WCW/ECW 2001 and Beyond - The Alliance Lives

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January 30, 2003
ECW Arena
Philadelphia, PA

kicks off with Raven standing along in a locker room. Perry Saturn and John Kronus, the Eliminators walk up to him. The atmosphere, as it always is between Raven and Saturn, is tense.

Saturn: “Let’s make this clear between you and us. We might be on the same side tonight, but you don’t control me. And you don’t control Kronus. Those days are long gone. You cross one of us, even threaten it…you end up facing Total Elimination! You got that?”

Raven: “Heh. So it has been written. So it shall come to pass.”

Joey Styles: “We are here in the ECW Arena for RISE! I’m Joey Styles, alongside Tazz. Tazz, we are just three days away from the anticipated rematch between ECW World Heavyweight Champion Rhyno and Raven at Revenge. Tonight, it is eight man tag team action: Raven teams with Mikey Whipwreck and the Eliminators against Rhyno, Tajiri and Kronik! Once the bell rings, the no-contact order between Rhyno and Raven instituted by Mick Foley last week is lifted…until the end of the match.

Tazz: “That’s gonna be a rocketbusta, Joey!”

Joey Styles:
“We’re kicking things off with the match for the ECW World Tag Team Championship!


ECW World Tag Team Championship
Jamie Noble and Kid Kash © vs. AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn

Styles poses to the crowd with Lynn trying to get him to focus
…so Kash and Noble attack to get things started! Noble and Kash hit stereo armdrags, then hit stereo dropkicks. Kash and Noble charge at Styles and Lynn, but Lynn catches Kash with a European uppercut while Noble and Styles go over the top rope and to the floor. Lynn and Kash fire European uppercuts at one another. Lynn catches a kick, but Kash hits him with an enzugiri! Styles gets back on the apron and hits Kash with a springboard forearm! Noble runs in and knocks Styles down. Noble picks up Styles in a Fireman’s Carry, then converts that into a gutbuster! Noble and Lynn end up as the legal men, with Noble punching away at Lynn in the corner. Noble gets a drop toehold and tags Kash back in. Kash comes off the top rope with corkscrew splash on the back of Lynn! Cover, 1…2…Lynn kicks out.

Kash chops away at Lynn in the corner, but Lynn fires back with rights, then hits a snap suplex. Lynn tags Styles back in. Styles springboards off the second rope and perfectly catches Kash with a reverse DDT! Cover, 1…2…Kash kicks out. Styles hits Kash with strikes, but Kash fires back. One punch from Kash spins Styles around, but Styles counters with the Pele Kick! Cover, 1…2…Noble comes in to break the count. Styles knocks Noble out of the ring, but walks into a Kash hurricanrana. Kid Kash plants Styles with a Tiger Bomb! 1…2…Lynn dropkicks Kash in the face to break up the count, then dives over the top rope onto Noble! Kash and Styles trade forearms, with Styles getting the better of the exchange when he comes off the ropes and catches Kash in the face with one. Styles hits the ropes again, but this time Kash hits a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker. Noble wins the battle with Lynn on the outside and gets the tag. Noble suplexes Styles, with Kash coming off the top rope with a bodypress! Noble covers, 1…2…Styles kicks out!

Noble sends Styles into the corner, but when he charges in Styles leaps over him and gets a sunset flip, 1…2…Noble kicks out! Styles boots Noble and calls for the Styles Clash, but Noble manages to float over Styles and get his own roll-up, 1…2…Styles kicks out! Styles ducks a clothesline and hits a spinning heel kick…then dives to make the tag to Lynn! Lynn comes into the ring and punches and kicks Noble, then dropkicks Kash off the apron and into the steel railing! Styles hits the ropes and leaps over the top with a somersault plancha onto Noble! Lynn sets Noble up for the Cradle Piledriver, but Noble backdrops him to counter. Styles gets back on the apron, but Noble hits him with a forearm. Lynn charges at Noble, but Noble moves and Lynn knocks Styles into the railing! Bridging German suplex from Noble, 1…2…Lynn kicks out! Noble comes off the ropes and hits Lynn with a bulldog.

Kash climbs to the top rope as Noble powerbombs Lynn! Phoenix Splash from Kash! Noble makes the cover, 1…2…Styles pulls Noble off and under the bottom rope. Kash comes off the ropes with hits both Styles and Noble with a Corkscrew Dive over the top rope! Lynn rolls to the outside and slams Noble into the guardrail. Lynn punches at Noble some more, but one punch misses and he accidentally decks Styles! Noble rolls Lynn into the ring. Noble and Lynn trade blows, but Lynn gets the advantage, kicks Noble, then spikes him with the Cradle Piledriver! Lynn makes the cover, but Styles springboards off the top rope with a 450 Splash on Lynn! Styles then sets Noble up and hits the Styles Clash! 1…2…3!

Winners: AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn when Styles pinned Noble in 14:31 to win the title

AJ Styles
celebrates with both Tag Team belts as Jerry Lynn gets to his feet. Lynn confronts Styles momentarily, but Styles audibly tells Lynn to shut up as he hands him one of the tag belts. Lynn accepts, but he doesn’t seem too happy about how the match ended despite regaining the ECW World Tag Team Title!


Tazz: Joey, here comes Van Dam!”

Joey Styles:
“Last week Sabu and Rob Van Dam imploded in the Four Way Tag! I gotta say, RVD looks pretty pissed, you don’t often see him this way.”

Rob Van Dam: “We’re gonna cut to the chase right now. Look, last year I played the good teammate. Sabu got the better of me at Barely Legal and I didn’t get in his way after that. I tried to help him win the ECW Title, and we won the Tag Titles again. But the slightest thing goes wrong and he just goes off. Well last week was the last straw. Throwing a chair off my face…dropping a legdrop with a chair on me, enough of this shit!”

Bill Alfonso runs down to the ring to try to calm down RVD.

Rob Van Dam: “No Fonzie. There’s no more talking, no more working it out. Seven years now this back-and-forth shit between me and Sabu has been going on.”

Bill Alfonso: “I get it, I get it. But come on we can still get this figured out.”

Rob Van Dam: “There’s nothing left to figure out. I’m gonna beat Sabu’s ass and remind everyone that I’m better than he is. He got me last year, well it’s payback time, Fonzie.”

An unknown, yet familiar voice interjects…

Voice: “Now just wait one minute!”

Joey Styles: “Ugh….is that who I think it is?”

Cyrus walks out onto the stage, with a shit eating grin on his face. The ECW Arena is not happy to see him.

Tazz: “Not this guy, Joey…”

Rob Van Dam: “You know there’s not a lot of guys I can’t stand more than Sabu right now…”

Cyrus: “I’m happy to see you too, Van Dam. For those of you who don’t know me, I used to run the Network that kept ECW in line! If it weren’t for me ECW wouldn’t have made it to the turn of the century! But I don’t stand here once again as a member of the Network, no. I’ve moved on in my career. I now represent the Cyrus Talent Agency and have retained several top ECW talent.”

Rob Van Dam: “Well you get them ready because Rob Van Dam is going to beat every one of them.”

Cyrus: “Well it is interesting you say that. I’m here to announce the first member of the CTASabu! Now Sabu is not here tonight and nor should a star of his stature appear without good reason. You want a match with Sabu, then next week beat another signee of the CTA, and I’ll grant you that Sabu match!”

Rob Van Dam: “Hey I’ll beat anyone. But if you don’t deliver, I’ll make sure there’s a Van Terminator in your future Cyrus.”

Cyrus: “Always with the threats. Well, since you want to get some frustration out, I’ll give you a little taste of your future if you decide to mess with the CTA!”

Justin Credible runs into the ring from the crowd and tries to crack RVD with a kendo stick, only Bill Alfonso warns RVD and RVD moves. RVD kicks the kendo stick out of Credible’s hand, then lays him out with a spin kick. RVD comes off the ropes and hits Rolling Thunder on Credible! RVD does the RVD pointing at himself pose towards Cyrus as Cyrus tries to collect Justin Credible.


cuts to a room bathed in a crimson glow. Gangrel emerges from red-colored smoke and spits a liquid from his goblet.

