I think cp was already saying he didnt buy the tracker n assumed roletracker and was making a joke. Ur thinking it was tmi im assumimg?
People were scum reading CP D1 due to his behaviour in the game, people saying it looked more like scum CP - I can't really comment on this as I don't know CP's scum game but people were definitely talking about it.
I don't think it's a joke, I think it is most def a slip.
You've asked yourself about CP being known to bus. Poyser didn't want to play this game first of all (WIFOM yeyeye).
CP was being giving scum reads early D1. He then got auto-town status off of the Poyser wagon as did Big Man. The perfect bus.
Re: Magic, I think town. Makes no sense for scum to petrify then heal Haza only a few hrs later in the same phase.
I think the antidote to Magic was just a part of the plan. It gives CP town points when it comes around to him claiming as Magic can then verify it. This could work if Magic is scum also but I think that's too much of a conspiracy.
This post that just somehow knew that Poyser was a roletracker, not normal tracker needs to be pushed first. It's too random to just be coincidence that CP makes that post and then Poyser flips roletracker lol.