Want to know why Black Jesus doesn't give a fuck about Cena, bitch? Well, lets just say that I see where the Cena haters come from. I realise that Cena is as Triple H would say "best for business". I know why Cena is "shoved down our throats". Lets take this weeks RAW for example. I know why you would be mad over Sandow losing his briefcase on the show, but that was one part from an overall good RAW. If you don't give a fuck about a RAW show because Cena won a match, you seriously need to take a step away from wrestling for a while (maybe forever). The people who call Cena the cancer of WWE are lame. Cena overall has helped the business, how has he hurt it, bitch? By not being the best technical wrestler? Cena is pushed as hard as he is because he can be marketed to both his fans and his haters. You people wear the "We don't give a fuck about Cena" t-shirts? The people who don't give a fuck about Cena are buying his merch... If you turn up every week and whine over Cena, what's your problem, bitch? Here are some options for the Cena haters:
1) Don't watch the show
2) Skip over his parts
3) Ignore him
4) Don't buy his "anti-cena" merchandise
5) Stop watching WWE if you hate it so much
You have 5 options to pick from, it's not so hard is it, bitch? I'm Black Jesus, and I'm over ranting.