Gangrel: “Heh heh heh can you feel it my brothers? Can you taste it? For too long the creatures of the night have been cast into the shadows. For too long the darkness lay dormant. But that changes now, as I have resurrected the darkness for the 21st century. We will take over this land of extreme, not with steel chairs or barbed wire…but with something far more dangerous….fear. Welcome to the rebirth of a nightmare! Welcome to the Brood. Heh heh heh…”


Raven, Mikey Whipwreck, and The Eliminators vs. Rhyno, Tajiri, and Kronik

Raven stands in the aisle as Rhyno dares him to enter the ring. The Eliminators attack Rhyno as the match gets started. Saturn and Kronus beat on Rhyno before Tajiri interjects. Saturn knocks him away, but then both Eliminators turn around into big boots from Clarke and Adams! Mikey Whipwreck hits Adams from behind, but that barely registers to Adams. Adams and Clark grab Whipwreck and drop him with the High Times Double Chokeslam! Saturn suplexes Clarke from behind and Kronus gets a spin kick on Adams. Rhyno blasts Kronus with a clothesline as the match transitions into a traditional tag team match. Rhyno stomps away on Kronus in the corner then hits him with a belly-to-belly suplex. Rhyno calls for Raven, who is still on the ramp, before tagging in Tajiri. Kronus tries to kick Tajiri, but Tajiri blocks and gets a stiff kick himself. Kronus falls towards his corner and tags in Whipwreck.

Whipwreck looks scared to enter the ring…allowing Tajiri to mist him in the face! Raven suddenly slides in and nails Tajiri. Raven tags himself in, then corners Tajiri and kicks him down. Raven drops Tajiri with a bulldog. Rhyno storms into the ring and Raven immediately bails, tagging in Saturn. Rhyno and Saturn trade blows, with Kronus hitting a kick that knocks Rhyno down. Adams and Clarke get into the ring and trade blows with the Eliminators. Raven drags Tajiri to the outside, but Tajiri kicks him in the face. Tajiri leaps onto the apron and hits a springboard Asai Moonsault on Raven. In the ring the Eliminators get the better of Kronik, with Kronus hitting Adams with a cartwheel back elbow. Saturn dumps Adams on his head with a suplex, then leaps off the top rope and drops a beautiful elbow drop! Cover, 1…2…Rhyno breaks it up. Rhyno suplexes Saturn, then rolls to the outside. Rhyno goes for a GORE on the outside to Raven, but Raven sidesteps and Rhyno GORES Tajiri!

Raven takes a steel chair and smashes it over Rhyno’s head
. In the ring Kronik has gained control of the match, but Raven slides into the ring and bashes both Adams and Clarke with the chair as well! Rhyno manages to slide back into the ring, although he’s clearly dazed. He tries to get to Raven, but Kronus stops him…and the Eliminators land Total Elimination on Rhyno! As soon as they do that Raven bashes Kronus with the chair! Saturn sees Raven’s betrayal coming and hits Raven with a kick, knocking the chair out of his hands. Raven gets a kick of his own though and plants Saturn with the Evenflow DDT! Raven puts the chair in the middle of the ring and plants Rhyno with an Evenflow on the chair! Cover, 1…2…3!

Winners: Raven, Mikey Whipwreck, and the Eliminators when Raven pinned Rhyno in 8:47

poses with the ECW World Championship before dropping it on Rhyno and leaving the ring. Mick Foley appears on the stage, and Raven walks right by him. Rhyno slowly gets back to his feet, looking as angry as ever.

Joey Styles: Raven has made a statement tonight! We’ll see you this Sunday at Revenge!


Quick Results

ECW World Tag Team Championship

AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn defeated Jamie Noble and Kid Kash when Styles pinned Noble to win the title

Raven, Mikey Whipwreck, and The Eliminators defeated Rhyno, Tajiri, and Kronik when Raven pinned Rhyno


WCW World Champion

Booker T (Defeated Kurt Angle on 12-29-02)

ECW World Champion
Rhyno (Defeated Raven on 1-12-03)

WCW United States Champion
Jeff Jarrett (Defeated Diamond Dallas Page on 1-27-03)

ECW Television Champion
Shelton Benjamin (Defeated Tajiri on 10-27-02)

WCW World Tag Team Champions
The Archdiocese of Dudleyville (Defeated Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant on 10-7-02)

ECW World Tag Team Champions
AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn (Defeated Jamie Noble and Kid Kash on 1-30-03)

World Cruiserweight Champion
Ultimo Dragon (Defeated Tajiri on 12-29-02)

World Women’s Champion
Gail Kim (Defeated Victoria on 12-29-02)


AJ Styles: – Jerry Lynn took AJ Styles under his wing in early 2002, resulting in them winning the ECW World Tag Team Titles at Barely Legal II. They dominated the ECW Tag Team division for most of the year until losing the titles to Rob Van Dam and Sabu at November to Remember. Lynn and Styles failed to win back the titles at Starrcade, although they did eliminate RVD and Sabu. Lynn and Styles would regain the titles on RISE

The Archdiocese of Dudleyville: – The Dudley Boyz lost the WCW World Tag Team Championship back in April to Diamond Dallas Page and The Giant, then disappeared after a loss to Tommy Dreamer, The Sandman, and Balls Mahoney at ECW Barely Legal II. They returned in early October…but under a religious gimmick. Brother Bubba and Reverend D-Von, joined by the monstrous Deacon Batista, regained the WCW Tag titles and even seemed to kidnap Spike Dudley on an edition of ECW Rise. It looks like Spike has joined back with his brothers based on what happened on the 10/31 RISE. They’ve also been feuding with the trio of Elix Skipper, Shane Helms, and Monty Brown. They also have issues with Dreamer and Sandman because of the kidnapping of Spike. They took out Dreamer and Sandman for seemingly for good at N2R. After Deacon Batista’s loss to Monty Brown on Nitro, The Dudleys and Batista will face Elix Skipper, Shane Helms, and Brown at Starrcade in a Six-Man Tag Team Match with the WCW World Tag Team Titles on the line. Batista powerbombed Spike post-match, blaming him for the loss. They retained the titles at Starrcade. They may have finished off the LOD as well. They’ll face Los Guerreros at Revenge

Bam Bam Bigelow: – 2002 was a tough year for Bam Bam as he lost any major matches he was a part of. A short-term team with Gangrel fell apart late in the year. Shocked DDP for the US title on the first Nitro of 2003…but lost it back to him six days later at Guilty As Charged. Bigelow took a shot at ECW World Champion Rhyno on RISE, but Rhyno would defeat him

Billy Kidman: – It has been an up and down year for Kidman. After some early battles with Raven and his Warriors, Kidman challenged Christian thoughout the year for the US Title but didn’t win the title. He’s now again become a target of Raven’s Warriors mostly due to his past with Raven and his friendship with Rey Mysterio Jr.

Booker T: – When this new WCW formed, Booker T had a chance to become the #1 Contender for the WCW World Championship, but lost to Kurt Angle at Starrcade 2001. Booker has since been trying to fight his way back to contention. A long feud with R-Killa (Ron Killings) occupied Booker throughout the summer until Booker finally dispatched him in an actual Harlem Street Fight at ECW Anarchy Rulz. Booker T had another chance to win the WCW World Championship as he won a fan vote over Kurt Angle (100%-0%!) to face HHH at Cyberslam, but HHH prevailed in a half-hour classic. Booker T was on the WCW Team that beat the NWO at War Games, which led to a match with Brock Lesnar at Halloween Havoc (Lesnar, while not a NWO member, was on team NWO for the match). Lesnar managed to defeat Booker at Halloween Havoc, but Booker has vowed revenge, while also declaring entry in the WrestleWar. He also may have picked up an ally in Lesnar’s former partner Shelton Benjamin. The feud with the New World Order has picked back up, with HHH blasting brother Stevie Ray with a sledgehammer. Booker T would win the WrestleWar to earn a WCW World Title shot at Starrcade 2002…and held off Triple H two nights later to hold onto that title shot. Booker T converted that title shot into his 5th WCW World Championship. He defeated R-Killa once again to retain the title in his first PPV defense. Now, it looks like he has three challengers ahead of him: Brock Lesnar, Giant, and Sting

