Ban Gay Marriage? Why Not Ban Divorce Too?

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Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
That's not even the point Shadowman made in the first place. It doesn't matter if it's by choice or by birth (I personally believe it's both depending on circumstance) the point he was making is the point I've been trying to make to you guys for a long ass time. It doesn't matter how you're gay, the Bible does NOT state ANYWHERE that it is wrong to be gay. It's not a sin. It's not condemned, it's twisted by a select few who want to distort the Bible into being their own weapon of intolerance and hate.

If you disagree with homosexuality and dislike those who proclaim to be so, that's fine. But don't use the Bible as your catalyst, you'd not only be lying to yourself, but you'd also be a hypocrite for claiming to be a peace loving, God fearing, humble Christian and turning around with a holier than thou attitude towards gays & lesbians as if you have some right to judge and tell someone whether they are going to hell or not.

Hometown Kid

Apr 29, 2008
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Columbia, Tennessee
I'm pretty sure, according to the Bible sex is supposed to be meant mainly (not only) for procreation, and last time I checked, it's impossible for any in a homosexual relationship to have a child. Not to mention it's quite vital that the physical act of sex is only supposed to be done once you and partner are married. Which wasn't/isn't allowed between gays either. Even if what you're saying is true, and it doesn't outright say being gay is wrong, just that those lines are misinterpreted, it doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes to realize that it does in fact shoot down the concept of homosexuality pretty clearly.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Pretty sure that the other members of the animal kingdom who engage in homosexuality aren't capable of choosing to do so or not to do so. It's inherent in nature.

What animals are these? Never heard of queer animals.

I'm pretty sure, according to the Bible sex is supposed to be meant mainly (not only) for procreation, and last time I checked, it's impossible for any in a homosexual relationship to have a child. Not to mention it's quite vital that the physical act of sex is only supposed to be done once you and partner are married. Which wasn't/isn't allowed between gays either. Even if what you're saying is true, and it doesn't outright say being gay is wrong, just that those lines are misinterpreted, it doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes to realize that it does in fact shoot down the concept of homosexuality pretty clearly.

This will be the last thing I have to say about queering. About a month ago I attended a mission held by a Franciscan Monk covering the Last Four Things; death, judgment, heaven and hell. And no one here is going to tell me differently, this Father spent 20 plus years in Franciscan monasteries and so many years in Rome, so there isn't a single one of us that can even debate what he preached. First thing he said is that queering is a mortal sin, worse than murder. Second, it's in the bible, the true bible, not the nonsensical King James version that has 13 books missing. Third, you do rot in hell for queering. And you should scorn the queers, just as you would the pagans, devil worshipers and non believers. And you should pray for them, but not have sympathy.

I'm not saying this for the convenience of an argument, this is actual Church followed protocol and practiced since the Church was formed. So people shouldn't be bringing the biblical stuff into play because it's stated in the bible that it's a sin, that you will rot in hell and that marriage is between a man and a woman. I hate to be so closed minded to it, but after hearing it basically from the horses mouth, there really isn't any going back for me.

And really, anyone who wants to chime in about religion do it in a civil, intelligent manner. No faggy "religion. LOLZ" bullshit. Want to do that, take it to HIAT.


Enso Malenko: Lol, i will prove you wrong again. Homosexuality is not a choice. Just like you don't choose the color of your skin, you cannot choose whom you are sexually attracted to. If you can, sorry, but you are not heterosexual, you are bi-sexual. Virtually all major psychological and medical experts agree that sexual orientation is NOT a choice. Most gay people will tell you its not a choice. Common sense will tell you its not a choice. While science is relatively new to studying homosexuality, studies tend to indicate that its biological.
Gay, Straight Men's Brain Responses Differ,2933,155990,00.html

There is overwhelming scientific evidence that homosexuality is not a choice. Sexual orientation is generally a biological trait that is determined pre-natally, although there is no one certain thing that explains all of the cases. "Nurture" may have some effect, but for the most part it is biological.

And it should also be noted that:
"It is worth noting that many medical and scientific organizations do believe it is impossible to change a person's sexual orientation and this is displayed in a statement by American Academy of Pediatrics, American Counseling Association, American Association of School Administrators, American Federation of Teachers, American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association, American School Health Association, Interfaith Alliance Foundation, National Association of School Psychologists, National Association of Social Workers, and National Education Association."


That's not even the point Shadowman made in the first place. It doesn't matter if it's by choice or by birth (I personally believe it's both depending on circumstance) the point he was making is the point I've been trying to make to you guys for a long ass time. It doesn't matter how you're gay, the Bible does NOT state ANYWHERE that it is wrong to be gay. It's not a sin. It's not condemned, it's twisted by a select few who want to distort the Bible into being their own weapon of intolerance and hate.

If you disagree with homosexuality and dislike those who proclaim to be so, that's fine. But don't use the Bible as your catalyst, you'd not only be lying to yourself, but you'd also be a hypocrite for claiming to be a peace loving, God fearing, humble Christian and turning around with a holier than thou attitude towards gays & lesbians as if you have some right to judge and tell someone whether they are going to hell or not.

This man speaks the 100% truth. What happens a lot nowadays, which is easily noticeable, is that some Christians will always quote the same few verses, but completely ignore the rest of the passage and the historical times. When you examine the entire Bible as a whole, and take into account what happened during those time periods, nowhere in the Bible is homosexuality condemned. What is usually condemned is the practice of idolatry, which was very widespread during that time period.


I'm pretty sure, according to the Bible sex is supposed to be meant mainly (not only) for procreation, and last time I checked, it's impossible for any in a homosexual relationship to have a child. Not to mention it's quite vital that the physical act of sex is only supposed to be done once you and partner are married. Which wasn't/isn't allowed between gays either. Even if what you're saying is true, and it doesn't outright say being gay is wrong, just that those lines are misinterpreted, it doesn't take a Sherlock Holmes to realize that it does in fact shoot down the concept of homosexuality pretty clearly.

If it does, then i'm sure you will have no problem refuting my posts or links right? Merely saying homosexuality is a sin without offering proof is a losing argument. Also, the procreation argument falls on many levels.

The only purpose of life isnt to procreate, and there are many other ways individuals can be useful and beneficial to humanity. And the only purpose of sex isn't to procreate. Sex is also an expression of love, intimate bonding, and pleasure between two consentual partners. If sex was only to continue life, why is there so much pleasure? There is no ill meaning of sex by itself, its a natural instinct. There is no proof that sex must absolutely equal creation of life. That being said, some heterosexuals cannot have kids. Majority of heterosexuals practice safe sex, use condoms, perform anal and oral sex, masturbate, and perform other sexual acts that aren't vaginal intercourse that dont have the intention of procreating. Almost everyone does those things. By your logic that means heterosexuals are wrong as well. Also, the notion that homosexuals can't have kids is false, as artificial insemination, IVF, and surrogacy and other methods can easily lead to a child. Oh, and they can adopt too.


This will be the last thing I have to say about queering. About a month ago I attended a mission held by a Franciscan Monk covering the Last Four Things; death, judgment, heaven and hell. And no one here is going to tell me differently, this Father spent 20 plus years in Franciscan monasteries and so many years in Rome, so there isn't a single one of us that can even debate what he preached. First thing he said is that queering is a mortal sin, worse than murder. Second, it's in the bible, the true bible, not the nonsensical King James version that has 13 books missing. Third, you do rot in hell for queering. And you should scorn the queers, just as you would the pagans, devil worshipers and non believers. And you should pray for them, but not have sympathy.

I'm not saying this for the convenience of an argument, this is actual Church followed protocol and practiced since the Church was formed. So people shouldn't be bringing the biblical stuff into play because it's stated in the bible that it's a sin, that you will rot in hell and that marriage is between a man and a woman. I hate to be so closed minded to it, but after hearing it basically from the horses mouth, there really isn't any going back for me.

And really, anyone who wants to chime in about religion do it in a civil, intelligent manner. No faggy "religion. LOLZ" bullshit. Want to do that, take it to HIAT.

It looks more like a case of brainwashing =) I clearly provided links with biblical scholars and historians who clearly show that homosexuality is not a sin, and you haven't been able to refute any of the information in there. I have examined both sides of the story, and here is the conclusions i came up with:

-One side (the anti-gay side) cherry-picks lines, takes them out of context, and just says it's wrong with no evidence.
They even added the word "homosexual," a word that wasn't even used this way till the 1800's.

-The other side actually looks at and relates the historical times, provides plenty of evidence using the Bible itself, looks at the Bible as a whole, relates the context to other lines and passages, interprets them properly, doesn't distort their meaning, translates the Greek words properly and sees how they are used in various locations of the Bible to get a clear definition, and provides sufficient evidence.

It's easy to see why the latter wins out.

Also, just because the church heavily favors something now, doesn't mean they will always do so, and doesn't mean they are right. For thousands of years the church believed the world was flat. For hundreds of years they murdered hundreds of scientists who opposed their views because it was contrary to what was in the Bible. For hundreds of years people in the United States cited this passage

Genesis 9:25
"And he said, Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren"

to prove that people of African descent are under a special curse from God. It is stated that in fulfillment of this curse, God intends for black people to serve whites, or at least be subservient to them. This passage was cited for hundreds of years to condone slavery, racial segregation, and keep interracial marriage down.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
It is spoken about in the bible in Romans, Genesis and in Jude, God destroys Sodom for "love of the strange flesh". I'm not apt enough in Biblical studies, but I know what I've been taught, by actual Fathers and actual biblical text and not "brainwashing" misinterpretations of the bible for convenience.

I clearly provided links with biblical scholars and historians who clearly show that homosexuality is not a sin, and you haven't been able to refute any of the information in there.

A bunch of gay animal stories? I fail to understand how animals that lack the dignity that humans have proves your assertions correct. The bible says what it says, I've heard it preached and it gets as simple as this:

You shall not lie with a male as with a woman. It is an abomination.
Leviticus 18:22
If a man lies with a male as he lies with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination. They shall surely be put to death. Their blood shall be upon them
Leviticus 20:13

So umm, that basically refutes all your claims that queering isn't a sin. You can come back how ever you want, I really don't care. I'm also convinced you're Dstebbins, looking for some more validation that your sexuality is acceptable. Hey man, I really don't care. You have your views, and I have mine. You believe what you believe and I believe what has been preached and taught to me. Whatever makes you feel better about your lifestyle, fine. But only in your mind have you "proven me wrong", it's there in the bible and no matter how many gay animal articles you link to, you're wrong. It's a sin in the Lord's words.
May 12, 2010
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Meh, I have no problem with gay people. I have problem with people who have their entire identity encompassed in their sexual orientation, and who have to constantly make the world and those around them aware of this sexual orientation, typically in an outlandish, flamboyant manner.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
Once again you're quoting verses from the Bible that have been distorted and rewritten from their original Hebrew texts to serve a certain agenda and become easily misinterpreted. Even if Shadow Man is that smurf Dstebbins, he still makes several key points provided with several links from reliable news sources over and over again. While all you have to your defense is a misinterpreted biblical verse and a personal experience with a pastor who's served the Vatican for 20 years. Well there's been plenty of clergymen who've served Rome for decades and they still get convicted of molesting little boys since the 1960's, so your amount of experience or history within the church doesn't mean squat to me in terms of your flawed interpretation of the Bible.

But as you said, you're beliefs are infallible and unalterable. So we will have to agree to disagree at this point. Because I cannot convince you that queering is not a sin, and you cannot convince me that your texts and experiences are accurate and reliable. There's really nothing more for this debate to go on.

Quintastic One

Active Member
Jul 2, 2008
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In my beard
The only reason I'm not censoring Pat Patterson's posts in my section is because he's hilarious.