Let me just say for the record that I kinda hate comedy songs. I enjoy comedic ones, but ones that are made basically solely in the name of being a joke really don't tickle my fancy. That said, there were some good choices made here so listening through them wasn't as bad as I was worried it'd be.
1. Fat
2. Camel Toe Song
3. America Fuck Yeah
4. Asshole
5. Little Tiny Mustache
6. I'm On A Boat
7. Bad Touch
8. Amish Paradise
9. The Real Slim Shady
10. Mother Lover
11. Witch Doctor
Top 3
1. The Real Slim Shady
2. Bad Touch
3. I'm On A Boat
1. Fat
2. Camel Toe Song
3. America Fuck Yeah
4. Asshole
5. Little Tiny Mustache
6. I'm On A Boat
7. Bad Touch
8. Amish Paradise
9. The Real Slim Shady
10. Mother Lover
11. Witch Doctor
Top 3
1. The Real Slim Shady
2. Bad Touch
3. I'm On A Boat