Well, it'd be really dumb to resign the guy. He's over, but is not worth everything they pay him.
Not gonna lie, I wouldn't be mad if Hogan returned to the WWE. I guess it's more of a childhood thing, but, I would smile.
I wouldn't mind seeing him back either, just as long as it was in a non-wrestling role. This news is only a boner-killer to me because of how perfect it would be to see Hulk Hogan (GOAT) back in time for the 30th annual Wrestlemania and that can't happen if Hulk Hogan is still employed by TNA. Wrestlemania and Hulkamania were named in conjunction with one another and Hulk Hogan was the main star who made Wrestlemania feel like a special event in it's inception. Imagine if Hulk Hogan was the Guest Host (like Rock at 27) or the special referee for a big marquee match or something.
And, for GrammarNazi, you should swear more often. It got me...very....:gusta:.
1: Why thank you, Waco. I shall keep that in mind. :ksi:
Who loves ya, baby?
On whether he has another match in him: "Let me put it to you this way, brother. With the right guy, the right situation, with a big enough event, big enough storyline, you're damn right I have one more left in me."
Crayo Rainman GrammarNazi82 and the rest.... I hope this is swell news brothers....
Cena/Hogan plz
On where he's at with TNA: "We couldn't figure things out.