Concentration Camps Coming To The US & UK?!

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Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
See, unlike everyone else and their mother who wants to freak out over a possible government takeover, I don't. I've got nothing to hide, and nothing to fear. If my government wants to detain me, what power do I have to stop them? I don't own a gun, have no fighting skills whatsoever, and wouldn't survive for two seconds out on my own if I was branded a government enemy.

If the U.S. government were to do some random buttfuck lockdown of the entire country then there's nothing you or I could do about it. So why worry? Why stress about a completely hypothetical situation that may not even happen?

Several conspiracy nuts said that George Bush was gonna start another 9/11 attack just before election night in 08 so that he could use the emergency clause in the Patriot Act to suspend the presidential election until the "crisis" was over. And guess what? It didn't happen.

Although I don't agree with GOTH's enthusiasm of wanting to kill his own countrymen, I also know that the U.S. government is never going to just come out and start slaughtering millions of it's own people just for the sake of control. It'll quell any uprising and paint them as loonies, terrorists and conspiracy nuts and the majority of Americans will be like "Oh well good riddance" or they will be convinced through superior media exposure that the Armed Forces are only doing their jobs to protect our interests from inter-terrorist organizations. The majority of American's lives would go on peacefully while those stupid enough to raise up arms will be squashed and labeled as terrorists before being detained.

And I'd rather see 100 men killed for the safety and protection of millions more Americans who are not interested in this physical violence against their own country. Rather, using our own voices to vote and shape this country to where we want it to go through legal means. Even if it's an uphill battle, it's the right one.
Dec 23, 2008
Reaction score
Several conspiracy nuts said that George Bush was gonna start another 9/11 attack just before election night in 08 so that he could use the emergency clause in the Patriot Act to suspend the presidential election until the "crisis" was over. And guess what? It didn't happen.


Damn...I remember that too! Weird that the story just went away all of a sudden


Jul 27, 2010
Reaction score
Detroit, Michigan
I agree with you Knox. I just find it funny that a State Trooper would pull me over for bumper stickers. Not a taillight out, not speeding, not rolling a stop sign or running a red light, nah, none of that. I must be an evil "domestic terrorist" because of my bumper stickers. Even for those who do own firearms, if a police/military force wants you arrested and detained, they'll get you. You may have several firearms, but you can only fire so many rounds, and of course you're firing at bullet proof everything these days.

By no means am I antigovernment, but I just don't believe what comes out of the White House these days. And to each their own. I just think we've regressed quite a bit as a society. And hell, if the biggest conspriacy theory is right, it won't matter anyway, because we'll all be goners...LMFAO!!!!!!!

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
We should definitely question government when things do not seem right. Just as I believe we shouldn't blindly hate government we also shouldn't blindly follow it. Our forefathers would be insulted if we did. However, revolution or revolt should never be initiated unless enough people are 100% certain that what is currently going on is against the constitution and that our representatives have not done their job upholding the freedom of the American people.

I just have not seen anything in recent memory that has sparked the patriot in me to stand up against my government in revolt. If 9/11 was an inside job designed to instigate a new world order headed by George Bush, as conspiracy theorists would of had us believe, then Bush would of accomplished a lot more in 8 years with that particular goal in mind. That's where Zeitgeist fell horribly short of the mark. Because they made comparisons to Hitler burning the Berlin libraries in order to gain control of the populace, and yet Bush didn't get anywhere near the power that Hitler had attained under the same means. So if 9/11 was an inside job, it was a botched job that provides no significant threat to my livelihood even if true.

Obama trying to eliminate the Bush Tax Cuts, change Health Care and initiating the super bail outs hasn't done anything to my knowledge to warrant an unrelenting fear and hatred of my elected representatives. So I see no reason even now that we should fear a massive government takeover.

If anything, the only thing we should be afraid of is the possibility of the TEA party gaining legitimate steam and replacing the Republican party with far right wing conservative nut jobs that make Ann Coulter look liberal by comparison.

