Smackdown Live:
July 9th:
Manchester, New Hampshire
Smackdown Live starts with a video package highlight the key moments from the Great American Bash PPV two nights ago. We see the opening match with Luke Harper becoming the Intercontinental Champion pinning Buddy Murphy, Asuka finally beating Charlotte whilst the Man Becky Lynch defeated Lacey Evans to retain her Smackdown Women's title. We get a recap of the finish between Drew McIntyre and Roman Reigns with Shane passing Roman the brass knuckles by mistake. We then lastly cut to Kofi Kingston overcoming his nemesis Randy Orton and retaining his WWE title.
We then cut to the commentary team at ringside who welcome us to the show as they hype up the Great American Bash PPV two night ago and tonight's Smackdown Live. Bryon Saxton tells us it will be a packed show as we will see the Boss 'n' Hug connection issue an open challenge for the tag team titles. Corey insults Sasha Banks as he normally does but wonders who will take the pair up on their challenge.
Shane McMahon makes his way out to the ring in a nice shirt as he is joined by the rest of The Corporation. Even Drew McIntyre is stood behind him but he is clearly still in a bad mood after losing to Roman Reigns last night! Byron wonders why Drew is out here with Shane McMahon after what happened last night but Corey responds saying Drew has seen sense and realizes it was an accident! All 4 men are now stood in the ring as Shane looks to address the live crowd.
Shane McMahon: Let me start this off by saying that once again under my leadership, we had another great show. And that is thanks to my presence at the top of this brand.
Shane lets out a smug smile getting boos from the live crowd.
Shane McMahon: But even the best shows have flaws.
Shane turns to look at Drew McIntyre who stares at him, looking furious.
Shane McMahon: And two nights ago, Roman Reigns used an illegal weapon to beat Drew McIntyre.
Boos from the crowd as Shane McMahon misses a key part of the story out.
Shane McMahon: I know, I was angry too but I did promise the winner of the match at the Great American Bash would become the number one contender for the WWE title at Summerslam and I am a man of my words.
Drew looks furious and ready to step forward but Corbin and Elias make sure to keep an eye on the sinister Scotsman.
Shane McMahon: However I can't let the injustice Drew McIntyre suffered stand. So to make up for Roman Reigns cheating two nights go, at Summerslam, the WWE title match will now be a triple threat between Kofi Kingston, Roman Reigns and Drew McIntyre!
Shane McMahon has a smug smile on his face as he turns to Drew who just stands there looking angry still. Shane looks a little nervous so he turns back around and speaks to the fans.
Shane McMahon: Now I know that decision won't be popular with Roman Reigns or our WWE champion Kofi Kingston but it is best for business.
That lines get boos from the crowd as Shane McMahon looks to carry on but...
Big E: Oooh Manchester, New Hampshire. Don't you dare be sour. Clap your hands for your world-famous WWE champion and feel the power!
Loud cheers from the live crowd as The New Day make their way to the ring. Kofi Kingston walks out in front, noticeably struggling to walk a little due to the damage done to his back throughout his war with Randy Orton last night. Drew McIntyre as always looks ready for a fight but Elias and Corbin keep him back as Shane turns to the popular group.
Kofi Kingston: So once again, Shane McMahon is abusing his power.
Shane McMahon: I fail to see how punishing a cheater is abusing my power. I'm sorry you got caught up in it Kofi but...
Xavier Woods: Shane do we look like we were born yesterday?
Big E: We haven't forgotten what your father did before Wrestlemania.
Kofi Kingston gets right in Shane McMahon's face at this point as Elias and Corbin are ready to step in. Big E and Xavier Woods, however, stand behind their boy keeping an eye on the situation.
Kofi Kingston: Your dad kept me from getting my fair shot at this. He put me through gauntlet match after gauntlet match just so I could get a chance to fight for this title.
Shane McMahon: Well Kofi I ain't my father.
Kofi Kingston: No you're worse.
Oooohs from the crowd.
Kofi Kingston: See everyone knows what Vince McMahon is like because Vince never hides it. He is proud of how evil he is. He takes pleasure in making people suffer. But you Shane? You are a snake just like the man I beat two ago Randy Orton.
Shane McMahon now looks furious but Kofi looks to carry on his rant.
Kofi Kingston: I mean look how you stabbed Miz in the back! Look how you use these fans and this show to feed your own ego!
Shane McMahon: Listen here Kofi this show may be about the superstars but I'm in charge and I will not be spoken to like this. Now I know you're mad that you will have to defend your title in a triple threat match but...