Brock Lesnar: – After dominating ECW from his debut at Starrcade 2001 (December) through Anarchy Rulz 2002 (August), Lesnar surprised the world when he teamed with the NWO for War Games with the condition that if the NWO won, Triple H would give him a WCW World Title shot. Lesnar’s shortcut to the WCW title didn’t work and this led to a feud with Booker T. Lesnar defeated Booker at Halloween Havoc, although it seems he’s drawn the ire of ECW stablemate Shelton Benjamin. Lesnar’s manager Paul Heyman announced on Nitro that Lesnar will be a part of WrestleWar. Lesnar returned to ECW to get revenge on Benjamin’s actions at Halloween Havoc and defeated Benjamin at November to Remember. After eliminating Stone Cold Steve Austin in a War Rumble, Lesnar decided to anger Stone Cold…which bit him in the ass during the Final Battle. Lesnar will have the biggest match of career at Starrcade when he faces Stone Cold. Lesnar may have crossed a line though as he went to Austin’s best friend WWF Announcer Jim Ross’ home and assaulted him as a message. Lesnar continued his path of destruction by destroying Stone Cold at Starrcade for perhaps the biggest win of his career. Now, he has eyes on capturing the WCW World Championship

Chris Candido: – Once Justin Credible betrayed Total Impact, a spot opened for Chris Candido. Candido has helped Lance Storm and Mike Awesome in their battles against the NWO and their allies ever since. After the Outsiders cost Mike Awesome the ECW World Championship during Raven’s Nightmare, Total Impact laid out a challenge aimed to eradicate the core of the NWO: the Outsiders, once and for all. He was injured in a car accident facilitated by the Outsiders. Total Impact would defeat the Wolfpac at Starrcade.

Christian: – After an early loss to Triple H, Christian recovered in January 2002 to win the US Title and has dominated the US Title scene for most of the year. Christian has had different allies throughout his reign: The Quebecers and Rene Dupree (Dupree is still with him). He’s beaten challengers such as Test, Billy Kidman, and Booker T in title defenses. He lost the title to Kurt Angle at Cyberslam, but won it back on Nitro and is the current champion. Christian is slated to compete in the WrestleWar and has guaranteed victory all the while trying to avoid defending his US Title at all costs. DDP got the better of him at Starrcade, leaving Christian titleless

Chuck Palumbo: – Palumbo has struggled ever since partner Sean O’Haire turned against him and joined the NWO. Has had some matches with O’Haire since, but hasn’t been able to beat his former partner and friend. Has seemed to have patched things with him since O’Haire left the NWO

Cyrus: – Cyrus has returned to ECW and claims to have acquired the services of Sabu for his Cyrus Talent Agency…and has Justin Credible as well

Daffney: – Daffney debuted alongside Victoria and has been at ringside through Victoria’s rise to World Women’s Champion. Daffney has disagreed with Victoria’s post-match attacks though, and Victoria responded in an abusive manner towards her. Daffney had enough and finally attacked Victoria at Halloween Havoc, saving Molly Marvel. Daffney would lose to Victoria at November to Remember…although she scarred Victoria by throwing tacks in her face…and did it again to cost Victoria the Women’s Title against Gail Kim at Starrcade, then made the challenge for Kim’s title. Kim would retain

Dave Taylor: – Brought in by William Regal and Fit Finlay to help them when they were battling Monty Brown, Elix Skipper, and Shane Helms

Deacon Batista: – The enforcer of the Archdiocese of Dudleyville, OVW’s former Leviathan

Diamond Dallas Page: – DDP began as a commentator, but got involved in the Tajiri-William Regal-Torrie Wilson situation. Torrie would become one of his Diamond Dolls (Stacy Keibler would join later, and Torrie would leave for Kidman in the summer). DDP then also saved Stacy Keibler from the Dudleyz and received a huge assist from the Giant. DDP and Giant battled the Outsiders for most of the summer over the WCW World Tag Team titles, and almost won the WCW Title from HHH at Clash of Champions. Recently, due to the Giant’s frustration with not getting WCW World title shots, the Giant turned on DDP. The Giant took DDP out in their match at Halloween Havoc. DDP made his return on Nitro just twelve days before Wrestle War, saving Booker T from an attack from Triple H. With the Giant reappearing, DDP wants a rematch with him, but had to settle for becoming the #1 Contender to Christian’s US Title. He said he wasn’t done with the Giant…and seemingly had Giant beat on Nitro if it weren’t for Christian. DDP would defeat Christian at Starrcade to win the US Title, and made it clear he still had the WCW World Title set in his sights. There’s a new problem for DDP now, as he’s called out Jeff Jarrett and the New Age Outlaws. Jarrett and the Outlaws responded in kind by costing DDP the US Title. DDP would win the title back six days later…then tangled with Jarrett’s group again. DDP would drop the title to Jarrett right before Revenge

Eddie Guerrero: – Now clean and sober, Eddie Guerrero returned to major league pro wrestling by winning the vacant ECW TV Title at Barely Legal II. He feuded with Rob Van Dam over the summer, trading the ECW TV title with him and losing to RVD in RVD’s 1st PPV ECW World Title defense. Guerrero eventually got the better of RVD in a special ladder match where the winner got to have any match he wanted, although it seems like Commissioner Mick Foley isn’t able to deliver. Guerrero showed up on Nitro as a result and lost a highly competitive match with Kurt Angle in the main event. Mick Foley found a suitable substitute that Guerrero accepted for the November to Remember match: Stone Cold Steve Austin. Guerrero would fail in his attempt to defeat Austin. Guerrero put on a good performance in his War Rumble as he entered #1 and made it nearly to the end. He got revenge on the man who eliminated him, Ric Flair, two nights later by costing Flair the WCW World Title. Scored a pinfall on Flair on RISE as well, but couldn’t come up with the victory against him at Starrcade. Eddie is now teaming with his nephew Chavo and looks to get back gold, tag team gold

The Eliminators: – After reuniting in 2002 and getting split up by Raven later in the year, they’ve banded together once more as Saturn was able to break away from Raven. They have their eyes on the ECW World Tag Team Championship

Elix Skipper: – After winning a couple of matches against The Hurricane, he and Shane Helms joined forces to make an exciting tag team. Recently, Monty Brown joined them and they have their sights on the Archdiocese of Dudleyville. Thanks to Brown’s victory over Batista, the Six-Man Tag Team Match between these teams will take place at Starrcade and will be for the WCW World Tag Team Title. Unfortunately, The A.O.D. prevailed at Starrcade

Fit Finlay: – Brought in by William Regal to battle Diamond Dallas Page, Finlay and Regal then feuded in the spring. Regal would knock Finlay out in a match in May…but they’d get back together later in the year and now are a trio with David Taylor

Gail Kim: – The former La Felina was destroyed by Victoria in the summer, but her triumphant return as Gail Kim led to a Women’s War Rumble victory and a title shot at Starrcade 2002, which she won for her first world title. Kim would retain the title against Daffney and Victoria at Guilty As Charged

The Giant: – The Giant signed on with Shane McMahon in an announcement made at Starrcade 2001. Giant said one thing mattered to him: the WCW World Championship. He failed to win it at Souled Out against Kurt Angle and then ended up on a different path: helping Diamond Dallas Page win the WCW World Championship in his feud with the Dudley Boyz. Giant and DDP had two reigns over the summer as they feuded with the Outsiders, trading the titles. The Giant grew tired of waiting for another WCW World title shot after their victory over the NWO at War Games and eventually turned on DDP. Giant destroyed DDP at Halloween Havoc, but upon not receiving a title match seemingly walked out on Shane McMahon on Nitro. The Giant returned at the WrestleWar, injuring then-WCW World Champion Hulk Hogan before and after his failed title defense against Kurt Angle. The Giant showed he wasn’t done with DDP either as he attacked DDP after DDP’s match with Rene Dupree on Nitro. Hulk Hogan would return the next week to save DDP from Giant, and WCW Owner Shane McMahon announced that Hogan and Giant would clash at Starrcade. The Giant accomplished something he was never able to do in the past seven years when he pinned Hulk Hogan clean at Starrcade. He now has his sights set on the WCW World Championship once again

Hugh Morrus: – Has mostly been in the lower-mid card in the Alliance era. After a loss to Chuck Palumbo, Morrus said that he was “done with this Hugh Morrus shit”

