Sounds good, although my Survivor Series match would be this: (Also thinking about the other obvious Bryan vs Orton one)
Team Punk: CM Punk, Antonio Cesaro, Jack Swagger, Mark Henry
Team Heyman: Ryback, Curtis Axel, Dean Ambrose, RVD
They can have RVD turn face again, Swagger return to being the big bad heel and Cesaro can tease a face turn. See, RVD and Swagger would switch teams half way during the match. And I've also thought about different spots in the match. At one time, Cesaro, Swagger and Ambrose could be in the ring at once to tease an eventual US championship match between the 3. Ryback could try to lift Henry again and then Axel foils him by accident, and Punk hits a GTS on Axel and wins, then he makes Heyman tap out with the Anaconda Vice. After SS, we see Cesaro, Swagger and Ambrose feud while Axel feuds with Ryback (Axel turns face) and Punk returns to the main event, having got his revenge on Heyman.