1.Alco- Lethalv2
2. E-V
3. Lawls
4. Ace Dalton
6. Jeff Valley Driver
7. Christian Cage
8. Grim Cornette
9. Raidokken
11. CraigPelton
12. Rugrat
13. Poyser
14. Wangus Chung
16. Big Man
17. Showtime
This is about where I'm at but Haza and Ace's leans are very tentative. I moved Big Man back to null since I'm beginning to second guess my read on Poyser, though with how vague he was it could have been a play to save a teammate? But once again as with Haza, I don't think Poyser would do that if he was scum bc he'd push the Wang direction more instead of tying him to Big Man.
So after that really no overt scum reads, I think my preferred order right now would be Rugrat, CP, Lethal, Lawls. Rugrat still just hasn't done anything, stated why I feel iffy on CP earlier and Lethal hasn't looked bad since replacing Alco but Alco didn't give us a whole lot before then either. Lawls I also thought looked okay during his first burst of posts though but it wasn't enough for a town read. I don't really think Wang looks all that bad, Poyser's case was that he gave Magic too easy of a town read but it centered around Wang knowing how good Magic is when he's only played with you guys this year off and on and Magic has been busy a lot of games so he might not have that knowledge of how good he is as scum.
I think I misread your post. It's not really a meta read. I very rarely make those if ever.
It's basically a general observation that a stronger player is more likely to place votes with reasons than as a joke. I don't recall Magic making many joke votes here.
How many times have you and Magic played together now? What is more likely? town!Magic has spotted a tell in voting Jeff in the many games he has played with Jeff and is now looking to exploit that to identify his alignment, or scum/town!Magic is just voting Jeff for the "obv jokes"
Its not really a meta read id back per say although I'm thinking of one game I hosted where he just did a fuck ton of reading from a not caught up stand point and then it took him a while after that to get started and by then it was too late (he repped in as town)
If youre not caught up the game is way harder to play as town because you don't know everyone's alignment.
I think his defense to being pushed will be a bigger indicator but i havent seen anything to think he's scum
How do you feel about Haza's defence of Big Man, basing his town read on what he thinks town Big Man does - based off memory of one game where Big Man was reading back?
Also, for someone who "rarely makes" meta reads. There appears to be a couple of them this game
It's a bit odd, but he said a game he hosted right? I can see that memory standing out to him more so I can buy it. But I don't think he commented on any of the specific points you had quoted either, just stated that he felt it was town Big Man for these reasons
Another thing with Haza that I thought about is his claim, if it's fake then scum clearly got decent fakes bc I doubt he comes up with Glyph Absorber or whatever it was instead of just claiming Gravedigger on his own (unless maybe other roles have weird names too? Vanilla Townie does not, I can confirm but if scums roles have weird names then maybe they'd think to come up with some for their fakes themselves)....but if they had a few fakes to choose from I could def see Haza picking the one that seemed like a gravedigger just for the lulz since he had that one fake claim a few months ago.I can't call the man scum for that but I wouldn't put it past him. Like when he claimed governor for the lulz in Bary's cowboy game.
I had presumed this was the case. How else would scum know to janitor him otherwise?although that is an assumption, scum also could have shot omb i suppose. in fairness
although that is an assumption, scum also could have shot omb i suppose. in fairness
It's a bit odd, but he said a game he hosted right? I can see that memory standing out to him more so I can buy it. But I don't think he commented on any of the specific points you had quoted either, just stated that he felt it was town Big Man for these reasons
Another thing with Haza that I thought about is his claim, if it's fake then scum clearly got decent fakes bc I doubt he comes up with Glyph Absorber or whatever it was instead of just claiming Gravedigger on his own (unless maybe other roles have weird names too? Vanilla Townie does not, I can confirm but if scums roles have weird names then maybe they'd think to come up with some for their fakes themselves)....but if they had a few fakes to choose from I could def see Haza picking the one that seemed like a gravedigger just for the lulz since he had that one fake claim a few months ago.I can't call the man scum for that but I wouldn't put it past him. Like when he claimed governor for the lulz in Bary's cowboy game.
2. Character claiming and role claiming are allowed. Non-town have been given fakes of undisclosed quality. I strongly recommend to not hunt off of flavour.
If scum shot Lethal then that would mean there's an indy with a janitor shot right? I haven't seen any janitor shots that don't replace a factional kill. How common are indy janitors?
this could be TMIthe fact the they killed the hider as well, in combination with lethal who had hinted at having no role, is also VERY convenient for haza, as he cant very well afford to gravedig hider now. meaning he doesnt have to prove his role for another what, 2 days?
this could be TMI
scum kill was most likely the janitor