This is why having moderate candidates has always been a healthy part of the political process. Because if we allow someone from any spectrum of left or right to have total control of our government, THEN we would be in deep trouble.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
I just think we've regressed quite a bit as a society.

Forgot to add this: How do you figure?

This is why having moderate candidates has always been a healthy part of the political process. Because if we allow someone from any spectrum of left or right to have total control of our government, THEN we would be in deep trouble.

Hate this too. This whole illusion of fairness thing is crap. The left is nowhere near as bad as the right is. You don't see the left trying to deny people their basic rights much as the right wing types are prone to do.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
It's just how much you prefer one extreme over the other. One offers you a completely locked down police state that denies us all of our basic rights for the sake of safety. The other offers us a completely coddled nanny state that can't think for ourselves because we'd have to turn to the government for permission to even go to the bathroom because uncle sam would have responsibility over all of our lives.

Either end of the spectrum you'd see a complete loss of human free will for one form of government control. But it's kind of easy to see why you'd go with the liberal state since you smoke weed and all. And I don't mean that as an insult. I'm just saying you're experience naturally holds a bias for liberal thought processes because you support the use of all recreational drugs, which they do too on the furthest reaches of their political map.
Dec 23, 2008
Reaction score
The left is nowhere near as bad as the right is. You don't see the left trying to deny people their basic rights much as the right wing types are prone to do.
I guess Religion, Firearms and Expression aren't "basic rights" anymore, huh?


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
I guess Religion, Firearms and Expression aren't "basic rights" anymore, huh?

Who's trying to deny you your religion? We just don't want it being shoved down our throats, and neither do you want our ish in return but the difference lies in that the we aren't trying to run your life in that respect. We say you don't like abortions or gays, fine, but they are not hurting you in the slightest so let it be. Whereas the right wants these so called "fags and baby killers" to do exactly what they say to do and that's not make a personal choice but to be a good automaton and do what you're told.

I don't see the left denying you your freedom of expression either, once again that is something that more tends to come from the right side of things.

Now I left guns for last because you're right on that score but remember, I live in Canada. It's pretty damned hard to even get a rifle here so these things aren't usually thought of. But yeah, you should have the right to own as many guns as you like. Now, I genuinely question why you need them but what the hell, just don't point them in my general direction.


Jul 27, 2010
Reaction score
Detroit, Michigan
Forgot to add this: How do you figure?

Hate this too. This whole illusion of fairness thing is crap. The left is nowhere near as bad as the right is. You don't see the left trying to deny people their basic rights much as the right wing types are prone to do.

Now mind you, my views, no matter how skewed they may be, will more than likely be different than most, but when I say we've regressed as a society, I think it's pretty obvious. We've become extremely self centered. Long gone are the days of knowing your neighbors. Go home, lock the doors, and close the blinds. It seems our lives revolve around the idiotbox anymore. Now, this isn't true of all, but it's true of quite a bit. We buy things we can't afford. "Oh darn, I don't have the cash to buy this (insert overly priced useless item), but hey, I've got 5 credit cards to pick from and I'll just pay it down later.....". That's been the American way. Unless I have the reserve cash on hand, I ain't buying it. The same thing held true in the housing market the past decade. I've seen people blaming Wall Street and Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, well the people who took on subprime mortgages are just as much to blame. When I bought my home, I told the realtor I didn't want or need anything above $130,000. I got back, oh well you've qualified for $550,000, and I think you'd be much happier, and I can get you a loan where you only pay the interest. I hung up on her.

