Cena on ECW....thats crazy. You'd get mad props if its true.
Here's 4 things that are wrong with Cena vs Orton.
1) They blew their load too quickly. I think there first match was at SummerSlam 2007 with little builid up. They knew these were to the two guys that could carry the company in the future, and yet they didnt save it for mania. Since then they've had countless almost meaningless matches.
2) Where is the storyline? It's basically wrestler A doesnt like wrestler B. Give me a little something to work with. HHH/Orton had a storyline. Cena/Edge had a storyline. That's what makes a fued great and or believable. These wrestlers actually had a reason to hate the other one. I dont feel they've done anything of the such for Orton/Cena other than matches with wins/losses. They barely get any one on one mic time. They knew this was their blockbuster fued too! But they figured why waste a good storyline, when our top two guys can draw without one?
3) Match after Match the stakes are supposed to get raised. It's supposed to make to WANT to see the rematch, or the next match. Sure, they've raised the stakes from a submission match, to a HIAC to a Iron match, but its the same old song and dance. All three of those are fued finishers. All great fueds the fans should want/need to see these guys square off one more time. This fued isn't like that. You had it with Hart/HBK, Danielson/Nigel, HBK/Jericho. This is one thing that ROH is great about. They seem great at raising the stakes.
4) Whats going to happen in 2010, 2011, 12, 13??? Cena and Orton aren't going anywhere. These guys are going to be your two cornerstones. We are goign to see them wrestle again and again in the future. To relate to the first point, the WWE blew their load not only too soon, but now after this series of matches whats left? Cena vs Orton on the moon? It's just getting ridiculous.
Ah well, I think the WWE bombed big time on this fued. They put on some decent matches, but they should have saved this series for mania, much like Austin/Rock.