Kofi Kingston: Oh I ain't mad. I knew you would pull something like this.
Big E steps forward now
Big E: People like you keep trying to put barriers up in front of Kofi and he keeps smashing them down! So you giving Vince's chosen one a title shot doesn't shock us.
Shane goes to speak but Drew snatches the microphone from his hand and gets in Big E's face.
Drew McIntyre: Vince McMahon may have chosen me a long time ago but I didn't ask for him or Shane to give me a title shot. Hell if Shane didn't stick his nose in last night I would have won!
Drew has his finger right in Shane McMahon's face who looks angry as he signals for Elias to get him another microphone.
Drew McIntyre: Without that referee getting in my way and those brass knuckles I would be fighting you one on one for that title!
Kofi Kingston: Well if you want a fight why wait for Summerslam? Let's do this right now!
Shane McMahon: Whoa whoa guys we are not starting the show off like that.
Boos from the crowd as Shane McMahon stands between the two men stopping the fight. New Day and the other two members of the Corporation also look ready for a fight as Shane realizes he is going to have to defuse the situation quickly.
Shane McMahon: Kofi after the battle you went through two nights ago, I need to make sure you make it to Summerslam and if you fight Drew McIntyre tonight, you won't.
Loud boos from the live crowd as Drew is annoyed he won't be able to get his hands on Kofi.
Shane McMahon: But since your two boys look ready to compete, in the main event it will be Big E and Xavier Woods versus Baron Corbin and Elias!
Shane drops the microphone as The New Day stare down the Corporation. Drew McIntyre is ready for a fight and wants to start one now but Shane McMahon has to convince him to back off. It takes a while but eventually the Corporation leaves the ring, with Drew walking off ahead of them by himself as the commentary team hype up tonight's main event.
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As we return from the commercial break we see R-Truth make his usual entrance as he starts rapping for the fans and slides into the ring. Carmella is by his side as Corey Graves once again hypes up the main event for the evening. Byron also talks about the open challenge later in the show and wonders who is going to challenge the Boss 'n' Hug connection. R-Truth is now in the ring with Carmella by his side as he looks to address the live crowd.
R-Truth: Manchester, New Hampshire what's up!
The crowd chant back what's up as R-Truth and Carmella let out a smile.
R-Truth: Now I know it has been a while but we are in the lead up to Summerfest!
A few in the crowd laugh as Carmella asks Truth for the microphone.
Carmella: Truth, it is called Summerslam.
R-Truth: Oh my bad guys, my bad. But anyway...
Jinder Mahal marches to the ring as Byron Saxton on commentary tells us that Jinder Mahal will be going one on one with R-Truth right now. Corey says he is glad someone is out here to get this buffoon to shut up. Jinder looks to be in a bad mood after losing to Kofi Kingston last week. Carmella makes her way to the outside as the referee calls for the bell getting this match underway.
Match 1: Jinder Mahal vs R-Truth w/Carmella
Match summary: R-Truth in the opening stages of this match is his usual goofy self. However, Jinder is not someone who likes people being goofy and this causes Jinder to lose his temper and it almost costs him the match! Jinder though survives R-Truth's earlier offense and in the end, puts him away with the Khallas!
Winner via pinfall: Jinder Mahal (4:16)
Jinder Mahal gets to his feet post-match as he poses for the crowd who boo the former WWE champion. Corey on commentary sings the praise of Jinder Mahal as Carmella slides into the ring to check on her fallen friend.
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When we return from the commercial break, we see Finn Balor sat down on a chair in a dark room wearing his leather jacket as per usual (this time zipped up) as he stares at the camera.
Finn Balor: At the Great American Bash, I failed. Now I could make excuses and bring up the fact I was never pinned but I'm better than that.
Finn gets to his feet but it takes a little bit longer than normal due to the damage his back suffered during the Intercontinental title match. However, once he is upright he stares at the camera, looking angry with himself.
Finn Balor: I promised to be a fighting champion but last night I lost the fight. However if Luke Harper thinks I am done with the Intercontinental title, he is mistaken. Next week I face Buddy Murphy and Ricochet with the winner going to Summerslam. And some people might think that is a mistake.
Clips are cut in of Luke Harper laying waste to all 3 during the build-up to the match and during the match itself.
Finn Balor: Look at the monsters I have fought in the past. I have made a career out of defeating men bigger and stronger than me. And at Summerslam, I'll do it again to become a three-time Intercontinental Champion.
Finn stares at the camera as we cut elsewhere backstage as we can see Cathy Kelly stood next to Ricochet ready for an interview.
