Ban Gay Marriage? Why Not Ban Divorce Too?

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This Guy

sadly it is a valid arguement if you think about it....if your going to ban gay marriage on the basis, that its not of God or that its morally wrong, theoretically you should have the same feeling for divorce. But I bet half those clowns out there saying Gay Marriage is wrong because its not of God are probably actually all suportive of divorce and probably have been or will be divoriced themselves.

reality check

New Member
Dec 12, 2009
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On corpes
If someone was too egger to have a dick shoved up his ass, then so be it. Afraid from pussy? OKAY, well there is a reason for calling them smurfs! and another reason for 'smurfs' to be spelled with 2 g's.


I think banning gay marriage is silly, on ideological grounds. The State should not be able to prevent two people from being wed based on their sexual orientation--whether or not it is a choice or a genetic characteristics, an abomination or a beautiful union. That said, I also don't think the State should be able to force any institution (in this case, the Church) from providing a service that it does not want to (in this case, marriage).

I do pose a question for you, because internally this pokes a whole in my logic. Should, then, polygamy-based marriages be allowed? I have heard people argue that gay marriage should be, but polygamic should not be; I fail to see the logic in that. So, if somebody does believe the aforementioned, please explain your logic, as I really can't come to it myself.


Honestly, anyone who actually gives a flying fuck who marries who is lacking a life.


Active Member
Sep 8, 2009
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The "Winners" Circle
I think banning Gay marriage is stupid only because it's something that has been accepted, and don't forget there's many couples out there that are in relationship with the same sex, and taking their freedom away will only cause more trouble especially since the floodgates already have been opened in some states allowing the gay couples to get married.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
^^Or believes in just plain right and wrong. Queering is a sin. Butt fuck, go to hell. Simple as that. Children don't need to be exposed to such confusing and sinful shit like this. It's nothing more than the deterioration of moral fiber that's been rotting our country for the past 30 years. Freedom is a good thing until it's used to defend such villianous and sanctimonious behavior such as gay marriage. Want to sin, fine, who gives a fuck if you want to rot in hell, but making people bear witness to that is ridiculous. Sometimes the separation of church and state isn't good, especially in a dipshit state like California, where I now unfortunately reside.
Sorry, I just have such disdain for queers, they're obviously the biggest attention whores, ever, acting as they've been as oppressed as Jews and Blacks and Native Americans and that's bullshit, nothing has been as fabricated in American history as the Gay Rights movement.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
^^ Eh, I don't hate gays, I just hate the way they act oppressed and feel the need for media spotlight to support their movement. I hate the way they believe they're entitled to natural rights in their unnatural ways and if not granted then they feel as oppressed as groups that were really oppressed. It's not just in the bible and the Koran and whatever the jews read, but it's also the law, and not just federal laws, but just basic human nature laws. To me being gay, fine, whatever, but gay marriage...that's the antithesis of life, marriage is supposed to be the basic maneuver towards creating life but gay marriage is anti-creation, it's basically abortion, it's two selfish and attention starved people feeling the need to be normal even though they are unorthodox. It's just bogus. Freedom is a two way street and if gays are willing to walk down the side that allows them to be gay and express their lifestyles, then they should also be willing to walk down the side that is against a fruitless marriage that is against the way marriage has been defined since before Christ. They think they can have their cake and eat it too and it's that hypocrisy that bothers me most about gays.

R.e: Orlando Jordan, I think I hate no talented wrestlers being signed to another promotion just because they were signed in the biggest promotion once even more than hypocritical queers.:smile: I just found out the guy was queer Thursday!

Great One

I know, I was joking. I see what you're saying though, but that is also present with EVERY single group. That same sort of mentality is also present largely and most noticably by African-Americans in America as they do that same shit (obviously not regarding the marriage). Could also include women in there.

But I get what you're saying, and by that note what IS the true point of marriage anyways? You don't have to be married to have children, don't have to be married to 'prove your love,' so in that regard I can see the entire wasteful dedication to such a feeble concept. I don't think it's WRONG for gays to be married though. Stupid? Attention-whoreish behavior? Yes, maybe. But not wrong. Just like it's not wrong to be gay, I don't care either way. Pro rhyme.

EDIT: And of course, not all gays are like this as well, so generalizing is more so pointless. I know a few who are nothing like this and like I stated, could careless about being married.

Oh yeah, forgot to say, what about the legal benefits of marriage though? Gays miss out on that, where others have an advantage. I feel that is sort of unfair for a man/woman marriage to have the financial advantage over them.


Homosexuality is not a sin. The Bible is constantly being taken out of context to support anti-gay views. Scholars who have studied the Bible in context of the times and in relation to other passages have shown those passages (Leviticus, Corinthians, Romans, etc) have nothing to do with homosexuality. These passages often cherry-picked while ignoring the rest of the Bible. The sins theses passages are referring to are idolatry, Greek temple sex worship, prostitution, pederasty with teen boys, and rape, not homosexuality or two loving consenting adults.

Thats why Jesus never mentions it as well. There is nothing immoral, wrong, or sinful about being gay. Jesus, however, clearly states he HATES hypocrisy. If you preach goodness, then promote hate and twist the words of the Bible, you are a hypocrite, and will be judged and sent to hell. Homosexuals will not go to hell, hypocrites will.


For those of you claiming homosexuality is a "lifestyle", that is a false and ignorant statement. Homosexuality is not a choice. Just like you don't choose the color of your skin, you cannot choose whom you are sexually attracted to. If you can, sorry, but you are not heterosexual, you are bi-sexual. Virtually all major psychological and medical experts agree that sexual orientation is NOT a choice. Most gay people will tell you its not a choice. Common sense will tell you its not a choice. While science is relatively new to studying homosexuality, studies tend to indicate that its biological.
Gay, Straight Men's Brain Responses Differ,2933,155990,00.html

There is overwhelming scientific evidence that homosexuality is not a choice. Sexual orientation is generally a biological trait that is determined pre-natally, although there is no one certain thing that explains all of the cases. "Nurture" may have some effect, but for the most part it is biological.


As an example of my first post, lets look at Leviticus, which is commonly taken out of context.

Leviticus is constantly taken out of context. These two lines do not condemn homosexuals when you examine Leviticus as a whole and relate the historical times.

Leviticus 18:22:
"You shall not lie with a male as those who lie with a female; it is an abomination."

Leviticus 20:13:
"If a man lies with a male as those who lie with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination and they shall surely be put to death."

Both of these verses refer to heterosexuals who participated in fertility rituals in order to guarantee good crops and healthy flocks, not homosexuals, there is absolutely no mention of sexual orientation or homosexuality. Also, the word abomination was used for anything that was considered to be religiously unclean or dealing with any type idol worship.

The Hebrew word "toevah" was used in Leviticus 18:22 and Leviticus 20:13. "Toevah" has been translated in our Bibles as "abomination" or "detestable". The "toevah" was used throughout the Old Testament for activity involving ethnic contamination and religious idolatry. "Toevah" refers to things that were ritually unclean - like eating pork.

It is significant that another Hebrew word, "zimah," also translated "abomination," which means intrinsic evil or evil by its very nature, was not used in Leviticus 18:22, or Leviticus 20:13.

It is also significant that female homosexual relationships are not mentioned in the old testament. That's because they aren't talking about sexual orientation, they are talking about idolatrous practices.
Jun 4, 2007
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Badstreet, USA
Being gay is a choice. You can choose to eat a dick and sin or you can choose to live a righteous life and enjoy the muff and add to the circle of life or make a mockery of it. Until there is some scientific and genetic proof that homosexuality exists in our genes, then making that bullshit claim that it isn't a choice like race or gender, is just that, bullshit.


Active Member
Aug 1, 2006
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Ottawa, ON
Pretty sure that the other members of the animal kingdom who engage in homosexuality aren't capable of choosing to do so or not to do so. It's inherent in nature.