Am I being scummy now though? Does this look more like that time you tried to tunnel and I mvp'd as town, or does this look more like last game, where I essentially agreed with all the sus around me and folded like a lil bitch?
The answer is quite obvious in my demeanor and confidence, m8. If you were town, you surely would remember that

it was just last game. Not to mention if you were town, why did you let me completely take over the thread and lynch big man without putting much of a fuss. usually, why you dont want to lynch someone, you will literally scream from the clouds you wont do it. im sure i could easily find game evidence, your not easy to work with as town, ever. yesterday you were passive a.f and just let yourself get swept up in big man, while disagreeing with it extremely passively (as far as i remember, going off real time memory here).