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Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
Sup? :eek:

What young up and coming star would you like to see get a legit push, and why?

1. Watching the Cavs get owned by the Celts. Great question lol

2. Up I'm not sure exactly what you mean by up and coming, but I'll say Kennedy. I'm not sure if you don't really look at him as up and coming, but I do so that's why I say him. I think that they've tried to do this before and circumstances, some out of Kennedy's control some were within his control, it hasn't happened. I absolutely love this face turn they've got him on. I want them to build him nice and slowly and put him in a title program around the RR-WM time period or a little later. With a nice slow build we could have a great ME face on our hands.

You're great! :bigsmile:

- What do you think of Umaga getting a "major" push?

- What's your opinion on the current condition of the ECW brand?

1. I've said it before Umaga is a tremendous talent. His athleticism and in-ring ability absolutely blow me away. As far as a "major" push goes I like it. I think he could do some good things in a title program against an of the main eventers on SD!, which is supposedly where this "push" will be happening. He obviously doesen't have mic skills, thanks to his character, but the guy can wrestle and he'll put on some damn good matches. So overall I like it, although I will say that I'd like to see them give him a manager again. I liked it when he had Estrada as his manager and I'd like to see that happen again.

2. Umm well ECW is not what ECW used to be. We all know that. And quite honestly imo it doesn't need to be. I really don't mind the urrent condition of ECW right now. It's a good place for young guys to get on TV and start to get over with the fans. Personally I'd like to change the name to something else, I don't know what. So overall ECW serves it's purpose well, it just needs a new name.


Great looking thread thus far. I am going to add to the HHH questions.

1) How do you rate HHH compared to the all time greats (Hogan, flair, macho, hitman, austin, rock, taker, hbk and so on)

2) Is HHH unfairly rated due to being married to steph? Or Because he was overshadowed in the attitude era by Austin/Rock? Or is he niether over/under rated.

3) Whats the wwe doing right, and wrong right now?

4) WM 25, how would you shart shaping it up?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
Great looking thread thus far. I am going to add to the HHH questions.

1) How do you rate HHH compared to the all time greats (Hogan, flair, macho, hitman, austin, rock, taker, hbk and so on)

2) Is HHH unfairly rated due to being married to steph? Or Because he was overshadowed in the attitude era by Austin/Rock? Or is he niether over/under rated.

3) Whats the wwe doing right, and wrong right now?

4) WM 25, how would you shart shaping it up?

Wow these are all great questions, I'll do my best.

1. I think HHH is right up there with the greats, but not quite on the same level at this point if that makes sense. I don't think he's better than the all-time greats, but he's right up there. I'd probably put him in front of Hart, Macho and maybe Taker but outside of that I don't think he's better than those guys. What makes him so great though is his above average skills in all assets that you need to be a great wrestler. He's above average in the ring, on the mic, being over, getting the fans involved into a match and in-ring psychology. However that being said he's not the greatest of all time in any of those things, but because he's so great at all of them then I think you have to put him in the coversation with all the greats.

2. I think that Steph marriage will haunt him in many of the fans eyes long after his retirement. And quite honest it's very sad and pathetic imo. The guy had 5 World Titles before his marriage, he was a rising star whether the IWC HHH-Haters liked it or not. So I think that he unfairly underrated by most because of his marriage. People act like he's an awful wrestler and he's just up there because of marriage and that simply isn't true.

As far as the Attitude Era goes, I think he was a little overshadowed by Austin and the Rock. Those guys were great and they were wrestling for that time period. Obviously HHH had DX at that point and they were incredibly over and the people loved it, but I do think he is a little overshadowed by those two during that era. Like I said in the first question HHH is in the conversation with the greatest of all time and it's really sad that a lot of people don't and won't give him is due.

3. Hmm this is a tough one. Let's start off with what the WWE is doing right:

John Cena is being used in a good role. I don't despise Cena, but he was in the ME for a very very long time and him feuding away from the title for a little while is a good idea, that is definitely something that people didn't expect upon his return.

Turning Kennedy face. This is a brilliant move by the WWE. I didn't see this coming at all and doing it against a heel like Regal is really going to help him.