Cathy Kelly: Strong words from the former Intercontinental Champion Finn Balor. What are your thoughts Ricochet?
Ricochet: Listen I respect the hell out of Finn Balor but next week he ain't winning. Next week is my chance to go to Summerslam and defeat Luke Harper. That Intercontinental title is something I looked at as a kid and wanted to win. I saw legends like Rey Mysterio, Eddie Guerrero, Owen Hart fighting for it and wanted to be just like them. Well, next week is my chance to prove I belong in the same bracket as those legends.
Ricochet lets out a smile as he gets ready to go but Cathy stops him a second.
Cathy Kelly: I have one more question. What do you make of Daniel Bryan interrupting your interview at the Great American Bash?
Ricochet looks at Cathy as he takes a moment and shrugs.
Ricochet: I said all I had to say to him last night. My focus is on next week, not Daniel Bryan running his mouth.
Cathy Kelly: Thanks for your time Ricochet.
Ricochet: Anytime Cathy.
Ricochet lets out a smile and Cathy can't help but smile in response as he leaves the interview area.
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As we return from the commercial break we see Shelton Benjamin make his way down the entrance ramp getting a muted response from the live crowd. Corey Graves says this upcoming match with Buddy Murphy is a big opportunity for him. Byron Saxton agrees with this and says beating Buddy Murphy tonight could force Shane McMahon to add him to the number one contender's match next week!
Buddy Murphy makes his way out getting boos from the live crowd as he looks in a bad mood after being pinned at the Great American Bash. He runs to the ring with a point to prove tonight. Byron Saxton gives him credit for the performance he put in two nights ago but Corey says Buddy won't be happy as he failed to walk out with the Intercontinental title.
Match 2: Buddy Murphy vs Shelton Benjamin
Match summary: As you would expect both men put on a great match with Buddy Murphy still feeling the effects of the fatal 4 way at the Great American Bash. Shelton being the veteran looks to target the back and takes advantage of the weakened state Buddy Murphy is in. The former juggernaut of the Cruiserweight division survives Shelton's offense and takes control of the match! Buddy Murphy though doesn't find it easy to put Shelton away but in the end, picks up the win with Murphy's Law!
Winner via pinfall: Buddy Murphy (8:56)
Buddy Murphy gets to his feet as he looks happy to have won tonight against a very game Shelton Benjamin. Corey on commentary puts over how big that win for him was tonight momentum wise. As Shelton Benjamin leaves the ring Buddy Murphy asks one of the people at ringside to pass him a microphone as he looks to speak. He leans on the ropes before snatching the microphone from the member of the ringside crew.
Buddy Murphy: Next week, I have the chance to correct my mistake. I was this close to becoming Intercontinental Champion.
Buddy Murphy looks annoyed and frustrated as he says that before carrying on.
Buddy Murphy: But once I beat both Finn Balor and Ricochet, I will go onto Summerslam and show Luke Harper why I am the best-kept secret in this company!
Buddy Murphy drops the microphone and heads up the ramp having staked his claim to being the number one contender for the Intercontinental title at Summerslam. As the commentary team hype up the triple threat match that will take place next week, we cut to a dark room with a single light bulb hanging from the ceiling. We then see Luke Harper, the New Intercontinental Champion walk into the shot as he holds his new title front and center.
Luke Harper: It looks so pretty. I almost feel like I'm back to being whole.
Luke Harper has a wild-eyed almost crazy look in his eyes as he stares at the camera.
Luke Harper: Ya see being free allows me to target whoever I want. And I just want to feel whole again.
Harper once again turns to his Intercontinental title, staring at it almost transfixed by his new title.
Luke Harper: With this baby, I might just start to become whole.
Luke Harper then turns back to the camera with an angry twisted look on his face.
Luke Harper: Or maybe I need to take pieces of all of you!
Harper points at the camera.
Luke Harper: Murphy, Balor, Ricochet. All gluttons looking for extra punishment. At Summerslam, I will destroy one of you and carry on looking to rebuild myself with pieces of you.
Luke Harper once again stares at his Intercontinental title before turning back towards the camera.
Luke Harper: 
Luke Harper stares at the camera blankly as the light blub above his head suddenly goes out and the screen turns pitch black.
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Once we return from the commercial break the crowd let out a loud pop as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn make their way out to the delight of the live crowd! Sami Zayn is doing his usual dance to his entrance song whilst Owens smiles enjoying his friend's antics though he looks a little more serious as he walks to the ring. Corey Graves and Byron Saxton remind us that both men were able to pick up the win over the Corporation last night. Both men wonder what brings them out here right now and what is next for the duo. Kevin gets into the ring as he grabs two microphones one for himself and one for Sami Zayn.