Hulk Hogan: – He originally returned at Slamboree to cost Kurt Angle the WCW World Championship in his title defense against Triple H. After HHH turned the NWO against him, Hogan was out until the night after Cyberslam in early September. Hogan returned and led WCW in a victory over the NWO in War Games. This got him a title shot at Halloween Havoc, where Hogan defeated HHH to win the title. Hogan had previously promised Kurt Angle a title shot due to screwing him over at Slamboree, and that match will take place at WrestleWar. The Giant would attack Hogan before and after that match, and he cost Hogan the title against Kurt Angle. Hogan returned to Nitro to extract revenge on Giant, cementing their match at Starrcade. The Giant would kick out of the legdrop and pin Hogan at Starrcade, potentially killing Hulkamania once and for all

Ivory: – Competed in the original World Women’s Championship tournament, but we haven’t seen a lot of her overall

Jamie Noble: – Jamie Noble originally got a break to join the Alliance when he upset Curt Hennig. Ever since he has joined up with Kid Kash in a quest to win the ECW World Tag Team Title. They’ve been close (including a 30 minute classic against champions AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn at Hardcore Heaven), but haven’t won the titles. Noble and Kash would defeat RVD and Sabu, and Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles to finally win their first ECW World Tag Team Title at Starrcade, but lost them a month later

Jazz: – Former World Women’s Champion was beaten by Victoria in the summer and has been trying to win back the title ever since

Jeff Jarrett: – Jeff Jarrett returned to WCW in a big way, by taking out Stone Cold Steve Austin with a guitar and injuring his neck, perhaps for good. Jarrett, the New Age Outlaws, Ken Shamrock, and Vader have all banded together with Jim Cornette at the helm…their motivations are unclear. So far they’ve taken out Austin, DDP, Stacy Keibler and Total Impact. He leads a 5 man team against DDP’s 5 man team at Revenge. Jarrett quickly won gold as well, capturing the US title from DDP

Jerry Lynn: – Jerry Lynn took a liking to AJ Styles after watching him on Worldwide, taking him under his wing. This resulted in them winning the ECW World Tag Team Titles at Barely Legal II. They dominated the ECW Tag Team division for most of the year until losing the titles to Rob Van Dam and Sabu at November to Remember. They failed to regain the titles at Starrcade as Jamie Noble and Kid Kash won the three-way dance, and failed again at Guilty As Charged. He and AJ would regain the titles on RISE

Justin Credible: – After X-Factor fell apart once the NWO went down at Starrcade, Justin resurfaced as a member of the Cyrus Talent Agency

Juventud Guerrera: – The cruiserweight division got a big boost at SuperBrawl XII when Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera returned to WCW in a #1 Contender’s Match. Guerrera would lose that match but still be a top contender to the title thoughout the summer. He’d eventually form a trio with Psicosis and Essa Rios/Papi Chilo, but Chilo is out of the picture now

Ken Shamrock: – Shamrock returned to pro wrestling at the National level at Guilty As Charged, appearing as a member of Jeff Jarrett’s group and attacking Total Impact

Kevin Nash: – Kevin Nash showed up at Slamboree as a member of the NWO, costing Kurt Angle the WCW World Championship. Nash and Scott Hall have been two of the faces of the NWO since, helping Triple H retain the WCW titles at all costs. He and Scott Hall managed to win the WCW World Tag Team Title before dropping it back to DDP and the Giant at Cyberslam. Total Impact would dominate the Wolfpac at Starrcade, leaving the state of NWO Wolfpac unknown

Kid Kash: – Kid Kash and Jamie Noble originally got together to deal with R-Killa and Mark Henry and ever since have tried to win the ECW World Tag Team Title.. They’ve been close (including a 30 minute classic against champions AJ Styles and Jerry Lynn at Hardcore Heaven), but haven’t won the titles. Noble and Kash would defeat RVD and Sabu, and Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles to finally win their first ECW World Tag Team Title at Starrcade, but lost them a month later

Kronik: – Clarke and Adams have broken away from Raven’s stable and now look to destroy Raven

Kurt Angle: – Angle won the WCW World Championship the night after Starrcade 2001, beating and crippling Ric Flair. After managing defenses against The Giant, Triple H, Stone Cold Steve Austin, and Lance Storm, Angle would finally fall to Triple H at Slamboree thanks to the New World Order. Angle has essentially feuded with the New World Order since, which included beating Curt Hennig in a cage on Nitro. After a win against the NWO's Sean O’Haire at Halloween Havoc, Angle finds himself in position to win back the WCW Title at WrestleWar. He’s also had a bit of an adversarial issue with Booker T. Angle beat Booker T back at Starrcade 2001, but at Cyberslam 2002 the fans chose Booker unanimously to face Triple H for the WCW Title, something that seems to still bug Angle. Perhaps that doesn’t matter anymore as Angle would defeat Hulk Hogan to get his WCW World Title back at WrestleWar…but would drop it to Booker T at Starrcade. To get a rematch, it looks like he’ll have to defeat the man he beat for the WCW World Title the night after Starrcade 2002: Ric Flair

Lance Storm: – Storm formed a trio with Mike Awesome and Justin Credible called Total Impact and ran over the likes of Tommy Dreamer and Sandman for a few months before Kurt Angle gave him the match of a lifetime: a WCW World Title Match on Pay-Per-View at Uncensored. Storm wouldn’t win the title, and that led to an extended feud with Angle. Things changed when the NWO invaded ECW and Justin Credible turned his back on the team. Chris Candido would join the team and they’ve been feuding with the NWO and NWO allies ever since. After the Outsiders cost Lance Storm the ECW World Championship during Raven’s Nightmare, Total Impact laid out a challenge aimed to eradicate the core of the NWO: the Outsiders, once and for all. Total Impact would emerge victorious at Starrcade.

Little Guido: – The leader of the Full-Blooded Italians. His group has taken payoffs for jobs…although they haven’t always went well. Had a shot at the Cruiserweight title at November to Remember, but didn’t walk away with gold.

Mick Foley: – Mick Foley returned to ECW to support his friend, Terry Funk. That led to a confrontation with ECW World Champion Brock Lesnar. With the blessing of Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, Cactus Jack returned to and faced Lesnar for the ECW World Championship at Barely Legal II, but came up short. Foley returned in the summer to become Stephanie McMahon’s ECW Commissioner, replacing General Manager Paul Heyman. He has seemed to be especially tough on the top bad guys on the brand, specifically Eddie Guerrero and Raven. At Starrcade, Raven would attack Mick Foley…and Foley would get hit with an inadvertent GORE from Rhyno in the ECW World Title match at Starrcade. After Rhyno’s loss, Rhyno would GORE down Mick Foley again. Foley would make the deciding three count at Guilty As Charged…which resulted in a new ECW World Champion. He will referee the Rhyno-Raven ECW Title match at Revenge

Mike Awesome: – Awesome formed a trio with Lance Storm and Justin Credible called Total Impact and ran over the likes of Tommy Dreamer and Sandman for a few months before battling Kurt Angle and the Eliminators. When the New World Order invaded ECW and Justin Credible turned on the group, Total Impact became fan favorites. Chris Candido would replace Credible and they would battle against NWO allies the FBI and the newly formed X-Factor. After the Outsiders cost him the ECW World Championship during Raven’s Nightmare, Total Impact laid out a challenge aimed to eradicate the core of the NWO: the Outsiders, once and for all. Total Impact would beat the Wolfpac at Starrcade. He would defeat his stablemates at Guilty As Charged to become the #1 Contender to the ECW World Championship

Molly Marvel: – The former Mighty Molly reinvented herself and was the inaugural World Women’s Champion. She would lose it to Jazz and has been trying to win it back ever since

Monty Brown: – Monty Brown is part of a trio with Elix Skipper and Shane Helms and recently just debuted to help them against William Regal, Dave Taylor, and Fit Finlay. Fun babyface trio. Due to Brown’s victory over Deacon Batista, Brown, Skipper, and Helms have a chance to win the WCW World Tag Team Title in a Six-Man Tag Team Match against the Archdiocese of Dudleyville. Unfortunately, the A.O.D. would retain the title at Starrcade

Nova: – Tonight was a bit of a serious turn for Nova, who had been part of the comical Blue World Order for most of the summer

Paul Heyman: – He started out as the General Manager for ECW until ECW Owner Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley fired him bias concerns. These concerns were due to Heyman managing Brock Lesnar, Shelton Benjamin, and C.W. Anderson at the same time. Heyman left ECW for WCW with Lesnar and remains his manager/agent.

