Did you really think this was going to be a success?...
I'm not sure to be honest, just thought I'd give it a go.
I saw your mom yesterday, but she looked like a man, please explain what has happened to her?
That's rich coming from you, you should own up to the police for incest, I'm sure your not allowed to fuck your mum like you did, no matter how terrible and unsatisfying it was.
Why havent you signed up as Chyna yet in NCW?
I'm not in NCW, and for the moment don't want to be.
Do you like Iced Tea?
I have never tried Iced Tea in my whole entire life so I wouldn't know.
Have you ever been near a girl before? ( mother doesnt count )
I think you should be asking yourself that question, seeing as the only action you have had with a girl is your mother.
What made you decide on making your username alexmoss12? you 12 years old, and your name alex moss?
My name is infact Alex, Moss I came up with, and no I'm not 12 years old, I'm 13 and have alot more sense than you in my fingertip than you do in your whole body.
Answer the 5th question please
Do you want to add a question maerk to your 6th question.
What diva is your favorite in WWE? ( If you say Vito, you got it all wrong there bro )
Favourite diva would have to be Melina or Mickie James.
Do you have a split personallity, or do you make multiple accounts consciously?
No split personality, no multiple accounts. Of course as you have the IQ of a 6 year old BKB, you'll decided to ignore that and carry on asking me.
Who am I?
I'm not sure, who are you?
Why am I in this thread?
Because you used your mouse and clicked over the thread title.
Why did I reply to this thread?
Because you used your mouse and typed in the Reply box and clicked on Post Reply.
Who are you?
I am Alex on IWF.
WHy did you make this thread?
So people could ask me questions that are sensible.
WHy did you answer these questions?
Why can't you spell a simple word like why correctly?