I disagreed with your comment because it was wrong and I didn't invite anyone to jump on my bandwagon, they did that on their own. TNA has more compelling characters than WWE does currently, is a much more fun product that doesn't rely on parlour tricks (Kane coming out of the ring), supermen constantly beating everyone (Cena) and you know what else? They actually seem to be trying, whereas its clear to me that WWE has been going through the motions for more than a year. TNA's ratings have increased while WWE's have declined, and while they are nowhere close to being considered competition, they are moving in a positive direction while WWE is not.
Oh and besides Aries they also have...
Bully Ray - one of the best mic men in the business right now and a potential heel of the year for 2011
Robert Roode - a fucking boss
James Storm - another killer mic guy and a great wrestler
Eric Young - God
AJ Styles - amazing wrestler and a great face character
Gunner - Super intense ass kicker
Samoa Joe - poorly used but one of the best in the world without a doubt
and that's just a few. Sorry, but I'd take TNA's talent pool over WWE's any day of the week and twice on Sunday's.
Ta ta for now.
I've already said that TNA is superior to WWE. As if it means anything

: You can't just call me wrong either, it's a matter of opinion.
The inclusion of Hardy in the world title picture makes it worthless to me. Much like him and his brother. Otherwise, it's good.
I hate Gunner, way too generic. I don't even see why you'd bring Joe up? He's build like a dog turd on a rainy day.
If you're just going to point out just positives then;
CM Punk - World class mic techinician. If you disagree with this well then, fuck you!
Daniel Bryan - Absolutely epic in ring, his heel turn is shaping up well.
Dolph Ziggler - Nothing less than Perfection all around.
Cody Rhodes - Already more entertaining than most in both companies without even being in his prime yet.
Kane - Making John Cena interesting again. His new gimmick is off the chain.
Brodus Clay - My bad.
Chris Jericho - We already know that wherever his story at the moment is heading it's going to be bonerific!
R Truth - Has me pissing myself on a regular basis.
Mark Henry - one of the best heels that the 'E has produced in quite some while. Top notch powerhouse.
Tbh, neither Impact Wrestling, ROH or WWE are putting out anything that's making me happy.