If anything, my detest for the guy has gotten stronger over the past year. I was fine with the smart-ass, comical, rapper gimmick. I cannot stand this stupid marine gimmick bullcrap. I'd rather see him do the stupid you can't see me hand wave than that damn blueberry salute. That's by no means a disrespect to our troops. I'm just saying......the man ISN'T a damn marine! So STOP! For the love of God! Now then his in ring skills haven't exactly improved that much. What he has done is learned to take better bumps and get his butt kicked a little more realistically, making his ever-present comeback in each match a little easier to stomach. I still hate the STFU, and his moveset still consists of the 5 moves of doom and that's it. But that's ok. The guy is still in the top 5 on the mic out of anybody in the industry, and he still sells more merchandise than anyone, possibly even more so than Degeneration-X. And yes.....you have to think about the kids. That's what he's there for. That's what Hogan was there for. That's what Hart was there for. But at the same time, you have to give other superstars opportunities. This guy can't be billed as superman for the next 9 years, or else you're going to waste or lose your entire roster. Have him get screwed out of the title a couple times only to win it back, I don't care. But there needs to be at least a 6 month time frame within the next two years where Cena isn't even in the title picture at all (kinda like Triple H the past couple years) or else things are going to get incredibly stale very quickly. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I'll never be a fan of his and I'll never understand why certain people are other than the kiddies........never ever.