The unpredictability of the shows. A lot of surprising things have happened on all the shows right now and I like that, even if they aren't all great decisions in my book.

What the WWE is doing wrong:

The tag division, or lack thereof First of those two tools are still tag champs and I'm talking about Holly and Rhodes. They built up Santino/Carlito as the #1 contenders then they have them lose in a 3 minute match on Raw. Also if I have to watch Morrison/Miz wrestle Jimmy Wang Yang or Shannon Moore one more fucking time I'm going to kill someone. There's talent in the tag division, use it WWE!

Why does no one have the WHC right now???? Like I said earlier, I'm all for surprises, but this is just dumb imo. I didn't mind it when she stripped him, but when we didn't get a winner last night I wasn't happy. It's almost like they don't know who they want to have the title so they just keep putting it off or something.

Pay Per Views that are too close together JD was a perfect example of a PPV that didn't have a ton of interest because it had no build and now we've got One Night Stand in what, 2 weeks I think. We can have double digit PPV's in a year they just need better spacing and to be given more time so that good feuds can be built.

4. Hmmm, this is a good question. This is the 25th WM which is a huge anniversar/milestone so this one really has to blow people out of the water. I would get Taker out of WHC title scene by Survivor Series then have him disapear for a month or so. Then on the night after the Rumble, a Rumble that HBK finished in the top 5, have HBK come out and cut a promo and in the middle of it have the gong hit. I'd absolutely love a feud between those two and it would be an amazing feud to have at an event like WM 25. Not sure how they'd do the details as far as heel/face or what not, but I'd like to see that get set up.

As far as the two major titles, I think if done properly Kennedy could be in a Title feud at this time. I'd love to see a HHH-Kennedy title program. I'm not sure if Kennedy be ready by that time and it might be a risk, but I think it would be sweet. A think a match we're definitely going to see is Cena-Batista, more than likely for a title. That is a "dream match" of sorts. It's so far away but those are some things that I could see or would like to see happen.

Those were all great questions btw, I enjoyed attempting to answer them, keep 'em coming.


1. 'Dream' scenario.... If you could have any wrestler past or present who never held a WWE/F world title headline WM25 and win that which evaded them who would it be, what belt and who would you have them face?

2. As much as no-one seems to like the odd-couple tagteams, if you were gonna pair together two stars who are particularly over with the specific premise of reinvigorating the tag division who would it be and why? ...Any thoughts of a concept for the team?

(DX or Brothers of Destruction would be an obvious tactic, but you'd best have some STRONG justifaction to back it up! ;o] )

3. Evolution - Anything specific you'd have liked to have seen but didn't? ...Individual opponents, targets for the group, split them a different way....?

4. As big a HHH fan as you are, can you honestly say he doesn't look wack as fuck whenever he dons his 'Conan' outfit?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
1. 'Dream' scenario.... If you could have any wrestler past or present who never held a WWE/F world title headline WM25 and win that which evaded them who would it be, what belt and who would you have them face?

2. As much as no-one seems to like the odd-couple tagteams, if you were gonna pair together two stars who are particularly over with the specific premise of reinvigorating the tag division who would it be and why? ...Any thoughts of a concept for the team?

(DX or Brothers of Destruction would be an obvious tactic, but you'd best have some STRONG justifaction to back it up! ;o] )

3. Evolution - Anything specific you'd have liked to have seen but didn't? ...Individual opponents, targets for the group, split them a different way....?

4. As big a HHH fan as you are, can you honestly say he doesn't look wack as fuck whenever he dons his 'Conan' outfit?

1. Jesus this is a tough ass question. If I'm not mistaken Rawdy Roddy Piper never won a World Title, which is really astonishing because he's defintiely a legend. So I guess I'd have to say that Piper getting a world title would be awesome. Obviously he's not at all in any type of position where he could win a title, but if he was still in shape him getting a world title would be pretty awesome.