Sami Zayn: Hey Kevin.
Kevin Owens: What's up Sami?
Sami Zayn: How did we do at the Great American Bash?
Kevin takes a moment as he fakes thinking before replying to Sami.
Kevin Owens: I think we did pretty well as we beat Corbin and Elias. And I have to say punching Corbin in the face is always fun.
Cheers from the live crowd as Sami smiles and nods.
Sami Zayn: You ain't wrong there Kevin. But people have been wondering what's next?
Kevin Owens: Here's the thing. When I came back to this show, I knew I wanted to do things differently.
Sami Zayn: We both did.
Kevin Owens: But one thing remained the same.
Both: We both wanted to get rid of Shane McMahon!
Cheers from the fans as the pair say that in sync.
Sami Zayn: Shane was such an egomaniac he brought us back together.
Kevin Owens: Just think about that. He brought us, us two together. The two people who are known for fighting forever.
This causes a couple of “Fight forever” chants to start in the crowd as Owens carries on speaking.
Kevin Owens: But last night was just the start. You see me and Sami we have a plan...
The lights go out causing Owens to stop mid-sentence as this music hits:
Bray Wyatt makes his way out holding a microphone as he has a creepy smile on his face. Both Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens look at each other confused and unsure why Bray Wyatt is out here. Byron Saxton wonders why Bray Wyatt is out here alone as he is normally seen leading the War Raiders to the ring. Bray is now stood at the bottom of the entrance ramp as he looks to address the two men in the ring.
Bray Wyatt: Two eternal rivals. These people don't see it but I see it. You two falling apart is inevitable.
Boos from the crowd as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn look at Bray Wyatt on the outside unimpressed.
Bray Wyatt: I mean should you trust your partner, Sami?
Kevin Owens: Probably not.
The bluntness of that line takes Bray aback a little and even brings a few laughs in the crowd.
Kevin Owens: Sami may be my best friend but he ain't stupid. After all the stuff I have done in the past, he will always have one eye open waiting for me to betray him.
Sami Zayn: Kevin, listen...
Kevin Owens: Sami it is fine. I know what I have done in the past and I ain't proud of what I did to you. But I am looking to prove to you and my son that I've changed. However now that we have our monthly therapy session, what does that have to do with you, Bray?
Kevin Owens now looks angry as he turns to the chuckling Bray Wyatt on the entrance ramp.
Bray Wyatt: I was just seeing if you two were prepared for war!
Bray starts to laugh like a mad man as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn realize what is about to happen and get ready for a fight as this hits...
Hanson and Rowe the Smackdown tag team champions march out onto the entrance ramp as they stand behind Bray Wyatt. Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn in the ring though don't back down as they get ready for a fight. Bray says a few words to them before pointing towards the ring and saying “let the raid begin!”. Hanson and Rowe slide into the ring and the fight is on! Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn are the smaller men in this brawl but they refuse to go down without a fight!
Owens is even able to get Rowe on the back foot for a moment but Sami Zayn due to his size is unable to keep up with Hanson's brawling ability and Hanson takes him down with a spin kick wiping the underdog from the underground out! Hanson then makes his way over to Owens and helps his partner Rowe take down Kevin Owens 2 on 1! Owens is a tough man but even he can't take on both the War Raiders at the same time!
Bray Wyatt at ringside can't help but laugh as he enjoys the carnage. Hanson and Rowe look to lift Owens off the mat to finish him off but Sami Zayn is back on his feet and he attacks Rowe from behind! Sami manages to get Rowe down to the mat as Hanson goes for another spin kick but Zayn dodges and hits a dropkick sending him into the corner of the ring! Sami charges at Hanson as he tries to hit a helluva kick but Hanson wipes him out with a massive spear!
Hanson gets to his feet as he helps Rowe up. Rowe shakes off the cobwebs as The War Raiders grab hold of Sami Zayn and hit him with Thor's Hammer (Hanson tosses Zayn into the air and Rowe hits him with a powerslam). Both Hanson and Rowe look happy as Owens turns Hanson round and hits him with a STUNNER! Kevin Owens is refusing to stay down just like his friend Sami Zayn! Owens turns to Rowe but gets a discus elbow to his face stunning him!
Owens staggers as Rowe drags Kevin Owens up and hits him with a sit-out powerbomb onto the prone Sami Zayn adding insult to injury! Hanson is struggling to his feet as we see Bray Wyatt make his way to the ring for the first time since this brawl started as he gives Hanson some instructions. The big man takes a moment as Rowe lifts Kevin Owens up off the mat as the War Raiders hit THE FALLOUT WIPING OUT KEVIN OWENS!