The Phoenix: – Talented youngster who has mainly wrestled in Canada. Has had a few battles with rival La Felina in Alliance. Competed in the original World Women’s Championship tournament

Psicosis: – The cruiserweight division got a big boost at SuperBrawl XII when Psicosis and Juventud Guerrera returned to WCW in a #1 Contender’s Match. Psicosis would win the match and win the title the next night, but would then lose it to Rey Mysterio Jr. at Barely Legal II. He and Guerrera formed a trio with Essa Rios/Papi Chilo, although now he’s out of the picture

R-Killa: – Ron Killings debuted in early 2002 in ECW as R-Killa and quickly former a team with Mark Henry. Killa and Henry would shortly become ECW World Tag Team Champions and also instigated a feud with Harlem Heat, specifically Booker T. R-Killa and Booker T feuded throughout the summer, ultimately leading to a (real) Harlem Street Fight where Booker left R-Killa lying on the street at Anarchy Rulz. R-Killa would reemerge and goad Booker T into a WCW World Title match…although Booker would retain the title at Guilty As Charged. Due to his performance, Shane McMahon would recruit him to WCW the next night.

Raven: – Raven put together a group of “warriors” to help him fight a “war” against him that was coming. The first iteration of the group wasn’t much, but as of Anarchy Rulz (After a Buried Alive victory over Mortis) the new version of the warriors: Perry Saturn, Terri Runnels, Tajiri, Mikey Whipwreck, Crush, Malice, and Wrath, have dominated ECW. Raven would win the ECW World Championship at Fall Brawl. Commissioner Mick Foley has tried to even the odds as Raven uses his warriors to interfere in matches and take out his enemies. He was pinned by Rey Mysterio Jr. on the RISE before November to Remember. Survived Rey’s challenge at November to Remember. Raven would survive Rhyno’s challenge for the ECW World Championship at Starrcade. His warriors are now divided…and Raven would lose the Extreme Brawl, and the ECW Title, to Rhyno. He will get his rematch at Revenge.

Rene Dupree: – The 18 year old French phenom has been a heavy for Christian…and is completely smitten with Torrie Wilson

Rey Mysterio Jr.: – Returned to WCW/ECW at Barely Legal II when he defeated long time rival Psicosis to win the World Cruiserweight Championship. Has mostly wrestled on ECW shows, although he’s made some WCW appearances. He’s feuded with another long-time rival in Eddie Guerrero throughout the summer and beat Guerrero for his first open weight major singles championship: the ECW TV Title. Had two dream matches with Sabu, the second of which saw Sabu take the TV title at Cyberslam. Rey is set for his second ever shot at the ECW World Championship at November to Remember against Raven. His first was a loss in a valiant effort against Brock Lesnar at the Great American Bash. Unfortunately, he lost to Raven at N2R. Rey is now the #1 Contender to Ultimo Dragon’s Cruiserweight Championship after beating Kidman on Nitro

Rhyno: – Injured at the end of the InVasion storyline, Rhyno was the last ECW World Champion when ECW closed it doors in the beginning of 2001. Due to his neck injury, he was forced to relinquish the championship. On the inaugural episode of RISE in December of 2001, Rhyno showed up to give up the title…but said that he’d be back to “fucking kill” whomever the ECW World Champion is. Looks like Raven is the lucky man. Rhyno waved his right to sue ECW if he were to get injured again, opening the door to his victory in the Extreme Brawl on RISE to earn a shot at Raven’s title at Starrcade. Rhyno would fail in his attempt to win the title at Starrcade, accidentally GORING Mick Foley in the process. He seemingly blamed Mick too as he would hit him with another GORE afterwards. Rhyno would emerge victorious in the Extreme Brawl at Guilty As Charged, regaining the title he never lost: the ECW World Championship. He now will defend that title against Raven at Revenge

Ric Flair: – Flair won his 17th World Championship from Stone Cold at Starrcade 2001…but lost it the next night to Kurt Angle. Angle injured Flair’s ankle and it was thought we’d never see Flair again, until Flair appeared in a War Rumble. Flair just fell short of winning it too as he lost to Brock Lesnar. His return title match against Kurt Angle two nights later ended in DQ thanks to Eddie Guerrero. Flair would defeat Guerrero at Starrcade 2002, then challenge Kurt Angle for a match for Revenge

Rob Van Dam: – Rob Van Dam’s dream to finally win the ECW World Championship came true after a grueling nine month journey. After coming up short against Brock Lesnar at Starrcade 2001 for the vacant title, it took RVD until Anarchy Rulz to get a one-on-one rematch, this time in a Barbed Wire Steel Cage, to beat Lesnar and win the title. He added a TV title reign over the summer too. RVD is the only person to actually beat Brock Lesnar, and he did it twice (tag match at Slamboree and at Anarchy Rulz, both by pinfall). He has since dropped the ECW Title to Raven, but is a champion once again as he and Sabu knocked off Jerry Lynn and AJ Styles for the ECW tag straps at November to Remember. Just fell short at the WrestleWar’s Final Battle against Booker T. RVD and Sabu ended up dropping the ECW World Tag Team Titles in a Three-Way to Kid Kash and Jamie Noble. His attention has turned back to the ECW World Championship. Issues with Sabu cost him a chance to win the title at Guilty As Charged. An errant Van Daminator that hit Sabu has reignited their feud once more.

The Sandman: – ECW icon still showed up from time to time to thwart the bad guys in ECW like the Dudleys and the FBI. Was driven through a flaming table by Deacon Batista of the Archdiocese of Dudleyville at November to Remember

Sabu: – Sabu returned to ECW to help RVD in his battles with Brock Lesnar. He ended up clashing with RVD and even beat him at Barely Legal II. Bill Alfonso was able to reunite the two though and they’ve been allies ever since. Brock Lesnar defeated Sabu in a Barbed Wire ECW World Title match, and since then Sabu has primarily wrestled for the TV Title. Sabu had a couple of dream matches with Rey Mysterio Jr. which ultimately got Sabu the TV title, but he lost it to Tajiri at Fall Brawl. He and RVD regained the ECW Tag titles at November to Remember. RVD and Sabu ended up dropping the ECW World Tag Team Titles in a Three-Way to Kid Kash and Jamie Noble. Issues with RVD cost him a chance to win the title at Guilty As Charged. RVD would accidentally hit him with a Van Daminator on RISE…likely fracturing the friendship for good. Cyrus announced that Sabu has been signed to his new Talent Agency...whatever that means

Scott Hall: – Scott Hall surprised everyone and showed up in the Barely Legal II ECW TV Title battle royal, although he failed to win the title. What was thought to be a cameo turned out to be a full blown return when he reformed the NWO and cost Kurt Angle the WCW World Championship at Slamboree. Hall and Nash added another WCW World Tag Team Championship to their resume over the summer as well, although they dropped the title back to DDP and Giant at Cyberslam. Total Impact would dominate the Wolfpac at Starrcade, leaving the state of NWO Wolfpac unknown

Scott Steiner: – Scott Steiner showed up in a War Rumble as a member of the New World Order, but he fell short of winning as he was eliminated by Booker T. It became more than a cameo eight nights later when he attacked Sean O’Haire to defend HHH and the NWO. Sean O’Haire got his revenge at Starrcade, easily defeating Steiner. Steiner would get another crack at O’Haire on Nitro, but O’Haire easily dispatched him once again

Sean O’Haire: – Originally O’Haire teamed with partner Chuck Palumbo before turning to the New World Order. O’Haire has been positioned as the future of the NWO, but it’s not clear what that actually means with Triple H in charge. Previous interim WCW President Roddy Piper was a big fan of his, but O’Haire ultimately would powerbomb Piper through a table, taking him out. After losses to Kurt Angle and Booker T, as well as several mistakes trying to help Triple H, WCW owner Shane McMahon put together a match where O’Haire would face HHH with a #15 spot in a War Rumble going to the winner (and a #1 spot to the loser). In a shocking upset, O’Haire pinned HHH almost completely clean to win the match. HHH played him in the War Rumble though…but O’Haire got his revenge by not stopping Sting when Sting appeared two nights later and cost HHH a match against Booker T. O’Haire aligned himself with Booker T and Kurt Angle the next week, separating himself from the NWO for good. Sean O’Haire now has to deal with the man who replaced him in the NWO, Scott Steiner. O’Haire would defeat Steiner in minutes. Eric Bischoff dangled a match with the banned Triple H at Revenge…which Shane McMahon reluctantly granted

