Good analysis, dumb statement by me. As usual.

Each of those were done to push a story forward or create one, while Rollins cashing in on Lesnar after a match with Cena... Don't know what it is, but I just can't see it happening.
It seems like they have to get Lesnar to work NoC as champ, that's when the Network renewals are coming so they need all the star power they can get for that show, and also work Survivor Series at the very least. With the renewals coming up they can't let Cena go over Lesnar. They just can't.
Anyway back on topic for this main event, the only thing that can really come out of it is build for Reigns vs whoever he faces at Summerslam (probably Triple H). Nobody else matters. So I'm calling typical Authority shenanigans when Triple H realizes "Oh, shit! I put Roman Reigns in the main event!" and he runs out to screw over Roman in some way. Then Cena wins and Hunter looks on with a typical "Gosh darnit" face even though deep down he doesn't really care before getting speared off the stage Eddie Edwards style. :dawg: