The sooner this is over, the better, they've really dragged this whole Punk heyman thing on for awhile now :/! It's like they couldn't get Brock back, so Axel and Ryback are just filler feuds for Punk.
It's simple and right. CM Punk is defeating Ryback again and the Paul Heyman d/ CM Punk feud continues.
But it has been going for a lot of time, people are getting bored with this
I would say the same, then we knew's to see Cm Punk battle in some tough WWE championship match then the match against Lesnar was great, but then it doesn't make sense. WWE has started this feud between Cm Punk and Ryback in a babyish bullyish way for some odd reason.
Eww, needs to be Axel vs Punk vs Ryback for the IC title where Axel turns face and begins a feud with Ryback. Then Punk gets his hands on Heyman and goes back to the main event.
I totally wanted this since Battleground, But this should happen at Survivor Series now that I think about it, It would work really well, Or maybe Team Punk vs Team HeymanEww, needs to be Axel vs Punk vs Ryback for the IC title where Axel turns face and begins a feud with Ryback. Then Punk gets his hands on Heyman and goes back to the main event.
Sounds good, although my Survivor Series match would be this: (Also thinking about the other obvious Bryan vs Orton one)I totally wanted this since Battleground, But this should happen at Survivor Series now that I think about it, It would work really well, Or maybe Team Punk vs Team Heyman
Team Punk: CM Punk, Real Americans, RVD ( Maybe RVD can go team Heyman but that would be a heelish thing to do) and maybe Damien Sandow cause a face turn is rumored
Team Heyman: Ryback, Curtis Axel, Brock Lesnar (if possible) and maybe The Shield with Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins.
This would be a cool match to see for SS but I woud like to see CM Punk vs Axel vs Ryback for the IC title. Maybe the Heyman guys can turn on Punk, Punk gets double teamed a bit the guys shake hands while Punks out and fight. Punk joins the fight it becomes a triple threat for a few, than Punk does the GTS on both guys and pins them both. Would be a cool ending, what do you guys think?
True true, but.....this is a 5 v 5 SS match I had in mindSounds good, although my Survivor Series match would be this: (Also thinking about the other obvious Bryan vs Orton one)
Team Punk: CM Punk, Antonio Cesaro, Jack Swagger, Mark Henry
Team Heyman: Ryback, Curtis Axel, Dean Ambrose, RVD
They can have RVD turn face again, Swagger return to being the big bad heel and Cesaro can tease a face turn. See, RVD and Swagger would switch teams half way during the match. And I've also thought about different spots in the match. At one time, Cesaro, Swagger and Ambrose could be in the ring at once to tease an eventual US championship match between the 3. Ryback could try to lift Henry again and then Axel foils him by accident, and Punk hits a GTS on Axel and wins, then he makes Heyman tap out with the Anaconda Vice. After SS, we see Cesaro, Swagger and Ambrose feud while Axel feuds with Ryback (Axel turns face) and Punk returns to the main event, having got his revenge on Heyman.