Next, I see it with our nation's youth. Again, not all of them, but a good amount of them. It seems they want everything handed to them. They don't want to work for anything. We have these moronic parents who give them everything their little hearts content. In my area, you don't see kids going outside and playing pickup football, basketball, and baseball anymore during the summer. Nope. They're glued to their damn XBox or PS3. Living in fantasy land. Then people wonder why our youth is a bunch of lardasses. Im not saying video games are solely to blame, but again, put the controller down, go outside and blow the stink off ya. Put the pizza rolls down and try eating something decent for your body. People don't cook food anymore. Nope, head on down McFatnolds, Burger Lard, or Crisco Bell and get dinner for the night. It's sad. Hell, I dropped my stepdaughter off at school, mind you she's in the 3rd grade and one of her classmates come walking up with her mom talking on her very own cellphone. An 8 year old with a cellphone. Wow. Didn't know 8 year olds were so socially popular that they needed one. We're increasingly seeing our children get into adult situations earlier and earlier. I got a kick out of seeing this 16 year old girl and her friends driving the other day with a sticker on her new Scion that read, if you're gonna ride my ass at least pull my hair. Hmmmm, is that what momma taught ya honey??? Now I understand it's just a bumpersticker, but remember Monkey what the nice State Trooper did with me because of my bumperstickers.

What cracks me up is I'll hold doors open for someone or say please and thank you and I get odd looks like the person has never heard or seen anything like that. I don't know how Canada is, but here this is what goes on. My 15 year old nephew who lives in a darn nice area in San Diego has 3 of his closest friends, well not anymore, that are heroin addicts. At 15 they're using heroin. Honestly, I can't say I had ever known high school and middle school kids to do anything but pot and drink. Now, that's not enough. Nope, I gotta eat adderrall's, xanax, pain pills, and drink with it. I hate to rant and sound like an old codger, but damn, is that hard to not act like a blitering idiot these days???

Again, Im not saying everybody is like this, but a good amount are. Yes, modern convenience is nice, but at what cost.

Mike Chaos

Feb 7, 2007
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
This is no secret about FEMA camps. I know I sound like a whack job, but we have no privacy anymore. Cameras on every expressway/freeway, which are supposedly to catch speeders...LMFAO!!! Im sure it does once in a while, but not all the time. I don't trust our big Gov by any means. In fact last year as I was leaving my gym, I got pulled over by a Michigan State Trooper because of the stickers I have on my truck. Im a proud member of the NRA with my sticker well visible on the my truck. As well as a Gadsden flag sticker. For those who don't know, that's the flag with the coiled snake with "Don't Tread On Me" under the snake. I also have a Ron Paul for President in 2012 sticker on it. The trooper says that I could be a possible "domestic terrorist". I conveniently reminded him of my 1st Amendment rights and that he had no recourse to write me a citation. I got my vehicle searched and got padded down. Now yes I do own guns, but they're kept at home in my gun safe, though I do have a CCW and in Michigan there is a law that says you can openly carry a firearm.

Im not saying that something is going to happen, but I would most certainly be on guard. Keep your pantry stocked with plenty of food and water, batteries, flashlights, etc. Be prepared fellas.

Lets see... Hmmm. Ron Paul supporter. You referenced the Constitution. You are a member of the NRA and you are a gun owner. You have a "militia symbol" that being the "Don't Tread on Me" sticker. You are definitely a domestic terrorist according to the Government.



Jul 27, 2010
Reaction score
Detroit, Michigan
Shit Mike, add in the fact that I know own Gold and Silver bullion and it only makes it worse. I absolutely refuse to fly. I just read an article where that fat cunt Napolitano thinks it's just fine for her TSA lackeys to scan your credit cards before you go through or you don't fly. BULLSHIT you're getting copies of my cards. And that pat down shit before you fly, that's just crap as well. I've heard some say, "well it's in the name of freedom and safety". So if your 12 year old daughter was getting groped and patted down before getting on a plane would you be OK with it??? Wake up America. We're getting more and more complacent everyday. Gotta hurry up and get on down to the local Wal Mart to buy cheap maid plastic Chinese goods that are marked up 300%. And then my 15 year old stepson wonders why his game that he spent $54 a few months ago is only worth $7 now. Oi vey. Im scarred for our future.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
I just read an article where that fat cunt Napolitano thinks it's just fine for her TSA lackeys to scan your credit cards before you go through or you don't fly. BULLSHIT you're getting copies of my cards.

Maybe I'm missing something here but what's the problem? If you purchased the ticket with a credit card, which is likely, then they would already have your number, right?

That aside why do they need to scan credit cards before you get on the plane? Doesn't seem to make much sense, what's their reasoning for it?