You know, it's really not necessary for Cesaro to go over Sheamus in a feud (or a match, for that matter). As long as he looks strong and doesn't quit, he'll get over with the crowd (which is already starting just because he's got good charisma and is such a good character). If he eats a Brogue Kick and White Noise and the Irish Curse Backbreaker and still kicks out of the pin or maybe it takes a second (or third) Brogue Kick to put him down, who wins the match will be inconsequential. He stood toe to toe with a former world champion and looked strong. That's all people will talk about. (I know I'm not the first to mention that, but it can't be said often enough.) The big trick will be to have the match play out in such a way that Sheamus' character comes out looking the way the WWE wants him to look, by which I mean looking like a face or a heel, depending on their plans for him going from there.
So, again, yes. I'm for Cesaro having a Mania match against Sheamus. I mean, hell, Sheamus beat D-Bry in 18 seconds at Mania and now D-Bry's the most over guy in the company. And he looked like crap in that scenario. If he can overcome that, Cesaro can survive (and thrive) looking strong against Sheamus.