Mikeb, fuck off cunt. One, I'm not in the mood for shit and two, I'm sick of you fucking 8 year old minded downers joining this forum and trying to act superior to everyone. You've never had girlfriends, you've never kissed a girl, you've never hooked up with a girl, you've.. I won't go that far, there's no point. The point is, take your homo smurf friends and fuck off the forum. Fuck, make your own forum. I already got a name for ya, 'SR Forums' the 'SR' stands for social reject. You're rejects in life and if you turn to a computer to try and reign superior over people on the other side of the world then my friend(s) I got a little message for you: FUCK OFF, TRY GET A GIRLFRIEND(You'll probably need a hooker, so save up your little pennies), TRY TO LIVE LIFE, TRY TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH 'The Outside World', OPEN YOUR CURTAIN AND LET 'Natural Sunlight come in, do you know what that is?? So I'll end this with another, Fuck Off.