BTB World Cup

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Jun 30, 2007
Reaction score
-TJ- will be doing the match for us.

Evil Austin

I know I am just saying it is still ticking lol. He has a few days but you can't deny that it is ticking

The Rated R CMStar

It will not get rated!

The judge will just come, and say the winner of the encounter, attaching and justifying to the points I PMed them, but there will be no individual evaluation


^ everytime that you asked me to post it I am posting my match 1 hour late for each of those times! 7 hours it will be up!!!


Oh, okay. well this is to our judge XBA I think, my match will be up in about 7 hours now, because DX 3:16 kept nagging me to post it.


Alright, now, what do I rate here? Let's get down to business! lol I saw a match on the previous page, since I haven't been following the Cup thing, I have no idea what's going on, I am just judging people's work, can anyone give me a breifing of what's going on here.


Well this week you are judging mine and DX 3:16's matches that we post in here. you must go back and read DX 3:16's match and then read mine once it is posted, then you must post who you think should win. get it???



Kurt Angle starts off the match by backing down into the corner away from Kane. Kane walks over to him and Angle ducks under his arm and runs to the other side of the ring. Kane walks over to Kurt Angle, and he swings at Angle but Angle ducks and runs right behind Kane. Kurt Angle then begins to punch Kane in the back of the head and back. Kane fights back, hitting elbows to the head of Angle. Kane then turns around to face Kurt Angle and starts to hit him with a couple of hard, stiff punches to the face. He then hits Angle in the chin with a hard uppercut, which knocks Angle backwards to the corner turnbuckles. Kane charges at Angle for a clothesline, but Angle dives out of the way and Kane crashes hard into the turnbuckle. Kane walks out of the corner slowly and Kurt rolls him up for the pin. 1…2…and Kane kicks out. Kurt Angle gets up in a hurry and Kane gets up too. Angle sprints towards Kane and the Big Red Machine runs out at Angle and drops him to the mat with a hard clothesline. Angle gets back up, holding his head. Kane starts to give him a few right hands to the face, weakening him. He then Irish whips Angle to the ropes. Angle bounces back towards Kane and he ducks under Kane’s arm and gets behind him, and he then hits Kane with a huge German suplex just managing to get the big monster Kane off the ground. Angle then goes for the pin, 1…2…and Kane throws Angle off of him, showing his power.

They both slowly get back up to their feet; Angle strikes Kane a couple of times. The former Amateur wrestler then attempts to Irish whip Kane but Kane counters and throws Angle to the ropes. Angle bounces back and goes for the shoulder block on Kane. Kane barely budges, showing the size advantage. Kane then hits Angle with an uppercut which sends Angle back, and leaving him groggy. Angle turns back around to Kane and he drops Angle down to the mat with a huge big boot right in the face. Kane then goes for the pin, 1…2…and Angle kicks out. Kane picks up Kurt Angle and knees him in the stomach before Irish whipping him down into the turnbuckle on the other side of the ring. Kane runs at full speed and clotheslines Angle in the corner, dropping him limp to the mat. Angle rolls outside the ring to catch his breath and the Big Red Machine follows Angle outside the ring. Kane runs up to Angle and Kurt jabs him in the eye and runs away, not wanting to mess with the angry giant. He slides back into the ring as the ref starts to count Kane out, 1…2…3…4…5…Kane rolls back into the ring with time left. Angle immediately starts to stomp on the back of Kane as he got into the ring. Angle then picks up Kane and gives him a huge European uppercut followed up by a big swinging neck breaker. Kurt Angle goes for the pin, 1…2…and Kane manages to kick out.

