I would ageee with that as it looks like barry trying to set me up with Poyser.So where I had originally said Poyser claimed Isaac (who he turned out to be)
Barry was very quick to correct me here. Taking Showtimes feedback to consider the town aspect of this. Likely just a correction.
This just didn't feel right, at all.
This sequence didn't age well.
That is what Ibwas referring to Ibanswered your question about itNope.
Oh, he didn't say I could prove myself, he said I had said I could prove myself. These are two different things.Nope.
Just gonna say there's no way there are that many VTs. Someone who has claimed VT is bullshitting.
Oh, he didn't say I could prove myself, he said I had said I could prove myself. These are two different things.
I had said I could clear myself and wasn't stressed about people suspecting me earlier in the thread - I believe it was when Poyser was suss on me on D1.
I was referring to my role as a mason - if a wagon formed on me and I needed to claim, I'd have had Wang to have my back.
For clarity, I never told Wang in our QT that I have some special ability or anything to clear myself.
I said in this thread that I would be able to clear myself, and was referring to being a mason.
I'm not sure if this is countering what I'm saying or if you're just providing the info or whatever.Lethal flipped VT.
Chris claimed earlier, a claim Poyser somehow forgot about.
Big Man has now also claimed VT after Poyser claims to have tracked Big Man n1 to nowhere.
True, I just wanted to make it clear that I don't have a special clear-myself ability.I mean the end result is the same when referring to you able to clear yourself.
Not sure it is worth saying either way. Gives unnecessary info to scum imo. More than happy to if consensus thinks I should though.
Thanks for clearing it up. So, VT outside of the mason part?
I'm not sure if this is countering what I'm saying or if you're just providing the info or whatever.
But anyway, as I said, at least one of Chris or Big Man is probably lying. Leaning Big Man.
Right here EVI am here. Busy journalism day yesterday and got home and fell asleep almost immediately.
I'm actually town-leaning on Poyser despite him scattergunning me for very little reason.
Go read back on any game I've played in and you'll realise I am not very active on D1 as there is always too much activity for me in between the work day to keep up.
As I said, it wasn't specific posts that Haza made that made me suss; I just felt he was getting a lot more aggressive and jumpy in his responses than I would expect from him.
I'm not particularly worried about people sussing me at this stage as it'll be pretty easy for me to clear myself if necessary. But it is not worth doing yet.
Further reads from my read back since I was last on:
Poyser seems too willing to get too involved early to be town. IIRC when I played maf with him, he was quieter (I may be confusing him with Odo though).
Haza I still maf-lean, although he continues to jump into defending himself when not necessary whereas maf usually jumps at the opportunity to let other people's arguments take the spotlight.
EV has seemed fine for me. POsting seems relaxed and relatively helpful.
Banez might be more suss than Haza though; He has made a couple of posts which stood out such as the one where he made a vote and was like "i'm not changing" or something where it felt like he was trying to pressure others into going into routes other than him as the day was coming to a close and people would scramble for a vote.
Rugrat has been posting a little strangely, seems to be keeping relatively neutral and padding his post count.
Jeff has felt town. Just good solid posting.
Don't have much of an opinion on guys like Chris and Craig.
Not sure who else I should have an opinion on but the above are the names that I've noted most.
Big Man not acting is a pretty easy one to call out for Odo, too, particularly if he has an X-shot ability. Could easily just claim he didn't use his ability on that day.Trying to discuss and just putting out thoughts for everyone to see and weigh opinions in.
I agree with Big Man.
Last time I played a game where someone claimed tracker usage and they flipped scum, the person they claimed about turned out to be scum too.
Because 90% of scum players have a role and they tend to use them lol. The scenarios are either he’s a mafia goon (very rare in this section), a ninja (plausible but would be a huge coincidence) or he is scum and they didn’t use his role for whatever reason which is just really unlikely
I did forget but I wouldn’t have tracked you anyway because I’d rather get some insights on the inactives. I was originally on phenom but I changed once OMB repped in because OMB is an easy read and went for big man instead
Would he claim anything other than a VT if he has a say role lol? I already said I didn’t mind his play anyway
Like evidently my usage was pretty perfect considering you’d have all been wagoning him today otherwisethats why using it on inactives is the better tactic. I don’t need roles to help get people I’m sus of lynched.