Shane Helms: – After some losses to Elix Skipper, he and Skipper joined forces to make an exciting tag team. Recently, Monty Brown joined them and they have their sights on the Archdiocese of Dudleyville. Thanks to Brown’s victory over Batista, the Six-Man Tag Team Match between these teams will take place at Starrcade and will be for the WCW World Tag Team Title. Unfortunately, the A.O.D. would retain the title at Starrcade

Shane McMahon: – WCW Owner who has clashed with Triple H, even losing a Last Man Standing Match to him back at Uncensored in April. Shane has been supporting WCW’s top contenders in defeating HHH for the WCW title, which happened at Halloween Havoc. With the NWO’s future likely in limbo with HHH’s loss at Starrcade, Shane McMahon will look to build a new future of WCW around new champion Booker T

Shawn Michaels: – Shawn Michaels joined his friends in the New World Order the night after Slamboree, helping Triple H wrest the faction from Hulk Hogan. HBK has been at ringside for many of HHH’s matches, causing trouble wherever he could. But things changed when Sting arrived at Halloween Havoc. Sting’s interference cost HHH not only the WCW World Title at Halloween Havoc, but again a month later in a #1 Contender’s Match against Booker T. Sting revealed that his target was Michaels. Shawn Michaels accepted the challenge and will face Sting in a Dream Match at Starrcade. In a 30-minute classic, HBK showed he still had what it took to be one of the top guys in the industry, but he ultimately fell to Sting at Starrcade

Shelton Benjamin: – Benjamin debuted as Brock Lesnar’s Mystery Partner back at SuperBrawl XII in Lesnar’s battle against Rob Van Dam and Sabu. Benjamin got some solid wins in his early ECW career, but it was clear he wasn’t a priority for Paul Heyman. Now in the post-Heyman ECW, Benjamin has made a point to take care of business for himself. This led to winning his first major championship, the ECW TV Title, at Halloween Havoc 2002. He faced off with his former friend and teammate Brock Lesnar at November to Remember, but failed to walk away with a victory. Benjamin helped lead his team to victory over Raven’s Warriors

Stephanie McMahon: – The owner of ECW realizes she’d never be accepted by ECW fans, so installed Mick Foley as ECW Commissioner and took a behind the scenes approach to running the company. Differences with Triple H led to their divorce over the summer

Stevie Ray: – Booker T’s brother and one-half of Harlem Heat. He’s aided his brother in battles against the likes of R-Killa, Brock Lesnar, and the New World Order. Most recently he was blasted over the head with a sledgehammer by Triple H…although he showed up to help his brother hold onto his title shot in a match with HHH. Celebrated with his brother after Booker T won the WCW World Championship at Starrcade

Sting: – After tormenting Triple H (and costing HHH the WCW World Title), it turns out Sting’s target was not HHH, but Shawn Michaels. Sting laid out the challenge to HBK for Starrcade, and on the 12/16 Nitro Shawn Michaels accepted, leading to the Dream Match. Sting proved he could beat Shawn Michaels when he did at Starrcade 2002. Sting returned once again a few weeks later with the WCW World Championship on his mind.

Stone Cold Steve Austin: – The first WCW World Champion of the Alliance Era has struggled ever since being crowned champion. After losing the title to Ric Flair at Starrcade 2001, Austin has battled the likes of Kurt Angle and Triple H in trying to regain the title, to no avail. Before he challenged Eddie Guerrero on RISE in November, Austin was last seen battling Triple H for the WCW World Title in a Triple Cage Match at the Great American Bash, a match he’d lose. Austin claimed that Guerrero has the fire he needs to get back to being Stone Cold, and Austin would defeat him at N2R. Austin would be eliminated by Brock Lesnar in a War Rumble, but Austin took exception to Lesnar’s post-elimination antics…and in turn cost him the Final Battle. Austin accepted a challenge from Lesnar for a match at Starrcade. Austin put up a hell of a fight, but Lesnar would beat Austin and leave Austin battered and beaten. Austin announced his retirement the next night…before Jeff Jarrett arrived and took him out with a guitar, seemingly causing a severe neck injury.

Super Crazy: – Cruiserweight Champion who has traded the title with Tajiri in the summer and has regularly defended the title, but lost it in a three-way at November to Remember against Tajiri and Little Guido

Tajiri: – Tajiri started off as a pawn for William Regal as Regal looked to break up Tajiri and his girlfriend Torrie Wilson. Tajiri would turn on Wilson though, leading to a sinister heel turn. He briefly would join the Sinister Minister is his feud against Raven, but would end up joining Raven too at Anarchy Rulz. Won the Cruiserweight title back at November to Remember, but dropped it to Ultimo Dragon at Starrcade. Tajiri, trying to protect friend Mikey Whipwreck, turned on Raven on RISE…only for Whipwreck to turn on him. Tajiri would not win the title at Guilty As Charged, but he did get some more shots in on Raven

Tazz: – Tazz started the Alliance era strong when he captured the US Title from Kurt Angle back in December 2001, but neck injuries slowed him down. An ECW World Title loss to Brock Lesnar at Uncensored 2002 began the fall, and Shelton Benjamin finished off his career at Barely Legal II. Tazz now works commentary with Joey Styles

Test: – The Alliance Era has been a mixed bag for Test. He started off as ECW Owner Shane McMahon’s bodyguard, but quickly was taken out by the Giant. Ever since he’s been in the middle of the card, recently losing matches to Billy Kidman. He did pick up a win against Meng

Tommy Dreamer: – ECW loyalist shows up from time to time to defend ECW and fend off rivals such as Raven and the Dudleys. Was driven through a flaming table by Deacon Batista of the Archdiocese of Dudleyville at November to Remember.

Triple H: – Recovering from a quadriceps tear, HHH was a special acquisition to the Alliance from Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley and debuted at Starrcade 2001 with a win over Christian. After feuding with Steve Austin, HHH would win the WCW World Championship from Kurt Angle at Slamboree thanks to assistance from the original three of the New World Order. This was a trap though, as HHH, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, and Shawn Michaels would blindside Hulk Hogan the night after Starrcade and create a Green and Black version (which also led to a divorce with Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley). HHH had fended off all challengers for his WCW Title (a list that included Diamond Dallas Page, The Giant, Kurt Angle, Steve Austin in a Triple Cage Match, and Booker T). His NWO lost War Games though, and by extension HHH lost the title to Hogan at Halloween Havoc. HHH’s hold on the New World Order is in jeopardy as he was shockingly beaten by Sean O’Haire on Nitro. HHH fell short in the War Rumble, making it to the end but losing to Rob Van Dam. Two nights later HHH challenged Booker T for his WrestleWar title shot…but would lose after Sting reappeared. After learning Sting was after Shawn Michaels, HHH fired the last bullet in his gun, offering his WCW career in exchange for getting added to the WCW World Championship Match at Starrcade…a move that would cost him his Alliance career as he failed to win the match. Eric Bischoff has helped HHH gain one more WCW match against Sean O’Haire at Revenge. If the Game can win…he’ll be re-instated.

Ultimo Dragon: – Ultimo Dragon has won a chance at Tajiri’s World Cruiserweight Championship at Starrcade, and converted that opportunity into his first title reign in over four years. Now, he must face perhaps his greatest rival in a title defense at Revenge: Rey Mysterio Jr.

