Being as we are fellow HHHinites, do you like me or dislike me as a member?
You say your only sorta recent to wrestling, when did you start?
Are you purely a wwe guy? Or do you watch/support TNA/ROH, as well?
Who is the best poster on iwf?
Best all around member? (Kepeing things in order, humor, contributions, shoutbox talk and posting all combined)
If HHH came back with a stable nowadays, would you prefer evolution or DX to return?
Who do you thik was the biggest loss to WWE out of these guys in the past few year? Lashley, Lesnar, Goldberg?
1. You're a good member. We've had our disagreements before such as our Undertaker debate, but overall you're a good member. I have no problem with you.
2. Umm, I wanna say it was two summers ago, maybe a little longer than that. I sorta watched for a little while, but then I started following hardcore around 2 summers ago.
3. I am not a supporter of either of those brands. I've watched a couple TNA PPV's and I'll watch impact once or twice a month, although I haven't been able to watch it in a while. Overall I just don't really like their product, I think it's second rate. As far as ROH goes I have never seen and ROH match. So I guess you could say I'm purely a WWE guy.
4. Best poster, I'll say Kaedon I guess. He's pretty insightful for the most part and I enjoy his column.
5. Hmm best overall member. I don't think I know if there really is a best member. This Guy, SP, Kaedon and Peep would all be up there. This Guy does a ton for the site, SP cracks me up all the time, Kaedon always posts well and Peep usually has insightful postings and I enjoy talking to him. So I guess I can't really give you a best member, just short list lol.
6. Personally I'd prefer an evolution type stable. I love DX and I like the every now and then type thing, but it's been done a lot and if they did it again I think it would have to be totally redone which they won't do. So I would really enjoy an evolution return.
7. I'd Lashley. I don't like him and I don't think he's that great of a wrestler, but he was pretty over with the fans. He had potential to be pretty good.
In your opinion Who in WWE has the best Finishing move?
Randy Orton. I absolutely love the RKO. Pedigree, Sweet Chin Music, Back Stabber, Tomb Stone Piledriver and some of the "newer" neck breaker type finishers some of the younger guys are all among my more favorite finishers. But I think the RKO supercedes them as my favorite.