Bray Wyatt now walks into the ring, passing the War Raiders their Smackdown tag team titles as they now stand in the ring over the prone bodies of Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn on the mat. Bray starts shouting at both men “This is just a taste of war”! Byron Saxton on commentary wonders why these two attacked Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens tonight as even Corey Graves is confused saying maybe Bray wanted to send a message tonight as The War Raiders and Bray Wyatt stand tall!
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When we return from the commercial break we cut to a hallway as the Bray Wyatt silently leads the War Raiders through the back as all 3 men come to a stop. Bray Wyatt lets out a smirk as the camera pans over to show the commissioner Shane McMahon. Shane takes a moment looking at Bray as he starts to smile as well.
Shane McMahon: Good job.
Shane McMahon offers Bray Wyatt a handshake. Bray takes a moment as he lets out a chuckle before accepting Shane's hand. Shane McMahon walks off as Bray turns to the War Raiders.
Bray Wyatt: I told you the devil made us do it.
The War Raiders stand there as stoic as ever. Bray Wyatt meanwhile laughs like a mad man. We then cut to a backstage locker room as we see a door slam open as Ruby Riott storms out of her locker room followed by Liv Morgan.
Liv Morgan: Listen, Ruby, I'm sorry. I was trying to make sure you won the match. I didn't expect Shane to fine all of us. Just me.
Ruby Riott: Well he did so now I'm out of pocket and I lost!
Ruby is furious as Liv Morgan is really upset and doesn't know what else to say. Ruby goes to walk off but instead turns around getting right in her friend Liv's face.
Ruby Riott: You need to start doing better.
Ruby walks off as we see Sarah Logan walk out of the locker room. She looks at Liv Morgan for a second before speaking.
Sarah Logan: She's right y'know.
Liv now looks even more upset as she walks back into the locker room really down. We then cut back to the commentary team at ringside who wonder if things are OK within the Riott Squad.
A loud pop from the live crowd as the WWE Women's tag team champions make their way out as Sasha Banks has her Money in the Bank briefcase in her right hand whilst both women have the tag team titles around their waist. Both of them walk to the ring as they get ready to issue an open challenge tonight. On commentary, we hear Corey Graves go off on one of his rants about Sasha Banks. Byron tries to stop him but once Corey goes off on Sasha Banks there is no stopping him. The Boss 'n' Hug Connection are now stood in the ring with a microphone each.
Sasha Banks: You all know why the Boss and the Hugger are here tonight!
Pop from the fans who are excited to see the tag team titles defended on Smackdown Live.
Bayley: That's right Sasha. We came here to see if anyone on Smackdown Live is ready to face us for these titles.
Bayley unhooks her tag team title from her waist and lifts it into the air.
Sasha Banks: And once we beat whoever we face tonight, we plan on visiting our old stomping ground NXT!
An NXT chant starts up in the crowd as both women smirk.
Bayley: And I will become number one contender for the Raw Women's title next Monday!
That line gets Sasha Banks's attention as she looks angry before smiling and turning to her best friend Bayley.
Sasha Banks: Sorry Bayley but the Boss is becoming number one contender for the Raw Women's title to go along with my other title shot!
Sasha pats her Money in the Bank briefcase as she looks Bayley directly in her eyes as they stare each other down. Bayley lets out a smile as this music hits...
A loud pop from the crowd as Becky Lynch makes her way out as a “Becky2belts” chant starts up. Both Sasha Banks and Bayley look confused and wonder why The Man Becky Lynch is out here to answer their challenge as the Raw and Smackdown Women's champion walks towards the ring with a microphone.
Becky Lynch: Shocked to see me, girls?
Bayley in the ring nods whilst Sasha just stands there looking furious as Becky smiles.
Becky Lynch: Don't worry Sasha, I know you want to wait for the right moment to fight me so I'll let you pick when you finally cash that in.
Sasha Banks: I won't need to cash this in when I win this Monday.
Bayley: Who says you're going to beat me?
Both Banks and Bayley look at each other once again as Becky smiles making her way to the commentary desk.
Becky Lynch: The Man has no interest in having a partner. I don't need someone standing by my side as I wait for them to stab me in the back.
A few ooohs from the crowd as both the Boss 'n' Hug Connection look angry in the ring with Sasha Banks reacting the most to that line.
Sasha Banks: What did you say? Come into the ring right now and say that to my face. Come on Becky!
Bayley: Sasha calm down. Just calm...
