Good choice, I like that one. Alltime Conspiraces covered it well.
In the past, I've given quite a bit of thought and consideration to other ones but they usually fall apart during research. For example, although I didn't believe the USS Eldridge turned invisible, I thought that the Philadelphia Experiment probably was attempted. However, that can't be true because at the time the experiment was said to have taken place, the Eldridge was in the Bahamas. I really believed JFK was assassinated by a conspiracy mainly because of Jack Ruby killing Oswald. But when you look at the fact that Oswald was actually supposed to leave the prison 20 minutes earlier (and Ruby was, in fact, Western Union at that time) and the only reason his transfer was delayed was that Oswald himself delayed it by returning to his cell at his request. So in order for Oswald's death to be part of a conspiracy, Oswald himself would have had to be in on it. If he hadn't requested to go back to his cell (to get a sweater, I believe), he and Jack Ruby would have never met.
Honestly, I do get a little depressed when some of these fall apart though. Although I don't believe in them, it seems like the world would be a much more interesting place if they were true.
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