2. This is an interesting question, when done right I actually like odd-couple tag teams. Now this would be my "dream" odd-couple tag team: John Cena and Randy Orton. I think this was actually mentioned by someone else on this site, but when I thought about it I really really liked the idea. Now obviously someone would have to turn, I'd like to keep Orton heel and turn Cena heel and give him his rap/gansta type gimmick back. I think they could be an absolutely awesome tag team and the fans would boo the shit out of Cena for teaming up with Orton. Overall I think that would be an awesome team, however the problem is that you'd need to create another odd-couple face tag team for them to fight with because there is no one in that division that is on their level at the moment. But I think these two would have a heel of a lot of potential as the "future" of the company pairing together and maybe have them feud with two faces like a DX and say that they are the past. That would be one hell of a tag team imo.

3. Overall I enjoyed Evolution. To be honest there's not much that I would have wanted to see that we haven't already seen. Pretty much everyone feuded, I liked it when they all held titles at the same time. I guess the only thing that would have been cool to see was an extended Batista-Flair feud, just because they are such good friends I think it would have been pretty cool.

4. I'm going to be honest here. The HHH 'Conan' outfit is pretty bad ass, however at the same time you are right he does look a little ridiculous in it. I think it's pretty sweet, but like you said at the same time it is a little out there. I would not support him wearing it all the time, but I don't mind it too much as long as it's a special occasion type thing.


Oh well, I'll ask another then.... :)

Q1. I'm not expecting him to drop the belt at LNS, so now Regal's out of the picture look into your post-draft crystal ball and tell me.....

Who's next for HHH?


Q2.Bearing in mind [VKM:] "Fired" doesn't mean fired in WWE, Do you think Regal has blown it or do you think they'll 'do a Jeff' and just thrust him straight back in at the same level he was before he got suspended?

Q3. Bearing in mind back-in-the-day Jericho's world title reign wasn't considered good business, do you think he's likely to make a better job of it if WWE to give him another reign later this year? ...If so, why?

Q4.I think MVP deserves the full blown taker-treatment when it's time for his big push - i.e. beating him for the WHC whilst putting him out, druids come out etc., only for Taker to return some months later and end what I'd like to see being a VERY succesful reign.

How would you elevate MVP to his first world championship?


Alright, lets see TNA has about 6 months to get its act together. Its got to get up to a 1.5 by 2009 or its lights out. What would you do to make people tune in. Product wise, marketing wise, whatever you think would help.

WWE Draft, how would you like it to look.

Who's going to be HHH, Taker, Hardy, and Jericho for their belts.


If any of these have been asked before, Im sorry, but I didnt read every post in here...

1-Who do you think will be the bigger star? MVP or Kennedy

2-Who is better out fo them right now?

3-What do you think of HHH possibly beating Flairs record of championships? If wwe somehow made it happen, would you think thats a decent thing to do? BTW HHH is my favorite as well:)

4-Whats your favorite "version" of HHH?
Version 1- Conneticut blueblood
Version 2- DX HHH
Version 3-Early 2000's heel
Version 4-Heel in Evolution
Version 5-New DX
Version 6-Singles Face


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
Thanks for the questions guys. I'm out of town covering the high school state track meet for my newspaper and I don't have internet at night, only when I'm supposed to be working like right now, so I won't be able to answer your questions until tomorrow night.

Also Airfixx I just saw your question from like a week ago. Sorry I didn't answer it, for whatever reason I didn't see it because I check this thread pretty much everyday, I will answer it with the other ones tomorrow.


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
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Warren, Ohio
Oh well, I'll ask another then.... :)
Q1. I'm not expecting him to drop the belt at LNS, so now Regal's out of the picture look into your post-draft crystal ball and tell me.....

Who's next for HHH?

Well obviously Cena is next. Like I said sorry for being so late on this.


Q2. Bearing in mind [VKM:] "Fired" doesn't mean fired in WWE, Do you think Regal has blown it or do you think they'll 'do a Jeff' and just thrust him straight back in at the same level he was before he got suspended?

Umm this is an excellent question. I feel that Regal can't be put right back into his old position. Hardy was just gone, Regal was "fired". So just bringing him back as the GM wouldn't make sense. What I could see happening is that maybe they bring him back and VKM says that Regal has been working on his power issues and problems with the fans. Then they put him in some impossible matches and some shit and maybe he eventually becomes GM. As far as his immediate future goes I really can't see him being the GM anytime soon.

Q3.Bearing in mind back-in-the-day Jericho's world title reign wasn't considered good business, do you think he's likely to make a better job of it if WWE to give him another reign later this year? ...If so, why?

Hmm interesting question. It depends on what Jericho is at the time. Jericho is a top notch heel in my opinion. He cuts great heel promos and is very entertaining in that role. As a face he gets stale quickly. I personally don't see him getting a title reign this year unless he moves to SD! and even then I'm not so sure. I love Jericho so I'd like to see it. I think he would excell in a WHC feud with Edge, that would be kick ass imo. He's a guy that I think could definitely carry SD! as a champion, but on Raw I'm not so sure. I'll be interested to see if they continue the heel turn with his feud with HBK, that would be a very good idea imo.

Q4. I think MVP deserves the full blown taker-treatment when it's time for his big push - i.e. beating him for the WHC whilst putting him out, druids come out etc., only for Taker to return some months later and end what I'd like to see being a VERY succesful reign.

How would you elevate MVP to his first world championship?

MVP is a very intriguing superstar to me. I hated him months ago and thought he was shit, but he's really grown on me. The turning point for me was how well he did in the EC at NWO, I thought he was amazing in that match and really started to like him. I think that assuming Taker is back in the WWE that would be a great way for him to get the title. When the time does come I think I'd put him up against a Taker, HHH, Cena, Batista someone like that who is incredibly over as a face. MVP's time is coming, I expect him to get a title shot after WM 25 unless something drastic changes. I think he'll flirt with the ME around Survivor Series, but won't get a real title shot. Maybe participate in a triple threat or something. Then following WM 25 he'll get a shot.

Alright, lets see TNA has about 6 months to get its act together. Its got to get up to a 1.5 by 2009 or its lights out. What would you do to make people tune in. Product wise, marketing wise, whatever you think would help.

Marketing is a huge issue for TNA in my opinion. They really really need to start advertising better. Right now the only people that know about them is the hardcore fans. They need the casual fans. They need to start trying to get some big sponses and get their name out there.

As far as product goes there's one thing that I think would help them: Bobby Lashley. Now I'm probably in the minority on this one and trust me I don't like him. I think he cuts shit promos and is average at best in the ring. But the fact is that he had a very good fan base in the WWE and signing a young guy with a strong following like him would really help to attract ratings. No one cares if Booker T or any of these other old ass guys go there. That doesn't bring in big ratings which is evidenced by their current ratings. I think a lot of people think that giving a guy like AJ Styles a title will help, but if no one is watching already then who cares.

WWE Draft, how would you like it to look.

I just want things to be freshened up. I want Batista and Taker on Raw. I'm very tired of the 3-way love triangle of Batista, Taker, and Edge fighting in like the last 19 title matches. Get two of them off of there and freshen the feuds up. Last year I had a good idea of what was going to happen. Personally this year I'll be totally honest, I have no clue what they will do. Everybody keeps saying HBK is going, but that ain't happening. I want a Taker-HBK feud, so make it happen some way WWE!

Who's going to be HHH, Taker, Hardy, and Jericho for their belts.

Sadly HHH will be dropping the belt to Cena at NOC. He has a child on the way and I think he's going to lose it which is really disapointing to me because I love him as champ. Although I do see the seeds of a heel Cena being planted and if he turns heel then I think that would be amazing. If that happens then I won't be pissed.

I really think that HBK is about to get the IC belt off of Jericho. Edge isn't losing to Batista and I don't see Hardy losing either.
WWE Draft, how would you like it to look.

Who do you think should Matt Hardy feud with the U.S. title right now?

Good question. The MVP feud is a little tired. It was great and everything, but it's time to shake things up. I'd say John Morrison. Have Morrison and Miz split up and have these two go at it. I think the matches would be amazing and the promos would be fantastic as well. This idea actually just popped into my head and thinking about it this would be amazing. I'd be a big fan of it.

