Shutup PeepShow you have no shitty buisness in this so go home and sleep asshole it don't have anything to do with you so why the hell are you pissing me off with these shitty posts?, I will do What I want to do and nobody will stop me!
Damn a New Thread opens and you people go Crazy. Go Request from Weebo I ain't fucking stopping anyone neither am I forcing them to come to my Thread and Request, This is Bullshit. I just sent the PM to the BTB's to Advertise a bit and get the word spinning around. Weebo going on in the Shoutbox telling everyone how creepy that was, I'll tell you what everybody Mind your own Stuff and don't Insult me or any of my work or I'm going to go Benoit on you!
Atlast Fuck you Weebo and Thank you for all this Insult and Shit on me!
Close this Wrestling Station I don't want no more Insult on my face from people who have nothing to do with this matter.