Victoria: – Victoria debuted alongside Daffney and ran through the Women’s division, quickly becoming World Women’s Champion. She’s been abusive of Daffney though when Daffney attempted to stop Victoria during post-match attacks, but Daffney stood up to her at Halloween Havoc. Victoria survived a surprisingly violent encounter with Daffney at November to Remember 2002 and again on RISE three days later. Months ago she destroyed La Felina and stole her mask…but Felina has returned as Gail Kim and the two women will face one another at Starrcade for the World Women’s Title. Kim would defeat Victoria…with a little help from Daffney

William Regal: – Former WCW commissioner had an on-and-off feud with Fit Finlay throughout the summer. He now teams with him and David Taylor to form a heel trio. Lost former protégé Tajiri to the Sinister Minister, and then to Raven

Upcoming Pay-Per-View

WCW/ECW Revenge 2003 – February 2, 2003

WCW World Championship: Four Corner Match (One Fall)

Booker T © vs. Brock Lesnar vs. The Giant vs. Sting

ECW World Championship – Special Guest Referee: Mick Foley
Rhyno © vs. Raven

#1 Contender for the WCW World Championship
Kurt Angle vs. Ric Flair

If Triple H Wins he is Re-Instated into Alliance
Sean O’Haire vs. Triple H

WCW World Tag Team Championship
The Archdiocese of Dudleyville © vs. Los Guerreros

World Cruiserweight Championship
Utlimo Dragon © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Ten Man Tag Team War
Diamond Dallas Page, R-Killa, Chris Candido, Lance Storm, and Mike Awesome vs. Jeff Jarrett, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Ken Shamrock, and Vader

WCW/ECW SuperBrawl XIII – March 2, 2003

WCW World Championship

Winner of Four-Way at Revenge © vs. Kurt Angle or Ric Flair

ECW World Championship
Rhyno or Raven © vs. Mike Awesome

Last edited:


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WCW/ECW Revenge 2003
Preview and Predictions

Mike Tenay: “Hello everyone, it’s the Professor Mike Tenay here to bring you a preview of the matches that will take place tomorrow night at Revenge. Revenge takes place live on Pay-Per-View tomorrow night, February 2 at 7:30 PM, Eastern Time, 6:30 PM Central. Let’s get right to it!”

Ten Man Tag Team Match
Diamond Dallas Page, R-Killa, Mike Awesome, Lance Storm, and Chris Candido vs. The Syndicate (Jeff Jarrett, Road Dogg, Billy Gunn, Ken Shamrock, and Vader)

Mike Tenay: “It was a shocking moment, the night after Starrcade, when Jeff Jarrett took out Stone Cold Steve Austin with a guitar. Jarrett, alongside several stars of the wrestling business of the past five years, has run roughshod over WCW since. The Syndicate has also broken a guitar over Diamond Dallas Page’s Diamond Doll Stacy Keibler’s head, led an all-out assault on Total Impact, and help Jarrett steal the US Title from Page. Shane McMahon, fearful of another New World Order emerging, put together a team to take down the Jarrett Syndicate. DDP was the first to sign-up, motivated by the idea of stopping another potential supergroup and his past issues with Jarrett. Shane McMahon, friendly with Total Impact, recruited Mike Awesome, Chris Candido, and Lance Storm to help as well. Lastly, McMahon granted R-Killa a WCW roster spot in exchange for helping in this war. Ten men are looking to carve a place in the wrestling industry in 2003, we’ll see which ones survive this tag team war.”

World Cruiserweight Championship
Ultimo Dragon © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.

Mike Tenay: “There may not be any better cruiserweights in the world than the two who will face one another at Revenge. Ultimo Dragon returned to professional wrestling after a four-year layoff due to a nerve injury. The Dragon has come back perhaps better than ever, winning the World Cruiserweight Championship from Tajiri at Starrcade. The Dragon has defeated all comers so far, but he now faces perhaps the all-time greatest cruiserweight in Rey Mysterio Jr.. These men have faced each other for Cruiserweight gold before, and they’ll get a chance to renew their rivalry for Cruiserweight gold once again.”

WCW World Tag Team Championship
The Archdiocese of Dudleyville © vs. Los Guerreros

Mike Tenay: “The religiously reformed Dudley Boyz have dominated the tag team division since they won the titles last October. Los Guerreros emerged as unlikely challengers. Eddie Guerrero wrestled two of the biggest matches of his career towards the end of 2002…but he would lose to Stone Cold Steve Austin at November to Remember and to Ric Flair at Starrcade. Eddie would also accidentally cost his nephew, Chavo, the World Cruiserweight Championship. His confidence may have been shaken, but he and Chavo still managed to win a four-way match to earn this World Tag Team Title opportunity. But the Archdiocese smell blood. The Dudleyz have managed to hold onto their titles against teams such as Shane Helms and Elix Skipper. They have promised that Los Guerreros will repent…can the Guerreros end the Dudley reign and become champions?”

No Disqualification – If Triple H Wins, He Gets Re-Instated to Alliance
Sean O’Haire vs. Triple H

Mike Tenay: Triple H’s New World Order dominated the Alliance throughout 2002. But it was at Starrcade where Triple H put his Alliance career on the line for one last shot at the WCW World Championship. Triple H would lose that match, getting pinned by Booker T, seemingly ending his reign of terror. But former NWO member Sean O’Haire felt he had unfinished with Triple H, leading to tonight’s contest. O’Haire had defeated HHH before on the Nitro before WrestleWar, but HHH would trick O’Haire in the WrestleWar Match itself, leading to O’Haire turning on the NWO the next night on Nitro. O’Haire looked to extract revenge on Triple H, but HHH recruited Scott Steiner to stand in the way. O’Haire dispatched Steiner at Starrcade, but by then it was too late, HHH had been banned from Alliance. Triple H’s head representative, Eric Bischoff, took notice that O’Haire wanted one last chance at Triple H, even if he had to leave Alliance to get that match. WCW Owner Shane McMahon, not wanting to lose O’Haire from the roster, granted O’Haire the match…but unfortunately that came with a condition for Triple H. That condition is as follows: if Triple H can beat O’Haire, HHH will be re-instated into Alliance. With the match all set, HHH took things a step further, running over O’Haire with a car on the most recent Nitro, and reportedly O’Haire suffered a couple of broken ribds. O’Haire has vowed to show up at Revenge nonetheless and finish off Triple H once and for all.”

#1 Contender for the WCW World Championship (Winner Gets the Shot at SuperBrawl XIII)
Kurt Angle vs. Ric Flair

Mike Tenay: “This rivalry goes back over a year, to the night after Starrcade 2001. An overconfident Ric Flair, just one night after defeating Stone Cold Steve Austin for his 17th World Championship, was challenged by the #1 Contender Kurt Angle for a title match that very night. Angle would snap Flair’s ankle in the match and win the title. It was thought that Flair’s illustrious career was over and that it was Angle who would career WCW into the Alliance era. But Flair would return at the WrestleWar eleven months later. Angle and Flair would face off for the WCW World Championship the next night, but interference from Eddie Guerrero led to a no contest. Flair would dispatch Guerrero at Starrcade 2002, then set his sights back on the WCW World Title. With Angle reeling from losing that title at Starrcade, Flair stepped in, declaring himself first in line for a title shot. Angle, who hadn’t received his title rematch, said he would be up first. The two will go one-on-one once again. Is Flair destined for world title #18…or has this just been a hiccup in the Angle Era of the Alliance?”


Mike Tenay:
“In Philadelphia right now is the voice of ECW, Joey Styles, to tell us about the ECW World Championship match at Revenge!

Joey Styles: “Thank you, Mike!

ECW World Championship – Mick Foley is the Special Referee
Rhyno © vs. Raven

Joey Styles: “The war over the ECW World Championship between Rhyno and Raven comes to a head at Revenge. Before the Alliance former, during a time where it was thought that ECW was dead, over, finished…Rhyno held the honor of being the last man to hold the ECW World Championship when he beat The Sandman at the old ECW’s last Pay-Per-View event: Guilty As Charged 2001. But when ECW RISE went on the air for the first time, a champion was needed. Rhyno, the recognized champion at the time, had surgery to fuse two herniated discs in his neck. Paul Heyman forced Rhyno, who was less than three weeks removed from the aforementioned surgery, to come onto the debut episode of ECW RISE and forfeit the ECW World Championship. Rhyno reluctantly did so, but promised Heyman, and this is an exact quote, that he would “fucking kill” whoever was the ECW World Champion upon his return. Who was that man? It was one of the most detestable human beings on this planet: Raven. At November to Remember just a few months ago, Rhyno returned, taking Raven out and declaring that he was coming for the title. After some legal wrangling with Commissioner Mick Foley, Rhyno would get his shot, but due to some unintentional interference from the commissioner, Raven would retain the title at Starrcade…but Rhyno was relentless. Rhyno would emerge victorious in the Extreme Brawl at Guilty As Charged 2003, winning the ECW World Championship at a Guilty As Charged event for the second time. This one had controversy too as Commissioner Foley counted the fall on Raven that gave the title to Rhyno. Now, there’s no question. Mick Foley is the assigned referee. Rhyno defends the title against Raven, with the winner not only walking away with the ECW World Championship…but also looking forward to a SuperBrawl date with Mike Awesome.”

WCW World Championship – One Fall
Booker T © vs. Brock Lesnar vs. The Giant vs. Sting

Mike Tenay: “It was perhaps the biggest night in Booker T’s life when he walked away at Starrcade as WCW World Champion. A year long feud with R-Killa only strengthened Booker’s resolve, and a victory over Kurt Angle at Starrcade 2002 was revenge for his loss to Angle the year prior. Booker came out of the gate as a fighting champion, fending off challenges such as Christian and R-Killa. But new challengers emerged, all with impressive victories at Starrcade. Brock Lesnar had one of the all-time great rookie years in professional wrestling history. Lesnar held the ECW World Championship for most of 2002, before transitioning to WCW. Lesnar would defeat Booker T himself at Halloween Havoc, then destroyed Stone Cold Steve Austin in what likely will be Austin’s last match at Starrcade. Paul Heyman claimed that those two victories alone made Lesnar the #1 contender. But The Giant also had a strong case. Giant, still frustrated that he didn’t get to Ric Flair first the year prior, had been chasing the WCW World Championship all year. Giant felt that Hulk Hogan stood in his way, and at Starrcade he might have ended Hulkamania for good with the chokeslam. Giant has been all over Booker T since, looking for that one-on-one title shot that he feels has eluded him. Then there is Sting. Sting shockingly returned to WCW at Halloween Havoc, which led to the Dream Match against Shawn Michaels at Starrcade. Sting emerged victorious, then decided that perhaps he wasn’t quite done just yet. Sting laid down his claim for the WCW World Championship, resulting in his Fatal-Four Way Match. Four men more than deserving to be champion…but only one can leave with the title.”

Current Prediction Contest Standings

@Dubb : 1157
@Roy Mustang : 1151
@DGenerationMC : 1105
@MTK36 : 588
@BattleTank : 145
@Wolf Beast 140
@White Rhyno : 125
@Tranquilo Jay : 110
@KingBoggs23 : 90
@Stojy : 90
@Mach : 90
@DakotaNorth : 85
Daken: 60
@Tyronesaurus24 : 60
@Order: 40

There will be spots to use points in the future (including Cyberslam 2003!) There is a 25% bonus (rounded up) for being the winner for the show. A perfect show will result in a 50% bonus.

I plan to post the show on 3/15.

Revenge 2003 Prediction Contest

WCW World Championship

Booker T © vs. The Giant vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Sting
(50 Points)

ECW World Championship – Mick Foley is the Special Guest Referee
Rhyno © vs. Raven
(35 Points)

#1 Contender for the WCW World Championship
Ric Flair vs. Kurt Angle
(35 Points)

No Disqualification - If Triple H Wins, He Gets Re-Instated to Alliance
Triple H vs. Sean O’Haire
(30 Points)

Ten Man Tag Team War
The Syndicate (Jeff Jarrett, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, Vader, and Ken Shamrock) vs. R-Killa, Diamond Dallas Page, and Total Impact
(25 Points)

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Brother Bubba and Reverend D-Von © vs. Los Guerreros
(15 Points)

World Cruiserweight Championship
Ultimo Dragon © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
(10 Points)​
Last edited:
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Sep 17, 2022
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Favorite Sports Team
No explanations needed, let's go!

WCW World Championship
Booker T © vs. The Giant vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Sting
(50 Points)

ECW World Championship – Mick Foley Referee
Rhyno ©
vs. Raven
(35 Points)

#1 Contender for the WCW World Championship
Ric Flair vs. Kurt Angle
(35 Points)

No Disqualification - If Triple H Wins, He Gets Re-Instated to Alliance
Triple H
vs. Sean O’Haire
(30 Points)

Ten Man Tag Team War
The Syndicate (Jeff Jarrett, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, Vader, and Ken Shamrock)
vs. R-Killa, Diamond Dallas Page, and Total Impact
(25 Points)

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Brother Bubba and Reverend D-Von © vs. Los Guerreros
(15 Points)

World Cruiserweight Championship
Ultimo Dragon © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
(10 Points)
  • Love
Reactions: RDT


Sep 14, 2022
Reaction score
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Wrestler
Favorite Sports Team
Favorite Sports Team
WCW World Championship
Booker T © vs. The Giant vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Sting
(50 Points)

ECW World Championship – Mick Foley Referee
Rhyno ©
vs. Raven
(35 Points)

#1 Contender for the WCW World Championship
Ric Flair vs. Kurt Angle
(35 Points)

No Disqualification - If Triple H Wins, He Gets Re-Instated to Alliance
Triple H
vs. Sean O’Haire
(30 Points)

Ten Man Tag Team War
The Syndicate (Jeff Jarrett, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, Vader, and Ken Shamrock)
vs. R-Killa, Diamond Dallas Page, and Total Impact
(25 Points)

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Brother Bubba and Reverend D-Von ©
vs. Los Guerreros
(15 Points)

World Cruiserweight Championship
Ultimo Dragon © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
(10 Points)
  • Love
Reactions: RDT


Sep 25, 2022
Reaction score
WCW World Championship
Booker T ©
vs. The Giant vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Sting

ECW World Championship – Mick Foley Referee
Rhyno ©
vs. Raven

#1 Contender for the WCW World Championship
Ric Flair vs. Kurt Angle

No Disqualification - If Triple H Wins, He Gets Re-Instated to Alliance
Triple H
vs. Sean O’Haire

Ten Man Tag Team War
The Syndicate (Jeff Jarrett, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, Vader, and Ken Shamrock)
vs. R-Killa, Diamond Dallas Page, and Total Impact

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Brother Bubba and Reverend D-Von ©
vs. Los Guerreros

World Cruiserweight Championship
Ultimo Dragon ©
vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
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Roy Mustang

Well-Known Member
Aug 21, 2019
Reaction score
Revenge 2003 Prediction Contest

WCW World Championship
Booker T ©
vs. The Giant vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Sting
(50 Points)

ECW World Championship – Mick Foley is the Special Guest Referee
Rhyno ©
vs. Raven
(35 Points)

#1 Contender for the WCW World Championship
Ric Flair vs. Kurt Angle
(35 Points)

No Disqualification - If Triple H Wins, He Gets Re-Instated to Alliance
Triple H
vs. Sean O’Haire
(30 Points)

Ten Man Tag Team War
The Syndicate (Jeff Jarrett, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, Vader, and Ken Shamrock)
vs. R-Killa, Diamond Dallas Page, and Total Impact
(25 Points)

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Brother Bubba and Reverend D-Von ©
vs. Los Guerreros
(15 Points)

World Cruiserweight Championship
Ultimo Dragon © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
(10 Points)
  • Love
Reactions: RDT


Well-Known Member
Nov 14, 2020
Reaction score
Revenge 2003 Prediction Contest

WCW World Championship
Booker T ©
vs. The Giant vs. Brock Lesnar vs. Sting
After getting over R Killa, Booker wins this and then gets into his first MAJOR one on one title feud.
(50 Points)

ECW World Championship – Mick Foley is the Special Guest Referee
Rhyno ©
vs. Raven
Makes sense. Foley/Raven and Rhyno/Awesome feels like a good way to go.
(35 Points)

#1 Contender for the WCW World Championship
Ric Flair vs. Kurt Angle
I love Flair, but he probably shouldn't be beating Angle in 2003.
(35 Points)

No Disqualification - If Triple H Wins, He Gets Re-Instated to Alliance
Triple H vs. Sean O’Haire
Officially ending Triple H's career feels like an epic thing for O'Haire to hang his hat on.
(30 Points)

Ten Man Tag Team War
The Syndicate (Jeff Jarrett, Billy Gunn, Road Dogg, Vader, and Ken Shamrock)
vs. R-Killa, Diamond Dallas Page, and Total Impact
Surely The Syndicate wins their big PPV debut as a unit.
(25 Points)

WCW World Tag Team Championship
Brother Bubba and Reverend D-Von ©
vs. Los Guerreros
Because this team is awesome. Guerreros lie, cheat and steal so they need to be saved.
(15 Points)

World Cruiserweight Championship
Ultimo Dragon © vs. Rey Mysterio Jr.
Because Dragon sucked in 2004.
(10 Points)
  • Love
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