Bayley looks a little taken aback by Sasha's anger as the Boss catches herself. However, before the Boss can say anything...
A decent pop from the crowd as we now know who is going to answer the open challenge. Sasha Banks and Bayley wisely turn their attention to their challengers. Byron reminds us that these two have become good friends over the last couple of months and teamed up to take on the Riott Squad even picking up victories against them. Corey says whilst he hates Sasha Banks, the Boss 'n' Hug Connection are the best tag team around today and they will take some beating. Becky Lynch meanwhile has finally grabbed a headset and takes a seat at the commentary desk.
When asked why she came out here tonight, Becky says she is here to do some scouting as she will be facing one of them at Summerslam and maybe both if Sasha finally finds the courage to step up to The Man's level. Corey says he has no doubt Sasha is waiting for Becky to be at her weakest. Becky smirks saying she is glad someone else can see Sasha for the snake she is. Becky says in the past she was like Bayley too trusting but when she became the Man she learned from her previous mistakes. Byron Saxton then tells us we are going to a very short commercial break but not to go anywhere as when we come back we will have the WWE Women's tag team title match!
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Match 3: WWE Women's tag team titles match: Boss 'n' Hug Connection vs Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon
Match summary: When we return from the commercial break the match is underway with Bayley starting for the champions whilst Ember Moon is in the ring for her team. Both women are fairly evenly matched and put on a good showing. Becky on commentary gives both women credit for their skills. Corey though asks her about Asuka and if she has taken her eyes off her other challenger at Summerslam. Becky would repeat what she said on Monday Night Raw and tells Corey that Asuka is the toughest opponent she has ever faced.
Back in the ring Ember Moon has tagged in Alexa Bliss whilst Bayley has tagged in Sasha Banks. And as always these two don't hold back when in the ring with each other, as the hatred is clear for all to see as they batter each other! Sasha even uses a few cheap shots to take control, getting boos from the crowd as Becky remarks that it is typical Sasha Banks behavior. Even Bayley looks unimpressed with Sasha's tactics but tags back in as the Boss 'n' Hug connection stay in control of the match.
Alexa Bliss may be small but she is too skilled to be kept down for long and makes the tag bringing Ember Moon into the match! Ember Moon is fired up and pops off on both members of the Boss 'n' Hug connection. From there the match becomes very even with both teams going back and forth with frequent tags as we get to the climax of the match Alexa Bliss is battling Sasha Banks in the center of the ring.
Alexa Bliss takes control as she grabs Sasha Banks and drives her into the mat for a close two count. Alexa Bliss makes the tag bringing Ember Moon into the match as she takes care of Bayley on the apron as Ember Moon locks in the Wrath of the Gods! Banks however scratches and claws her way to the ropes forcing Ember to break the hold! Ember looks frustrated as Becky Lynch on commentary gives Sasha Banks credit saying she may be a snake but she is tough. Ember signals to Alexa as she makes her way over to the corner and tags in Alexa Bliss.
Alexa would then grab hold of Sasha Banks holding her still as Ember Moon looks to hit the ECLIPSE! However, as she does that Bayley appears and pushes Ember Moon off the top rope saving the match! Bliss drops Sasha to go after Bayley but Sasha connects with the Backstabber! Bayley quickly makes her way over to their corner as Banks tags her in. Bliss struggles to her feet as Bayley hits the BAYLEY TO BELLY AND MAKES THE COVER! 1 2 Banks stops Ember Moon 3! The Boss 'n' Hug Connection retain their tag team titles!
Winners via pinfall and still WWE Women's tag team champions: Boss 'n' Hug Connection (12:05)
Bayley gets to her feet as does Sasha Banks, both women knowing they had a close scare and nearly lost their tag team titles tonight. Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon meanwhile look disappointed as they came up just short but Ember helps Alexa Bliss up to her feet. On commentary, Becky Lynch gives both of her potential challengers credit for their performance letting out a slight smile relishing the challenge she may get at Summerslam.
Back in the ring both members of the Boss 'n' Hug Connection are passed their WWE Women's tag team titles. Both members of the team celebrate as they turn their attention to Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon. Alexa Bliss after speaking with Ember Moon would stick her hand out offering the pair a handshake. Bayley looks like she is thinking about it as Alexa insists she isn't going to cheap shot them. Sasha, however, responds by rolling out of the ring and instead looks to confront Becky Lynch!
