Well to be fair she wasn't that much of a bitch before. She changed into the biggest asshole possible. I wouldn't treat a person the same way I did before if their attitude changed drastically.
Bitch probably going through her period.
Also the members pulled this same shit with Blaze, and C4.
The LadyHotrod thing is a bad example.
C4, and Blaze however is a good example.
I've had to bandwagons.
The Hate me and The Like Me.
Some people started liking me I think just cause I won a stupid award. Some people liked me before then or since I got here
people who liked me since I got here would well I guess only be Mat and maybe idk TDK.
People who liked me before I won the award-Gamebreaker,Wordlife,J-Dawg,Kenfan,Bonez,Roxxi,and the two people above.
now some people came after that and liked me so i guess its just how I acted idk.
Some bandwagons have had jumpers i.e Mikeraw and BKB. They have been on both. I think at one point even seX-Power liked me idk...Stinger might have also.
Some have been on the hate Bandwagon since I got here. Peepshow...Monkeystyles and more.
Point is my bandwagons have had almost every damn member on it. So anyone who hates bandwagoners are all hypocrites IMO.
I don't hate em cause hell I'll admit I've rode a few just so I could fit in. Like the C4 one mentioned.