I'm Saint Germain and the role name is time traveler.
So my role allows me to go back in time X amount of times aka back in the game and get the result of an informative role aka tracker/watcher/cop etc from a player who died during the night they used said role.
Flavour is I can traverse time freely and place myself where ever I want.
Haven't used my role as of yet.
Only other thing is that hazas role also sticks out like a sore thumb as all other roles are standard named roles not theme named (i see no reason for ot to not just be called gravedigger for example)
Correct, I have to use it on someone who died at night and my result would be the result they'd have gotten had they not died.So you can only use it on a player who died in the night. You wouldn't be able to use it on Poyser?
Ok whatever I’ve gotta get back to work and don’t have time to finish catching up
I’m hector, x-shot tracker.
Flavour is basically about some dude called Isaac getting a chick I like burned at the stake and me tracking him down for revenge.
Obv tracked big man last night to nowhere
what was big man's role?
Role: 3x Roletracker
Isaac is one of Draculas Devil Forgemasters and one of the main antagonists in Curse Of Darkness.
After the defeat of Dracula at the hands of Trevor Belmont, Isaac arranged for Hector, the other Devil Forgemaster, to resurrect Castlevania in order to become the new Dracula.
Once per night, up to three times during the course of this game, you may investigate a player to gain a report on whom (if anyone) that player visited that night, as well as a brief description of their role.
How did he know that Poyser would have seen Big Man's role? Poyser had only claimed tracker.