Back in the ring, Bayley shakes her head before shaking hands with Alexa Bliss and Ember Moon. Bliss can be overheard saying somethings never change. She tells Bayley to be careful as Ember Moon and Alexa Bliss head towards the back. Back by the commentary desk, Becky is now on her feet smirking as Banks has both her tag title and Money in the Bank briefcase. Sasha starts talking trash to Becky Lynch as The Man smirks asking Banks when she is going to step up!
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We return from the commercial break as Becky Lynch is walking through the back with both her Women's titles on her shoulder as Cathy Kelly approaches her for an interview.
Cathy Kelly: Becky after watching that tag team titles match who would you rather face at Summerslam?
Becky is about to answer but she walks past Cathy Kelly. Cathy looks confused but we soon see why as Asuka the challenger for the Smackdown Women's title at Summerslam is stood there and she looks angry.
Asuka: Your focus needs to be on me.
Becky smirks.
Becky Lynch: Oh trust me, I know.
Both women stare each other down as the tension can be cut with a knife. We then cut back to the ring as No Way Jose is stood in the ring ready for a match as the commentary team hype up the challenge Becky is facing at Summerslam as she not only has to fight Asuka but either Sasha Banks or Bayley. On the outside meanwhile, we can see the conga line dancing and having fun.
Boos from the live crowd as Daniel Bryan makes his way out still looking angry as he walks to the ring, of course wearing his hemp WWE title. He is as always followed by his fellow eco-warrior Erick Rowan as the commentary team mention Daniel Bryan's victory over The Miz at the Great American Bash two nights ago though Bryon makes sure to remind us that Bryan needed help from Baron Corbin and Elias to win the match.
As Bryan and Erick Rowan are walking down the ramp the conga line approaches them but Rowan just starts attacking the male members of the conga line sending the rest running. Daniel Bryan lets out an evil smile as Erick Rowan ruins over people's fun. He places his hemp title in the corner of the ring and goes straight on the attack getting this match underway!
Match 4: Daniel Bryan w/Erick Rowan vs No Way Jose
Match Summary: Daniel Bryan picks apart the bigger No Way Jose with ease as he targets the legs and brings No Way Jose down to the mat! He locks in the heel hook as No Way Jose wisely chooses to tap out quickly giving Daniel Bryan the win!
Winner via pinfall: Daniel Bryan (1:54)
Daniel Bryan lets go of the hold by slamming No Way Jose's leg into the mat getting a few boos from the crowd as Bryan celebrates in the ring, lifting his hemp WWE title in the air drawing even more heat from the crowd. Meanwhile, on commentary, we can hear Corey Graves putting over Bryan's win tonight even if it was an easy one. Erick Rowan as this is going on has gone to the timekeeper's area and grabbed a microphone from one of the people at ringside. Erick Rowan slides into the ring and passes the microphone to Bryan who looks to address the live crowd.
Daniel Bryan: And once again your planet's champion is victorious!
Boos from the crowd as Daniel Bryan lifts the hemp WWE title into the air.
Daniel Bryan: But once again I have to find my own way to get my message out to the people! No instead of interviewing a man with an important message we are giving interviews and time to losers like Ricochet!
Daniel Bryan shakes his head.
Daniel Bryan: Someone like him doesn't need time to speak. I have an important message to tell people even if you morons won't listen!
More boos from the live crowd as Daniel Bryan shakes his head.
Daniel Bryan: Ricochet says I talk too much? I talk so much because I need to. I need to save this planet from you fans! However, I'm a man of action and soon Ricochet will see the consequences of those actions!
Daniel Bryan tosses the microphone to the mat as the crowd carries on booing the planet's champion as they leave the ring. Byron Saxton and Corey Graves wonder what Daniel Bryan means when he says that. The camera then cuts backstage as we can see The Corporation walking out of Shane McMahon's office with the Smackdown live commissioner leading the way. However, as they are leaving Shane McMahon is approached by the queen Charlotte Flair. Shane sighs as he sends the rest of the Corporation to the ring as he looks to speak to Charlotte.
Shane McMahon: Charlotte listen I know what you are going to say...
Charlotte: Yes I knew you would see sense and realize I was screwed by Asuka! She cheated to win the match by kicking the ropes! I should be added to the Summerslam title match like Drew was.
Shane McMahon: No.
Charlotte who up till this point had a smug smile on her face now looks angry and shocked.
Charlotte: What do you mean no?
Shane McMahon: Charlotte, my father had faith in you and I shared that same faith but honestly when was the last time you won a big match? I have given you chance after chance to earn a title shot and you have lost every time so Charlotte the answer is no. Now if you'll excuse me I have a main event to prepare for.
Shane McMahon walks off as Charlotte stands there looking furious as she can't believe Shane McMahon refused to give her a chance to fight for the Smackdown Women's title at Summerslam.
