Christian: How do you like me now, G1?
I knew from the beginning that if he turned there would be only one result, it was doomed from the start and that sorta turn needs to die out for awhile. Plus, he has perhaps the absolute WORST face on the roster to draw heat from attached to him and that's hurt him a lot. He might look better in the future.
As a fan though, I look forward to him going up against SD's core of young faces: Bryan, Gabriel, Sheamus etc.
Orton: Doesn't matter what he looks like, he sucks, period. BTW, isn't funny how since Christian turned all their matches were weak, after the OTL match was awesome? It's almost like Christian carried him as a face, and is a much better wrestler, contrary to opinions here at that time. Wrestler of the year, folks.
For the record though, I agree with V1, his younger incarnation was pretty smooth.