If any of these have been asked before, Im sorry, but I didnt read every post in here...

1-Who do you think will be the bigger star? MVP or Kennedy

I love Kennedy and this face turn has been huge for him. I think in the end Kennedy will be better. I think he has the mic skills and with the fans behind him now I think he'll be the bigger star. But both have the ability to be great stars.

2-Who is better out fo them right now?

I like Kennedy more, but if you look at what MVP has accomplished over the last year and a half there's no question in my mind that MVP is better. His feud with Hardy was amazing and he's done some great things, he's better at the moment.

3-What do you think of HHH possibly beating Flairs record of championships? If wwe somehow made it happen, would you think thats a decent thing to do? BTW HHH is my favorite as well:)

I've always been on the record as saying HHH will NOT beat Flair's record. I don't think he wants to, him and Flair are great friends, and I really don't think that's what he's looking for. Also as I've said in the past the WWE would have to drastically change their booking for HHH to get 5 more title reigns. At this point in his career I can't see him getting that many because of the long title reigns that they've booked recently. He might tie it, but I don't think he'll break it. Although I think I've answered it before, good question :)

4-Whats your favorite "version" of HHH?
Version 1- Conneticut blueblood
Version 2- DX HHH
Version 3-Early 2000's heel
Version 4-Heel in Evolution
Version 5-New DX
Version 6-Singles Face

I like heel HHH the best. You can pick the evolution or the early 2000's one, but both were great. He plays the face equally as well, but I prefer a bad ass heel HHH.


-We've heard thought from everyone on Million Dollar Mania, but what are your thoughts on it? More specifically, do you think they sould just make minor changes, or drop it all together?

-We'ce heard talk of both a new Evolution stable, with Orton/Batista and two young guys, and we've also heard of the pure 2nd generation stable... Which would you like better if only one happened? And what do you think would serve the young guys better in the long run?

-What are your top 3 moves you wanna see at the draft?


Active Member
Sep 9, 2007
Reaction score
Warren, Ohio
-We've heard thought from everyone on Million Dollar Mania, but what are your thoughts on it? More specifically, do you think they sould just make minor changes, or drop it all together?

-We'ce heard talk of both a new Evolution stable, with Orton/Batista and two young guys, and we've also heard of the pure 2nd generation stable... Which would you like better if only one happened? And what do you think would serve the young guys better in the long run?

-What are your top 3 moves you wanna see at the draft?

1. Umm I like the idea, it gets the fans excited and it's something to get people to tune it. At the same time though I think it's taking up too much of the show. It got a little old as the show went on imo. However VKM doesn't do anything without a reason, he's a very smart business man. I think something will come of this, probably leading to an even larger heel turn for him if that's even possible because he's kind of playing a face right now. The only thing I'd change is have it take up a little less of the show.

2. Hmm this is an interesting question. I absolutely love the idea of heel Batista and I loved Evolution so pairing him with Orton again would be golden in my opinion. If they brought it back right as Orton returns, kind of like they've been working on it while he's out I'd love it.

I also like the idea of a 2nd generation stable. I'm liking the promos I've seen of Dibiase Jr.. So I think that could be a great idea if done correctly. As far as long term effects I think the younger guys would benefit more from the 2nd gen stable if they did it properly. Whoever teams with Batista-Orton could be looked upon as riding their coat tails and don't get me wrong they'd benefit from that but that's a way people could look at it. If they have success on their own I think it would help a little bit more. However I'd like to say that I'd prefer a young stable, not necissarily a 2nd gen stable only. Throw MVP and someone else in with Dibiase and a DH Smith or something.

3. Plain and simple for move 1 I want Taker on Raw. If they can do that through the draft that'd be great, if not that's fine just get him there. Also I'd like Batista on Raw and I'd be a big fan of putting Morrison on SD! or Raw full time and away from the Miz. Put him in some type of a title program whether it be US, WHC, IC, WWE whatever. I don't care, I think he has the mic and in-ring skills to be successful in a high profile type feud.

THE Brian Kendrick's Biceps

What do you think at this stage will be the three big feuds/matches for WM 25?