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Big E: Oooh Manchester, New Hampshire. Don't you dare be sour. Clap your hands for your world-famous five-time tag team champions and feel the power!
As we return from the commercial break The New Day are making their way to the ring led by the WWE Champion Kofi Kingston to the delight of the fans. Both Big E and Xavier Woods are doing their usual antics as they slide into the ring ready for the main event.
The Corporation makes their way out to the ring next lead by the Smackdown commissioner and one of the two number one contender's to the WWE title at Summerslam Drew McIntyre. They are followed by the two men actually competing in this match Baron Corbin and Elias who look to recover from their loss at The Great American Bash. Byron Saxton on commentary worries about the number advantage at ringside but that soon changes as...
The Miz makes his way out to the ring, slightly slower than usual due to the damage done to his right leg in his battle with Daniel Bryan last night. Corey Graves on commentary complains about this and says The Miz has no business being out here. However Bryon counters maybe he wants to even the score after Baron Corbin and Elias screwed him over last night! The Miz fist bumps Kofi as in the ring Xavier Woods and Elias start the match for their team getting this underway.
Main Event: New Day w/Kofi Kingston and The Miz vs Elias and Baron Corbin w/Drew McIntyre and Shane McMahon
Match summary: This ends up being a decent main event tag team match with The New Day controlling the start of the match and outmatching their rivals in the Corporation due to their experience as a tag team. However, Corbin and Elias after a distraction from Shane McMahon takes control of the match and starts to work over Xavier Woods building to the hot tag!
Xavier though refuses to give in and eventually escapes from Elias which allows him to make the hot tag and bring Big E into the match! From there the power of Big E takes over as he takes down Corbin who is now in the ring but also takes care of Elias! Shane McMahon at this point gets onto the apron but The Miz attacks him stopping him from getting involved!
This causes Drew McIntyre to get involved and he starts to argue with The Miz until Kofi Kingston takes him down as the pair starts to brawl around the ringside area. Back in the ring, Corbin tries to use the distraction to go for the End of Days but Big E escapes taking down Baron Corbin! Big E then lifts Corbin up as he tags in Xavier Woods and the pair hit UPUPDOWNDOWN as Xavier Woods makes the cover 1 2 Big E takes down Elias 3 The New Day pick up the win!
Winner via pinfall: New Day (9:17)
The match may be over but the brawl is still going on by the entrance ramp as Drew drops Kofi Kingston onto his back on the entrance ramp, targeting it after the damage Randy Orton did two nights ago! The Miz is brawling with Shane McMahon (as Shane is throwing his god awful punches), Big E and Xavier Woods in the ring don't spend too long celebrating as they look to go after Drew who has dropped Kofi! Xavier Woods slides out of the ring first but gets his head taken off with a CLAYMORE!
Big E and Drew McIntyre then come face to face as the two big men start brawling with each other. It is an even fight until Elias and Corbin come over. Kofi gets back up taking down Corbin and Elias with a running crossbody to the pair! Drew plants Big E with a futureshock DDT as he and Kofi come face to face and once again Drew gains the upper hand taking advantage of the knock Kofi took against Randy Orton as this hits...
Roman Reigns makes his way out as he charges down the ramp and he takes down Drew McIntyre with a SPEAR wiping his rival out. Meanwhile Miz The hits Shane McMahon with the SKULL CRUSHING FINALE laying out the commissioner on the other side of the ring. Xavier Woods and Big E take care of Elias and Baron Corbin as the faces all stand tall as the closing image for Smackdown Live is Kofi Kingston and Roman Reigns coming face to face ahead of Summerslam. In the background though we can see an angry Drew McIntyre struggling to his feet in the background as we fade to black.
Matches announced for next week:
Number one contender's triple threat match for the Intercontinental title at Summerslam:
Buddy Murphy vs Ricochet vs Finn Balor
Matchcard for Summerslam:
August 11th
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Universal title match:
Seth Rollins (c) vs Brock Lesnar
WWE title triple threat match:
Kofi Kingston (c) vs Roman Reigns vs Drew McIntyre
Raw Women's title match:
Becky Lynch (c) vs Sasha Banks or Bayley
Smackdown Women's title match:
Becky Lynch (c) vs Asuka
Cruiserweight title match:
Rey Mysterio (c) vs Oney Lorcan
Intercontinental title match:
Luke Harper (c) vs Buddy Murphy or Finn Balor or Ricochet
Past vs Future:
Goldberg vs Matt Riddle
EWR Rating: