This is kind of like fake death reports for me, I never hear about it until the report comes out that they're not dead. I've been on wrestling forums since 06 & I have never once came across someone [seriously] calling a wrestler by their real name as opposed to their stage name however this is at least the third thread I've read calling people out for doing this. I just find it odd how I miss all this stuff.
Anyway the only wrestler I'm guilty of doing this with is Tensai/Albert/Matt Bloom and it's not because he's had like twenty different in-ring names and it's just easier to remember his real name. It's because I was introduced to him as Matt Bloom the wrestler before I ever got into wrestling (his mother taught at my elementary school, so he came in to do an assembly) and even then it's rare that I call him Matt Bloom (only when asked which wrestler's I've met [though I didn't get a chance to talk to him] or threads like this). Otherwise I'll just call him by his stage name (which doesn't happen often, I normally avoid talking about wrestlers that bore me to death) since I dislike using real peoples name in a context of wrestling (as I consider it disrespectful to the competitors) and also real names just sound so lame & boring in comparison.