Big Dave speaks on his contract

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In an interview with The Daily Mirror in Great Britain, Batista commented on several topics, including noting that he was set to make his return at WrestleMania XXV until his appearance was bumped three days before the show.

"I actually went up to see Vince about a month before the show because I felt my leg was healing up so fast. I told him (Vince McMahon) "I think I could be ready for WrestleMania" and he said that they'd definitely be able to use me. I actually found out the Thursday before WrestleMania that I wasn't going to be in it," Batista said. "I think it was something very similar to what happened that Monday night (where I saved Triple H and the McMahons from The Legacy), but they felt it would work better on Raw than it would at WrestleMania."

Batista also made note of the long-term future of his career, saying he has one year left on his current deal and he'll decide what to do when the time comes near.

"It's something that I've been thinking about a lot. I really just have mixed feelings about it right now," Batista said. "I have just about another year left on my contract which I want to fulfil and when I start getting close to the end of that contract that's when I'll make a final decision."

He also commented on possibly working heel in the future, his recent return to the ring, his injuries, and more. You can read the full interview at
Don't leave me Dave:(


I have just about another year left on my contract which I want to fulfil and when I start getting close to the end of that contract that's when I'll make a final decision."

Next year can't come soon enough.


Active Member
Aug 13, 2007
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TBH Tista really isn't that bad. i don't get why ppl shit on him. Yeah he ain't that good on the mic. HE is the huge generic monster. But he is over than most and alot more over than most. At this moment in time he is over more than hhh. I for 1 will miss him. TBH might not take me long to get over him but i will indeed miss him when he is gone.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Well he is OLD. He's like 43 or something, so he'd be like 44-45 by the time his deal expires and he's already broken down and gassed to the gills so he actually deciding if he wrestles for a living all depends if he can wrestle.
It would be a dent in the WWE main event scene if the E doesn't start pushing people, especially if guys like Kane and Hardy leave and who knows how much longer HHH, Taker, and HBK can still go. WWE might be forced to make stars, and that's when they make do their best.

Honestly I wouldn't care if he left as I'm basically apathetic towards him and Trips these days. I think if Monty Brown comes in, with proper booking, he could easily replace Batista as the pounce is an "it" move and he connected with the crowd pretty well in ECW.

The Rated R CMStar

All tist is to me is Vince's own Goldberg no more,no less

And? That makes him bad? Some people actually have a good argument of why they hate Batista. Yours suck.
Jun 29, 2007
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Edinburgh, Scotland
I just feeel he's Vince's generic baby. no talent but he has muscles. It's about time Vince changes his asspect on wrestlers and wrestling.

Beer Money Army

hmm i think a year is too long, why can't he leave like now :)


Being as objective as I can....

He's a bit of a dychotomy really... The guy's presence is pretty valuable - Look no further than his role in the HHH/Orton angle... There's no denying there is some kinda place for him - but the character is so one dimensional that when the time comes for him to grab the mic or hit the ring for a PPV match he's already 'played' all his 'cards'. Unfortunately I don't think Batista, the performer, has the ability to stretch said character.

I won't miss his when he's gone.


I just feeel he's Vince's generic baby. no talent but he has muscles. It's about time Vince changes his asspect on wrestlers and wrestling.

You're a fucking tool. Vince already has changed hsi aspect on wrestlers. Aside from Batista, who else is "all muscle" in the main event? The main guys, Cena, Orton, Triple H, Rey, Jeff Hardy, Edge, CM Punk, Jericho, dont look anything like Batista. How can you say because of one guy that Vince is only into muscle, when Batista is the only main eventer that looks like that?

The Rated R CMStar

I've always laughed at the "no talent" comment. Batista will never be confused with Bret Hart, but he doesn't have to be. He's a monster, and let me tell you, unless he's in there with Kane or Big Show, he usually does an amazing job at portraying and wrestling as an intense monster.


Exactly, CMS. In fact, the only really bad Batist amatches I remember have been with guys such as Show and Kane and Khali. Basically, the huge guys. If he's wrestling guys like Orton, Triple H, Cena, Punk, and even Edge and Taker, he can put on a good match.