25, 2014
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Oh shit, conspiracies. Marked this thread watched.

How do you guys feel about one of the big ones, 9/11?

I do believe something's up. I'm not one who thinks that the planes were just holograms or anything, but I do think it was known about before happening. What really gets me is how the towers fell. I know the whole "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" thing is a big meme now, but it's a serious thing. A plane crashes into floors 93-99 on the North tower and then the entire foundation of the building collapses upon itself? Granted it stood after being hit for almost 2 hours but I fail to comprehend how a crash that high up, even after a fire burns for two hours, results in a tower collapsing on itself. The same happened with the South tower as well. It's even weirder that the plane hit just one side of the tower. I'm not big on science, but just using my common sense, if we were to say that the fire can make dozens of floors collapse onto itself, wouldn't just the floors above fall over due to one side of the building not being there?

If you guys believe otherwise I'd love to hear it.
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Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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Oh shit, conspiracies. Marked this thread watched.

How do you guys feel about one of the big ones, 9/11?

I do believe something's up. I'm not one who thinks that the planes were just holograms or anything, but I do think it was known about before happening. What really gets me is how the towers fell. I know the whole "jet fuel can't melt steel beams" thing is a big meme now, but it's a serious thing. A plane crashes into floors 93-99 on the North tower and then the entire foundation of the building collapses upon itself? Granted it stood after being hit for almost 2 hours but I fail to comprehend how a crash that high up, even after a fire burns for two hours, results in a tower collapsing on itself. The same happened with the South tower as well. It's even weirder that the plane hit just one side of the tower. I'm not big on science, but just using my common sense, if we were to say that the fire can make dozens of floors collapse onto itself, wouldn't just the floors above fall over due to one side of the building not being there?

If you guys believe otherwise I'd love to hear it.

9/11 was an inside job. Mathematically speaking, those towers were BUILT to withstand plane crashes. Look at the blue prints and the materials involved. They had bombs set off in 3 sectors with in the building to force collapse. I don't even consider it a conspiracy. It is the truth. lol

Ryan Blade

The Lunatic Fringe
May 25, 2014
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9/11 was an inside job. Mathematically speaking, those towers were BUILT to withstand plane crashes. Look at the blue prints and the materials involved. They had bombs set off in 3 sectors with in the building to force collapse. I don't even consider it a conspiracy. It is the truth. lol

Yeah man, super fucked up shit. And even if we do say the tower can just fall on itself, there has to be some sort of delay because, you know, it's breaking dozens of floors. But no, the tower just falls like vertical dominoes.

Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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Yeah man, super fucked up shit. And even if we do say the tower can just fall on itself, there has to be some sort of delay because, you know, it's breaking dozens of floors. But no, the tower just falls like vertical dominoes.

Yuppers. No way it would fall in. It was design to not allow this. The top part would have. You can see the three sectors in the picture.



George Bush doesn't care about black people.
May 18, 2013
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Yuengling Factory 101
The only conspiracy theory I really believe would be that the CIA was involved in the assassination of JFK.

I do have questions about "The suicide" of Vince Foster in 93. That's a bit more outlandish, but still interesting to me.


Alien Princess
Sep 18, 2012
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Haven't kept up with this stuff since we last spoke (on Skype) basically lol. But yeah, I definitely buy that. They used "the first black prez" last time to get votes and they're going to do the same but this time with a woman. And they have a perfect heel (Trump) to be her counterpart. Obummer is probably going to lead the UN sometime in the near future. He and the Pope are up to no good.

Satan's sitting back and smiling. Time's drawing near. :obama:
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Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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Haven't kept up with this stuff since we last spoke (on Skype) basically lol. But yeah, I definitely buy that. They used "the first black prez" last time to get votes and they're going to do the same but this time with a woman. And they have a perfect heel (Trump) to be her counterpart. Obummer is probably going to lead the UN sometime in the near future. He and the Pope are up to no good.

Satan's sitting back and smiling. Time's drawing near. :obama:


Solid Snake

New Member
Jun 4, 2016
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I get annoyed when I hear about the Illuminati now. Maybe it's cause I'm getting old.

It is probably because people have made it into a joke. It is scary to think that there is a small group of people minipulating the world and trying to control it.