Angle picks up Kane after the kickout. Angle brings his knee up to Kane’s stomach a couple of times and then gets him into a sleeper hold. He tries to make Kane pass out to the pain, but Kane fights back, elbowing him in the ribs, then he lifts him up and drops Kurt down onto his back for a reversal. They both slowly get back up to their feet, Kane first, still holding his head after the sleeper. Angle runs at Kane and Kane throws Angle over his back with a big throw. Kurt Angle amazingly lands on his feet, but he walks right into a hard sidewalk slam from the Big Red Machine Kane. Kane goes for a pin, 1…2…and Angle kicks out. Kane climbs up to the top rope, looking to fly high. Angle gets to his feet and turns around to Kane. Kane jumps off the turnbuckle towards him, and he goes for a diving clothesline but Angle moves out of the way. Kane tried to stop himself from crashing, and he lands on his feet. Kurt Angle sees the dazed opponent, and he grabs Kane and throws him with a huge Belly to belly suplex, using Kane’s speed to throw the 300 pounder over his head. The Olympic Gold medalist Kurt Angle covers Kane. 1…2…and Kane just kicks out before the 3 count. Kurt Angle jumps up and lands on Kane with a knee drop. He has his game face on, and waits for Kane to get to his feet. Kane slowly gets up, and Angle gets behind him and takes him back down with a German suplex, right on Kane’s head. Angle pulls his straps down, and goes towards Kane, locking Kane into the Angle lock. Kane lies on the mat shouting in pain as he crawls closer and closer to the bottom rope, using his large frame to reach. Kane starts to shake his leg hard to break Angle’s grip, but it doesn’t work. Angle turns the leg even more, making more pain. Angle yells for Kane to tap, but then Kane stretches out and grabs a hold of the bottom rope to break up the painful submission move.

Kane lets go of the ropes and just lies in the ring, holding his ankle. Kurt Angle grabs him and drags him into the middle of the ring for a cover. 1…2…and once again Kane kicks out, showing that he wants to win. After the kickout, Kurt Angle begins to stomp on the hurt ankle of Kane. He then picks Kane up on his feet. He goes behind Kane and lifts him up for the Angle Slam, but Kane counters by elbowing Angle in the head, breaking the two apart. Kane then nails Kurt Angle with a huge uppercut which drops Angle to the mat. Kane goes for the pin. 1…2…and Angle kicks out of it. Angle gets up on his feet and Kane runs and knocks him straight back down to the mat with a hard clothesline, and Angle falls to his back. Kane then climbs to the top rope as Angle goes back up to his feet and turns around, facing Kane. Kane jumps off and knocks Angle off his feet with a big diving clothesline. Kane goes for another pin, 1…2…and Angle somehow kicks out again. Kurt Angle gets up and looks sort of dizzy. Kane raises his arm in the air signaling for the Chokeslam. Angle turns around and is grabbed by the throat, but before he’s brought up, Angle kicks Kane in the mid section and stomps at the feet, causing Kane to release Kurt Angle. Angle then grabs Kane and pulls him down to the mat and locks him into an arm bar. Kane lies on the mat in a huge amount of pain, as Angle continues to put the pressure on the arm of the Big Red Machine. Kane manages to fight out by pulling himself up and he falls back, purring Angle into a pinning predicament. 1…2…and Angle lets go of Kane’s arm to break the pin.

Kane gets up, holding his arm in pain. Angle runs and gets Kane to the mat with a takedown. He then locks Kane back into the Angle lock. Once again Kane is in pain from the Angle lock. Kane begins to raise his arm to tap out. Kane pulls his leg in towards his body, and then pushes it out hard which causes Angle to let go of Kane’s ankle and go flying backwards into the ropes. Kane slowly gets up and runs at Angle, but very slowly because of his hurt ankle. He manages to clothesline Kurt Angle over the top rope and sends him down to the hard, outside ground. The ref begins to count Kurt Angle out, 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…and Angle finally gets back into the ring, saving the match.

Angle runs at Kane and slides through Kane’s legs, and he gets up and nails Kane with a huge Angle Slam followed by the pin from Angle, 1…2…and Kane kicks out just in time! Angle cannot believe it, and he starts to stomp on the body of Kane and then he walks backwards. Angle spins around, not facing Kane, and telling Kane to get up. As Kurt is doing this, Kane sits up. Angle looks a little surprised, but he runs and boots Kane directly in the face and then goes for another pin, 1…2…and Kane throws Angle off of him. Kane slowly gets to his feet as Angle turns around and walks over. He slaps Kane in the face, then going for the Angle Slam. Kane is able to escape, pushing Kurt away. Angle runs right back to Kane, trying to grab his ankle for the Angle Lock. Kane kicks Angle away, with Kurt’s back turned. Kane holds his arm up for the chokeslam. Kane grabs Kurt Angle by the throat and nails him with a devastating Choke Slam. He then goes for the pin, 1…2…and 3.

And the Winner of the match, KANE!!!

KroniK 4-2-0

Jan 31, 2008
Reaction score
Wow. Intertesting people to choose, to say the least. Good job though, man. I wont say which is better, because its not by job, but good luck and good job to the both of you.

Evil Austin

well ill admit to you that was a good match, great job. *Gives respect*
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